Do the rich earn their income?

To further the point Liberals think it's evil and want government to confiscate it and pass it around to those who have no inclination to work hard and make something of themselves.
I you read these things?

I you have an IQ above 5?

Do any of the libs in here? I think the main prerequisite for being a lib is having a sub room temperature IQ. How else could anyone swallow all the bullshit they believe?

I've known 5-year-olds with more basic smarts than these idiots.

Which is shown off by you in accurately debating with salient points and offering alternative views.

No wait..

That's not what went for the insult.

Like most morons when they are painted into a corner.

To further the point Liberals think it's evil and want government to confiscate it and pass it around to those who have no inclination to work hard and make something of themselves.


How exactly would that happen?


Confiscate.. :lol::cuckoo:
To further the point Liberals think it's evil and want government to confiscate it and pass it around to those who have no inclination to work hard and make something of themselves.


How exactly would that happen?


Confiscate.. :lol::cuckoo:

Are you trying to tell me you Libs don't want the Inheritance tax raised through the roof?..
C'mon guys you are on here all the time crying that the rich have way too much and that needs to stop.The President when he was campaigning for the Presidency said over and over that we need to spread the wealth around...

You can play stupid all you want but people know what you guys are all about...:evil:
..... I’ve worked in an economy that rewards someone who saves the lives of others on a battlefield with a medal, rewards a great teacher with thank-you notes from parents, but rewards those who can detect the mispricing of securities with sums reaching into the billions. In short, fate’s distribution of long straws is wildly capricious.”

- Warren Buffett, (Buffett Says ‘Capricious’ Economy Requires Charity (Update1) by Hugh Son, Bloomberg, June 16, 2010 16:17 EDT)

Warren Buffett - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As usual, Warren Buffett has put his finger on the fact that the distribution of wealth in America, more often than not, excludes those who have made the greatest contributions to society.

The 2008 recession was largely caused by the unchecked "greed" of the wealthy who abused their position of trust. Unfortunately, it appears that we haven't learned our lesson!

Warren Buffett is lying to you to make himself rich, and you, gullible poor fool that you are, are just eating it up with a spoon. "Oh, look, a rich person who tells me I'm justified in sitting around, spending my energy hating the rich and buying lottery tickets, instead of getting out and working to get where they are! He must be the most wonderfullest guy in the world!"

How big a tool do you have to be to not realize you're being used?

And by the way . . . Wikipedia? When are you ignorant peasants going to learn taht Wikipedia is NOT a source? :anj_stfu:
So let me get this straight. People who have accumulated wealth did nothing to earn it, in fact, often stole it from the poor working stiff, don't deserve it and it should be taken from them and distributed to those who have less? .

The Politics of Jealousy

The other gem in chapter two immediately follows the observation that the proletariat must first seize control of "political supremacy". Once that is accomplished, well, Marx and Engels say it best: "The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state…" The Democrats, like the Communists, realize that by dividing people into groups, all with a chip on their shoulder against the oppressor, they can vote themselves chunks of the oppressors’ property.

A Layman's Look at the Communist Manifesto

Apparently, only laborers have real jobs, now.

Specifically, only those who get a paycheck from someone else have "real jobs". Soon, it will be only those who engage in physical labor for that paycheck, and people who primarily think for that paycheck won't have "real jobs".

Divide and conquer. The more they can make stupid people fight amongst themselves, the more power they can obtain for themselves.
According to the IRS, the answer is mostly not.

Of the richest of the rich only 6.5% of income was from working, as of 2007. The rest came from things like interest, dividends, and capital gains.

In other words, the kind of income you get without having to wake up in the morning.

Which raises the question: if the rich are consuming without working, who is doing their work for them?


The whole point of being financially independent is that your money works for you.

Apparently, liberals have never heard - or understood - the saying, "Work smarter, not harder."
According to the IRS, the answer is mostly not.

Of the richest of the rich only 6.5% of income was from working, as of 2007. The rest came from things like interest, dividends, and capital gains.

In other words, the kind of income you get without having to wake up in the morning.

Which raises the question: if the rich are consuming without working, who is doing their work for them?


Ah Geez--You can walk down your own main street. You will see doctors/dentist's office's--the guy who rebuilds car engines--your auto mechanic--your construction company--from A to Z--who bust their butts every single day of the week to bring a necessary service to this country and you. They are called small business people in this country and are also known as the largest employer of it.

The PRESIDENT you voted for--decided to attack these same small business people with his continual and on-growing threat that if they make 250K per year--he is going to throw them into the exact same tax bracket (39%) which is exactly what multi-billion dollar corporations pay. If you add in state and local taxes--you are taxing the hardest working, most innovative people in this country 50% or .50 cents on every dollar they earn.

This is the economic terrorist you have elected. And then your Harvard graduate--community organizer--most intellectual President ever--wonders where the "jobs" are?--:lol:

Small business in this country has tucked in like a turtle and is waiting for the threat to leave. And that threat is Barack Obama. Not everyone that earns 250K per year pushes a button and works on 2 blocks of lower Manhatton in New York City--Da--Duh.

How exactly did Paris Hilton become rich? Or for that matter, Donald Trump?

Who cares? Like Paris Hilton and Donald Trump are representative of all, or even most, millionaires in the US? If those are the only two you can come up with, may I suggest you turn off the TV, cancel your subscription to "The Inquirer", and get a life?
How exactly did Paris Hilton become rich? Or for that matter, Donald Trump?

