Do the rich earn their income?

You don't get it. Suppose everyone lived off unearned income. Who would do the work?

There's no free lunch. If you're consuming without producing what does that make you?

You don't get it.

No one collects interest, dividends or capital gains without first having produced the wealth the pays those sums. If they didn't produce the wealth, then the person who gave it to them did. In no case did they hold someone up at gunpoint and take the wealth. That's what government parasites do.

Parasites are people who suck off of people who produce something.
..... I’ve worked in an economy that rewards someone who saves the lives of others on a battlefield with a medal, rewards a great teacher with thank-you notes from parents, but rewards those who can detect the mispricing of securities with sums reaching into the billions. In short, fate’s distribution of long straws is wildly capricious.”

- Warren Buffett, (Buffett Says ‘Capricious’ Economy Requires Charity (Update1) by Hugh Son, Bloomberg, June 16, 2010 16:17 EDT)

Warren Buffett - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As usual, Warren Buffett has put his finger on the fact that the distribution of wealth in America, more often than not, excludes those who have made the greatest contributions to society.

The 2008 recession was largely caused by the unchecked "greed" of the wealthy who abused their position of trust. Unfortunately, it appears that we haven't learned our lesson!

How people make their money is important. Extravagantly rewarding people for doing things that are counterproductive is not only an injustice, in the long run it's economically destructive.

Your talking about politicians , right. When people talk about work they usually mean physical labor. Those that have been successful, lucky, or born into it work with their money can let their money work for them. I imagine it can be extremely hard to commit a good portion of your wealth to a business with no guarantee you will not lose it. It would be real tempting to just live off your wealth and not invest. we need to do whatever we need to do to make it easier for these people to commit their money and create jobs. India did it, china did it and look where the jobs went we need to do it.
How people make their money is important. Extravagantly rewarding people for doing things that are counterproductive is not only an injustice, in the long run it's economically destructive.

No one is pointing a gun at your head and forcing you to give money to rich people. However, the government does point a gun at your head and forcing you to give money to moochers and looters.

Anyone who argues that payment of interest is bad for the economy is a moron. The Muslims believe paying interest is evil, and look what it's done for their economies. Following your economic advice, the US could soon be as wealthy as Pakistan.
Most of my income comes from how I have invested my money over the years. Currently, 80% of my income is unearned. If people like you get pissed off because you can't do the same, the solution is simple. Work your socks off, make the right investments and quit your fucking moaning! Nothing in life is free! The sooner you learn that lesson, the better off you'll become!

You don't get it. Suppose everyone lived off unearned income. Who would do the work?

There's no free lunch. If you're consuming without producing what does that make you?

They ARE producing, non-thinker.

They produce investment capital.

Without investment capital, many businesses would not be able to open or expand and jobs wouldn't be created.

Think before you post.

If by "investment capital," you mean money, rich people don't produce money, they accumulate it. Money would exist whether rich people existed or not.

Suppose a rich person dies. Does his money die with him?

You don't need rich people to have money, any more than you need one person to have all the apples in order to have apples.
According to the IRS, the answer is mostly not.

Of the richest of the rich only 6.5% of income was from working, as of 2007. The rest came from things like interest, dividends, and capital gains.

In other words, the kind of income you get without having to wake up in the morning.

Which raises the question: if the rich are consuming without working, who is doing their work for them?


So, If you ever make it big, and become rich. Anything you make off Interest and Investing is "not earned" according to Liberals. Forget about the fact that in order to earn money off investing you have to RISK MONEY. So you want the rich to invest. If they do well you want to call it unearned and tax the shit out of it. If they lose their ass you want them to lose their ass on their own. What the fuck are they teaching you idiots in school these days.

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You don't get it. Suppose everyone lived off unearned income. Who would do the work?

There's no free lunch. If you're consuming without producing what does that make you?

You don't get it.

No one collects interest, dividends or capital gains without first having produced the wealth the pays those sums. If they didn't produce the wealth, then the person who gave it to them did. In no case did they hold someone up at gunpoint and take the wealth. That's what government parasites do.

Parasites are people who suck off of people who produce something.

Again, you need to be careful about how you interpret the phrase "make money."

Rich people don't literally make money. Whatever money they have is money they got from someone else. There isn't more money just because some people have accumulated a disproportionate share.

You also don't seem to understand that it is because of the government that the rich have their wealth.
You don't get it. Suppose everyone lived off unearned income. Who would do the work?

