How come USMB Republicans refuse to learn anything about Trump?

Well we COULD have had Mitt Romney…a GOP Governor of a heavily Democratic State which means he already knew how to work with the opposition party...a man with an entire career full of success as an executive...but instead we got Barry...a Junior Senator with zero experience as an executive and one of the farthest left voting records in the Senate!
And why didn’t you? Because the “party of stupid” you belong to had a lot of people decide not to vote for their candidate.

The voters in the GOP are "extremist"? It's laughable that you're STILL trying to make that claim, Candy when the exact opposite is obviously the case!

Well, you believe what you want. You’re immune to facts. Just look at the right wing nut jobs on this board for proof. Its all around you. You’re just too much of a fucking idiot to internalize it.

I'm immune to facts? No, Candy...what I'm "immune to" is your progressive talking points that have no basis in reality!

No. YOU Have no basis in reality.

You’ve appointed a guy who wants to ban all muslims with the approval of the GOP voter. That is extreme.

Here is the famous clip from Wolf Blitzer from 4 years ago:

I’m sure that cheering is from a democrat….to “let them die”

Then there is this….


Again, I’m sure it s liberal cheering for Scott Brown.

Which leads us to the famous “2nd Amendment Solutions” favored by Sharron Angle, the guy in SD who wants abortion physicians arrested for murder, the legislatures in the red states passing bullshit laws for abortion clinics….

The right wing is a joke and it’s voters have marginalized themselves by being so extreme.

What's more intelligent...letting in tens of thousands of "refugees" that the FBI has already stated they can't properly investigate....or calling for a temporary moratorium on that? That's not extreme...that's simply not "politically correct" according to the far left!

“temporary”? When was that term used?

What terrorist attacks would it have stopped that took place?
How do you determine if people are muslims—by asking them? It goes back to how pathetically stupid you and other Trump enablers are.

Trump has never stated that he'd never again allow Muslims into the country. What he stated was that it was insane to let tens of thousands of refugees from the Middle East enter the country when the FBI has stated they have no way of adequately investigating their background and ISIS has stated that they have already used the refugee surge into Europe as a means of getting terrorists into Europe.

What's "pathetically stupid" is to ignore what's going on in the world because of political correctness!
wow- what an idiot you are. i'll bet I voted for more republicans than you have democrat, little doggie. :ack-1:

Why would you ever vote for a Republican, Comrade?

When I turned 18, I voted for a democrat. By 19, I figured out he lied about everything. Have never voted for another. In 1988,, the Republicans nominated a full on pile of shit to be president, so I stopped voting for them as well.

Lemme guess... people that support Hillary are smart?

The left thinks corruption is the most cleaver thing in the world.

It's clear that every progressive wants nothing less than to steal anything and everything that isn't nailed down, but most are too stupid to get away with it. Hence, they admire Crooked Hillary who does.
And why didn’t you? Because the “party of stupid” you belong to had a lot of people decide not to vote for their candidate.

Well, you believe what you want. You’re immune to facts. Just look at the right wing nut jobs on this board for proof. Its all around you. You’re just too much of a fucking idiot to internalize it.

I'm immune to facts? No, Candy...what I'm "immune to" is your progressive talking points that have no basis in reality!

No. YOU Have no basis in reality.

You’ve appointed a guy who wants to ban all muslims with the approval of the GOP voter. That is extreme.

Here is the famous clip from Wolf Blitzer from 4 years ago:

I’m sure that cheering is from a democrat….to “let them die”

Then there is this….


Again, I’m sure it s liberal cheering for Scott Brown.

Which leads us to the famous “2nd Amendment Solutions” favored by Sharron Angle, the guy in SD who wants abortion physicians arrested for murder, the legislatures in the red states passing bullshit laws for abortion clinics….

The right wing is a joke and it’s voters have marginalized themselves by being so extreme.

What's more intelligent...letting in tens of thousands of "refugees" that the FBI has already stated they can't properly investigate....or calling for a temporary moratorium on that? That's not extreme...that's simply not "politically correct" according to the far left!

“temporary”? When was that term used?

What terrorist attacks would it have stopped that took place?
How do you determine if people are muslims—by asking them? It goes back to how pathetically stupid you and other Trump enablers are.

