Do Trump supporters actually think the GOP in congress respects and admires Trump?

You got it. While your out crying outrage be sure to call it both ways. By your standards here is our potus molesting a baby without the babies permission as he gropes, kisses and smells hair. Go ahead and file your complaint.


you've gone over the edge.

^^ Says the biased mod, consumed with PC politics.


far less than you are.

or do you enjoy photoshopped gifs as much as the idiot that posted the one above?
I was making a point. Do you doubt that Trump kissed babies? I’m not the one crying foul, I don’t have a problem with kissing babies or giving hugs. I’m just saying it’s not an honest argument to warp those actions into something perverted and wrong like you are doing.

Biden acts no differently than millions of families act when they express love and affection for each other. I understand how that can make some people feel uncomfortable, it’s forward and intimate, but it is completely different than what it’s being painted as... perverted, molesting and sexual harassment, that’s all BS.

How many do it on national TV, while hubby/daddy is getting an award, etc?

But I'm more worried about him opening his mouth than his touchy-feely personna.

He's the verbal equivalant of Fords clumsiness.

He reminds me of this Howdy Doody character..

Flub a Dub

Who's your candidate?
you've gone over the edge.

^^ Says the biased mod, consumed with PC politics.


far less than you are.

or do you enjoy photoshopped gifs as much as the idiot that posted the one above?
I was making a point. Do you doubt that Trump kissed babies? I’m not the one crying foul, I don’t have a problem with kissing babies or giving hugs. I’m just saying it’s not an honest argument to warp those actions into something perverted and wrong like you are doing.

Biden acts no differently than millions of families act when they express love and affection for each other. I understand how that can make some people feel uncomfortable, it’s forward and intimate, but it is completely different than what it’s being painted as... perverted, molesting and sexual harassment, that’s all BS.

How many do it on national TV, while hubby/daddy is getting an award, etc?

But I'm more worried about him opening his mouth than his touchy-feely personna.

He's the verbal equivalant of Fords clumsiness.

He reminds me of this Howdy Doody character..

Flub a Dub

Who's your candidate?

Currently, the same as in 2016

^^ Says the biased mod, consumed with PC politics.


far less than you are.

or do you enjoy photoshopped gifs as much as the idiot that posted the one above?
I was making a point. Do you doubt that Trump kissed babies? I’m not the one crying foul, I don’t have a problem with kissing babies or giving hugs. I’m just saying it’s not an honest argument to warp those actions into something perverted and wrong like you are doing.

Biden acts no differently than millions of families act when they express love and affection for each other. I understand how that can make some people feel uncomfortable, it’s forward and intimate, but it is completely different than what it’s being painted as... perverted, molesting and sexual harassment, that’s all BS.

How many do it on national TV, while hubby/daddy is getting an award, etc?

But I'm more worried about him opening his mouth than his touchy-feely personna.

He's the verbal equivalant of Fords clumsiness.

He reminds me of this Howdy Doody character..

Flub a Dub

Who's your candidate?

Currently, the same as in 2016


How many do it on national TV, while hubby/daddy is getting an award, etc?
You can see the old perv gets off on it. It's about intimidating people because he knows no one's gonna do anything about it -- except the one guy who swatted his hand when he was going for his little girl.
I thought we had hit the bottom of the barrel in 2016.

