Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

I already gave you your answer. Bring back the 1950s without segregation. But again if you guys want to talk about race and American history, you have to talk about it from a global perspective ….every country had slavery and discrimination issues. The USA was perhaps the most liberal of the mall even in the 1800s and 1900s

Homelessness is at an all-time high, according to the LA Times. And there are crime surgeries in many cities across the country . These are not outliers.

There’s also a brake problem with the American youth, according to the Wall Street Journal. A lot of them are depressed, record numbers of young men are single in this country. And within a few years, we will have record numbers of young women being single. It all coincides with radical feminism, and the rise of the BLM mindset. Telling people it’s OK to use drugs, be lonely just get a dog but don’t have any kids. Why don’t Democrats urge young people to get both a dog and start a family?

Yes, the 1980s saw the crack cocaine epidemic. There was the meth epidemic in the 1990s. Here’s your problem. The LA Times reported that homelessness is at all time high in the USA. We did not have wokeness or cancel culture in the 1980s or 1990s.

What are you talking about here bringing up two totally different subject. Banning gays and building homes. Nor did I mention homosexuality why are you bringing this up?

OK Republicans and Democrats are to blame for the unnecessary lockdowns and the unnecessary printing of trillions of dollars in 2020. That was a devastating choice. But you know and I know what we all know it to this very day, Democrat voters support that type of nonsense. They supported mask mandates. They supported the printing of trillions of dollars.

Two major wars have started in the Joe Biden, there, the one in Ukraine, and the one in Israel. And there’s all sorts of issues in Africa and Haiti, which of contributed to a bad economy globally. So there you go. We didn’t have that under Donald Trump.

In the USA Today There’s tons of examples of white people getting denied home loan applications, there’s many poor white people in this country….. homelessness doesn’t know skin color. But it is the radical BLM race Baiters, who wanna make it into “racist thing”…

I mean, you’re attempting to explain why we have this major problem, but you acknowledge that the economy is awful today for the American middle class. There’s no way around it. You can try and figure out why it happened but that’s the bottom line today. The average American can’t afford a home in this country. That’s unacceptable. Nobody who is honest would say how that’s beneficial to people who own a home because even if they sell the home, they have to buy a new one and pay a jacked up price.
Marginal Tax rate of the top earners in 1950 was 91%. 25% of the country did not have indoor plumbing. Life expectancy was 13 years shorter. Paint was lead. Asbestos was used as insulation. It wasn’t the paradise “Leave it to Beaver” sold you.
Not Democrat diversity
Not Marxies
Not your scummy cities
A cross in urine is NOT art
The 'green' industry is a parasite on our great economy
The 'green' so called environmentalists are letting our parks go
We don't like lefty freedom from religion and we don't like lefty 'climate change' religion.
Right wingers don't have free speech because Marxist lefties won't allow it
We like the rule of law but not the Democrat rule of lawfare.
We are trying to make Biden accountable but the Democrat party owns the media, the legal system and the voting system.
Well said.

It's not diversity, it's tribalism with every tribe being at the throats of every other tribe.

Which people should I care about? The invaders who are here illegally looking to be a bloodsucker on the veins of the nation. The mentally ill drug addicts that destroy every place they infect. Or, how about the criminals that prey on the people. Those people.

The decayed cities that are crumbling derelicts of what they once were. Scavengers are mining St. Louis. They are tearing into the walls of abandoned office buildings. They are stealing wiring and pipes. There are no more American great cities.

What passes for art is blowing watercolors through a straw. Anything ugly, twisted, and debauched is art. Not anyth8ng to be appreciated.

America has allowed and encouraged political religions, green beliefs that cause massive wildfires. Odd protection of species that have not existed in hundreds of years. The protection of Satan worship and the encouragement to spread that filth to children.

This America isn't any kind of America that deserves loyalty. It has been changed. It has been made hateful and ugly. No sane person would love a country that mentally and physically mutilates the children that it doesn't kill. Democrats have killed the America worth loving and they are proud of it.
Homelessness is at an all-time high, according to the LA Times. And there are crime surgeries in many cities across the country . These are not outliers.