Trump has never stated that he'd never again allow Muslims into the country. What he stated was that it was insane to let tens of thousands of refugees from the Middle East enter the country when the FBI has stated they have no way of adequately investigating their background and ISIS has stated that they have already used the refugee surge into Europe as a means of getting terrorists into Europe.

What's "pathetically stupid" is to ignore what's going on in the world because of political correctness!

Wrong. He said “Until we can figure out what he hell is going on”. Which has baffled religious, political, humanitarian, government and private sector officials for centuries. Obviously, Mr. Trump isn’t one of the smarter people in the world.
I've posted all these issues about Trump and links. But the USMB Republicans just say I've don't want to know. We all know Hillary Clinton. Republicans have been going after her for 30 years with the only success being they smeared her name.

But these issues about Trump? Many have video. You can watch him. The most recent being raising his office rates on his own offices 5X because now that he's getting donations, he can legally funnel the money to his bank accounts. That's called scamming your supporters. Are you guys OK with that? He figured out a way to legally swindle his supporters and is doing it. Think he will raise the rent even more?

Trump raising own rent to profit from presidential run: Kaine

Can you be any more ignorant?

I want to talk about Trump's ties to Russia.

The half billion he owes China.

The employees he's stiffed.

His wanting to spread around nuclear weapons.

His not knowing what the nuclear triad is.

His nephew's sick baby he cut medical care for.

His many affairs.

His bribing Texas Attorney General.

His bribing Florida's Attorney General.

The Trump charity money he illegally used to pay the bribe.

His Nov 28th Court Date.

His Trump U case not going away.

His 3500 lawsuits.

His 169 federal lawsuits.

His racism.

His attack on a Gold Star family.

His saying a flat chested woman can't be a 10.

His flip flops.

His lies.

His using campaign money to buy books.

His raising Trump office rent 5 times to scam his supporters out of their contributions.

And you keep going on and on about emails for which she has already been exonerated. At some point, it becomes double jeopardy. Endless investigations going nowhere costing millions and millions of dollars in tax payer money.

I agree, but wow, from a Hitlerette? Your hypocrisy is profound
I'm immune to facts? No, Candy...what I'm "immune to" is your progressive talking points that have no basis in reality!

No. YOU Have no basis in reality.

You’ve appointed a guy who wants to ban all muslims with the approval of the GOP voter. That is extreme.

Here is the famous clip from Wolf Blitzer from 4 years ago:

I’m sure that cheering is from a democrat….to “let them die”

Then there is this….


Again, I’m sure it s liberal cheering for Scott Brown.

Which leads us to the famous “2nd Amendment Solutions” favored by Sharron Angle, the guy in SD who wants abortion physicians arrested for murder, the legislatures in the red states passing bullshit laws for abortion clinics….

The right wing is a joke and it’s voters have marginalized themselves by being so extreme.

What's more intelligent...letting in tens of thousands of "refugees" that the FBI has already stated they can't properly investigate....or calling for a temporary moratorium on that? That's not extreme...that's simply not "politically correct" according to the far left!

“temporary”? When was that term used?

What terrorist attacks would it have stopped that took place?
How do you determine if people are muslims—by asking them? It goes back to how pathetically stupid you and other Trump enablers are.

Trump has never stated that he'd never again allow Muslims into the country. What he stated was that it was insane to let tens of thousands of refugees from the Middle East enter the country when the FBI has stated they have no way of adequately investigating their background and ISIS has stated that they have already used the refugee surge into Europe as a means of getting terrorists into Europe.

What's "pathetically stupid" is to ignore what's going on in the world because of political correctness!

Wrong. He said “Until we can figure out what he hell is going on”. Which has baffled religious, political, humanitarian, government and private sector officials for centuries. Obviously, Mr. Trump isn’t one of the smarter people in the world.

So you're in favor of letting in tens of thousands of refugees from areas controlled by Islamic terrorists into the US...refugees that the FBI has said can't be vetted? That's "smart" to you, Candy? What Trump stated was the rational thing to do but you're so immersed in political correctness that you won't allow yourself to admit that he's right!
No. YOU Have no basis in reality.

You’ve appointed a guy who wants to ban all muslims with the approval of the GOP voter. That is extreme.

Here is the famous clip from Wolf Blitzer from 4 years ago:

I’m sure that cheering is from a democrat….to “let them die”

Then there is this….