There's no free lunch. If you're consuming without producing what does that make you?

You don't get it.

No one collects interest, dividends or capital gains without first having produced the wealth the pays those sums. If they didn't produce the wealth, then the person who gave it to them did. In no case did they hold someone up at gunpoint and take the wealth. That's what government parasites do.

Parasites are people who suck off of people who produce something.

Again, you need to be careful about how you interpret the phrase "make money."

Rich people don't literally make money. Whatever money they have is money they got from someone else. There isn't more money just because some people have accumulated a disproportionate share.

You also don't seem to understand that it is because of the government that the rich have their wealth.

I'm confused.......are you in pre-school or kindergarten.......and does your mom know you are using her computer to talk to grownups?
You don't get it. Suppose everyone lived off unearned income. Who would do the work?

There's no free lunch. If you're consuming without producing what does that make you?

They ARE producing, non-thinker.

They produce investment capital.

Without investment capital, many businesses would not be able to open or expand and jobs wouldn't be created.

Think before you post.

If by "investment capital," you mean money, rich people don't produce money, they accumulate it. Money would exist whether rich people existed or not.

Suppose a rich person dies. Does his money die with him?

You don't need rich people to have money, any more than you need one person to have all the apples in order to have apples.

The wealthy are people who have accumulated enough money to feel secure with the possibility of losing a portion by investing it in new business or a business expansion.

Risk capital, venture capital, investment capital, whatever you want to call it...I can't risk it, and neither can you...but the wealthy can...because they have a secure cushion to fall back on.

Without that capitol, the economy grinds to a halt.

Is that so hard to comprehend?
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According to the IRS, the answer is mostly not.

Of the richest of the rich only 6.5% of income was from working, as of 2007. The rest came from things like interest, dividends, and capital gains.

In other words, the kind of income you get without having to wake up in the morning.

Which raises the question: if the rich are consuming without working, who is doing their work for them?


So, If you ever make it big, and become rich. Anything you make off Interest and Investing is "not earned" according to Liberals. Forget about the fact that in order to earn money off investing you have to RISK MONEY. So you want the rich to invest. If they do well you want to call it unearned and tax the shit out of it. If they lose their ass you want them to lose their ass on their own. What the fuck are they teaching you idiots in school these days.


It's not "according to liberals.". It's the definition of the words.

And unearned income is taxed at a lower rate, not a higher rate.
Most of my income comes from how I have invested my money over the years. Currently, 80% of my income is unearned. If people like you get pissed off because you can't do the same, the solution is simple. Work your socks off, make the right investments and quit your fucking moaning! Nothing in life is free! The sooner you learn that lesson, the better off you'll become!

You don't get it. Suppose everyone lived off unearned income. Who would do the work?

There's no free lunch. If you're consuming without producing what does that make you?

They ARE producing, non-thinker.

They produce investment capital.

Without investment capital, many businesses would not be able to open or expand and jobs wouldn't be created.

Think before you post.

No they are not.

You know how this works don't you?

For the most part Cash Equities, shortly after the IPO, aren't producing liquidity for the company. And a great many of them don't even pay dividends.

It's all a money sloshing game now. From one pocket to another.

Why do you think there are so many "Financial Instruments and Products", eh?
They ARE producing, non-thinker.

They produce investment capital.

Without investment capital, many businesses would not be able to open or expand and jobs wouldn't be created.

Think before you post.

If by "investment capital," you mean money, rich people don't produce money, they accumulate it. Money would exist whether rich people existed or not.

Suppose a rich person dies. Does his money die with him?

You don't need rich people to have money, any more than you need one person to have all the apples in order to have apples.

The wealthy are people who have accumulated enough money to feel secure with the possibility of losing a portion by investing it in new business or a business expansion.

Risk capital, venture capital, investment capital, whatever you want to call it...I can't risk it, and neither can you...but the wealthy can...because they have a secure cushion to fall back on.

Without that capitol, the economy grinds to a halt.

Is that so hard to comprehend?

Oh really?

When was the last time any rich guy took the type of risk you are describing?

Because for the most part..they never do.

What they do is risk other people's money.

Mainly yours and mine.
If by "investment capital," you mean money, rich people don't produce money, they accumulate it. Money would exist whether rich people existed or not.

Suppose a rich person dies. Does his money die with him?

You don't need rich people to have money, any more than you need one person to have all the apples in order to have apples.

