Do SCOTUS' Gay Marriage Stays-In-Interim Apply to All 50 States?

Should Interim-Rulings on Federal Questions be applied equally across 50 states?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't care

    Votes: 1 7.1%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
From this discussion, page & post #246:
Fascists Leaders in California Sense The Future: Attempt Another Coup on Democracy - Page 17 - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Your reading of Windsor is mistaken, deliberately so, wrenched out of context, as it has been pointed out time and time again on the Board.

Roberts has given Sotomayor control of the appellate process administratively. She has directed stays where reasonable so that when SCOTUS rules it will be able to rule marriage equality is the law of the land.

United States v. Windsor (DOMA)

If folks read the entire context of full 10 solid pages [14-24] of the Opinion of Windsor 2013, the conclusion is, along with SCOTUS' July 2014 Upholding-in-interim of Utah's same voter-statute, that Prop 8 is valid interim-law. Will you argue for CA's sedition next by hoping the readers here are too stupid to know SCOTUS Rulings' intent applies equally across all 50 states as to the same legal question of this family/marriage law?

Why do Utah voters have more interim-power of self-governance via their votes than Californian's do..according to SCOTUS? Just as an argument is foolproof as to equal-application of a formal Ruling across the 50 should an interim-Ruling pending appeal. [see for detailed discussion]

Is democracy intrinsically weaker in California than Utah in the interim? Are they less deserving to receive the same real benefits? This is the argument a single CA voter could make..with standing..on conflicting interim Rulings weakening their civil rights to democratic rule.

Currently, CA legislators are attempting to rewrite family code law subservient to Prop 8 without express permission from the voters as required by their constitution's Article II, Section 10 (c). And they are doing so precisely because of flawed legal conclusions that interim-Rulings on national questions "only apply state by state". This is legally impossible/arbitrary borne from base Constitutional-statutes disallowing federal favoritism to any one or incomplete grouping of any time..on questions plead to be mandated as applied federally..or not.

An interim-Ruling is just as consequential as a final we are seeing with rogue CA officials taking advantage of that unconstitutional-practice that has at once strengthened democracy in Utah..while at the same time throwing CA voters to the wolves. Any CA voter would have standing to chllenge this arbitrary treatment in interim rulings.
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Well I notice two "no" votes but with no legal argument supporting them....

....hmm..... :eusa_shifty:

C'mon, you should've voted "maybe" and then I'd let you off the hook. Tell me how interim-Rulings on federal questions that are pled to affect all 50 states are only done on a "state by state basis"?????

I'd like to hear this... :eusa_clap:
I think most of the states on appeal have stays...but not California. Oddly. Do their powers of vote not count as much as the others in the interim?

Whether or not Californians are getting legally screwed is only as important at a hobby to you?

Wow, things are worse than I feared.. :eek:
Nobody will get screwed. If homosexual couples get married, people that oppose it will lose nothing.

Just the kids will get screwed when LGBT cult marriage allows a legal shoehorn for these folks to get at the orphans via lawsuits:




Whether or not Californians are getting legally screwed is only as important at a hobby to you?

Wow, things are worse than I feared.. :eek:
Nobody will get screwed. If homosexual couples get married, people that oppose it will lose nothing.

Just the kids will get screwed when LGBT cult marriage allows a legal shoehorn for these folks to get at the orphans via lawsuits:




Nobody else but people that already agree with you are going to see child molestation in these pictures.

So, winning over jimbowie and greenbean isn't getting you anywhere. Those images don't conjure whatever feelings you are attempting to illicit with them.

And cherrypicking a one or two suggestive pictures from Google isn't really an argument.
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Nobody else but people that already agree with you are going to see child molestation in these pictures.

So, winning over jimbowie and greenbean isn't getting you anywhere. Those images don't conjure whatever feelings you are attempting to illicit with them.

And cherrypicking a one or two suggestive pictures from Google isn't really an argument.

Well then I'll take my chances with those numbers at the polls as each state makes its own decision on gay marriage per Windsor 2013.

Speaking of "people that already agree with me" [or would tend to if these pictures were shown to them], check out the numbers on this poll:

Whether or not Californians are getting legally screwed is only as important at a hobby to you?

Wow, things are worse than I feared.. :eek:
Nobody will get screwed. If homosexual couples get married, people that oppose it will lose nothing.