Again, I’m sure it s liberal cheering for Scott Brown.

Which leads us to the famous “2nd Amendment Solutions” favored by Sharron Angle, the guy in SD who wants abortion physicians arrested for murder, the legislatures in the red states passing bullshit laws for abortion clinics….

The right wing is a joke and it’s voters have marginalized themselves by being so extreme.

What's more intelligent...letting in tens of thousands of "refugees" that the FBI has already stated they can't properly investigate....or calling for a temporary moratorium on that? That's not extreme...that's simply not "politically correct" according to the far left!

“temporary”? When was that term used?

What terrorist attacks would it have stopped that took place?
How do you determine if people are muslims—by asking them? It goes back to how pathetically stupid you and other Trump enablers are.

Trump has never stated that he'd never again allow Muslims into the country. What he stated was that it was insane to let tens of thousands of refugees from the Middle East enter the country when the FBI has stated they have no way of adequately investigating their background and ISIS has stated that they have already used the refugee surge into Europe as a means of getting terrorists into Europe.

What's "pathetically stupid" is to ignore what's going on in the world because of political correctness!

Wrong. He said “Until we can figure out what he hell is going on”. Which has baffled religious, political, humanitarian, government and private sector officials for centuries. Obviously, Mr. Trump isn’t one of the smarter people in the world.

So you're in favor of letting in tens of thousands of refugees from areas controlled by Islamic terrorists into the US...refugees that the FBI has said can't be vetted? That's "smart" to you, Candy? What Trump stated was the rational thing to do but you're so immersed in political correctness that you won't allow yourself to admit that he's right!

Actually, I'd like to see us drastically reduce the number of immigrants from ALL areas.

More than 45 MILLION IMMIGRANTS LIVE IN THE U.S. (That's both illegal and legal immigrants), according to UN figures, more than FOUR TIMES as many living in any other nation in the world. Unless you like more traffic, congestion, etc., it's time to slow down ALL immigration. There is nothing sacred about it.


View attachment 87118

Immigration is equivalent to 90% of the population increase in California and 70% in the nation during the 1990s. This number reflects the immigrants who arrived in the decade plus their offspring.

As of April 30, 2016, the United States has a total resident population of 323,730,000, making it the third most populous country in the world. It is very urbanized, with 81% residing in cities and suburbs as of 2014 (the worldwide urban rate is 54%)

Consequences of Continued U.S. Population Growth:

*One acre of farmland or wild land lost for every person added.
*25.55 barrels of oil consumed annually for every person added.
*12,331 kilowatt-hours of electricity consumed annually for every person added.
*1,932 cubic meters of water withdrawn annually from aquifers for every person added.

Gallup Poll: 79% of Americans Oppose Increasing Immigration | NumbersUSA

I think you’d have to count me among the 79%.

I'm simply smart enough to know that the measure will not work. Trump enablers are not. You are exhibit A.
What's more intelligent...letting in tens of thousands of "refugees" that the FBI has already stated they can't properly investigate....or calling for a temporary moratorium on that? That's not extreme...that's simply not "politically correct" according to the far left!

“temporary”? When was that term used?

What terrorist attacks would it have stopped that took place?
How do you determine if people are muslims—by asking them? It goes back to how pathetically stupid you and other Trump enablers are.

Trump has never stated that he'd never again allow Muslims into the country. What he stated was that it was insane to let tens of thousands of refugees from the Middle East enter the country when the FBI has stated they have no way of adequately investigating their background and ISIS has stated that they have already used the refugee surge into Europe as a means of getting terrorists into Europe.

What's "pathetically stupid" is to ignore what's going on in the world because of political correctness!

Wrong. He said “Until we can figure out what he hell is going on”. Which has baffled religious, political, humanitarian, government and private sector officials for centuries. Obviously, Mr. Trump isn’t one of the smarter people in the world.

So you're in favor of letting in tens of thousands of refugees from areas controlled by Islamic terrorists into the US...refugees that the FBI has said can't be vetted? That's "smart" to you, Candy? What Trump stated was the rational thing to do but you're so immersed in political correctness that you won't allow yourself to admit that he's right!

Actually, I'd like to see us drastically reduce the number of immigrants from ALL areas.

