Zone1 Do the moral and ethical standards of a politician matter to you or is it just important that they are your team ?

The Japanese wanted to be isolationist, and not involve with anyone else, so were no problem.
They did not become a problem until Admiral Perry sailed into Tokyo harbor and frightened them.
They were forced to realize that unless they opened up to technology from the outside, then would be invaded.
But the US would not let them.
They needed steel, oil, food, coal, etc., from Malaysia, the Philippines, China, Indonesia, etc., and we cut them all off.
Not only did we deliberately goad the Japanese into war, but we should really not have been in Hawaii at all either.
Wrong and out right lies,

we goaded no one they werte in fact free to trade rather than set out to launch a war of imperial conquest whicbh they did,

we had every good legal and moral reason to make Hawaii part of the US
I think its hman nature to look more kindly on someone who holds similar opinions to yourself.
But is there a line that you cannot cross ?
What is that line ?
If biden is convicted of any offences would you still excuse him ? Similar with Trump.

If you do excuse their faults are you not then partly responsible for their actions ?
This is not party specific. All parties do it, everywhere.
Would we get better politicians if we held them to higher standards ?
Democrats clearly couldn't care less, else they would have dumped Biden a LOOOONNNGGG time ago.

Yes, the leaders of a nation (especially the ones elected to represent their constituents) should hold themselves to a high standard. Most of America's politicians (DemTard & RINOs) have sold their sense of morality for a few silver shekels and a bowl of pottage. Power, money, and prestige are the name of the game. The suffering little guy be damned.

While Hawaii burned ... guess who went on vacation?

I wouldn't vote for or support anyone who doesn't have a sense of integrity.
Democrats clearly couldn't care less, else they would have dumped Biden a LOOOONNNGGG time ago.

Yes, the leaders of a nation (especially the ones elected to represent their constituents) should hold themselves to a high standard. Most of America's politicians (DemTard & RINOs) have sold their sense of morality for a few silver shekels and a bowl of pottage. Power, money, and prestige are the name of the game. The suffering little guy be damned.

While Hawaii burned ... guess who went on vacation?

I wouldn't vote for or support anyone who doesn't have a sense of integrity.

I believe he went on another vacation this weekend....
The problem is the US never had any "time" that needed war since 1812.
So all the wars the US did have were evil and illegal, (since 1812).
The native and Mexican wars were illegal Manifest Destiny.
The Spanish American war was the start of our evil and illegal colonial imperialism of the Monroe Doctrine.

In case people do not know what Pearl Harbor was all about, FDR deliberately put the old White Fleet there as a target, and forced the newer ships to stay out of the harbor. Then he illegally embargoed civilian goods to Japan, like steel, oil, coal, and food. Japan had no choice.
They were good morally rigteous and legal wars.

Manifest destiny were legal.

The monroe doctrine wss a moral good and legal,.

Pearl Harbor was about jenaese expanmsionist and imperialism. No fleet wads placed there as a target, NNo one forced newere ships out of the harbor. These details of your are MADE Up and ALL LIES

The embargo was absolutely LEGAL

Japan had a very good choice to Stop their umperilist war

You are wrong and a liar
America's politics don't extend as far as the left as it's defined in the rest of the world.

You oppose the ACA even though it fell far short of what is required.

Still, I'm amused with how you try to identify.

Would you call Canada's government leftist?

Being a leftist is decentralized, local control? How so?

ACA did not fix the problem, which was providers charging double.
Insurance deliberately likes high provider charges, so then everyone needs insurance even more.
The solution would have been a public safety net, like opening VA or Medicare for everyone.

I do not know much about Canada, but assume they are not leftist since they did not break with the monarchy.

Leftist means communal, cooperative, and collective.
Which can only be done locally.
You have to be able to go to meeting where you will be heard.
If the meeting is distant, you will not be heard.
Being leftist is an extension of the family unit, to something larger, like a tribe.
Right wing is impersonal commercialism, with every man for themselves.
We should end partisanship entirely, by making a singular open election where you rank all candidates so there is no need for a run off.

I am far left, progressive, liberal, but dislike Biden for his evil 1994 Federal Crime Bill, his participation in forced insurance of ACA, the evil expansion of war in the Mideast, deliberately starting the war in the Ukraine, etc.
His personal criminal acts like getting Shokin fired and getting kickbacks through Hunter, I do not care much about.

