Do those on the left feel substantiated for voting for Biden?

Listening to Biden's speech, he was very cheery at the end, handling the reporters very well, with both strength and charm, and when he was almost tempted into going deeper into a question off script, he pulled back with a really great smile. He is a weak president, but he does have charm and plainly isn't senile.
Uh, yes he is. Senility has moments where it releases its victim.
Sorry Moon Bat but you can't blame Potatohead's fuck ups on somebody else.

I know you little shitheads tried to blame all of The Worthless Negro's failure on somebody else but "mababydindunutin" ain't going to fly with this Potatohead piece of dumb shit.

Just wait until the midterms and we will see how the American people view failed Democrat leadership. It will be a bloodbath for the Democrats.
LOL. Typical alt-right response. And I even conceded that Biden has had his share of fuckups.
I'll make you a bet right now. The 2022 midterms aren't going to be the red windfall you think they are going to be.
I'm already seeing some of the polls starting to make the turn. You on the right had better hold out hope
that things get or stay worse..because if they don't, there's a possibility (remote because of the off Presidential election year losses for the majority party)
that Democrats could hold serve.

This, you may bookmark. :)
LOL. Typical alt-right response. And I even conceded that Biden has had his share of fuckups.
I'll make you a bet right now. The 2022 midterms aren't going to be the red windfall you think they are going to be.
I'm already seeing some of the polls starting to make the turn. You on the right had better hold out hope
that things get or stay worse..because if they don't, there's a possibility (remote because of the off Presidential election year losses for the majority party)
that Democrats could hold serve.

This, you may bookmark. :)

Typical Moon bat denial of the damage done by failed Democrat leadership.

The Democrats fuck up everything they touch and all we ever get out of you stupid uneducated Moon Bats is "we didn't do that!".

It gets old after awhile Moon Bat.
He's really done well, from crushing COVID to the economy to world peace. All while demonstrating maturity and control of his position like none before.

Do those who supported him for POTUS now feel a sense of pride and validation?
They should feel what they are, stupid.
His isolationist, "fuck you, you need us more than we need you" stance with our allies would have made this even worse.

Trump would have told our allies that Russian oil is more important than a free Ukraine.
Small price to pay

Everything has a price to Trump

People are still defending this fuckup. Nothing places the stark reality that the left and right are pretty much the same than this thread.

It matters not how fucked up your guy is, you will defend him until the end.

People are still defending this fuckup. Nothing places the stark reality that the left and right are pretty much the same than this thread.

It matters not how fucked up your guy is, you will defend him until the end.
Except I don't see anyone on the left..or any Democrat calling Putin a "genius"...or being silent at Russian aggression all the sudden because the guy in the WH has a "D" next to his name...and the fear of angering the savior. :auiqs.jpg:
Listening to Biden's speech, he was very cheery at the end, handling the reporters very well, with both strength and charm, and when he was almost tempted into going deeper into a question off script, he pulled back with a really great smile. He is a weak president, but he does have charm and plainly isn't senile.

Have you ever dealt with a family member who has dementia?
Obviously not or you'd recognize it immediately.
Have you ever dealt with a family member who has dementia?
Obviously not or you'd recognize it immediately.
Of course I have, I'm a woman!! We have to do most of the caring and dealing with and thinking about.

No, the three I can think of right away ---- no, four!! ---- they were pretty mentally deteriorated and boy, I wish they HAD been in as good shape as Biden is. Thanx for the comment: I see I'm totally right by comparison with my family experience ----- Biden may be a weak president, but he's by no means senile.

I admit I'm a little worried about Trump. I want to vote for him in 2024, but he's got quite a scorched-earth policy these days, which worries me about his mental stability.

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