2020 may prove me incorrect
All the GOP cares about is their image of Party unity so the party is going to pretend they like Trump. They know he is a moron, but they don’t condemn him because all that matters to them is that he signs off on the bills they pass. He’s a useful idiot in that sense. If Trump was constanantly in a power struggle over legislation, they would easily appeal to the Mueller report and agree with democrats to have him impeached. They don’t need to do that because Trump is their bitch and just signs off on anything they put in front of him. He also serves as an obnoxious media distraction that allows them to push any bill they want silently while everyone is distracted.
I don't give a shit if they respect or admires him,they fear him and fear works best.
Lol why would they fear him?
All the GOP cares about is their image of Party unity so the party is going to pretend they like Trump. They know he is a moron, but they don’t condemn him because all that matters to them is that he signs off on the bills they pass. He’s a useful idiot in that sense. If Trump was constanantly in a power struggle over legislation, they would easily appeal to the Mueller report and agree with democrats to have him impeached. They don’t need to do that because Trump is their bitch and just signs off on anything they put in front of him. He also serves as an obnoxious media distraction that allows them to push any bill they want silently while everyone is distracted.
I don't give a shit if they respect or admires him,they fear him and fear works best.
Lol why would they fear him?
Have you NOT paid attention to what happens to anti trumper's GOP candidates running for reelection? Obviously not. WE are the people who voted for Trump,the NEED our votes to stay in power they attack our president we vote them out :)
All the GOP cares about is their image of Party unity so the party is going to pretend they like Trump. They know he is a moron, but they don’t condemn him because all that matters to them is that he signs off on the bills they pass. He’s a useful idiot in that sense. If Trump was constanantly in a power struggle over legislation, they would easily appeal to the Mueller report and agree with democrats to have him impeached. They don’t need to do that because Trump is their bitch and just signs off on anything they put in front of him. He also serves as an obnoxious media distraction that allows them to push any bill they want silently while everyone is distracted.
I don't give a shit if they respect or admires him,they fear him and fear works best.
Lol why would they fear him?
Have you NOT paid attention to what happens to anti trumper's GOP candidates running for reelection? Obviously not. WE are the people who voted for Trump,the NEED our votes to stay in power they attack our president we vote them out :)
Lol what was clear was that most of the candidates that Trump publically endorsed lost in the midterm election and the Dems reclaimed the House by the biggest margin in the party’s history.
All the GOP cares about is their image of Party unity so the party is going to pretend they like Trump. They know he is a moron, but they don’t condemn him because all that matters to them is that he signs off on the bills they pass. He’s a useful idiot in that sense. If Trump was constanantly in a power struggle over legislation, they would easily appeal to the Mueller report and agree with democrats to have him impeached. They don’t need to do that because Trump is their bitch and just signs off on anything they put in front of him. He also serves as an obnoxious media distraction that allows them to push any bill they want silently while everyone is distracted.
I don't give a shit if they respect or admires him,they fear him and fear works best.
Lol why would they fear him?
Have you NOT paid attention to what happens to anti trumper's GOP candidates running for reelection? Obviously not. WE are the people who voted for Trump,the NEED our votes to stay in power they attack our president we vote them out :)
Lol what was clear was that most of the candidates that Trump publically endorsed lost in the midterm election and the Dems reclaimed the House by the biggest margin in the party’s history.
Not true and again you are proving my point,we won't vote for a GOP Anti Trumper OR a cuckservative RINO GOP are proving my point for me...what yall gonna run on in 2020? LOL...Oh wait itll just be MUH RUSSIANS again after ya lose eh?
All the GOP cares about is their image of Party unity so the party is going to pretend they like Trump. They know he is a moron, but they don’t condemn him because all that matters to them is that he signs off on the bills they pass. He’s a useful idiot in that sense. If Trump was constanantly in a power struggle over legislation, they would easily appeal to the Mueller report and agree with democrats to have him impeached. They don’t need to do that because Trump is their bitch and just signs off on anything they put in front of him. He also serves as an obnoxious media distraction that allows them to push any bill they want silently while everyone is distracted.
The swamp is afraid of Trump, and you know it.
You got it. While your out crying outrage be sure to call it both ways. By your standards here is our potus molesting a baby without the babies permission as he gropes, kisses and smells hair. Go ahead and file your complaint.


you've gone over the edge.

^^ Says the biased mod, consumed with PC politics.


far less than you are.

or do you enjoy photoshopped gifs as much as the idiot that posted the one above?
I was making a point. Do you doubt that Trump kissed babies? I’m not the one crying foul, I don’t have a problem with kissing babies or giving hugs. I’m just saying it’s not an honest argument to warp those actions into something perverted and wrong like you are doing.

Biden acts no differently than millions of families act when they express love and affection for each other. I understand how that can make some people feel uncomfortable, it’s forward and intimate, but it is completely different than what it’s being painted as... perverted, molesting and sexual harassment, that’s all BS.

How many do it on national TV, while hubby/daddy is getting an award, etc?

But I'm more worried about him opening his mouth than his touchy-feely personna.

He's the verbal equivalant of Fords clumsiness.

He reminds me of this Howdy Doody character..

Flub a Dub
Fine then you should be making political arguments against him, that’s totally fair. The fact that Biden was acting that way in front of the national media goes even more to non malicious intent. He was a guy showing love and support to those around him. Stop trying to make it a perverted and ugly thing. I’m even fine with calling it forward and uncomfortable and asking him to tone it back. But most are taking it to a whole different level and it isnt honest.
All the GOP cares about is their image of Party unity so the party is going to pretend they like Trump. They know he is a moron, but they don’t condemn him because all that matters to them is that he signs off on the bills they pass. He’s a useful idiot in that sense. If Trump was constanantly in a power struggle over legislation, they would easily appeal to the Mueller report and agree with democrats to have him impeached. They don’t need to do that because Trump is their bitch and just signs off on anything they put in front of him. He also serves as an obnoxious media distraction that allows them to push any bill they want silently while everyone is distracted.