More than 45 MILLION IMMIGRANTS LIVE IN THE U.S. (That's both illegal and legal immigrants), according to UN figures, more than FOUR TIMES as many living in any other nation in the world. Unless you like more traffic, congestion, etc., it's time to slow down ALL immigration. There is nothing sacred about it.


View attachment 87118

Immigration is equivalent to 90% of the population increase in California and 70% in the nation during the 1990s. This number reflects the immigrants who arrived in the decade plus their offspring.

As of April 30, 2016, the United States has a total resident population of 323,730,000, making it the third most populous country in the world. It is very urbanized, with 81% residing in cities and suburbs as of 2014 (the worldwide urban rate is 54%)

Consequences of Continued U.S. Population Growth:

*One acre of farmland or wild land lost for every person added.
*25.55 barrels of oil consumed annually for every person added.
*12,331 kilowatt-hours of electricity consumed annually for every person added.
*1,932 cubic meters of water withdrawn annually from aquifers for every person added.

Gallup Poll: 79% of Americans Oppose Increasing Immigration | NumbersUSA

I think you’d have to count me among the 79%.

I'm simply smart enough to know that the measure will not work. Trump enablers are not. You are exhibit A.

I've posted all these issues about Trump and links. But the USMB Republicans just say I've don't want to know. We all know Hillary Clinton. Republicans have been going after her for 30 years with the only success being they smeared her name.

But these issues about Trump? Many have video. You can watch him. The most recent being raising his office rates on his own offices 5X because now that he's getting donations, he can legally funnel the money to his bank accounts. That's called scamming your supporters. Are you guys OK with that? He figured out a way to legally swindle his supporters and is doing it. Think he will raise the rent even more?

Trump raising own rent to profit from presidential run: Kaine

Can you be any more ignorant?

I want to talk about Trump's ties to Russia.

The half billion he owes China.

The employees he's stiffed.

His wanting to spread around nuclear weapons.

His not knowing what the nuclear triad is.

His nephew's sick baby he cut medical care for.

His many affairs.

His bribing Texas Attorney General.

His bribing Florida's Attorney General.

The Trump charity money he illegally used to pay the bribe.

His Nov 28th Court Date.

His Trump U case not going away.

His 3500 lawsuits.

His 169 federal lawsuits.

His racism.

His attack on a Gold Star family.

His saying a flat chested woman can't be a 10.

His flip flops.

His lies.

His using campaign money to buy books.

His raising Trump office rent 5 times to scam his supporters out of their contributions.

And you keep going on and on about emails for which she has already been exonerated. At some point, it becomes double jeopardy. Endless investigations going nowhere costing millions and millions of dollars in tax payer money.

All I need to know is he pisses you off and that's good enough for me.
“temporary”? When was that term used?

What terrorist attacks would it have stopped that took place?
How do you determine if people are muslims—by asking them? It goes back to how pathetically stupid you and other Trump enablers are.

Trump has never stated that he'd never again allow Muslims into the country. What he stated was that it was insane to let tens of thousands of refugees from the Middle East enter the country when the FBI has stated they have no way of adequately investigating their background and ISIS has stated that they have already used the refugee surge into Europe as a means of getting terrorists into Europe.

What's "pathetically stupid" is to ignore what's going on in the world because of political correctness!

Wrong. He said “Until we can figure out what he hell is going on”. Which has baffled religious, political, humanitarian, government and private sector officials for centuries. Obviously, Mr. Trump isn’t one of the smarter people in the world.

So you're in favor of letting in tens of thousands of refugees from areas controlled by Islamic terrorists into the US...refugees that the FBI has said can't be vetted? That's "smart" to you, Candy? What Trump stated was the rational thing to do but you're so immersed in political correctness that you won't allow yourself to admit that he's right!

Actually, I'd like to see us drastically reduce the number of immigrants from ALL areas.

More than 45 MILLION IMMIGRANTS LIVE IN THE U.S. (That's both illegal and legal immigrants), according to UN figures, more than FOUR TIMES as many living in any other nation in the world. Unless you like more traffic, congestion, etc., it's time to slow down ALL immigration. There is nothing sacred about it.


View attachment 87118

Immigration is equivalent to 90% of the population increase in California and 70% in the nation during the 1990s. This number reflects the immigrants who arrived in the decade plus their offspring.

