Do USMB Republicans feel it's OK for the Trump family to profit BIGLEY from US Government policy?

No, the left's refusal to address his policies, and their focus on personal attacks are the crux of the problems. Disagree with his policies, and debate regarding them, this is how good ideas are build. Instead, the left focuses on Stormy Daniels, the Russia investigation that's just for show, and his tax returns.
There is so much wrong with your post. I would start with the most harmful first, but it's difficult to know which caused more harm.

In October, we will find out how many millions of Americans will lose their healthcare next year. To a family with disabled or sick family members, this could be devastating. And you can bet most of those will be Trump voters. Just replacing Healthcare with Emergency room care skyrockets the cost to tax payers. Try to figure out why.

Then there is a Russia investigation. Everyone, and I mean everyone admits that Russia attacked our Democratic process. Everyone except the Trumps. This is leaving us open to another such attack.
This has nothing to do with Democrats, Clinton or Obama. It's all Trump and the GOP. Try to figure out why.
Actually, lots of people lost their healthcare because of Obamacare in the first place. As a matter of fact, Trump is giving people that choice back, so they aren't forced to buy it from the government. Furthermore, Healthcare isn't the government's job to provide, it should be in the hands solely of the private sector, the fact that it's not is exactly why it's paid for with money stolen from the taxpayers.

The Russia investigation with no evidence to support it. If there was evidence, it would have been found already, and even if there WAS evidence, colluding with Russia, or any nation for that matter, is not illegal. Even if the Russians were the people who hacked the DNC's server, they exposed actual corruption, because the left was shown to be colluding to choose their candidates regardless of the will of the people. One of the funniest parts of this fact is that they didn't even need to steal the choice away because Bernie didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning AND they did exactly what they're accusing Trump of. Furthermore, when you refer to everyone, you're referring exclusively to the Establishment-controlled masses, who are not classified as everyone, but a minority who wants us to think they are everyone.

You're literally a living, breathing talking point straight from the Trump administration. Congrats.
In other words, you can't argue against anything I said. Fantastic. If you could, you wouldn't be calling names, you'd be, you know, actually providing an argument. Good game.

I already told you, you're an ant. You're not smart enough to have a debate since the shit you're posting aren't your own thoughts. I'll debate the person who came up with the shit you regurgitate mindlessly.
Calling someone an ant is not an argument, you're attempting to dodge the debate by hurling insults, no doubt because you have no argument against mine. You'd have otherwise done it in any of the posts you've wasted by replying to me, and chose to add no content to.

In other words, you've got nothing, and your refusal to debate proves it.
We know that Qatar was punished for not giving Jared Kushner money to help his property 666.

We know that once China gave a half billion for a Trump resort/golf course in Indonesia, Trump walked back tariffs.

We know that favors were given out just before Ivanka received trademarks in China.

There are probably another couple of dozen I could find with research.

Is that OK? Trump is president now so why not make money off Government policy?

I know right away USMB Republicans will scream Clinton and Obama even though both have put their tax returns online showing how they earned every cent. We don't know Trump's tax returns and his base is fine with that. So presumably, they are fine with Trump squeezing every cent he can out of the country.

So is that all OK?

Now, let the personal attacks begin:





ALL of America’s best, our most productive are “profiting” and benefiting from this administrations policies.
Why do you hate it when our most deserving benefit?
Wow, billionaires are "best". Who knew?

I’m sure somehow, someway you and RDD_1210 firmly believe that ShaQuita, her five money trees with three baby daddy’s and illegal Guadalupe with her five anchor babies represent “America’s Best” and the “most deserving”.
In that twisted backward world of Libtardia that’s just the way shit works.

Don't deflect - answer the question. What is your definition of 'America's Best'?

Simple shit.
America’s Best are patriotic, prideful, law abiding, positive contributing, REAL American CITIZENS. Still confused? Basically....NOT ShaQuita and NOT Guadalupe.
Let me know if I can teach you more on this subject...I’m always willing to enlighten fools and whackos.
We know that Qatar was punished for not giving Jared Kushner money to help his property 666.

We know that once China gave a half billion for a Trump resort/golf course in Indonesia, Trump walked back tariffs.

We know that favors were given out just before Ivanka received trademarks in China.

There are probably another couple of dozen I could find with research.

Is that OK? Trump is president now so why not make money off Government policy?

I know right away USMB Republicans will scream Clinton and Obama even though both have put their tax returns online showing how they earned every cent. We don't know Trump's tax returns and his base is fine with that. So presumably, they are fine with Trump squeezing every cent he can out of the country.

So is that all OK?