There’s also a brake problem with the American youth, according to the Wall Street Journal. A lot of them are depressed, record numbers of young men are single in this country. And within a few years, we will have record numbers of young women being single. It all coincides with radical feminism, and the rise of the BLM mindset. Telling people it’s OK to use drugs, be lonely just get a dog but don’t have any kids. Why don’t Democrats urge young people to get both a dog and start a family?

Yes, the 1980s saw the crack cocaine epidemic. There was the meth epidemic in the 1990s. Here’s your problem. The LA Times reported that homelessness is at all time high in the USA. We did not have wokeness or cancel culture in the 1980s or 1990s.

What are you talking about here bringing up two totally different subject. Banning gays and building homes. Nor did I mention homosexuality why are you bringing this up?

OK Republicans and Democrats are to blame for the unnecessary lockdowns and the unnecessary printing of trillions of dollars in 2020. That was a devastating choice. But you know and I know what we all know it to this very day, Democrat voters support that type of nonsense. They supported mask mandates. They supported the printing of trillions of dollars.

Two major wars have started in the Joe Biden, there, the one in Ukraine, and the one in Israel. And there’s all sorts of issues in Africa and Haiti, which of contributed to a bad economy globally. So there you go. We didn’t have that under Donald Trump.

In the USA Today There’s tons of examples of white people getting denied home loan applications, there’s many poor white people in this country….. homelessness doesn’t know skin color. But it is the radical BLM race Baiters, who wanna make it into “racist thing”…

I mean, you’re attempting to explain why we have this major problem, but you acknowledge that the economy is awful today for the American middle class. There’s no way around it. You can try and figure out why it happened but that’s the bottom line today. The average American can’t afford a home in this country. That’s unacceptable. Nobody who is honest would say how that’s beneficial to people who own a home because even if they sell the home, they have to buy a new one and pay a jacked up price.
Why can’t you get through your head that crime is at an all time low? It really really really is. It is.

The economy is strong. It has not worked out that the middle class benefits from a good economy for almost 70 years, since the right wingers convinced Americans that any attempt to get prosperity from the top 1% to everyone else is communism. You can’t complain about the struggle of the middle class and be a GOP supporter because everything that would help the lower and middle class is opposed by right wingers and characterized as socialism communism marixism or some other ism. The weak minded fall for it.

Minimum wages
Labor union protections
Accessible health care
Government funded education that gets people out of poverty
Food support for children

All of those recently opposed by republicans.

This country is GREAT because it knows it has a duty to protect the little guy, protect the weak, protect the poor, and they are alway under attack and scapegoated by the GOP. Give them a break and support the people you are saying are struggling by supporting policies that help them. That is why we are great.
Well said.

It's not diversity, it's tribalism with every tribe being at the throats of every other tribe.

Which people should I care about? The invaders who are here illegally looking to be a bloodsucker on the veins of the nation. The mentally ill drug addicts that destroy every place they infect. Or, how about the criminals that prey on the people. Those people.

The decayed cities that are crumbling derelicts of what they once were. Scavengers are mining St. Louis. They are tearing into the walls of abandoned office buildings. They are stealing wiring and pipes. There are no more American great cities.

What passes for art is blowing watercolors through a straw. Anything ugly, twisted, and debauched is art. Not anyth8ng to be appreciated.

America has allowed and encouraged political religions, green beliefs that cause massive wildfires. Odd protection of species that have not existed in hundreds of years. The protection of Satan worship and the encouragement to spread that filth to children.

This America isn't any kind of America that deserves loyalty. It has been changed. It has been made hateful and ugly. No sane person would love a country that mentally and physically mutilates the children that it doesn't kill. Democrats have killed the America worth loving and they are proud of it.
So another “NO” for you too? Ok.
the government may not be able to stop you from saying what you want,,

but they sure can punish you for saying it,,

look what they did with this kid,,

335M people and 335M stories. There isn’t a government sanctioned program to stifle free speech but school kids do actually forfeit some free speech in school if it is disruptive. That is ruled on by the Supreme Court. A court can rule on this if it is deemed an issue by the accused.
I am shocked all i have received are reasons why the US is not great. None of you actually like this place?
Libturds hate America. This explains why Obumbler sought “fundamentally change” her. Nobody seeks to fundamentally change a nation they like.
I have been on this site a few years now and have read tens of thousands of posts from right wingers. Maybe more. However, for the life of me I can’t recall a post from a right winger about actually liking America.