As of April 30, 2016, the United States has a total resident population of 323,730,000, making it the third most populous country in the world. It is very urbanized, with 81% residing in cities and suburbs as of 2014 (the worldwide urban rate is 54%)

Consequences of Continued U.S. Population Growth:

*One acre of farmland or wild land lost for every person added.
*25.55 barrels of oil consumed annually for every person added.
*12,331 kilowatt-hours of electricity consumed annually for every person added.
*1,932 cubic meters of water withdrawn annually from aquifers for every person added.

Gallup Poll: 79% of Americans Oppose Increasing Immigration | NumbersUSA

I think you’d have to count me among the 79%.

I'm simply smart enough to know that the measure will not work. Trump enablers are not. You are exhibit A.


Why what?
Why can't we stop immigration? Because we don't control our borders? Gee, think we should do something about that?
It was the conservatives who passed citizens united stupid. We told you this could happen stupid. You do know team trumps being funded by Putin, right?

So if you want to stop it vote hillary and her appointee will undo citizens united stupid cock sucker
Really? You think it's OK for her to take money because she CAN? You are such a hypocrite.

she ain't taking foreign $ for her political campaign nor actively seeking it out like trump.

Says Hillary Clinton has been given tens of millions of dollars by countries that "treat women horribly ... and countries that kill gays."

Donald Trump on Saturday, June 18th, 2016 in a Phoenix rally

Did Hillary Clinton take money from countries that treat women, gays poorly?
By Anthony Cave on Monday, July 11th, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.

Donald Trump continues to attack Hillary Clinton on everything from campaign spending to ISIS.

At a rally in Phoenix, he accused her of taking money from countries that have a poor rapport with women and gay people.

"She's been given tens of millions of dollars by countries that treat women horribly," Trump said June 18. "And countries that kill gays, they kill gays, they push them off of buildings."

Trump, whose campaign did not return a request for comment, seems to be referencing donations given to the Clinton Foundation. Trump has referenced her foundation ties in the past, saying she needs to "return the $25 million" Saudi Arabia gave the foundation.

The William J. Clinton Foundation was incorporated in 1997. The foundation agreed to disclose its donors when Hillary Clinton became secretary of state in 2009.

We wondered whether the Clintons’ donor list holds up to Trump’s claim.

But first, it is important to note that political candidates cannot take money from foreign entities.

"The prohibition in the Federal Election Campaign Act is against candidates or political committees soliciting, accepting or receiving contributions from foreign nationals, not only governments," said Michael Malbin, a political science professor at the University at Albany.

Hillary Clinton spokesman Josh Schwerin also noted that the former first lady played no role in the foundation while she was secretary of state.

"Further, she did not blink before standing up to countries that oppressed their people and denied them of their rights, from LGBT rights to women's rights," Schwerin said.

Did Hillary Clinton take money from countries that treat wom

Hillary played no "role" in the foundation? Dude, seriously? People were paying the foundation millions of dollars who had pending business with the State Department or needed a favor from the State Department! The foundation's people were calling up Hillary's people at the State Department and telling them that large foundation donors warranted special treatment. Hillary signed an agreement when she took the Secretary of State job that she wouldn't involve the foundation in State Department agreement that she then proceeded to totally ignore.

duuuuuuude.......... public charities are not required by law to reveal their donors - yet the clinton foundation has done so anyways .... why would that be if there was any actual 'pay for play' ?

Annual Reports, Financials & Tax-Exempt Materials

Exempt Organizations General Issues: Obtaining Copies of Donor Lists

now why would they customarily di-vulge that info if they don't even have to after the history of going after the Clintons for everything under the sun including murder? for decades?

Ah, Dude...have you forgotten that the Clinton Foundation DIDN'T reveal a large number of donations that they received?

At this point there is very little doubt that there was pay for play. Or have you not read the latest Clinton emails that were released?

she didn't have to report them at all.... & there still isn't a match up for any pay to play. drumpf himself has contributed a considerable amount & what exactly has HE gotten in return 'eh?
wow- what an idiot you are. i'll bet I voted for more republicans than you have democrat, little doggie. :ack-1:

Why would you ever vote for a Republican, Comrade?

When I turned 18, I voted for a democrat. By 19, I figured out he lied about everything. Have never voted for another. In 1988,, the Republicans nominated a full on pile of shit to be president, so I stopped voting for them as well.