Now, let the personal attacks begin:





ALL of America’s best, our most productive are “profiting” and benefiting from this administrations policies.
Why do you hate it when our most deserving benefit?
Wow, billionaires are "best". Who knew?

I’m sure somehow, someway you and RDD_1210 firmly believe that ShaQuita, her five money trees with three baby daddy’s and illegal Guadalupe with her five anchor babies represent “America’s Best” and the “most deserving”.
In that twisted backward world of Libtardia that’s just the way shit works.

Don't deflect - answer the question. What is your definition of 'America's Best'?

Simple shit.
America’s Best are patriotic, prideful, law abiding, positive contributing, REAL American CITIZENS. Still confused? Basically....NOT ShaQuita and NOT Guadalupe.
Let me know if I can teach you more on this subject...I’m always willing to enlighten fools and whackos.

That is what is America's best? If that is true, then why is Trump running the country? He has vast amounts of hubris, looks out more for himself than the country, has broken several laws (and looks like he's broken even more), he's anything BUT positive, and I don't really see him as contributing to anything other than himself.
We know that Qatar was punished for not giving Jared Kushner money to help his property 666.

We know that once China gave a half billion for a Trump resort/golf course in Indonesia, Trump walked back tariffs.

We know that favors were given out just before Ivanka received trademarks in China.

There are probably another couple of dozen I could find with research.

Is that OK? Trump is president now so why not make money off Government policy?

I know right away USMB Republicans will scream Clinton and Obama even though both have put their tax returns online showing how they earned every cent. We don't know Trump's tax returns and his base is fine with that. So presumably, they are fine with Trump squeezing every cent he can out of the country.

So is that all OK?

Now, let the personal attacks begin:




/----/ Nice try Spanky. Trump didn't need the aggravation you Libtards are heaping on him to make money. He's 70 and a billionaire. Come up with something else.
We know that Qatar was punished for not giving Jared Kushner money to help his property 666.

We know that once China gave a half billion for a Trump resort/golf course in Indonesia, Trump walked back tariffs.

We know that favors were given out just before Ivanka received trademarks in China.

There are probably another couple of dozen I could find with research.

Is that OK? Trump is president now so why not make money off Government policy?

I know right away USMB Republicans will scream Clinton and Obama even though both have put their tax returns online showing how they earned every cent. We don't know Trump's tax returns and his base is fine with that. So presumably, they are fine with Trump squeezing every cent he can out of the country.

So is that all OK?

Now, let the personal attacks begin:




/----/ Nice try Spanky. Trump didn't need the aggravation you Libtards are heaping on him to make money. He's 70 and a billionaire. Come up with something else.
View attachment 194932

We're not the one's heaping on the aggravation. Jared is. He's the one that has been trying to run the back channels and sell influence.

'Clown Prince' Jared: Exposing the billion dollar scheme to push Trump to punish Qatar for the Saudis
Simple shit.
America’s Best are patriotic, prideful, law abiding, positive contributing, REAL American CITIZENS. Still confused?

This verbal sandwich means very little. No details, only platitudes.

Basically....NOT ShaQuita and NOT Guadalupe.

Ah, so the meat of your definition is... the 'best Americans' are generally white and racist. How perfectly predictable of you. I completely disagree.

Let me know if I can teach you more on this subject...I’m always willing to enlighten fools and whackos.

Nope, that's about all I need to know, thanks.
We know that Qatar was punished for not giving Jared Kushner money to help his property 666.

We know that once China gave a half billion for a Trump resort/golf course in Indonesia, Trump walked back tariffs.

We know that favors were given out just before Ivanka received trademarks in China.

There are probably another couple of dozen I could find with research.

Is that OK? Trump is president now so why not make money off Government policy?

I know right away USMB Republicans will scream Clinton and Obama even though both have put their tax returns online showing how they earned every cent. We don't know Trump's tax returns and his base is fine with that. So presumably, they are fine with Trump squeezing every cent he can out of the country.

So is that all OK?

Now, let the personal attacks begin:





ALL of America’s best, our most productive are “profiting” and benefiting from this administrations policies.
Why do you hate it when our most deserving benefit?

It's interesting that you are so brainwashed that you equate richest with most deserving.

Your masters are pleased with your obedience.

Good boy.

America’s best isn’t always the one said anything about’re making shit up now.
I gotta know, in your mind, who’s the “most deserving”?
Because it's the richest who are profiting the most from Trump/GOP policies. Duh!
Stop with the dumsh!t. It's not funny, nor is it attractive nor clever.
We know that Qatar was punished for not giving Jared Kushner money to help his property 666.

