Do they hear themselves?

Kathy Castor (D) of Florida, during the hearings just touted how a constituent of hers has greatly benefited form the ACA.

She told of a young man who works for a small business who did not have insurance but was thrilled when he found out that he will receive a $2800 tax credit and his premium will be only $28.


No one said it is not a great thing that people can get healthcare for next to nothing. That would be great for anyone.

But what her constituent doesn't realize is that it is not for nothing. Someone...or a group of people he does not know are the ones paying for him to get it for free...

Yep...he thanks Obama.

But he doesn't even realize that it is someone else paying for his stuff...and he cant thank that person (or group of people) for he doesn't even know who they are.

Bottom line....

I have yet to hear about a wonderful ACA story from a person who is paying INTO the system.

Has anyone?

I've told my own situation repeatedly but, since it doesn't fit YOUR agenda, its ignored or disbelieved.

Doesn't matter because there are some who will just keep lying.

No offense bro....but the majority of your posts are filled with hate for those that you disagree with and rhetoric that does nothing but spin the topic at had.

So I usually pass over your posts....unless you are responding to me.

That being said...what is your story?
The police and fire department are not "redistribution." They are also local functions, paid for, as it should be, by local funding. In Obamacare people are not paying for general coverage, as in with cops or fireman, they are covering someone else's costs for a direct service, i.e. going to a doctor.

Police and fire are redistribution. But if you want to play semantics games, have at it. I'm not paying for someone specific health insurance coverage. I am contributing to a pool that helps cover people who need help. Same as with Fire and police.

when I pay muni tax for police and fire it is for me as well as my community.

When I pay school tax, even without a kid in school, I am paying for me as well as my community as it helps with the value of my property.

Healthcare is different. I am going to pay more and get nothing out of it except the satisfaction of knowing I am helping other people.

But I donate 10% of my income to charity and I pay a heck of a lot in taxes that support many entitlement programs.

Where does it end?

Are you upset when you pay for the fire department and then your house doesn't catch on fire? You're not getting anything out of that either.

You are getting something, you're getting peace of mind knowing that if you ever fall on hard times, you won't have to worry that you'll have to choose between food and healthcare. You'll always be able to get healthcare in this country and that to me is a good thing.
It is not about people thinking they were immune.

but the ACA had an alternative.

The ER.

But you (as a collective of healthcare supporters) decided ER is not a worthy alternative and they should be forced to take healthcare as their entitlement.

EMTALA gave free health care to illegals and lazy ass rw's.

ACA - you PAY for your own and illegals cannot get it.

Why can't rw's understand these SIMPLE facts??????????????????????????
Not even close. With police and fire everyone gets the service, and you pay people to provide the service to everyone. With Obamacare only some people get the help, and the rest of us pay the bill. People get subsidies based on the sole fact that they meet certain income based requirements. THAT is redistribution, taking my money to pay specifically for a service to someone else.

Insurance is a risk management pool, not redistribution, if everyone paid accoridng to thier risks that is. Once you start subsidizing, you are re-distributing money.

By your definition, the mortage interest deduction is wealth redistribution, as are all other tax expenditures. We all have to pay higher tax rates to pay for all those expenditures.

I am all for a flat tax, the problem is that most progressives can't stand it because people for once will be able to finally figure out how much of thier income goes towards the government.

We are in agreement on that point. It would be impossible to sneak through a tax increase in such a system. However, it would not stop the same tax expenditures being snuck into the tax code. Tax expenditures need to be specifically banned or the corruption will continue no matter the form of taxation.
Actually, he made it clear that he agrees with it as redistribution. He is sick and tired of people saying it.

Truth is, I have not heard anyone deny it as redistribution.

It is. and we all know it.

But is redistribution the right thing to do?

RDD believes it is in the case of healthcare.

But maybe some prefer OTHER necessities instead?

I break into your house and steal your TV, your computer, your and your son's ATVs, all your wife's jewelry, and your daughter's autographed picture of Justin Beiber.

If you later find out that I sold them and gave most of the proceedings to the poor, keeping only enough to feed myself, my family, and pay for the truck I used to haul all the stuff away from your house... and I gave one of the ATVs to my son because he really, really wanted to have an ATV....

....will you then say, "Well, that's OK, then," and drop the matter?

Theft is theft.

One of the crowning absurdities of today's leftists, is that even after that's pointed out to them... they actually start trying to find reasons to justify it! :cuckoo:

And if millions of people were doing that, wouldn't you think there is an underlying problem that needed to be addressed?

how far will you go?