About the only really bad thing Trump did was stack the SCOTUS and end Roe Vs Wade.
Other than that, he started no wars, cost us less on weapons, was right about not panicking over covid, he was not guilty of any of the things he was impeached or indicted on.
You are a Liar

You keep repeating what YOU KNOW has been proven a bunch of lies.

Purin started the war in Ukraine Biden DID NOT
ACA did not fix the problem, which was providers charging double.
Insurance deliberately likes high provider charges, so then everyone needs insurance even more.
The solution would have been a public safety net, like opening VA or Medicare for everyone.

I do not know much about Canada, but assume they are not leftist since they did not break with the monarchy.

Leftist means communal, cooperative, and collective.
Which can only be done locally.
You have to be able to go to meeting where you will be heard.
If the meeting is distant, you will not be heard.
Being leftist is an extension of the family unit, to something larger, like a tribe.
Right wing is impersonal commercialism, with every man for themselves.

The VA can't handle the tiny population of veterans they handle now.......

You don't know what you are talking about when it comes to left and right.
They were good morally rigteous and legal wars.

Manifest destiny were legal.

The monroe doctrine wss a moral good and legal,.

Pearl Harbor was about jenaese expanmsionist and imperialism. No fleet wads placed there as a target, NNo one forced newere ships out of the harbor. These details of your are MADE Up and ALL LIES

The embargo was absolutely LEGAL

Japan had a very good choice to Stop their umperilist war

You are wrong and a liar

I doubt there can ever be a morally righteous war?

Laws between countries are done with treaties.
Whether the New England colonies were legal or not is debatable, but clearly the treaties say we were not to cross the Appalachians, and we did anyway.
Then we were not to cross the Mississippi River, and we did anyway.
We claim we paid for the Louisiana Purchase and bought land from Spain, but the truth is all that land belonged to the natives, not France or Spain, and we stole it all illegally.
So Manifest Destiny was not only illegal, but was implemented through deliberate genocide of the natives, with things like deliberate smallpox infestations, and wiping out the buffalo.

The Monroe Doctrine was illegal and immoral since it actually meant the US enslaving South and Central America. We installed evil dictators in Nicaragua, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Honduras, Haiti, Cuba, etc.
The Spanish American war was evil and illegal.
The USS Maine was not torpedoed, but faulty boilers just blew up.

As for Pearl Harbor, the "newer ships" were mostly aircraft carriers.
So then why were the carriers not allowed to dock at Pearl Harbor?

No economic embargo is ever legal or even remotely could ever be legal.
It is illegal to conduct deliberately starve civilians.
I doubt there can ever be a morally righteous war?

Laws between countries are done with treaties.
Whether the New England colonies were legal or not is debatable, but clearly the treaties say we were not to cross the Appalachians, and we did anyway.
Then we were not to cross the Mississippi River, and we did anyway.
We claim we paid for the Louisiana Purchase and bought land from Spain, but the truth is all that land belonged to the natives, not France or Spain, and we stole it all illegally.
So Manifest Destiny was not only illegal, but was implemented through deliberate genocide of the natives, with things like deliberate smallpox infestations, and wiping out the buffalo.

The Monroe Doctrine was illegal and immoral since it actually meant the US enslaving South and Central America. We installed evil dictators in Nicaragua, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Honduras, Haiti, Cuba, etc.
The Spanish American war was evil and illegal.
The USS Maine was not torpedoed, but faulty boilers just blew up.

As for Pearl Harbor, the "newer ships" were mostly aircraft carriers.
So then why were the carriers not allowed to dock at Pearl Harbor?

No economic embargo is ever legal or even remotely could ever be legal.
It is illegal to conduct deliberately starve civilians.
If the natives “owned” the land, then they should be able to produce the title. If not, then they should produce the set of laws that proved they had more right to the land than anyone else did. If they can provide no laws or titles, then the land was up for grabs.
You are a Liar

You keep repeating what YOU KNOW has been proven a bunch of lies.

Purin started the war in Ukraine Biden DID NOT

The last free and open election in the Ukraine was in 2010.
The military take over in 2014 prevented there from ever being free elections in the Ukraine ever again, by murdering or exiling all the ethnic Russian candidates.
Which is evil, illegal, and immoral, since the Ukraine is half ethnic Russian.

Putin was given no choice.
If the Ukraine had been allowed to join NATO, that would result on US nukes right on their border.
Much worse than the Cuban Missile crisis.
I doubt there can ever be a morally righteous war?