We know that once China gave a half billion for a Trump resort/golf course in Indonesia, Trump walked back tariffs.

We know that favors were given out just before Ivanka received trademarks in China.

There are probably another couple of dozen I could find with research.

Is that OK? Trump is president now so why not make money off Government policy?

I know right away USMB Republicans will scream Clinton and Obama even though both have put their tax returns online showing how they earned every cent. We don't know Trump's tax returns and his base is fine with that. So presumably, they are fine with Trump squeezing every cent he can out of the country.

So is that all OK?

Now, let the personal attacks begin:





ALL of America’s best, our most productive are “profiting” and benefiting from this administrations policies.
Why do you hate it when our most deserving benefit?

It's interesting that you are so brainwashed that you equate richest with most deserving.

Your masters are pleased with your obedience.

Good boy.

America’s best isn’t always the one said anything about’re making shit up now.
I gotta know, in your mind, who’s the “most deserving”?
Because it's the richest who are profiting the most from Trump/GOP policies. Duh!
Stop with the dumsh!t. It's not funny, nor is it attractive nor clever.

What!? The Clintons aren't getting it all?
And this is in a nutshell what is wrong with our country. You will howl at the moon about the Clintons and about the "pay to play" while she was SOS. But when Trump and his family do the exact same thing you don't give a shit and will just point to the Clintons instead.

And all those people that turned a blind eye to the Clintons are now howling at the moon about Trump doing what they did.

For far too many of you, party trumps country, and that is why we are going down the shitter.

But the Trump family is not doing what the Clinton's did...believe me if they were we would be hearing nothing else on the news.....
I have said Trump is innocent from the beginning because if he wasn't we would all no it by now...he is the most investigated person in sick is that? with all of the corruption in that town...only the new comer the outsider gets a year long investigation....with all of the shit that happens there...unreal...

The Trump family is doing the same “pay for play”, there is every bit as much evidence of it going on now as there was for Hillary doing it.

Nobody outside of the partisan hacks from either side give a shit, the rest of us know it has been going on since the beginning of time and it will never change

Sent from my iPhone using
Why are you saying these lies?
The Clintons put their tax returns on line since the early 90's.
Everybody knows that.
The Clinton Foundation put it's financials on line since it was started.
Charity Navigator - Rating for The Clinton Foundation

The Trump foundation is under criminal investigation. How do you explain that?

Charity Navigator - CN Advisory of Donald J. Trump Foundation

Trump Is Trying to Dissolve His Family Foundation While Under Criminal Investigation

The only people that believe your lies are others of your kind. Haven't you figured that out yet?
Why do these guys keep coming up "Clinton"?

The title is:

Do USMB Republicans feel it's OK for the Trump family to profit BIGLEY from US Government policy?
Well, let's see ... the Obama family went from net worths of a few hundred grand to some $300 million + all while in public office, sow if it's okay with Democrats why would it be wrong for Republicans? Trump would have to leave office with something like two or three times the global GDP to match the Obama achievement. The Clintons surpass the Obamas in wealth gains after gaining office, so just for grins the Peanut Gallery can calculate the gains trump needs to match the Clintons and just their 'Foundation'(snicker) alone, not counting all the other bucks.
We know that Qatar was punished for not giving Jared Kushner money to help his property 666.

We know that once China gave a half billion for a Trump resort/golf course in Indonesia, Trump walked back tariffs.

We know that favors were given out just before Ivanka received trademarks in China.

There are probably another couple of dozen I could find with research.

Is that OK? Trump is president now so why not make money off Government policy?

I know right away USMB Republicans will scream Clinton and Obama even though both have put their tax returns online showing how they earned every cent. We don't know Trump's tax returns and his base is fine with that. So presumably, they are fine with Trump squeezing every cent he can out of the country.

So is that all OK?

Now, let the personal attacks begin:





This entire administration sought the White House for one reason only. To expand their personal business interests and wealth.

Including Trump who was planning a Trump tower in downtown Moscow while he was running for POTUS.
Trump’s business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow while he ran for president
We know that Qatar was punished for not giving Jared Kushner money to help his property 666.

We know that once China gave a half billion for a Trump resort/golf course in Indonesia, Trump walked back tariffs.

We know that favors were given out just before Ivanka received trademarks in China.

There are probably another couple of dozen I could find with research.

Is that OK? Trump is president now so why not make money off Government policy?

I know right away USMB Republicans will scream Clinton and Obama even though both have put their tax returns online showing how they earned every cent. We don't know Trump's tax returns and his base is fine with that. So presumably, they are fine with Trump squeezing every cent he can out of the country.