I "equal" in wealth Is appropriate?

If the income you are allowed to keep is much less than X should someone who is in need have? If it were X as well....and the result is you live with your needs but nothing more so others can live with their needs and nothing more....would you be OK with that?
Police and fire are redistribution. But if you want to play semantics games, have at it. I'm not paying for someone specific health insurance coverage. I am contributing to a pool that helps cover people who need help. Same as with Fire and police.

when I pay muni tax for police and fire it is for me as well as my community.

When I pay school tax, even without a kid in school, I am paying for me as well as my community as it helps with the value of my property.

Healthcare is different. I am going to pay more and get nothing out of it except the satisfaction of knowing I am helping other people.

But I donate 10% of my income to charity and I pay a heck of a lot in taxes that support many entitlement programs.

Where does it end?

Are you upset when you pay for the fire department and then your house doesn't catch on fire? You're not getting anything out of that either.

You are getting something, you're getting peace of mind knowing that if you ever fall on hard times, you won't have to worry that you'll have to choose between food and healthcare. You'll always be able to get healthcare in this country and that to me is a good thing.

Peace of mind does not come from a compulsive federal program, unless of course you are a progressive statist such as yourself, then big daddy government is JUST FUCKING GREAT.
Kathy Castor (D) of Florida, during the hearings just touted how a constituent of hers has greatly benefited form the ACA.

She told of a young man who works for a small business who did not have insurance but was thrilled when he found out that he will receive a $2800 tax credit and his premium will be only $28.


No one said it is not a great thing that people can get healthcare for next to nothing. That would be great for anyone.

But what her constituent doesn't realize is that it is not for nothing. Someone...or a group of people he does not know are the ones paying for him to get it for free...

Yep...he thanks Obama.

But he doesn't even realize that it is someone else paying for his stuff...and he cant thank that person (or group of people) for he doesn't even know who they are.

Bottom line....

I have yet to hear about a wonderful ACA story from a person who is paying INTO the system.

Has anyone?

I've told my own situation repeatedly but, since it doesn't fit YOUR agenda, its ignored or disbelieved.

Doesn't matter because there are some who will just keep lying.

No offense bro....but the majority of your posts are filled with hate for those that you disagree with and rhetoric that does nothing but spin the topic at had.

So I usually pass over your posts....unless you are responding to me.

That being said...what is your story?

Betcha you won't respond to the post I just wrote to you.

(And, you're right about the hate. That's why I don't spend much time here. And believe me, I have plenty of reason to hate.)
It is not about people thinking they were immune.

but the ACA had an alternative.

The ER.

But you (as a collective of healthcare supporters) decided ER is not a worthy alternative and they should be forced to take healthcare as their entitlement.

EMTALA gave free health care to illegals and lazy ass rw's.

ACA - you PAY for your own and illegals cannot get it.

Why can't rw's understand these SIMPLE facts??????????????????????????

Proving the point I made in my previous post to you.
By your definition, the mortage interest deduction is wealth redistribution, as are all other tax expenditures. We all have to pay higher tax rates to pay for all those expenditures.

I am all for a flat tax, the problem is that most progressives can't stand it because people for once will be able to finally figure out how much of thier income goes towards the government.

We are in agreement on that point. It would be impossible to sneak through a tax increase in such a system. However, it would not stop the same tax expenditures being snuck into the tax code. Tax expenditures need to be specifically banned or the corruption will continue no matter the form of taxation.

To do that we would probably have to scrap the entire income tax based system and go to a consumption tax, or national sales tax.

Taxes based on income without the ability to deduct expenses leads to imbalance as well.
Police and fire are redistribution. But if you want to play semantics games, have at it. I'm not paying for someone specific health insurance coverage. I am contributing to a pool that helps cover people who need help. Same as with Fire and police.

when I pay muni tax for police and fire it is for me as well as my community.

When I pay school tax, even without a kid in school, I am paying for me as well as my community as it helps with the value of my property.

Healthcare is different. I am going to pay more and get nothing out of it except the satisfaction of knowing I am helping other people.

But I donate 10% of my income to charity and I pay a heck of a lot in taxes that support many entitlement programs.

Where does it end?

Are you upset when you pay for the fire department and then your house doesn't catch on fire? You're not getting anything out of that either.

