Zone1 Do the moral and ethical standards of a politician matter to you or is it just important that they are your team ?

I think its hman nature to look more kindly on someone who holds similar opinions to yourself.
But is there a line that you cannot cross ?
What is that line ?
If biden is convicted of any offences would you still excuse him ? Similar with Trump.

If you do excuse their faults are you not then partly responsible for their actions ?
This is not party specific. All parties do it, everywhere.
Would we get better politicians if we held them to higher standards ?
They matter.

That's why I want the whole supreme court replaced.
I largely agree with this with the exception of the indictments. Trump's biggest problem was his toxic personality. It cost him reelection. He simply got lucky the first time because Hillary was more disliked than he was.
Trump appealed to the lowest instincts of a people who were excluded from receiving a piece of the American pie. No other politician dared to stoop that low.

Except now with DeSantis mimicing Trump's methods and stooping even lower.

DeSantis's problem is that he doesn't have the personality of Trump that would allow him to pull it off.
I think its hman nature to look more kindly on someone who holds similar opinions to yourself.
But is there a line that you cannot cross ?
What is that line ?
If biden is convicted of any offences would you still excuse him ? Similar with Trump.

If you do excuse their faults are you not then partly responsible for their actions ?
This is not party specific. All parties do it, everywhere.
Would we get better politicians if we held them to higher standards ?

there are lines we can't cross....but at the moment, when neither side is pure as the wind driven snow, why would I allow the democrats, with their agenda, gain dominance?

Trump's issues right now are not criminal, they are political, coming from democrat prosecutors creating false charges against him....all the more reason to not vote for biden.

I am a desantis supporter, but if Trump is the nominee, I am voting for him...the destruction the democrats are causing to this country has to be stopped. It doesn't hurt that I don't believe in their policies on most issues...abortion, guns, taxes, regulation, energy, illegal immigration, school why would I vote for their guy?
All lines between liberalism and conservatism have been blurred in America Tommy.
The tone of the board today so far is hating and political confusion.

Wait until I breathe some life into one of the topics to get the monkeys wound up.

No...they haven't....the democrat party pushes racism, increasing government control, mutilating children, abortion, illegal immigration.....
I largely agree with this with the exception of the indictments. Trump's biggest problem was his toxic personality. It cost him reelection. He simply got lucky the first time because Hillary was more disliked than he was.

I agree with that view of Trump. We got lucky that he was able to beat hilary. He is like the lineman on a football team who knows how to open up the opposing line to allow his team to score, but because of his success, he now thinks all plays have to involve him......
Some people cant lose their partisanship.. Its absurd to suggest that any side has a lock on morality.

They don't have a lock on morality, but they do have a huge difference in policies.....I vote policies and until a republican actually commits a crime, I will support them.....and by crime, I don't mean a democrat party prosecutor, a democrat party jury, and a democrat party judge........who are changing laws on the fly to allow them to persecute republican politicians.
To the thread title, I think that ship has sailed long ago. :(

Any candidate who runs on doing the right thing won't be elected. If somehow elected and proposes to do the right thing will not be reelected. Voters in general aren't interested in 'the right thing'. If they were America would be an entirely different country.
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Since I'm not a fan of your average politician, I've always looked at them with skepticism at best (party affiliation irrelevant). Our system incentivizes them to dance between honesty and dishonesty, so you just hope for the best overall. I'd guess it's the same in England.

It wasn't until the elections of 2016, though, that I had to add "at least some discernable degree of honesty, maturity & decency" to my personal list of requirements for President. I guess I never even thought of those until Trump won. Now it has to be #1 on my list, because I want to/have to believe that America is better than this.
You say,

It wasn't until the elections of 2016, though, that I had to add "at least some discernable degree of honesty, maturity & decency" to my personal list of requirements for President.

Which leads me to ask you your opinion of Hillary’s honesty and also Joe Biden’s honesty?
I think its hman nature to look more kindly on someone who holds similar opinions to yourself.
But is there a line that you cannot cross ?
What is that line ?
If biden is convicted of any offences would you still excuse him ? Similar with Trump.

If you do excuse their faults are you not then partly responsible for their actions ?
This is not party specific. All parties do it, everywhere.
Would we get better politicians if we held them to higher standards ?
It matters for me but I am one of the few here!
You say,

It wasn't until the elections of 2016, though, that I had to add "at least some discernable degree of honesty, maturity & decency" to my personal list of requirements for President.

Which leads me to ask you your opinion of Hillary’s honesty and also Joe Biden’s honesty?
Not speaking for Mac but for myself, the fact is neither should be in any position of power!
No...they haven't....the democrat party pushes racism, increasing government control, mutilating children, abortion, illegal immigration.....
You're at least right that the D party aren't leftists.

Socialism is much less likely to support racism than is extreme right fascism. Did history pass you by on understanding Nazism?

And how about the socially irresponsible massacre of Americans by gun, that can't be blamed on the guns?

America's left refuse to be socialists.
To the thread title, I think that ship has sailed long ago. :(

Any candidate who runs on doing the right thing won't be elected. If somehow elected and proposes to do the right thing will not be reelected. Voters in general aren't interested in 'the right thing'. If they were America would be an entirely different country.

I disagree.....what is the "Right Thing?"

Lowering taxes is the "Right Thing."

Securing the border is the "Right Thing."

Protecting kids from mutilation and sterilization is the "Right Thing."

Providing school choice to American children is the "Right Thing."

Protecting 2nd Amendment Rights is the "Right Thing."

You're at least right that the D party aren't leftists.

Socialism is much less likely to support racism than is extreme right fascism. Did history pass you by on understanding Nazism?

And how about the socially irresponsible massacre of Americans by gun, that can't be blamed on the guns?

America's left refuse to be socialists.

Wrong...socialism has been highlighted by racism.......the democrats, the national socialists, the chinese communists, when you divide people into groups, the way leftists do, then race is an easy way to divide people into those groups...

The only ones being massacred by guns are criminals who are shot by other criminals......

Meanwhile normal Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives....

But that is going off track.....
You say,

It wasn't until the elections of 2016, though, that I had to add "at least some discernable degree of honesty, maturity & decency" to my personal list of requirements for President.

Which leads me to ask you your opinion of Hillary’s honesty and also Joe Biden’s honesty?

Honesty is one thing...hilary and biden crossed the honesty line a long, long time ago and are now openely criminal in their actions.
You say,

It wasn't until the elections of 2016, though, that I had to add "at least some discernable degree of honesty, maturity & decency" to my personal list of requirements for President.

Which leads me to ask you your opinion of Hillary’s honesty and also Joe Biden’s honesty?
I explained that in the first part of my post. They're politicians. That's a level of honesty a few degrees lower than that of the average person. Everything is carefully spun and calculated. Typical politicians. And, of course, that goes for both "major" parties.
Honesty is one thing...hilary and biden crossed the honesty line a long, long time ago and are now openely criminal in their actions.
Plus thanks to corruption at the top levels of the DOJ and FBI and a useless liberal media which has no understanding of responsible journalism, Hillary and Joe Biden will waltz away laughing, rich beyond belief and scot free.
Plus thanks to corruption at the top levels of the DOJ and FBI and a useless liberal media which has no understanding of responsible journalism, Hillary and Joe Biden will waltz away laughing, rich beyond belief and scot free.

There is still God.......they are making a bet that he doesn't exist.
It wasn't until the elections of 2016, though, that I had to add "at least some discernable degree of honesty, maturity & decency" to my personal list of requirements for President.

Really? Wow. So Bill Clinton nor Barry Obumma raised no red flag for you for any discernible need for honesty, decency and maturity. Got it.

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