Both started out wealthy and both continued to make more money.

Of the two Paris seems to me to be the more productive and creative earner.

I understand that her businesses generate tens times as much money annually as she inherited in total from her family fortune.

And just think she mostly owes her celebrity (which is what she's capitalized on to create her fashion businesses) to a SEX TAPE.

Smart girl, that.

She certainly turned THAT lemon into lemonade.

I doubt, very much, she did that without hiring people who knew just how to capitalize on it.

Well? There you go. Not only is she working for her money, she's ALSO providing jobs.

And your fucking problem was . . . ?
Liberals bitch and moan when the 'rich' don't pay income tax... but not a peep when that other 50% of US households don't.

Gee, I wonder why?

Because that's their voting base?

Well the "havemores" are the base of the Republicans.

[ame=]‪George W Bush - The Elite My Base‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Are we supposed to feel guilty for giving something back to and making the system work for the most successful, productive people in the country, rather than the poor envy-jockeys? :confused:
According to the IRS, the answer is mostly not.

Of the richest of the rich only 6.5% of income was from working, as of 2007. The rest came from things like interest, dividends, and capital gains.

In other words, the kind of income you get without having to wake up in the morning.

Which raises the question: if the rich are consuming without working, who is doing their work for them?


I guess that would depend on your definition of "earn". If you define it as "suffering through a shitty job for someone else every day like I do", then no. The point of becoming rich is so you don't have to do that any more.

The definition of "unearned income" is income you get without work.

No, Brain Trust. Actually, the reason politicians started calling it that is EXACTLY because they know half-wit twerps think that's what it means.

In fact - and the IRS and any accountant will tell you this - the definition of "unearned income" is "any income that doesn't come from being an employee". My best friend and I have recently started an errand service. We run our asses off twelve hours a day, seven days a week, but because we put the money into a business account and draw our share off as something other than an employee paycheck, everything we make qualifies as "unearned income". Would you like to tell me that I don't work? :fu:

For some people the point of being on the dole is so they don't have to work.

Either way, they're consuming without producing.

No, the dole is the ONLY way they're consuming without producing.

At least you're willing to concede the rich don't work. That's something.

Really? Please show me where I EVER said anything that asinine. Don't flatter yourself, tweeko, because from what little I've seen of you so far, the only way you could say something I would agree with is completely by accident.

On the other hand, if you define it as "paying your dues to become wealthy enough to spend your time running your own business and/or managing your investments", then yeah. The vast majority of the rich DO earn their money. It's a known fact that most millionaires in this country are self-made.

Oops. I guess not.

Are the rich rich so they don't have to work? Or because they're running businesses and managing investments?

When the fuck did I ever say the rich were rich in order to not work?

Granted, there's almost always an element of not wanting to HAVE to work, but that's not the same thing. Working at doing something you CHOOSE to do, rather than working at whatever because you HAVE to, are very different things.

Nevertheless, please try to keep straight which poster said what, because it really doesn't work to try to make one person responsible for someone else's position.

Or is running businesses and managing money not work?

And if it's not work, why do people get paid to do those things?

Isn't it so other people don't have to?

Usually, people get paid to run businesses and manage money, not so that other people don't HAVE to, but because other people AREN'T CAPABLE of it. The pool of people in this country qualified to run Fortune 500 companies is pretty small.
Well? There you go. Not only is she working for her money, she's ALSO providing jobs.

And your fucking problem was . . . ?

You gotta wonder about these libtards. They hate rich people who don't create jobs, and they hate rich people who do create jobs. Of course, the truth is that they hate rich people because they want to take what the rich have. They are like a snarling pack of jackels sneaking up on some unsuspecting victims huddled around a campfire. Virtually everything libs posts about the rich is a just sleazy rational for taking their stuff.

Which is shown off by you in accurately debating with salient points and offering alternative views.

I haven't seen much in the way accurate debate or salient points. Mostly it's just name-calling, personal attacks and straw man arguments, mixed with insults and hatred.

Why do you think that is?

Um..made my point even mo' bettah.

What do you think would have happened had this venture failed?

Me or you? We'd lose are shirts.

Them? We'd lose are shirts.

The difference is that in both scenarios..the Trumps keep their shirts.

Your point was that trump inherited millions of dollars. I pointed out that your assumption was based on the premise that his father paid cash for their joint real estate venture. At most, he put up 10% of the price, so he wasn't even a millionaire.

whenever one of your points gets shot down, you start blubbering about another that was previously shot down.

You proved yourself wrong again.
According to the IRS, the answer is mostly not.

Of the richest of the rich only 6.5% of income was from working, as of 2007. The rest came from things like interest, dividends, and capital gains.

In other words, the kind of income you get without having to wake up in the morning.

Which raises the question: if the rich are consuming without working, who is doing their work for them?


This is pure commiespeak, circa 1930s, from a fly-by-night obamabot troll. :rolleyes:

Only among the gene-missing leftwing and islamofascist countries is the idea of interest for loaned money considered illegitimate. The rich have to manage capital, otherwise the market will efficiently remove it from them - that's the work they do. Risk is also undertaken by investment, and if it succeeds, profits are the reward. It is only because of that risk undertaken that obamabot trolls have their burger-flipping jobs.

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