Just the kids will get screwed when LGBT cult marriage allows a legal shoehorn for these folks to get at the orphans via lawsuits:

15 studies - Children of same sex couples do as well as other children

It is estimated there are between 143 million and 210 million orphans worldwide (recent UNICEF report.) The UNICEF orphan numbers DON’T include abandonment (millions of children) as well as sold and/or trafficked children. The current population of the United States is just a little over 300 million… to give you an idea of the enormity of the numbers…
According to data released in 2003 as many as eight million boys and girls around the world live in institutional care. Some studies have found that violence in residential institutions is six times higher than violence in foster care, and that children in group care are almost four times more likely to experience sexual abuse than children in family based care.
Every day 5,760 more children become orphans
Approximately 250,000 children are adopted annually, but…
Each year 14, 505, 000 children grow up as orphans and age out of the system by age sixteen
Each day 38,493 orphans age out
Every 2.2 seconds another orphan ages out with no family to belong to and no place to call home
Studies have shown that 10% – 15% of these children commit suicide before they reach age eighteen
These studies also show that 60% of the girls become prostitutes and 70% of the boys become hardened criminals
Another study reported that of the 15,000 orphans aging out of state-run institutions every year, 10% committed suicide, 5,000 were unemployed, 6,000 were homeless and 3,000 were in prison within three years…
An estimated 1.2 million children are trafficked every year; (THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CHILDREN 2005)
2 million children, the majority of them girls, are sexually exploited in the multibillion-dollar commercial sex industry. (THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CHILDREN 2005)

Orphan Facts & Statistics
depends on the case. if the case is only about one state, then no, it applies to only that one state.

jakemalarkey hasn't a clue what he is talking about. he thinks the 1st amendment applies only to political speech.
Whether or not Californians are getting legally screwed is only as important at a hobby to you?

Wow, things are worse than I feared.. :eek:
Nobody will get screwed. If homosexual couples get married, people that oppose it will lose nothing.

Just the kids will get screwed when LGBT cult marriage allows a legal shoehorn for these folks to get at the orphans via lawsuits:





You think random pictures are an argument! Wow.

How about some pictures of random heterosexuals? Can you imagine if we let heterosexuals get married!! Look at what kind of parents they would be!





Look how horrible and crazy these heterosexuals are. Ban heterosexual marriage to protect the children!

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Nobody else but people that already agree with you are going to see child molestation in these pictures.

So, winning over jimbowie and greenbean isn't getting you anywhere. Those images don't conjure whatever feelings you are attempting to illicit with them.

And cherrypicking a one or two suggestive pictures from Google isn't really an argument.

Well then I'll take my chances with those numbers at the polls as each state makes its own decision on gay marriage per Windsor 2013.
The state might just lose that ability

Speaking of "people that already agree with me" [or would tend to if these pictures were shown to them], check out the numbers on this poll:

I would vote that religious organizations should be able to not performmarriages of same sex couples. That polldoesn't really have anything to do with the pictures. More to do with the first amendment.

They aren't agreeing with what you are trying to peddle here being that your op has absolutely nothing to do with churches or same sex marriage.
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Nobody else but people that already agree with you are going to see child molestation in these pictures.

So, winning over jimbowie and greenbean isn't getting you anywhere. Those images don't conjure whatever feelings you are attempting to illicit with them.

And cherrypicking a one or two suggestive pictures from Google isn't really an argument.

Well then I'll take my chances with those numbers at the polls as each state makes its own decision on gay marriage per Windsor 2013.
The state might just lose that ability

Speaking of "people that already agree with me" [or would tend to if these pictures were shown to them], check out the numbers on this poll:

I would vote that religious organizations should be able to not performmarriages of same sex couples. That polldoesn't really have anything to do with the pictures. More to do with the first amendment.

They aren't agreeing with what you are trying to peddle here being that your op has absolutely nothing to do with churches or same sex marriage.

Civil marriage laws differ from religious laws regarding marriage and have, since our nation began.
Nobody will get screwed. If homosexual couples get married, people that oppose it will lose nothing.

Just the kids will get screwed when LGBT cult marriage allows a legal shoehorn for these folks to get at the orphans via lawsuits:





You think random pictures are an argument! Wow.

How about some pictures of random heterosexuals? Can you imagine if we let heterosexuals get married!! Look at what kind of parents they would be!





Look how horrible and crazy these heterosexuals are. Ban heterosexual marriage to protect the children!


Again, the two CULTURES reward this type of behavior differently.

Heteros frown on it, punish it, imprison it and even beat the tar out of it.

Homos smile upon it, encourage it and display it soberly as a cultural value of "pride"...

What do you see in hetero news coverage of Miley Cyrus? Scorn, disgust.

