Do those on the left feel substantiated for voting for Biden?

He's really done well, from crushing COVID to the economy to world peace. All while demonstrating maturity and control of his position like none before.

Do those who supported him for POTUS now feel a sense of pride and validation?
The question you sho u ld be asking is:
Should republicans be currently backing the communist Russians ( who has been their enemy since time ) because they want to see Biden fail.
Should the repigs support trump again who attempted to over throw democracy to install himself as USA first dictator.
Should dickhead repig be still belching hollow noises about a fraudulent election when their own party has agreed there wasn't.

How's that for questions you should ask yourselves?
Not so smart now boy.
Except I don't see anyone on the left..or any Democrat calling Putin a "genius"...or being silent at Russian aggression all the sudden because the guy in the WH has a "D" next to his name...and the fear of angering the savior. :auiqs.jpg:
That is what you got, complaints that some people on the right called Putin a 'genius, ' which is might actually be true considering what he has managed to accomplish as an evil dictator.

Somehow, I fail to see how that combats anything I have said. If anything, it reinforces it.
Of course I have, I'm a woman!! We have to do most of the caring and dealing with and thinking about.

No, the three I can think of right away ---- no, four!! ---- they were pretty mentally deteriorated and boy, I wish they HAD been in as good shape as Biden is. Thanx for the comment: I see I'm totally right by comparison with my family experience ----- Biden may be a weak president, but he's by no means senile.

I admit I'm a little worried about Trump. I want to vote for him in 2024, but he's got quite a scorched-earth policy these days, which worries me about his mental stability.

So you're trying to tell me that the people you knew didnt have good and bad days?
If thats what you're implying you're a fucken liar.
Doesnt seem that way

Biden was able to coordinate with the rest of the world BEFORE Putin invaded

Sanctions with major holes do not work
Biden is closing the door
So, you think there are no holes there.

So you're trying to tell me that the people you knew didnt have good and bad days?
If thats what you're implying you're a fucken liar.
No, they were pretty deteriorated all the time.

But never mind: if all you can do is curse obscenities at me, you aren't worth talking to. Please stop doing it.
So you expected massive inflation,high gas prices,open borders,bare shelves,giving russia the Ukraine,piss poor economy and all the other stupid shit he's done?

And Biden is better at handling a crisis than Trump

Trumps response would have been

Its not my fault
The media is making it up
Congress should do something
Its not my fault
It is Fake News
No, they were pretty deteriorated all the time.

But never mind: if all you can do is curse obscenities at me, you aren't worth talking to. Please stop doing it.

So you're a liar.
Anyone who has seen dementia knows that it starts slowly and gets progressively worse as time goes by.
They dont just wake up one morning and they're confused about everything.
My Mother told me she knew what was happening and it scared her to death.
And Biden is better at handling a crisis than Trump

Trumps response would have been

Its not my fault
The media is making it up
Congress should do something
Its not my fault
It is Fake News

Better at handling a crisis?
What the fuck has he done other than say he's not going to do shit about it.
Better at handling a crisis?
What the fuck has he done other than say he's not going to do shit about it.

How did Biden handle the crisis?

No chest thumping
No empty threats
He fully coordinated with our allies
He acted swiftly and decisively.

Just like we elected him to do
How did Biden handle the crisis?

No chest thumping
No empty threats
He fully coordinated with our allies
He acted swiftly and decisively.

Just like we elected him to do
The crisis is in this country and Biden is doing nothing but making it worse.
The question you sho u ld be asking is:
Should republicans be currently backing the communist Russians ( who has been their enemy since time ) because they want to see Biden fail.
Should the repigs support trump again who attempted to over throw democracy to install himself as USA first dictator.
Should dickhead repig be still belching hollow noises about a fraudulent election when their own party has agreed there wasn't.

How's that for questions you should ask yourselves?
Not so smart now boy.
As a Prog your mind is not open. It is on a Prog Socialist Communist speed dial. in the last year you saw what being part of globalism is doing to us. And you deny because you do not look and listen at anything but the Prog bloviators. What was good of it has peaked out. It peaked out some years ago in some ways but not on others. The problem Progs have is we do not believe them anymore. Why should we? You still do.
So I watched Biden's 12 noon speech that was two hours late. He slurred his words a lot, I was surprised. He didn't do awful, but there was some problem, I thought. He was clearly reading and got tangled up at least twice.

It was all just talkie-talkie, of no interest. All I'm interested in is whether we are taking SWITCH financial system away from Russia and he didn't say that clearly. Maybe commentary later will clear that up.

He is taking pre-asked questions from a list of reporters. Huh. First AP and second Wall Street Journal, so respectable reporters, which seems a good way to control misbehavior from reporters.

He says sanctions won't do any good, won't stop the war. Well, darn!! What's the point, then?

Biden's ad lib answers are coherent and well said, if I don't much care for the content. There is still a little slurring. I wonder if he's taking something.

Scotch, for instance.

I caught some of his speech and noticed that too, he's slurring his words. Biden always reads from a cue card and any questions are generally screened.
The Russia crisis has been a solid reminder of why I chose to vote for Biden, despite my many disagreements with his party.

I wouldn't even want to consider what this would be like if he had not won. Putin needs no more help. Global authoritarianism needs no more help.

We get it. Things were tamed on Trump's watch. At least until the Democrats forced COVID and riots to ensure our decline.

And when things go sour on Biden's watch, God forbid Trump would be running shit.

Ah, your feelings.
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I caught some of his speech and noticed that too, he's slurring his words. Biden always reads from a cue card and any questions are generally screened.
Yeah. It's the reading --- he slurred much less when he was answering ad lib, which he did well.

I don't mind the screened questions: otherwise you get that awful behavior where the reporters play gotcha and are rude. And he relaxed and had no problem answering the questions, so I was reassured. I mean, we still have a poor-quality, weak president, but at least he's not senile!!

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