Do those on the left feel substantiated for voting for Biden?

As a Prog your mind is not open. It is on a Prog Socialist Communist speed dial. in the last year you saw what being part of globalism is doing to us. And you deny because you do not look and listen at anything but the Prog bloviators. What was good of it has peaked out. It peaked out some years ago in some ways but not on others. The problem Progs have is we do not believe them anymore. Why should we? You still do.
As usual it's all the dems fault. Even when a mass extinction of tree frogs in Papua New guinea, it was Biden's fault.
Don't you ever get sick of ringing the same bell?
Grow up.
The Amazing Biden is doing just what he was elected to do

Provide stable leadership that was missing in four years of Trump Temper Tantrums
Ive never understood why you are constantly so eager to throw away your own integrity. :cuckoo:
He's handled things about as I expected him to. Mostly good, some fuckups. But a professional politician. Everything the last guy wasn't..and never could be.
You righties would cry and whine no matter what. If the last guy had won in 2020, we'd be finished as a country.
You do know, don't you, that "professional politicians" got this country in the shape it's in?

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
You haven't been keeping up with current events, have you? Typical for a stupid uneducated low information Moon Bat.

Inflation low under Trump, astronomical under Potatohead.

Stop being in denial about the damage caused by Democrat policies. It just makes you look like a dumbass Moon Bat.
Again, you failed to respond.

I'm sure your handlers can provide the answer. NOT!

Again, you failed to respond.

I'm sure your handlers can provide the answer. NOT!


First by increasing the cost of fossil fuels. Have you been to a gas station lately? Shutting down petroleum supply lines for Canada and closing Federal lands for drilling to kiss the ass of the filthy Environmental Wackcos is like one of the most stupid things an American President has ever done.

Second by infusing trillions of dollars into the economy. Inflation is too many dollars chasing too few goods. Printing money, what could possibly go wrong? Do you know that the stupid moron actually said that the way to stop inflation is for the government to infuse more money into the economy. You can make up stupidity like that.

Third is is being an incompetent perceive of shit that can't manage the supply chain problems in this country. He can give us lectures on why White Supremacists are the biggest threat in the world by the incompetent sonofabitch can't figure out how to keep trucks rolling.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats can do all the denial you want but this clown you dipshits supported has been a disaster for this country.

How Biden's Agenda Is Causing Inflation

Too Many (Government) Dollars Are Chasing Too Few Goods.

He's really done well, from crushing COVID to the economy to world peace. All while demonstrating maturity and control of his position like none before.

Do those who supported him for POTUS now feel a sense of pride and validation?
Hmm, that sounds so clear...
Biden is doing what we expected

Unlike Trump, he has been able to negotiate multinational sanctions against Putin

Something we never would have gotten from Trump
Are you even aware that Biden, your butt buddy has not imposed even one sanction against Putin. Can you tell
me why Putin gets a pass?
Trump negotiates a conditions based end to the war in Afghanistan.

Biden, who wouldn't get credit for ending the war fucks up the withdrawal so badly the Taliban is back in control of the country in three days

Biden was going to end Covid... Now more Covid deaths under Biden than Trump.

Inflation at 7%.

Not a single egg available today at the grocery store.

Trump negotiates the Abrahamic Accords.

Biden, the self styled candidate Putin fears most, oversees Russia war with Ukraine.

Today the Doomsday Clock should read one minute to midnight.

Doing a great job Joe.

Trump screwed the pooch in Afghanistan. He didn't enforce the conditions imposed on the Taliban but one. Don't tell me he left the condition based enforcement to Biden either. Trump met every condition plus an additional withdrawal of 70% of our troops.

Biden was straight up with the country and told us it was not over.

We have no defense pact with Ukraine. NATO is now more unified against Russia than ever before.
First by increasing the cost of fossil fuels. Have you been to a gas station lately? Shutting down petroleum supply lines for Canada and closing Federal lands for drilling
Canada was producing just fine before the pandemic without a new pipeline. Production decreased during the pandemic and has increased ever since. New drilling permits are flying out at record numbers for federal lands.
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The Amazing Biden is doing just what he was elected to do

Provide stable leadership that was missing in four years of Trump Temper Tantrums
The independents paying $4.00 for gas and anti-war will disagree with you. They don’t want excuses or “But Trumps”. They want results and accountability.

How are those insurrection hearings coming along?
He's really done well, from crushing COVID to the economy to world peace. All while demonstrating maturity and control of his position like none before.

Do those who supported him for POTUS now feel a sense of pride and validation?
More like a sense of relief that it isn’t Trump,
Canada was producing just fine before the pandemic without a new pipeline. Production decreased during the pandemic and has increased ever since. New drilling permits are flying out at record numbers for federal lands.

You don't get to shut down the supply route and then complain it doesn't have anything to do with the supply.That is dishonesty. I know the Moon bats are always in denial about the damange they do with their Progressive policies but facts are facts.

Gas at the pump is almost twice as expense under Potatohead than it was under Trump.

Potatohead's Environmental Wacko buddies are running up the price of fossil fuels and that is contributing substantially to this runaway inflation.

Anybody that voted for Potatohead is an idiot. What in the hell were they thinking? Support a far Left incompetent low IQ failure, what could possibly go wrong? Just massive inflation, millions of Illegals, increased taxes, increased debt, increased cost of energy, and foreign policy failures.
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You don't get to shut down the supply route and then complain it doesn't have anything to do with the supply.That is dishonesty. I know the Moon bats are always in denial about the damange they do with their Progressive policies but facts are facts.

Gas at the pump is almost twice as expense under Potatohead than it was under Trump.

Potatohead's Environmental Wacko buddies are running up the price of fossil fuels and that is contributing substantially to this runaway inflation.

Anybody that voted for Potatohead is an idiot. What in the hell were they thinking? Support a far Left incompetent low IQ failure, what could possibly go wrong? Just massive inflation, millions of Illegals, increased taxes, increased debt, increased cost of energy, and foreign policy failures.
There was no supply route shut down. Not a single drop of oil traveling down the Keystone pipeline was halted by President Biden.
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LOL. You people are hysterical. Now you're praising just can't make this shit up.
Reagan is rolling over in his grave. :auiqs.jpg:Americans and American right wing conservative media is praising a Russian wannabe dictator.

Well, that about wraps it up. Conservatism is a dead and failed ideology. It's sold out.

But I doubt you can see anything through your partisan idiocy.

Pathetic really.

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