In fact, Hollywood is dominated by LGBT dogma via GLAAD who promotes its agenda on the silver screen. When you see smut and smutty actresses & actors displayed for public viewing it's almost certainly with the blessing of the LGBT Gulag.

Then there are the gay pride parades.

How many hetero-pride parades have you seen with the same sober display hoping children would be there? Spring Break, Mardis Gras etc. are well known in advance and are drunken displays of debauchery not meant for children to be attending. The next day with hangovers, the adults there are/should be anything but proud. Those that bring kids there to those destinations should not be parents.

But down a public thoroughfare through the middle of town in the middle of the day...children cannot avoid seeing the spectacle. And of course that is precisely why LGBTs plan all the loud primary rainbow colors, floats and so forth. Kids love that kind of stuff...

Remember the cultural differences and it will all make sense to you... Homos march these values en masse in a parade format as a sober matter of pride adorned with trappings meant to attract the eye of children. Heteros cloister these behaviors at destinations that children can avoid...and hope that they will.
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Again, the two CULTURES reward this type of behavior differently.

Heteros frown on it, punish it, imprison it and even beat the tar out of it.

Homos smile upon it, encourage it and display it soberly as a cultural value of "pride"...

What do you see in hetero news coverage of Miley Cyrus? Scorn, disgust.

In fact, Hollywood is dominated by LGBT dogma via GLAAD who promotes its agenda on the silver screen. When you see smut and smutty actresses & actors displayed for public viewing it's almost certainly with the blessing of the LGBT Gulag.

Then there are the gay pride parades.

How many hetero-pride parades have you seen with the same sober display hoping children would be there? Spring Break, Mardis Gras etc. are well known in advance and are drunken displays of debauchery not meant for children to be attending. The next day with hangovers, the adults there are/should be anything but proud. Those that bring kids there to those destinations should not be parents.

But down a public thoroughfare through the middle of town in the middle of the day...children cannot avoid seeing the spectacle. And of course that is precisely why LGBTs plan all the loud primary rainbow colors, floats and so forth. Kids love that kind of stuff...

Remember the cultural differences and it will all make sense to you... Homos march these values en masse in a parade format as a sober matter of pride adorned with trappings meant to attract the eye of children. Heteros cloister these behaviors at destinations that children can avoid...and hope that they will.
The two cultures? Complete hogwash. Plenty of heterosexual people love miley cyrus and are actively involved in that culture or don't care. Plenty of gay people do not strip down at pride parades or even go. There is no such thing as a single "homosexual culture" and "heterosexual culture."

What really matters? Despite the presence of heterosexual people doing the same sexualized things you criticize people at gay pride parades for, nobody is denying them marriage licenses. Miley Cyrus can get a marriage license no problem. A gay couple that has never stripped down for a parade and has lived a quiet conservative life cannot.

Your hypocrisy is astounding.
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Again, the two CULTURES reward this type of behavior differently.

Heteros frown on it, punish it, imprison it and even beat the tar out of it.

Homos smile upon it, encourage it and display it soberly as a cultural value of "pride"...

What do you see in hetero news coverage of Miley Cyrus? Scorn, disgust.

In fact, Hollywood is dominated by LGBT dogma via GLAAD who promotes its agenda on the silver screen. When you see smut and smutty actresses & actors displayed for public viewing it's almost certainly with the blessing of the LGBT Gulag.

Then there are the gay pride parades.

How many hetero-pride parades have you seen with the same sober display hoping children would be there? Spring Break, Mardis Gras etc. are well known in advance and are drunken displays of debauchery not meant for children to be attending. The next day with hangovers, the adults there are/should be anything but proud. Those that bring kids there to those destinations should not be parents.

But down a public thoroughfare through the middle of town in the middle of the day...children cannot avoid seeing the spectacle. And of course that is precisely why LGBTs plan all the loud primary rainbow colors, floats and so forth. Kids love that kind of stuff...

Remember the cultural differences and it will all make sense to you... Homos march these values en masse in a parade format as a sober matter of pride adorned with trappings meant to attract the eye of children. Heteros cloister these behaviors at destinations that children can avoid...and hope that they will.
The two cultures? Complete hogwash. Plenty of heterosexual people love miley cyrus and are actively involved in that culture or don't care. Plenty of gay people do not strip down at pride parades or even go. There is no such thing as a single "homosexual culture" and "heterosexual culture."

