Zone1 Do the moral and ethical standards of a politician matter to you or is it just important that they are your team ?

I disagree.....what is the "Right Thing?"

Lowering taxes is the "Right Thing."

Securing the border is the "Right Thing."

Protecting kids from mutilation and sterilization is the "Right Thing."

Providing school choice to American children is the "Right Thing."

Protecting 2nd Amendment Rights is the "Right Thing."

If they are already doing the right thing, why so many problems? Maybe our leaders can't walk and chew gum at the same time.
Yeah....mac plays the game where he/she is holier than thou..........

Worse, the idiot boob doesn't even have his years right: there was no issue of honestly, decency or maturity in 2016, back then, it was all about Hillary's made up russian collusion. His issues didn't start until AFTER the 2020 election when Trump held that the election had been rigged, but never has been able to prove it publicly---- probably because all of Washington and the media have been trying to block it, deny it, while refusing to examine the issue.

Meanwhile, just a month ago, Biden was lecturing us on the need to get dark money out of politics because it was rife with million and millions of untraceable, illegal money from foreign donors influencing elections----

---- only to now be discovered that Biden's Super Pac is FULL of dark money. With more pouring in. :smoke:

I think its hman nature to look more kindly on someone who holds similar opinions to yourself.
But is there a line that you cannot cross ?
What is that line ?
If biden is convicted of any offences would you still excuse him ? Similar with Trump.

If you do excuse their faults are you not then partly responsible for their actions ?
This is not party specific. All parties do it, everywhere.
Would we get better politicians if we held them to higher standards ?
There’s only 1 team. Team america

And there isn’t a single politician celebrity or billionaire on it

Fuck all of them
Then I'm sure you can list off all the issues on which I agree with the left.

Why? Are you that pompous an ass that you always think everything revolves around you? You try to make everything about YOU. Get over yourself. Not only am I a frequent heavy critic of Trump, but especially of the GOP. I can't help it that the democrats and Biden make these assfucks look not-so-bad in comparison.

No one gives a flying crap about your list, no one wants to do a research project on what Mac thinks; we all see that you are a constant heavy critic of the Right 98% of the time, in fact, I've yet to see you rail about Biden even ONCE. And before you pull some cleverly prepared link out of your ass to try to prove me wrong, just watch all the votes come in now for all the people here who agree with me and see you the same way.
Why? Are you that pompous an ass that you always think everything revolves around you? You try to make everything about YOU. Get over yourself. Not only am I a frequent heavy critic of Trump, but especially of the GOP. I can't help it that the democrats and Biden make these assfucks look not-so-bad in comparison.

No one gives a flying crap about your list, no one wants to do a research project on what Mac thinks; we all see that you are a constant heavy critic of the Right 98% of the time, in fact, I've yet to see you rail about Biden even ONCE. And before you pull some cleverly prepared link out of your ass to try to prove me wrong, just watch all the votes come in now for all the people here who agree with me and see you the same way.
And there ya go. I get this every day, and I shove Trumpsters' lies down their throats every day.

All you care about is whether a person bends over for Trump. I don't, so you attack.

You people are so simplistic and weak. That's why he's conned you so badly.
there are lines we can't cross....but at the moment, when neither side is pure as the wind driven snow, why would I allow the democrats, with their agenda, gain dominance?

Trump's issues right now are not criminal, they are political, coming from democrat prosecutors creating false charges against him....all the more reason to not vote for biden.

I am a desantis supporter, but if Trump is the nominee, I am voting for him...the destruction the democrats are causing to this country has to be stopped. It doesn't hurt that I don't believe in their policies on most issues...abortion, guns, taxes, regulation, energy, illegal immigration, school why would I vote for their guy?
I wasnt asking about who you support.If you vote right then your opinion on biden is not worth much.
Im more interested in your own politicians. What would they have to do to cross the line for you
And there ya go.
Poor triggered Mac.