You have no clue how congress works, do ya bitch.

All the GOP cares about is their image of Party unity so the party is going to pretend they like Trump. They know he is a moron, but they don’t condemn him because all that matters to them is that he signs off on the bills they pass. He’s a useful idiot in that sense. If Trump was constanantly in a power struggle over legislation, they would easily appeal to the Mueller report and agree with democrats to have him impeached. They don’t need to do that because Trump is their bitch and just signs off on anything they put in front of him. He also serves as an obnoxious media distraction that allows them to push any bill they want silently while everyone is distracted.
The swamp is afraid of Trump, and you know it.
Who is in this swamp you speak of? Why are they afraid of Trump?
All the GOP cares about is their image of Party unity so the party is going to pretend they like Trump. They know he is a moron, but they don’t condemn him because all that matters to them is that he signs off on the bills they pass. He’s a useful idiot in that sense. If Trump was constanantly in a power struggle over legislation, they would easily appeal to the Mueller report and agree with democrats to have him impeached. They don’t need to do that because Trump is their bitch and just signs off on anything they put in front of him. He also serves as an obnoxious media distraction that allows them to push any bill they want silently while everyone is distracted.

what basis do the democrats have to impeach him besides he hurts liberals feelings?
All the GOP cares about is their image of Party unity so the party is going to pretend they like Trump. They know he is a moron, but they don’t condemn him because all that matters to them is that he signs off on the bills they pass. He’s a useful idiot in that sense. If Trump was constanantly in a power struggle over legislation, they would easily appeal to the Mueller report and agree with democrats to have him impeached. They don’t need to do that because Trump is their bitch and just signs off on anything they put in front of him. He also serves as an obnoxious media distraction that allows them to push any bill they want silently while everyone is distracted.
The swamp is afraid of Trump, and you know it.
Who is in this swamp you speak of? Why are they afraid of Trump?
Explain why you are afraid of Trump. That's why.
All the GOP cares about is their image of Party unity so the party is going to pretend they like Trump. They know he is a moron, but they don’t condemn him because all that matters to them is that he signs off on the bills they pass. He’s a useless idiot in that sense. If Trump was constanantly in a power struggle over legislation, they would easily appeal to the Mueller report and agree with democrats to have him impeached. They don’t need to do that because Trump is their bitch and just sings off on anything they put in front of him.
You underestimate how evil they are. Look at the likes of Lindsay Graham and Ted Cruz, who completely banished any trace amounts of pride or honor left in their souls to suck Trump's ass. They know what he is, and they love it. They hate you even more.
Jack Booted Stephen Miller said "we will not be questioned". That's all it took for Graham & Cruz to fall in line.
All the GOP cares about is their image of Party unity so the party is going to pretend they like Trump. They know he is a moron, but they don’t condemn him because all that matters to them is that he signs off on the bills they pass. He’s a useful idiot in that sense. If Trump was constanantly in a power struggle over legislation, they would easily appeal to the Mueller report and agree with democrats to have him impeached. They don’t need to do that because Trump is their bitch and just signs off on anything they put in front of him. He also serves as an obnoxious media distraction that allows them to push any bill they want silently while everyone is distracted.
The swamp is afraid of Trump, and you know it.
Who is in this swamp you speak of? Why are they afraid of Trump?
Explain why you are afraid of Trump. That's why.
Um well I fear that a 10 year old girl trapped inside of the body of an orangutan has access to the nuclear codes. As for anything else, why would I fear a stupid, whiny little bitch who can’t accomplish anything of value besides executive orders and playing golf all the time?
All the GOP cares about is their image of Party unity so the party is going to pretend they like Trump. They know he is a moron, but they don’t condemn him because all that matters to them is that he signs off on the bills they pass. He’s a useful idiot in that sense. If Trump was constanantly in a power struggle over legislation, they would easily appeal to the Mueller report and agree with democrats to have him impeached. They don’t need to do that because Trump is their bitch and just signs off on anything they put in front of him. He also serves as an obnoxious media distraction that allows them to push any bill they want silently while everyone is distracted.
The swamp is afraid of Trump, and you know it.
Who is in this swamp you speak of? Why are they afraid of Trump?
Explain why you are afraid of Trump. That's why.
Um well I fear that a 10 year old girl trapped inside of the body of an orangutan has access to the nuclear codes. As for anything else, why would I fear a stupid, whiny little bitch who can’t accomplish anything of value besides executive orders and playing golf all the time?
In other words, you cannot think of any reason why Trump should not be your president.

Got it.

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