Do the rich earn their income?

Not that this will matter much this late in the discussion, but....

Point 1:
Let's say I want to open a brewery, because I love making beer. I can't afford it all my self, and can't get a loan bif enough, so I go looking for investors. Those investors will earn money back on that money and not work at all for it. Where's the problem?

Point 2:
If you own any stocks you don't work for any money you make off of them. The same goes for your 401k, savings bonds, CD's, etc. So where's the problem?
Not that this will matter much this late in the discussion, but....

Point 1:
Let's say I want to open a brewery, because I love making beer. I can't afford it all my self, and can't get a loan bif enough, so I go looking for investors. Those investors will earn money back on that money and not work at all for it. Where's the problem?

Point 2:
If you own any stocks you don't work for any money you make off of them. The same goes for your 401k, savings bonds, CD's, etc. So where's the problem?

If you don't immediately stop, refrain, cease and desist from that use of logic, no libs here will even speak with you!
Through inheritance.

Is that your final answer?

{Trump began his career at his father's company,[53] the Trump Organization, and initially concentrated on his father's preferred field of middle-class rental housing in Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island. One of Trump's first projects, while he was still in college, was the revitalization of the foreclosed Swifton Village apartment complex in Cincinnati, Ohio, which his father had purchased for $5.7 million in 1962. Trump became intimately involved in the project, personally flying in for a few days at a time to carry out landscaping and other low-level tasks. After $500,000 investment, Trump successfully turned a 1200-unit complex with a 66% vacancy rate to 100% occupancy within two years. The Trump Organization sold Swifton Village for $6.75 million in 1972.[54]}

Donald Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jealousy and stupidity, the twin pillars of leftism....
His old man left him a pantload. :lol:


Donald made more in 3 years of working for his father than his father and grandfather made since the founding of the company.

The Trump group was worth about $5 million when Donald started working there. Try getting your ideas and information somewhere OTHER than ThinkProgress and other hate sites...
Through inheritance.

Is that your final answer?

{Trump began his career at his father's company,[53] the Trump Organization, and initially concentrated on his father's preferred field of middle-class rental housing in Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island. One of Trump's first projects, while he was still in college, was the revitalization of the foreclosed Swifton Village apartment complex in Cincinnati, Ohio, which his father had purchased for $5.7 million in 1962. Trump became intimately involved in the project, personally flying in for a few days at a time to carry out landscaping and other low-level tasks. After $500,000 investment, Trump successfully turned a 1200-unit complex with a 66% vacancy rate to 100% occupancy within two years. The Trump Organization sold Swifton Village for $6.75 million in 1972.[54]}

Donald Trump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jealousy and stupidity, the twin pillars of leftism....

I you read these things?
[So what? If your mom leaves you that lovely early american couch from her living room, should the gubmint get one of the throw pillows? Why are they entitled to one of your mom's pillows? She paid the taxes on the couch years ago.

In the case of Donald Trump, it simply isn't true. Donald Trump created the Trump fortune - he took a $5 million company that ran apartments and turned it into a multi-billion dollar empire.
His old man left him a pantload. :lol:


Donald made more in 3 years of working for his father than his father and grandfather made since the founding of the company.

The Trump group was worth about $5 million when Donald started working there. Try getting your ideas and information somewhere OTHER than ThinkProgress and other hate sites...

You'd have a point if Trump, upon completing college, said to his old man, "Pop, I think your a swell guy..and you've done well for yourself..but I wanna make it on my own". Then got a loan from a bank..started his OWN real estate company from the ground up..and grew it into something substantial.

That never happened.

So you don't have a point.
You'd have a point if Trump, upon completing college, said to his old man, "Pop, I think your a swell guy..and you've done well for yourself..but I wanna make it on my own". Then got a loan from a bank..started his OWN real estate company from the ground up..and grew it into something substantial.

That never happened.

So you don't have a point.

Why should he? Because you fascists are jealous? The family had a business that did okay, and Trump turned it into one of the most successful ventures in American history - but YOU want to claim he didn't earn any of it...
Not that this will matter much this late in the discussion, but....

Point 1:
Let's say I want to open a brewery, because I love making beer. I can't afford it all my self, and can't get a loan bif enough, so I go looking for investors. Those investors will earn money back on that money and not work at all for it. Where's the problem?

Point 2:
If you own any stocks you don't work for any money you make off of them. The same goes for your 401k, savings bonds, CD's, etc. So where's the problem?

If you don't immediately stop, refrain, cease and desist from that use of logic, no libs here will even speak with you!
\ when have the libs even used logic they repeat the same old tired party mantra and never let facts get in the way
the sad thing is they believe it .

the country needs JOBS when has a poor man ever created a job for somebody else
they cant
so lets support and encourage those that can
that logic goes over thier heads
Not that this will matter much this late in the discussion, but....

Point 1:
Let's say I want to open a brewery, because I love making beer. I can't afford it all my self, and can't get a loan bif enough, so I go looking for investors. Those investors will earn money back on that money and not work at all for it. Where's the problem?

Point 2:
If you own any stocks you don't work for any money you make off of them. The same goes for your 401k, savings bonds, CD's, etc. So where's the problem?