So is that all OK?

Now, let the personal attacks begin:




you always ask the dumbest questions.
I mean did you ever ask this of the clintons or obamas?
We know that Qatar was punished for not giving Jared Kushner money to help his property 666.

We know that once China gave a half billion for a Trump resort/golf course in Indonesia, Trump walked back tariffs.

We know that favors were given out just before Ivanka received trademarks in China.

There are probably another couple of dozen I could find with research.

Is that OK? Trump is president now so why not make money off Government policy?

I know right away USMB Republicans will scream Clinton and Obama even though both have put their tax returns online showing how they earned every cent. We don't know Trump's tax returns and his base is fine with that. So presumably, they are fine with Trump squeezing every cent he can out of the country.

So is that all OK?

Now, let the personal attacks begin:




you always ask the dumbest questions.
I mean did you ever ask this of the clintons or obamas?

If either the Clintons or Obamas had been using their office to sell influence like Trump has, yes, I would be asking that question of them. But, nothing like that ever came up while they were in office, so there was no need to ask them those questions.
We know that Qatar was punished for not giving Jared Kushner money to help his property 666.

We know that once China gave a half billion for a Trump resort/golf course in Indonesia, Trump walked back tariffs.

We know that favors were given out just before Ivanka received trademarks in China.

There are probably another couple of dozen I could find with research.

Is that OK? Trump is president now so why not make money off Government policy?

I know right away USMB Republicans will scream Clinton and Obama even though both have put their tax returns online showing how they earned every cent. We don't know Trump's tax returns and his base is fine with that. So presumably, they are fine with Trump squeezing every cent he can out of the country.

So is that all OK?

Now, let the personal attacks begin:





All Americans profit from his policies.

He was elected to win, win, win.
We know that Qatar was punished for not giving Jared Kushner money to help his property 666.

We know that once China gave a half billion for a Trump resort/golf course in Indonesia, Trump walked back tariffs.

We know that favors were given out just before Ivanka received trademarks in China.

There are probably another couple of dozen I could find with research.

Is that OK? Trump is president now so why not make money off Government policy?

I know right away USMB Republicans will scream Clinton and Obama even though both have put their tax returns online showing how they earned every cent. We don't know Trump's tax returns and his base is fine with that. So presumably, they are fine with Trump squeezing every cent he can out of the country.

So is that all OK?

Now, let the personal attacks begin:




you always ask the dumbest questions.
I mean did you ever ask this of the clintons or obamas?

If either the Clintons or Obamas had been using their office to sell influence like Trump has, yes, I would be asking that question of them. But, nothing like that ever came up while they were in office, so there was no need to ask them those questions.
Total bullshit, they did in Arkansas and in the White House.
They had associates actually serve jail time, while they got off.....but to ignore that and the Clinton slush a complete joke
We know that Qatar was punished for not giving Jared Kushner money to help his property 666.

We know that once China gave a half billion for a Trump resort/golf course in Indonesia, Trump walked back tariffs.

We know that favors were given out just before Ivanka received trademarks in China.

There are probably another couple of dozen I could find with research.

Is that OK? Trump is president now so why not make money off Government policy?

I know right away USMB Republicans will scream Clinton and Obama even though both have put their tax returns online showing how they earned every cent. We don't know Trump's tax returns and his base is fine with that. So presumably, they are fine with Trump squeezing every cent he can out of the country.

So is that all OK?

Now, let the personal attacks begin:





This entire administration sought the White House for one reason only. To expand their personal business interests and wealth.

Including Trump who was planning a Trump tower in downtown Moscow while he was running for POTUS.
Trump’s business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow while he ran for president
yeah because he had such a hard time before being president.....

The funny stuff is people like you were posting shit about how he didn't want the job or didn't want to win, he just wanted to start a tv network....

do you guy ever evaluate the shit sources you have and wonder why they are always wrong?
If either the Clintons or Obamas had been using their office to sell influence like Trump has, yes, I would be asking that question of them. But, nothing like that ever came up while they were in office, so there was no need to ask them those questions.

Funniest post of the week. lol lol lol

Reminds me of that Youtube vid of that kid with the icing smeared all over his face repeatedly denying he ate that cupcake.
If either the Clintons or Obamas had been using their office to sell influence like Trump has, yes, I would be asking that question of them. But, nothing like that ever came up while they were in office, so there was no need to ask them those questions.

Funniest post of the week. lol lol lol

Reminds me of that Youtube vid of that kid with the icing smeared all over his face repeatedly denying he ate that cupcake.

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