Zone1 Do these verses go together?

Then how did Abel crush Satan's head? Whose heel did Cain strike?
Cain and Abel are the 'enmity' part of the prophecy. Cain is the spiritual offspring of Satan, Abel, the spiritual offspring of God. It's not the offspring that will do the crushing and get crushed, it's the principals, Christ and Satan.

Of course, you could say that Cain just wounded Abel as Abel will be resurrected to eternal life. Cain's head might be crushed in the sense that he might face eternal damnation, God honoring Abel's blood 'crying from the grave'.
Then how did Abel crush Satan's head? Whose heel did Cain strike? Why would God seal Cain to protect him if Cain belonged to his father, Satan? Why refer to a singular he as accomplishing the task instead of they?
Abel having victory over Cain in the end is just a type. Cain only wounded Abel, God figuratively crushed Cain's head on Abel's behalf. God heeded Abel's blood 'crying from the ground' and laid a curse on Cain that would follow him all of his days. As Abel's victory will be eternal life, Cains defeat will be eternal death.
So you believe the prophecy was not about Mary and Christ, you think it was referring to Eve and Cain? The prophecy does not say that God crushed Satan's head on Abel's behalf, or that God crushed Cain's head for Able's sake, or that God was speaking to Satan who was in Eve, and not directly to Satan. Are you suggesting that God sealed Cain to keep him from being killed and then killed him?
Cain and Abel are the 'enmity' part of the prophecy. Cain is the spiritual offspring of Satan, Abel, the spiritual offspring of God. It's not the offspring that will do the crushing and get crushed, it's the principals, Christ and Satan
The prophecy says a woman's seed will crush Satan's head. It is the offspring doing the deed according to the scripture.

Cain didn't wound Able. He killed him. Nowhere in the Bible does it say God took revenge on Cain and killed Cain for killing his brother.
It says a woman's seed, (not all women's seeds) and refers to that specific seed as he (a singular male), that will do the crushing. That pretty much narrows it down to Christ, since He is the only woman's seed actually capable of accomplishing the task.
God was referring to the outcome of the final battle between Mary's offspring, Christ, and Satan.

And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel. < a singular woman and a singular offspring. It's not a team event.
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So you believe the prophecy was not about Mary and Christ, you think it was referring to Eve and Cain? The prophecy does not say that God crushed Satan's head on Abel's behalf, or that God crushed Cain's head for Able's sake, or that God was speaking to Satan who was in Eve, and not directly to Satan. Are you suggesting that God sealed Cain to keep him from being killed and then killed him?

The prophecy says a woman's seed will crush Satan's head. It is the offspring doing the deed according to the scripture.

Cain didn't wound Able. He killed him. Nowhere in the Bible does it say God took revenge on Cain and killed Cain for killing his brother.
It says a woman's seed, (not all women's seeds) and refers to that specific seed as he (a singular male), that will do the crushing. That pretty much narrows it down to Christ, since He is the only woman's seed actually capable of accomplishing the task.
God was referring to the outcome of the battle between Mary's offspring, Christ, and Satan.
Mary is not relevant as she didn't mother both the offspring of God and the offspring of Satan as did Eve. Christ is the offspring of Eve, his maternal antecedent. Who do you think is/was the offspring of the devil, and who is their maternal antecedent? And how does a spirit-being produce offspring?

The prophecy contains two 'groups', the principals, Christ and Satan, and the spiritual offspring of Eve and Satan. Two groups, two prophecies. Cain and Abel began the fulfillment of the physical offspring part of the prophecy, and the enmity between God's chosen and rest of the world continued from that time forth.

God cursed Cain on Abel's behalf. How or when Cain died physically isn't important. Note that while Christ crushed the head of Satan he isn't killed, so 'crushed' has a different meaning, perhaps 'deposed' would fit as Satan's rule will be destroyed.

God was speaking to Satan, who was in control of Eve's mind. He was looking into Eve's eyes but speaking to Satan just as Jesus was looking at Peter but speaking to Satan.