Laws between countries are done with treaties.
Whether the New England colonies were legal or not is debatable, but clearly the treaties say we were not to cross the Appalachians, and we did anyway.
Then we were not to cross the Mississippi River, and we did anyway.
We claim we paid for the Louisiana Purchase and bought land from Spain, but the truth is all that land belonged to the natives, not France or Spain, and we stole it all illegally.
So Manifest Destiny was not only illegal, but was implemented through deliberate genocide of the natives, with things like deliberate smallpox infestations, and wiping out the buffalo.

The Monroe Doctrine was illegal and immoral since it actually meant the US enslaving South and Central America. We installed evil dictators in Nicaragua, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Honduras, Haiti, Cuba, etc.
The Spanish American war was evil and illegal.
The USS Maine was not torpedoed, but faulty boilers just blew up.

As for Pearl Harbor, the "newer ships" were mostly aircraft carriers.
So then why were the carriers not allowed to dock at Pearl Harbor?

No economic embargo is ever legal or even remotely could ever be legal.
It is illegal to conduct deliberately starve civilians.

The agreemenet to not cross the appalachias was between england asnd others not the US. There was no such agreement about the mississippi. The natives had no such ownberhip over the land most of which was empty we did not steal it illegally as you claim.

Therefore history proves you a liar and manifest destiny was legal and morally good.

The carriers were allowed int he harbor and were simply on a routine training exercise.
'We enslaved no central American nation we improved them

Therefore the monroe doctrine was legal and a moral good

Yes economic emgargoes are legal and that is fact not a consideration.
The last free and open election in the Ukraine was in 2010.
The military take over in 2014 prevented there from ever being free elections in the Ukraine ever again, by murdering or exiling all the ethnic Russian candidates.
Which is evil, illegal, and immoral, since the Ukraine is half ethnic Russian.

Putin was given no choice.
If the Ukraine had been allowed to join NATO, that would result on US nukes right on their border.
Much worse than the Cuban Missile crisis.

You are ONCE AGAIN repewating a lie about nukes which o one intended or wanted to put on Russia's border you idiot

The agreemenet to not cross the appalachias was between england asnd others not the US. There was no such agreement about the mississippi. The natives had no such ownberhip over the land most of which was empty we did not steal it illegally as you claim.

Therefore history proves you a liar and manifest destiny was legal and morally good.

The carriers were allowed int he harbor and were simply on a routine training exercise.
'We enslaved no central American nation we improved them

Therefore the monroe doctrine was legal and a moral good

Yes economic emgargoes are legal and that is fact not a consideration.

And, of course, who did the indians steal the land from before the Europeans arrived......?
I think its hman nature to look more kindly on someone who holds similar opinions to yourself.
But is there a line that you cannot cross ?
What is that line ?
If biden is convicted of any offences would you still excuse him ? Similar with Trump.

If you do excuse their faults are you not then partly responsible for their actions ?
This is not party specific. All parties do it, everywhere.
Would we get better politicians if we held them to higher standards ?
There is nothing moral or ethical about politicians.
If the natives “owned” the land, then they should be able to produce the title. If not, then they should produce the set of laws that proved they had more right to the land than anyone else did. If they can provide no laws or titles, then the land was up for grabs.

First of all, there were literally thousands of treaties signed by the colonists and later US ambassadors to the natives.
So then, YES the natives are able to produce the "title" to the land and can show that we stole it.

But clearly if a tribe is illiterate and has no paperwork, that does NOT give anyone the right to murder them and take their land.
I think its hman nature to look more kindly on someone who holds similar opinions to yourself.
But is there a line that you cannot cross ?
What is that line ?
If biden is convicted of any offences would you still excuse him ? Similar with Trump.

If you do excuse their faults are you not then partly responsible for their actions ?
This is not party specific. All parties do it, everywhere.
Would we get better politicians if we held them to higher standards ?
For me it was Charlottesville. That's when Trump crossed the line the first time. And then he kept on going. And going

I wouldn't excuse Biden if he leveraged his position for financial gain with foreign nations. What kinda question is that anyway?
I think its hman nature to look more kindly on someone who holds similar opinions to yourself.
But is there a line that you cannot cross ?
What is that line ?
If biden is convicted of any offences would you still excuse him ? Similar with Trump.

If you do excuse their faults are you not then partly responsible for their actions ?
This is not party specific. All parties do it, everywhere.
Would we get better politicians if we held them to higher standards ?

Yes, sure. But it does not good for a RINO to be on the team. Neither does someone like lying Santos.

confucius reps useless.jpg

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