So here is my question. Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Do they like its:
  • Diversity?
  • People?
  • Great cities?
  • Unparalleled art?
  • Roaring industry?
  • Unmatched Federal Park system?
  • Freedom of, and from religion?
  • Free speech, which includes the right to criticize other’s speech?
  • Rule of Law?
  • Accountability of leaders?
Do they feel patriotic paying their taxes to strengthen the country? Or do they hate it all? It’s diversity, people, cities, freedom, speech, laws, and duties like paying taxes? Based on posts here, I really can’t tell if they like this place. It is a constant caricature of failed civics and decaying blight that I dont see in this country where I travel extensively.

I do know they like their flag merch. But do they like the country? Jury is out.

Not too long ago Damon Linker profiled conservative intellectuals whose writings, he argued, helps explain where the MAGA right is coming from. If you read the works he cited you’d see the dire portrait they paint of the state of our nation. I don’t think they like it here.

What a bag of bullshit thread and you know damn well it is.

Many a time I've seen asshats on the left rag on people professing any kind of fondness for their country. They get accused of "wrapping themselves in the flag" meaning when they say they love America, they're being deceptive.

Y'all ain't happy with anything from the right and that's a fact. We could shit golden eggs and give them to you for free and you'd start a bitchin campaign about the poopies on them.

And the same damn thing can be said about the left here. You can find an abundance of left wing crying, moaning, bitching and sniffling about the right but few positive words for the country you live in.

I have been on this site a few years now and have read tens of thousands of posts from right wingers. Maybe more. However, for the life of me I can’t recall a post from a right winger about actually liking America.

So here is my question. Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Do they like its:
  • Diversity?
  • People?
  • Great cities?
  • Unparalleled art?
  • Roaring industry?
  • Unmatched Federal Park system?
  • Freedom of, and from religion?
  • Free speech, which includes the right to criticize other’s speech?
  • Rule of Law?
  • Accountability of leaders?
Do they feel patriotic paying their taxes to strengthen the country? Or do they hate it all? It’s diversity, people, cities, freedom, speech, laws, and duties like paying taxes? Based on posts here, I really can’t tell if they like this place. It is a constant caricature of failed civics and decaying blight that I dont see in this country where I travel extensively.

I do know they like their flag merch. But do they like the country? Jury is out.

Not too long ago Damon Linker profiled conservative intellectuals whose writings, he argued, helps explain where the MAGA right is coming from. If you read the works he cited you’d see the dire portrait they paint of the state of our nation. I don’t think they like it here.

Today's magaturds do nothing but complain. I stopped being receptive to their tantrums. :rolleyes:
What a bag of bullshit thread and you know damn well it is.

Many a time I've seen asshats on the left rag on people professing any kind of fondness for their country. They get accused of "wrapping themselves in the flag" meaning when they say they love America, they're being deceptive.

Y'all ain't happy with anything from the right and that's a fact. We could shit golden eggs and give them to you for free and you'd start a bitchin campaign about the poopies on them.

And the same damn thing can be said about the left here. You can find an abundance of left wing crying, moaning, bitching and sniffling about the right but few positive words for the country you live in.

So that’s a “NO” from you too? What about Yosemite?
I have been on this site a few years now and have read tens of thousands of posts from right wingers. Maybe more. However, for the life of me I can’t recall a post from a right winger about actually liking America.

So here is my question. Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Do they like its:
  • Diversity?
  • People?
  • Great cities?
  • Unparalleled art?
  • Roaring industry?
  • Unmatched Federal Park system?
  • Freedom of, and from religion?
  • Free speech, which includes the right to criticize other’s speech?
  • Rule of Law?
  • Accountability of leaders?
Do they feel patriotic paying their taxes to strengthen the country? Or do they hate it all? It’s diversity, people, cities, freedom, speech, laws, and duties like paying taxes? Based on posts here, I really can’t tell if they like this place. It is a constant caricature of failed civics and decaying blight that I dont see in this country where I travel extensively.

I do know they like their flag merch. But do they like the country? Jury is out.

