Do the rich earn their income?

Most of my income comes from how I have invested my money over the years. Currently, 80% of my income is unearned. If people like you get pissed off because you can't do the same, the solution is simple. Work your socks off, make the right investments and quit your fucking moaning! Nothing in life is free! The sooner you learn that lesson, the better off you'll become!

You don't get it. Suppose everyone lived off unearned income. Who would do the work?

There's no free lunch. If you're consuming without producing what does that make you?

No! You don't get it! I've made my contribution and along the way I did the right thing from a financial standpoint. Now, I'm enjoying the benefits of years of hard work and my investments. So, my 'unearned' income makes me a success. Unlike you, who sounds like a typical loser who wants it all now without working for it. Envy will get you nowhere but down.

If you've "made your contribution," wonderful. Only you can know if you've made your contribution. I certainly don't know.

Anyway, this isn't about you personally. I meant the generic you, not you personally.
If by "investment capital," you mean money, rich people don't produce money, they accumulate it. Money would exist whether rich people existed or not.

Suppose a rich person dies. Does his money die with him?

You don't need rich people to have money, any more than you need one person to have all the apples in order to have apples.

The wealthy are people who have accumulated enough money to feel secure with the possibility of losing a portion by investing it in new business or a business expansion.

Risk capital, venture capital, investment capital, whatever you want to call it...I can't risk it, and neither can you...but the wealthy can...because they have a secure cushion to fall back on.

Without that capitol, the economy grinds to a halt.

Is that so hard to comprehend?

You're wrong. Companies can obtain capital by borrowing from banks, from money markets, by issuing bonds, and by selling equity. Even venture capital firms have multiple investors.

That's fine...but you have circumvented the point.

The point is that the wealthy produce by investing in the businesses that produce.

Just like the manager of an investment capital firm produces by investing.

Or the bank manager produces by investing.

Both managers are paid by the proceeds of the investments.

The wealthy investor is also paid by the proceeds of his/her investments.

So either the managers are also freeloaders or all of them produce.

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The wealthy are people who have accumulated enough money to feel secure with the possibility of losing a portion by investing it in new business or a business expansion.

Risk capital, venture capital, investment capital, whatever you want to call it...I can't risk it, and neither can you...but the wealthy can...because they have a secure cushion to fall back on.

Without that capitol, the economy grinds to a halt.

Is that so hard to comprehend?

Oh really?

When was the last time any rich guy took the type of risk you are describing?

Because for the most part..they never do.

What they do is risk other people's money.

Mainly yours and mine.

You are fully brainwashed. Congrats to the Liberal Education system.

Every investment is a risk. What you people seem to want. Is for us to all gain if their investments pay off, but for only them to lose when they dont.

Then you should be able to name them.

Big ones.

Go on.

Dick Fuld. When did he make any investments?

How about..Lloyd Blankfein? Which one was his?

And James P. Gorman? When did he belly up to the bar?

What about Duncan L. Niederauer? That's a guy I actually met. When was the last time he opened his wallet?

How about Trump? That's a fave. You think he uses his own cashola?

Most of these guys don't ever touch their personal wealth to make investments.
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Those are not individuals with low taxes. They are corporations that contribute more money to the left than the right. Maybe you should ask Obama why his "jobs czar's" corporation paid no taxes. Oops I just busted your partisan hackery. My bad.

And "mega profits?" Carnival? They lost their ass last year. Something about stranded ships with no running water, power or food, cuts into the sales of cruise lines...

I see they swapped out Exxon for Chevron, apparently even KOS couldn't keep a straight face claiming Exxon paid no taxes. The lies just keep coming from Obama's fascist democrats.

Chevron paid $128 million in federal taxes in 2009, deferring $400 million. In 2010, the deferred burden was paid with a total of $1.5 billion in federal taxes paid by Chevron.

Chevron Corp. (CVX) | Income Taxes

I wonder what KOS will change Chevron to in the next round?
You don't get it. Suppose everyone lived off unearned income. Who would do the work?

There's no free lunch. If you're consuming without producing what does that make you?

No! You don't get it! I've made my contribution and along the way I did the right thing from a financial standpoint. Now, I'm enjoying the benefits of years of hard work and my investments. So, my 'unearned' income makes me a success. Unlike you, who sounds like a typical loser who wants it all now without working for it. Envy will get you nowhere but down.

If you've "made your contribution," wonderful. Only you can know if you've made your contribution. I certainly don't know.

Anyway, this isn't about you personally. I meant the generic you, not you personally. mean the millions like me. Fucking whining loser!
How do YOU think Donald Trump became rich, Shallow?

His old man left him a pantload. :lol:

trump was rich before that...


His family was rich.

During my days as a mover I moved people out of apartment buildings he bought. He turned them into cooperatives..and by law he couldn't kick anyone out. But that didn't stop him. He got lawyers to harrass little old ladies, who really did work all their lives, to leave.

Some of it was pretty heart breaking.
Those are not individuals with low taxes. They are corporations that contribute more money to the left than the right. Maybe you should ask Obama why his "jobs czar's" corporation paid no taxes. Oops I just busted your partisan hackery. My bad.

And "mega profits?" Carnival? They lost their ass last year. Something about stranded ships with no running water, power or food, cuts into the sales of cruise lines...

I see they swapped out Exxon for Chevron, apparently even KOS couldn't keep a straight face claiming Exxon paid no taxes. The lies just keep coming from Obama's fascist democrats.

Chevron paid $128 million in federal taxes in 2009, deferring $400 million. In 2010, the deferred burden was paid with a total of $1.5 billion in federal taxes paid by Chevron.

Chevron Corp. (CVX) | Income Taxes

I wonder what KOS will change Chevron to in the next round?

Exxon paid taxes. To other countries. Something the Nazi Republicans want to keep going.
His old man left him a pantload. :lol:

trump was rich before that...


His family was rich.

During my days as a mover I moved people out of apartment buildings he bought. He turned them into cooperatives..and by law he couldn't kick anyone out. But that didn't stop him. He got lawyers to harrass little old ladies, who really did work all their lives, to leave.

Some of it was pretty heart breaking.

So you enabled his evilness by turning around and making your own buck off of those old ladies he was throwing in the street? Have you no shame sir? :rolleyes:
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If by "investment capital," you mean money, rich people don't produce money, they accumulate it. Money would exist whether rich people existed or not.

Suppose a rich person dies. Does his money die with him?

Suppose Bill Gates died at birth - did all his money go to the poor?

Think hard before answering, Paris.

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