I get this every day,
That should tell you something but Derps like you are as impenetrable as brick.

and I shove Trumpsters' lies down their throats every day.
Sure you do. Notice you didn't say a word about ever shoving a single lie down leftist Bidenistas throats--- ever?
I wasnt asking about who you support.If you vote right then your opinion on biden is not worth much.
Im more interested in your own politicians. What would they have to do to cross the line for you

Commit actual crimes that democrats were also prosecuted for.
The Americans demanded Japan to withdraw from the Philippines or something and withdraw from the Axis in order to normalize the relationship. The offer has been rejected as "interference" but it wasn´t a no go. I would have accepted it.

The Japanese wanted to be isolationist, and not involve with anyone else, so were no problem.
They did not become a problem until Admiral Perry sailed into Tokyo harbor and frightened them.
They were forced to realize that unless they opened up to technology from the outside, then would be invaded.
But the US would not let them.
They needed steel, oil, food, coal, etc., from Malaysia, the Philippines, China, Indonesia, etc., and we cut them all off.
Not only did we deliberately goad the Japanese into war, but we should really not have been in Hawaii at all either.
You're not a leftist at all but it's curious that you want to claim to be one?

Ask a rightist if the forced ACA is leftist. Neither side in America is taking a position on abortion for socially responsible reasons.

None of the other positions you take can be called leftist.

How about the fact I want socialism, with free college, public transportation, public health care, etc.?
What confuses people is that they think of leftist as centralized, and its not.
Being a leftist is decentralized, local control.
Being a right winger is centralized because then the large multi national corporations rule.

Historically I was a freedom rider for civil rights, went to DC for the Cambodia and draft riots, etc.
How about the fact I want socialism, with free college, public transportation, public health care, etc.?
What confuses people is that they think of leftist as centralized, and its not.
Being a leftist is decentralized, local control.
Being a right winger is centralized because then the large multi national corporations rule.

Historically I was a freedom rider for civil rights, went to DC for the Cambodia and draft riots, etc.
America's politics don't extend as far as the left as it's defined in the rest of the world.

You oppose the ACA even though it fell far short of what is required.

Still, I'm amused with how you try to identify.

Would you call Canada's government leftist?

Being a leftist is decentralized, local control? How so?
I largely agree with this with the exception of the indictments. Trump's biggest problem was his toxic personality. It cost him reelection. He simply got lucky the first time because Hillary was more disliked than he was.

The first indictments were over hush money to Stormy Daniels, and that is obviously completely legal, regardless of whether campaign contribution were used or if it was written off on taxes.

The second indictments were over the classified docs, and once you read the EO that creates classified docs, it is obvious it is impossible for any president or ex-president to ever be able to violate any classified doc laws, because they are all of, by, and for presidents having total discretion over them.

The third indictments were over Jan 6, which is simply ridiculous, since it obviously was protected political expression about a belief of voter fraud, that does NOT become invalid just because there likely wasn't significant voter fraud.

Clearly any attempt to impeach or indict Trump is the worst case of election interference in the history of the country, and all those who pushed for these impeachments and indictments should be in jail. That is NOT how government is supposed to work. You are supposed to let the voters decide.
How about the fact I want socialism, with free college, public transportation, public health care, etc.?
What confuses people is that they think of leftist as centralized, and its not.
Being a leftist is decentralized, local control.
Being a right winger is centralized because then the large multi national corporations rule.

Historically I was a freedom rider for civil rights, went to DC for the Cambodia and draft riots, etc.

everything you described IS centralism by definition
How about the fact I want socialism, with free college, public transportation, public health care, etc.?
What confuses people is that they think of leftist as centralized, and its not.
Being a leftist is decentralized, local control.
Being a right winger is centralized because then the large multi national corporations rule.

Historically I was a freedom rider for civil rights, went to DC for the Cambodia and draft riots, etc.

and you are wrong....the left want centralized control by government, which is the only way to get tax payer funded college, transportation and healthcare....all of which are low quality and poorly run.

The Right in America is decentralization....that is why we support federalism....the separation of powers, and checks and balances on the branches of government....

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