Not too long ago Damon Linker profiled conservative intellectuals whose writings, he argued, helps explain where the MAGA right is coming from. If you read the works he cited you’d see the dire portrait they paint of the state of our nation. I don’t think they like it here.

What a load of mindless, partisan bullshit.
I have been on this site a few years now and have read tens of thousands of posts from right wingers. Maybe more. However, for the life of me I can’t recall a post from a right winger about actually liking America.

So here is my question. Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Do they like its:
  • Diversity?
  • People?
  • Great cities?
  • Unparalleled art?
  • Roaring industry?
  • Unmatched Federal Park system?
  • Freedom of, and from religion?
  • Free speech, which includes the right to criticize other’s speech?
  • Rule of Law?
  • Accountability of leaders?
Do they feel patriotic paying their taxes to strengthen the country? Or do they hate it all? It’s diversity, people, cities, freedom, speech, laws, and duties like paying taxes? Based on posts here, I really can’t tell if they like this place. It is a constant caricature of failed civics and decaying blight that I dont see in this country where I travel extensively.

I do know they like their flag merch. But do they like the country? Jury is out.

Not too long ago Damon Linker profiled conservative intellectuals whose writings, he argued, helps explain where the MAGA right is coming from. If you read the works he cited you’d see the dire portrait they paint of the state of our nation. I don’t think they like it here.

There are leftwingers out there chanting "Death to America" pretty much as we speak and you're asking rightwingers if they love America.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; "

do you think it's wrong to have the 10 commandments in a school?

it doesn't violate the First.
Doesn’t matter what I think. The Supreme Court ruled on it in Everson.
I have been on this site a few years now and have read tens of thousands of posts from right wingers. Maybe more. However, for the life of me I can’t recall a post from a right winger about actually liking America.

So here is my question. Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Do they like its:
  • Diversity?
  • People?
  • Great cities?
  • Unparalleled art?
  • Roaring industry?
  • Unmatched Federal Park system?
  • Freedom of, and from religion?
  • Free speech, which includes the right to criticize other’s speech?
  • Rule of Law?
  • Accountability of leaders?
Do they feel patriotic paying their taxes to strengthen the country? Or do they hate it all? It’s diversity, people, cities, freedom, speech, laws, and duties like paying taxes? Based on posts here, I really can’t tell if they like this place. It is a constant caricature of failed civics and decaying blight that I dont see in this country where I travel extensively.

I do know they like their flag merch. But do they like the country? Jury is out.

Not too long ago Damon Linker profiled conservative intellectuals whose writings, he argued, helps explain where the MAGA right is coming from. If you read the works he cited you’d see the dire portrait they paint of the state of our nation. I don’t think they like it here.

Another leftists who can't have an original opinion
Today's magaturds do nothing but complain. I stopped being receptive to their tantrums. :rolleyes:
You’re a hack. And you’re not honest. You and your cult are the Tantrum throwers. And you’ve never had anything even close to an open mind.

Now stop lying stop complaining and try to get educated.
They’re have indeed been graphic books depicting anal sex between children. And those are the books that should not be allowed. Of course that’s common sense. If there was a book that talked about Jim Crow, that’s a different topic. My points stand and it was correct. There are fanatical left wingers who want to put LGBT radical propaganda onto kids. Let Adults do what they want, but not when it comes to children

I mean, this is blatantly obvious, and there’s no arguing against the point that cancel culture is uniquely among the left. You’re talking about these obscure things. But from a national level again, people like Roseanne bar being fired from her TV show… Products rebranded, or even removed from grocery stores due to perceived racism. Major sports organizations like the Washington Redskins and Cleveland Indians changing their name and you are comparing some random school removing one book to that. That’s just not gonna cut it, sir.
No, your point does not stand. At all.

You don't get to ignore right wing cancel culture which doesn't fit into your carefully framed narrative.

You don't get to ignore the fact the right wing is attempting to ban a book about Jim Crow just because it blows your bullshit out of the water.

You don't get to ignore the right wing has a law in New Hampshire which not only causes teachers to be fired for talking about racism, but ensures they never get a teaching job ever again.

That's taking cancel culture to a whole new level, dipshit, and you don't get to pretend only the left exercises cancel culture. That's a flat out lie, and you know it, and I will keep rubbing your nose in it until you stop lying about it.

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