You are getting something, you're getting peace of mind knowing that if you ever fall on hard times, you won't have to worry that you'll have to choose between food and healthcare. You'll always be able to get healthcare in this country and that to me is a good thing.

I pay for the fire department as an know...."just in case"

I do the same for my OWN healthcare.

How would you feel if you had to pay for the fire and police department for a town on the other side of the nation because they couldn't? make a great "humanity" argument......but the fire department analogy is filled with holes.
Kathy Castor (D) of Florida, during the hearings just touted how a constituent of hers has greatly benefited form the ACA.

She told of a young man who works for a small business who did not have insurance but was thrilled when he found out that he will receive a $2800 tax credit and his premium will be only $28.


No one said it is not a great thing that people can get healthcare for next to nothing. That would be great for anyone.

But what her constituent doesn't realize is that it is not for nothing. Someone...or a group of people he does not know are the ones paying for him to get it for free...

Yep...he thanks Obama.

But he doesn't even realize that it is someone else paying for his stuff...and he cant thank that person (or group of people) for he doesn't even know who they are.

Bottom line....

I have yet to hear about a wonderful ACA story from a person who is paying INTO the system.

Has anyone?

If that is even the truth, which I doubt, to start with.

and, BTW, nobody EVER talks about those extremely high deductibles and co-pays ( not covered by anything) for a very good reason :lol:

plus a TAX CREDIT is not exactly a cash refund, to remind the ones outraged.The guy, most obviously dosen't pay any income taxes anyway ( therefore eligible for "subsidies")
So why should a young healthy man pay every month 28$ for NOTHING (since he would have to pay at least 6000$ deductibel and co-pays) BEFORE the insurance kicks in if you can pay that amount out-of pocket ANYWAY?
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I break into your house and steal your TV, your computer, your and your son's ATVs, all your wife's jewelry, and your daughter's autographed picture of Justin Beiber.

If you later find out that I sold them and gave most of the proceedings to the poor, keeping only enough to feed myself, my family, and pay for the truck I used to haul all the stuff away from your house... and I gave one of the ATVs to my son because he really, really wanted to have an ATV....

....will you then say, "Well, that's OK, then," and drop the matter?

Theft is theft.

One of the crowning absurdities of today's leftists, is that even after that's pointed out to them... they actually start trying to find reasons to justify it! :cuckoo:

And if millions of people were doing that, wouldn't you think there is an underlying problem that needed to be addressed?

how far will you go?

I "equal" in wealth Is appropriate?

If the income you are allowed to keep is much less than X should someone who is in need have? If it were X as well....and the result is you live with your needs but nothing more so others can live with their needs and nothing more....would you be OK with that?

I'm certainly not advocating a system that puts everyone at the exact same income level. That's ridiculous and also, we're as far away as you can get from that type of structure in this country. Our rich are getting richer and our middle class is at best staying stagnant. So to guarantee something like healthcare and remove the fear of losing everything because of medical bills is to me a worthwhile endeavor. The method we've chosen to achieve that may be far from ideal...but it's something and we needed to do something.
Well sounds like RD feels its our DUTY to pay for those that can't pay for themselves.

In fact, we should be overjoyed to do so.

Just sayin.
when I pay muni tax for police and fire it is for me as well as my community.

When I pay school tax, even without a kid in school, I am paying for me as well as my community as it helps with the value of my property.

Healthcare is different. I am going to pay more and get nothing out of it except the satisfaction of knowing I am helping other people.

But I donate 10% of my income to charity and I pay a heck of a lot in taxes that support many entitlement programs.

Where does it end?

Are you upset when you pay for the fire department and then your house doesn't catch on fire? You're not getting anything out of that either.

You are getting something, you're getting peace of mind knowing that if you ever fall on hard times, you won't have to worry that you'll have to choose between food and healthcare. You'll always be able to get healthcare in this country and that to me is a good thing.

Peace of mind does not come from a compulsive federal program, unless of course you are a progressive statist such as yourself, then big daddy government is JUST FUCKING GREAT.

Thanks for the input Marty. I'll be sure to note your valued opinion in my progressive statist handbook.
It is not about people thinking they were immune.

but the ACA had an alternative.

The ER.

But you (as a collective of healthcare supporters) decided ER is not a worthy alternative and they should be forced to take healthcare as their entitlement.

EMTALA gave free health care to illegals and lazy ass rw's.

ACA - you PAY for your own and illegals cannot get it.

Why can't rw's understand these SIMPLE facts??????????????????????????