If you don't immediately stop, refrain, cease and desist from that use of logic, no libs here will even speak with you!
\ when have the libs even used logic they repeat the same old tired party mantra and never let facts get in the way
the sad thing is they believe it .

the country needs JOBS when has a poor man ever created a job for somebody else
they cant
so lets support and encourage those that can
that logic goes over thier heads

I heard someone say that the ideological battle is, and always has been, over the difference between liberty and equality. If everyone is equal then there is no real liberty. So banging on those that have money in the name of equality just disincentivises them to succeed more.
No! You don't get it! I've made my contribution and along the way I did the right thing from a financial standpoint. Now, I'm enjoying the benefits of years of hard work and my investments. So, my 'unearned' income makes me a success. Unlike you, who sounds like a typical loser who wants it all now without working for it. Envy will get you nowhere but down.

If you've "made your contribution," wonderful. Only you can know if you've made your contribution. I certainly don't know.

Anyway, this isn't about you personally. I meant the generic you, not you personally. mean the millions like me. Fucking whining loser!

Actually, I don't. But you're free take it however you like.
Exxon paid taxes. To other countries. Something the Nazi Republicans want to keep going.

Chevron paid $1.5 billion in federal taxes in 2010 - yet you claimed they paid none.

How do you explain this lie?

I didn't "claim" anything.

I posted this..

Chevron: $8 billion
U.S. federal: -$19 million
U.S. state and local: $230 million
International: $7.8 billion

Tax bills for 5 corporate giants - Chevron: $8 billion (3) -
You'd have a point if Trump, upon completing college, said to his old man, "Pop, I think your a swell guy..and you've done well for yourself..but I wanna make it on my own". Then got a loan from a bank..started his OWN real estate company from the ground up..and grew it into something substantial.

That never happened.

So you don't have a point.

Why should he? Because you fascists are jealous? The family had a business that did okay, and Trump turned it into one of the most successful ventures in American history - but YOU want to claim he didn't earn any of it...


Whatever man.

You Nazis are really blind.

Seig Heil bro..
[So what? If your mom leaves you that lovely early american couch from her living room, should the gubmint get one of the throw pillows? Why are they entitled to one of your mom's pillows? She paid the taxes on the couch years ago.

In the case of Donald Trump, it simply isn't true. Donald Trump created the Trump fortune - he took a $5 million company that ran apartments and turned it into a multi-billion dollar empire.

Oh, I know. I was just making the point that even if something is inherited, there is nothing wrong with that and the gubmint should have no claim to it.

My ex works for a guy who was given a small two man operation insurance company as a wedding present by his father-in-law back in the early 60's. Given to him as a gift. He could have run a sleepy little insurance company for the rest of his life. Instead he worked his ass off building the company up and then used his capital to create a mortgage lending and servicing company and later a statewide bank along with other holdings along the way and is a multi-millionaire. He's semi-retired now and his son is running the joint. Of course, to hear some talk here, neither man works or produces anything.
You'd have a point if Trump, upon completing college, said to his old man, "Pop, I think your a swell guy..and you've done well for yourself..but I wanna make it on my own". Then got a loan from a bank..started his OWN real estate company from the ground up..and grew it into something substantial.

That never happened.

So you don't have a point.

Why should he? Because you fascists are jealous? The family had a business that did okay, and Trump turned it into one of the most successful ventures in American history - but YOU want to claim he didn't earn any of it...


Whatever man.

You Nazis are really blind.

Seig Heil bro..


When you're getting your ass whipped, no one is going to think badly of you if you turn and walk away.
According to the IRS, the answer is mostly not.

Of the richest of the rich only 6.5% of income was from working, as of 2007. The rest came from things like interest, dividends, and capital gains.

In other words, the kind of income you get without having to wake up in the morning.

Which raises the question: if the rich are consuming without working, who is doing their work for them?


Looks like they were taking a risk when they invested in the United States. They could have lost that money in the market, no?

I just love these class envy people.....:lol:
The Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie Mentality is so wonderful to see. Liberals should be proud they are winning. Their Control of the Media, Hollywood, and our Education system has assured it. Recently we passed the Point of no return. With over half the people now paying no Federal Income tax. Half the Nation now has no reason not to keep voting for the people who take from the other half to give to them.

We never really had a chance. It might not be for Decades but the end game is clear and unavoidable now. America will eventually collapse under the weight of Idealistic Liberal Government.

Me personally I already have a location, Far from people, Where I can go hide from the shit storm that will inevitably come. Do you?

Why should he? Because you fascists are jealous? The family had a business that did okay, and Trump turned it into one of the most successful ventures in American history - but YOU want to claim he didn't earn any of it...


Whatever man.

You Nazis are really blind.

Seig Heil bro..


When you're getting your ass whipped, no one is going to think badly of you if you turn and walk away.

Ass whipped?

By what?

He proved my point entirely.

Again..I am not a miracle worker..if you guys love these parasites so much..cheers.

Not much I can do but show you the disconnect between these bloated jackals and how they tear out from the economy without contributing much.

And when they fuck up..they stick you, me and old Uncensored2000 with the bill.

How many times do you think Trump's been Bankrupt on projects that he used other people's money to make?

And what do you think happens to his bills when they get written off by his extremely smart lawyers?

Someone picks up that check.

And his name ain't Trump.

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