What really matters? Despite the presence of heterosexual people doing the same sexualized things you criticize people at gay pride parades for, nobody is denying them marriage licenses. Miley Cyrus can get a marriage license no problem. A gay couple that has never stripped down for a parade and has lived a quiet conservative life cannot.

Your hypocrisy is astounding.
Well you don't have to make sensewhen you are justifyingprejudice with the stereotype.
Again, the two CULTURES reward this type of behavior differently.
Yeah, I would say so. The heterosexuals give them millions and revere them.

Heteros frown on it, punish it, imprison it and even beat the tar out of it.
Nope, you plaster it all over magazines, billboards, movies and television.

Homos smile upon it, encourage it and display it soberly as a cultural value of "pride"...
parentsbeginning their journey, yep, that is something to be proud of.

What do you see in hetero news coverage of Miley Cyrus? Scorn, disgust.
No such thing as bad publicity. If you don't approve why say anything?

In fact, Hollywood is dominated by LGBT dogma via GLAAD who promotes its agenda on the silver screen. When you see smut and smutty actresses & actors displayed for public viewing it's almost certainly with the blessing of the LGBT Gulag.
Not really, if it were we would see more homosexual protagonists. There are very few movies where that is the case. And very few shows.

Then there are the gay pride parades.

How many hetero-pride parades have you seen with the same sober display hoping children would be there? Spring Break, Mardis Gras etc. are well known in advance and are drunken displays of debauchery not meant for children to be attending. The next day with hangovers, the adults there are/should be anything but proud. Those that bring kids there to those destinations should not be parents.
The parade symbolises something historical. And there are children that are gay and because there are people like you working to beat them down, the pride event tells them that it's okay.

But down a public thoroughfare through the middle of town in the middle of the day...children cannot avoid seeing the spectacle. And of course that is precisely why LGBTs plan all the loud primary rainbow colors, floats and so forth. Kids love that kind of stuff...
There isn't really anything that is particularly harmful to children there. And seeinga parade doesn't make people gay. It just says that it's okay. But I think that isthe real message you despise. You don't want it to be okay. Tough shit kiddo.

[quoteRemember the cultural differences and it will all make sense to you... Homos march these values en masse in a parade format as a sober matter of pride adorned with trappings meant to attract the eye of children.[/quote]No they actually don't. Your interpretation of these symbols likely stems from your deep seated prejudice.
Heteros cloister these behaviors at destinations that children can avoid...and hope that they will.
Nothey don't, they actually promote them. That's the only way theparades are capable of being. Heterosexual people have to approve of it.
Again, the two CULTURES reward this type of behavior differently.
Yeah, I would say so. The heterosexuals give them millions and revere them.

Heteros frown on it, punish it, imprison it and even beat the tar out of it.
Nope, you plaster it all over magazines, billboards, movies and television.

parentsbeginning their journey, yep, that is something to be proud of.

No such thing as bad publicity. If you don't approve why say anything?

Not really, if it were we would see more homosexual protagonists. There are very few movies where that is the case. And very few shows.

The parade symbolises something historical. And there are children that are gay and because there are people like you working to beat them down, the pride event tells them that it's okay.

But down a public thoroughfare through the middle of town in the middle of the day...children cannot avoid seeing the spectacle. And of course that is precisely why LGBTs plan all the loud primary rainbow colors, floats and so forth. Kids love that kind of stuff...
There isn't really anything that is particularly harmful to children there. And seeinga parade doesn't make people gay. It just says that it's okay. But I think that isthe real message you despise. You don't want it to be okay. Tough shit kiddo.

[quoteRemember the cultural differences and it will all make sense to you... Homos march these values en masse in a parade format as a sober matter of pride adorned with trappings meant to attract the eye of children.
No they actually don't. Your interpretation of these symbols likely stems from your deep seated prejudice.
Heteros cloister these behaviors at destinations that children can avoid...and hope that they will.
Nothey don't, they actually promote them. That's the only way theparades are capable of being. Heterosexual people have to approve of it.[/QUOTE]

Kids like people acting silly, be they gay or straight, kids do not CARE.
Whether or not Californians are getting legally screwed is only as important at a hobby to you?

Wow, things are worse than I feared.. :eek:
Nobody will get screwed. If homosexual couples get married, people that oppose it will lose nothing.

Just the kids will get screwed when LGBT cult marriage allows a legal shoehorn for these folks to get at the orphans via lawsuits:





How many gay pride parades have you actually been to? I don't think you've ever answered that one.

If you did...what did you think of the politicians, the churches, the military, the social clubs, the businesses, the sports groups etc. that march?

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