God cursed Eve to have sorrow in childbirth. Most believe this means painful or difficult labor, however as were the Hebrew women in Egypt Eve would have had easy deliveries of children due to excellent health. The sorrow in both conception and childbirth was the mental anguish because of what happened to Cain and Abel, and perhaps others of her children.
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Mary is not relevant as she didn't mother both the offspring of God and the offspring of Satan as did Eve
Mary is the only woman on earth to have an offspring that could crush Satan's head. Eve had no such offspring. And not all women's offspring have enmity toward Satan. But one woman's seed did. Only one was up to that task. Jesus.

Who do you think is/was the offspring of the devil, and who is their maternal antecedent? And how does a spirit-being produce offspring?
Having sex with humans is one way. Some feel that Satan's offspring pertains to the fallen angels that followed Satan when he was cast out of heaven. Some think it is those humans that choose to follow their Father Satan as his offspring. Mary's offspring is the only offspring that fits the description of the battle God was talking about.
The prophecy contains two 'groups', the principals, Christ and Satan, and the spiritual offspring of Eve and Satan. Two groups, two prophecies.
How did Satan create a spiritual child with Eve? Did they have spiritual sex to produce Cain and then the rest of her children were ok because they belonged to Adam? Why would God protect a child of Satan's like He did Cain? God drowned the Nephilm. He owes them an apology is He kept spiritual halfbreed Cain safe, and killed the spiritual halfbred rest of them.
Note that while Christ crushed the head of Satan he isn't killed, so 'crushed' has a different meaning, perhaps 'deposed' would fit as Satan's rule will be destroyed.
Satan is eternal. No one kills him. He is thrown into the Lake of Fire for eternity.
God was speaking to Satan, who was in control of Eve's mind. He was looking into Eve's eyes but speaking to Satan
That is speculation, which the Bible seems to refute. If you continue the scripture, you'll see that God deals with all three inhabitants of the Garden separately. First Satan, secondly, Eve, and thirdly, Adam. The verses make the distinction. No where does it say that Satan entered Eve. She was tricked into sinning. God covered her sin. There was no need of an exorcism. Adam ate the fruit as well, but Satan didn't inhabit him either, and God didn't look into Adam's eyes when He was speaking to Satan.
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there is no satan.

Try Shaitan who likely was number two to Enki -- the ruler of the Elohim/Anunnaki .
Shaitan was corrupted to Satan by Space Alien worshippers like yourself under the phoney mantles of both Islam and Christianity .

"He" was more a lawyer than adversary to Enki but distinct from the Enforcers who became the Arch Angels in the Christian fairy story .

However Christianity is largely a harmless belief system and keeps its worshippers happy .
That it has nothing to do with real history will not bother its Cult followers unduly .
Mary is the only woman on earth to have an offspring that could crush Satan's head. Eve had no such offspring. And not all women's offspring have enmity toward Satan. But one woman's seed did. Only one was up to that task. Jesus.

Having sex with humans is one way. Some feel that Satan's offspring pertains to the fallen angels that followed Satan when he was cast out of heaven. Some think it is those humans that choose to follow their Father Satan as his offspring. Mary's offspring is the only offspring that fits the description of the battle God was talking about.

How did Satan create a spiritual child with Eve? Did they have spiritual sex to produce Cain and then the rest of her children were ok because they belonged to Adam? Why would God protect a child of Satan's like He did Cain? God drowned the Nephilm. He owes them an apology is He kept spiritual halfbreed Cain safe, and killed the spiritual halfbred rest of them.

Satan is eternal. No one kills him. He is thrown into the Lake of Fire for eternity.

That is speculation, which the Bible seems to refute. If you continue the scripture, you'll see that God deals with all three inhabitants of the Garden separately. First Satan, secondly, Eve, and thirdly, Adam. The verses make the distinction. No where does it say that Satan entered Eve. She was tricked into sinning. God covered her sin. There was no need of an exorcism. Adam ate the fruit as well, but Satan didn't inhabit him either, and God didn't look into Adam's eyes when He was speaking to Satan.
Satan enters into the mind and spirit of the person he is targeting. He entered Judas Iscariot and Peter. His demons entered many others including pigs. It is doubtful that Satan and the demons can manifest themselves physically, they have to have a host. As there was no other host in the Garden susceptible to (his) wiles (Adam was not deceived) God allowed him to enter into Eve. Of course this was by design as well.