Proving the point I made in my previous post to you.

... he said, pretending to ignore that he did exactly what I said he would.

Just answer the question:

WHY can't rw's understand those simple facts?


Why do rw's feel they are "entitled" to free er care? And, why do they believe those of us with insurance should pay for their care and for the delivery of illegals' babies and abortions?

Damned hypocrites. Just go start an abortion thread and watch the rw's gather round, wanting more and more laws to control OTHER people while simultaneously demanded we pay for abortions in ER's.

BLECH. These threads are always circular. Someone (rw, of course) starts with a lie and then piles more on.
Well sounds like RD feels its our DUTY to pay for those that can't pay for themselves.

In fact, we should be overjoyed to do so.

Just sayin.

See what I mean?

Here's another one who STILL doesn't know that Reagan's Socialist EMTALA gives away free care while ACA makes you pay your own way.
Are you upset when you pay for the fire department and then your house doesn't catch on fire? You're not getting anything out of that either.

You are getting something, you're getting peace of mind knowing that if you ever fall on hard times, you won't have to worry that you'll have to choose between food and healthcare. You'll always be able to get healthcare in this country and that to me is a good thing.

Peace of mind does not come from a compulsive federal program, unless of course you are a progressive statist such as yourself, then big daddy government is JUST FUCKING GREAT.

Thanks for the input Marty. I'll be sure to note your valued opinion in my progressive statist handbook.

Its a simple handbook. 1) go to government 2) yell GIMMIE GIMMIE GIMMIE 3) government uses its force to get stuff 4) whiny bitch in step 1 gets paid.
when I pay muni tax for police and fire it is for me as well as my community.

When I pay school tax, even without a kid in school, I am paying for me as well as my community as it helps with the value of my property.

Healthcare is different. I am going to pay more and get nothing out of it except the satisfaction of knowing I am helping other people.

But I donate 10% of my income to charity and I pay a heck of a lot in taxes that support many entitlement programs.

Where does it end?

Are you upset when you pay for the fire department and then your house doesn't catch on fire? You're not getting anything out of that either.

You are getting something, you're getting peace of mind knowing that if you ever fall on hard times, you won't have to worry that you'll have to choose between food and healthcare. You'll always be able to get healthcare in this country and that to me is a good thing.

I pay for the fire department as an know...."just in case"

I do the same for my OWN healthcare.

How would you feel if you had to pay for the fire and police department for a town on the other side of the nation because they couldn't? make a great "humanity" argument......but the fire department analogy is filled with holes.

Then I would pay for it. But I'd argue that fire and police are even less important than healthcare. Everyone eventually gets sick, everyone eventually needs healthcare. No one is immune to cancer or getting injured. This is why I feel that access to healthcare should be the first priority when it comes to things we all should be able to access as easily as possible.
It is not about people thinking they were immune.

but the ACA had an alternative.

The ER.

But you (as a collective of healthcare supporters) decided ER is not a worthy alternative and they should be forced to take healthcare as their entitlement.

EMTALA gave free health care to illegals and lazy ass rw's.

ACA - you PAY for your own and illegals cannot get it.
Why can't rw's understand these SIMPLE facts??????????????????????????


You are really bone head.

So illegals not getting obamacare is "good" - exactly HOW? is EMTALA revoked? so what is preventing them to use ER as they have been before?

You still pay for THEM and much more for the insurance.

a "perfect" deal.

to fulfill leftard dream - to rob every American for the benefit of the big business :lol:
And if millions of people were doing that, wouldn't you think there is an underlying problem that needed to be addressed?

how far will you go?

I "equal" in wealth Is appropriate?

If the income you are allowed to keep is much less than X should someone who is in need have? If it were X as well....and the result is you live with your needs but nothing more so others can live with their needs and nothing more....would you be OK with that?

I'm certainly not advocating a system that puts everyone at the exact same income level. That's ridiculous and also, we're as far away as you can get from that type of structure in this country. Our rich are getting richer and our middle class is at best staying stagnant. So to guarantee something like healthcare and remove the fear of losing everything because of medical bills is to me a worthwhile endeavor. The method we've chosen to achieve that may be far from ideal...but it's something and we needed to do something.

you missed my point.

You say it is the "human" thing to do....I understand and agree.

So where does it end?

IF....big if....but IF the only way that all were able to meet their needs included YOU having your "take home" equal to that of those "getting"....

Would you be OK with it?

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