The wealthy are people who have accumulated enough money to feel secure with the possibility of losing a portion by investing it in new business or a business expansion.

Risk capital, venture capital, investment capital, whatever you want to call it...I can't risk it, and neither can you...but the wealthy can...because they have a secure cushion to fall back on.

Without that capitol, the economy grinds to a halt.

Is that so hard to comprehend?

Oh really?

When was the last time any rich guy took the type of risk you are describing?

Because for the most part..they never do.

What they do is risk other people's money.

Mainly yours and mine.

You are fully brainwashed. Congrats to the Liberal Education system.

Every investment is a risk. What you people seem to want. Is for us to all gain if their investments pay off, but for only them to lose when they dont.
They ARE producing, non-thinker.

They produce investment capital.

Without investment capital, many businesses would not be able to open or expand and jobs wouldn't be created.

Think before you post.

If by "investment capital," you mean money, rich people don't produce money, they accumulate it. Money would exist whether rich people existed or not.

Suppose a rich person dies. Does his money die with him?

You don't need rich people to have money, any more than you need one person to have all the apples in order to have apples.

The wealthy are people who have accumulated enough money to feel secure with the possibility of losing a portion by investing it in new business or a business expansion.

Risk capital, venture capital, investment capital, whatever you want to call it...I can't risk it, and neither can you...but the wealthy can...because they have a secure cushion to fall back on.

Without that capitol, the economy grinds to a halt.

Is that so hard to comprehend?

You're wrong. Companies can obtain capital by borrowing from banks, from money markets, by issuing bonds, and by selling equity. Even venture capital firms have multiple investors.
So let me get this straight. People who have accumulated wealth did nothing to earn it, in fact, often stole it from the poor working stiff, don't deserve it and it should be taken from them and distributed to those who have less? Is that it in a nutshell? Will that make you happy? Will that solve all the ills in the world? Once that is done and the moochers still want their monthly checks, where will it come from? Remember, those nasty, evil rich people have the same amount as everyone else now.
According to the IRS, the answer is mostly not.

Of the richest of the rich only 6.5% of income was from working, as of 2007. The rest came from things like interest, dividends, and capital gains.

In other words, the kind of income you get without having to wake up in the morning.

Which raises the question: if the rich are consuming without working, who is doing their work for them?


Most of my income comes from how I have invested my money over the years. Currently, 80% of my income is unearned. If people like you get pissed off because you can't do the same, the solution is simple. Work your socks off, make the right investments and quit your fucking moaning! Nothing in life is free! The sooner you learn that lesson, the better off you'll become!

You don't get it. Suppose everyone lived off unearned income. Who would do the work?

There's no free lunch. If you're consuming without producing what does that make you?

No! You don't get it! I've made my contribution and along the way I did the right thing from a financial standpoint. Now, I'm enjoying the benefits of years of hard work and my investments. So, my 'unearned' income makes me a success. Unlike you, who sounds like a typical loser who wants it all now without working for it. Envy will get you nowhere but down.
I earned an income. After taxes and mortgage and education expenses for the kids, and related incidentals like clothing, car, insurance and food for the family, etc., I had some money left over. (MAN! The gubmint was PISSED, I tell ya!)

Anyway, I had this notion.

"Self," I said to myself, "Self, why not put that windfall into that thing they call 'a bank!?' "

So, I contemplated what I had counseled myself and found it a reasonable notion. The prospect of having my money work for me (they call it "interest") appealed to me. So I thought it, so I let it be.

And lo and behold, wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles, it WORKED. My money earned MORE money. Granted, it didn't earn a LOT of money. Interest rates were what many of us like to call "low." But still, it did earn SOME money! Ka-fucking-CHING!

<< insert Daffy Duck voice here: "I'm RICH. I'm RICH! I'm filthy RICH! Rich, I tell ya! RICH!" >>


Now, out of nowhere, I'm being told that the money I earned is possibly still mine, but certain liberal Democratics believe that the money earned BY my money isn't money I earned and should be subject to being taken by the gubmint for the greater good!

Thuffering Thuccotash!

According to the IRS, the answer is mostly not.

Of the richest of the rich only 6.5% of income was from working, as of 2007. The rest came from things like interest, dividends, and capital gains.

In other words, the kind of income you get without having to wake up in the morning.

Which raises the question: if the rich are consuming without working, who is doing their work for them?


Do welfare recipients earn their check/perks?

Why you hatin' on poor people, 'renn?


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