It also seems to me that Satan's head is crushed before Christ's heel is bruised. That's the way it's written anyway.
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How do we know Satan entered Judah? We know because scripture says so, specifically. The Bible doesn't say that Peter was possessed. Jesus never told Satan to leave Peter's body. And we aren't told that Satan left Peter's body and fled behind Jesus. It sounds more like Jesus was comparing Peter to Satan because of what Peter said. And Jesus went on to tell Peter, that Peter's mind wasn't on God's interest. That doesn't mean that Peter's mind was possessed. Instead, Jesus said that Peter was thinking like a man. What Jesus said to Peter was an insult, comparing Peter to Satan. Judah's case was completely different.

Matthew 6:21-23 From that time Jesus began to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised up on the third day. Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, saying, “God forbid it, Lord! This shall never happen to You.” But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; for you are not setting your mind on God’s interests, but man’s.”

God wasn't talking to Satan because Satan wouldn't be setting his mind on God's interest to begin with. That was Peter, the man, not wanting to accept the bad news Christ had just shared with the disciples, and was rebuked by Jesus for it.

We know Eve was influenced by Satan, but it doesn't say she was possessed. We'll have to ask her to clarify for us when we get up there...
Where did your notion of heaven come from? Or a Jesus, for that matter.

the 1st century events - the repudiation of judaism: false commandments - hereditary idolatry ...

those that gave their lives during that time for the heavens, liberation theology, self determination as taught by jesus.
God wasn't talking to Satan because Satan wouldn't be setting his mind on God's interest to begin with
^ I meant Jesus wasn't talking to Satan because he wouldn't expect Satan's mind to be on God's interest or man's. He would however expect it and be disappointed in Peter for taking his eye off of God's plan and thinking like a man.
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So you believe there was a Jesus.

mary, joseph, jesus and mary magdalene did not fear nor were judaism its false commandments, hereditary idolatry and were blessed by the heavens.

the spoken 1st century events are passed down no differently than the 4th century christian bible.
It is from the "lost sheep" that Christ called the church.

New King James Version
But He answered and said, “I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” (In context, as distinct from the "House of Judah", the Jews.)

It was to them that he also sent his disciples.
Logically... if God is the creator of existence, then all of humanity are his creatures. So unbelievers - whatever their origin or ethnicity - would be "lost sheep." I don't see anything inherently evil with being lost.
their claim, the coward is the book of forgeries, lies and fallacies - their christian, desert bibles ... nothing to do with jesus and the heavens above - who taught liberation theology, self determination.

for the heavenly believers to free their spirits for admission to the everlasting.

there is no satan.
^ I meant Jesus wasn't talking to Satan because he wouldn't expect Satan's mind to be on God's interest or man's. He would however expect it and be disappointed in Peter for taking his eye off of God's plan and thinking like a man.
Jesus was plainly addressing Satan. Not the first time Peter would be influenced by Satan.
Logically... if God is the creator of existence, then all of humanity are his creatures. So unbelievers - whatever their origin or ethnicity - would be "lost sheep." I don't see anything inherently evil with being lost.
Lost sheep of the house of Israel is pretty specific. That doesn't mean that the Jews in particular were 'evil', he just wasn't sent to them to build his church. That said Jesus saw things in terms of good and evil i.e. "You, being evil, give good things to your own..." Most people do evil things out of ignorance and weakness, not malice. Drunk drivers don't intentionally to kill people.
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Jesus was plainly addressing Satan. Not the first time Peter would be influenced by Satan.
Going by the definition, etymology of Satan in that era, Jesus was telling Peter not to test him, nor to tempt him from the way he must go.

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