I find it ironic you call me comrade when tribblehead bends over & grabs his ankles for putin. LOL!!!!!!!!!! oh, let's see.... I have voted for republican governors
( google john Rowland - (R) CT... & for a few mayors... (google joe santopetro & even worse phil Giordano)
I even voted for ralph nader in 2000 against joe libertoady. I learned after that NEVER to vote 3d party for prez ever again, & that was even before the party was highjacked by rw nutters ...either dirtbag racists or christian wanna bees. & I won't be voting for an orange overload bent on oligarchy this time.
Last edited:
Is this a major whine because you are being ignored?
That's silly. I just want sTRUMPets to talk about their candidate. They think what they don't know won't hurt them. They thought that about Bush.

I don't like Trump.

I like Bernie....

Hillary is disgusting.

What do you want to talk about ? His lies ?

Go ahead....spell them out.

I'll ask So What ?

Do we compare them to Hillary's lies ? If so, how.

Trump lied when ? As SOS ? Decieved the country ? Really ?

List them and we can discuss them.

But you don't get to make up the metrics in advance.

All these guys lies.

Our current liar in chief is a great example.
btw... how do all you trumpeteers feel about the orang one choking at his little get together with mexico's presidente??? his numero uno issue for a year... the great big BEAUTIFUL wall being built & paid by pesos; then when it's time to talk the talk- he pussies out. LOL!!!!!!! only to come back home & walk his bullshit walk onto the stage in front of the poorly educated masses???? & you all sucked it right up didn't you????????????? :udaman:
Really? You think it's OK for her to take money because she CAN? You are such a hypocrite.

she ain't taking foreign $ for her political campaign nor actively seeking it out like trump.

Says Hillary Clinton has been given tens of millions of dollars by countries that "treat women horribly ... and countries that kill gays."

Donald Trump on Saturday, June 18th, 2016 in a Phoenix rally

Did Hillary Clinton take money from countries that treat women, gays poorly?
By Anthony Cave on Monday, July 11th, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.

Donald Trump continues to attack Hillary Clinton on everything from campaign spending to ISIS.

At a rally in Phoenix, he accused her of taking money from countries that have a poor rapport with women and gay people.

"She's been given tens of millions of dollars by countries that treat women horribly," Trump said June 18. "And countries that kill gays, they kill gays, they push them off of buildings."

Trump, whose campaign did not return a request for comment, seems to be referencing donations given to the Clinton Foundation. Trump has referenced her foundation ties in the past, saying she needs to "return the $25 million" Saudi Arabia gave the foundation.

The William J. Clinton Foundation was incorporated in 1997. The foundation agreed to disclose its donors when Hillary Clinton became secretary of state in 2009.

We wondered whether the Clintons’ donor list holds up to Trump’s claim.

But first, it is important to note that political candidates cannot take money from foreign entities.

"The prohibition in the Federal Election Campaign Act is against candidates or political committees soliciting, accepting or receiving contributions from foreign nationals, not only governments," said Michael Malbin, a political science professor at the University at Albany.

Hillary Clinton spokesman Josh Schwerin also noted that the former first lady played no role in the foundation while she was secretary of state.

"Further, she did not blink before standing up to countries that oppressed their people and denied them of their rights, from LGBT rights to women's rights," Schwerin said.

Did Hillary Clinton take money from countries that treat wom

Hillary played no "role" in the foundation? Dude, seriously? People were paying the foundation millions of dollars who had pending business with the State Department or needed a favor from the State Department! The foundation's people were calling up Hillary's people at the State Department and telling them that large foundation donors warranted special treatment. Hillary signed an agreement when she took the Secretary of State job that she wouldn't involve the foundation in State Department agreement that she then proceeded to totally ignore.

duuuuuuude.......... public charities are not required by law to reveal their donors - yet the clinton foundation has done so anyways .... why would that be if there was any actual 'pay for play' ?

Annual Reports, Financials & Tax-Exempt Materials

Exempt Organizations General Issues: Obtaining Copies of Donor Lists

now why would they customarily di-vulge that info if they don't even have to after the history of going after the Clintons for everything under the sun including murder? for decades?

Ah, Dude...have you forgotten that the Clinton Foundation DIDN'T reveal a large number of donations that they received?

At this point there is very little doubt that there was pay for play. Or have you not read the latest Clinton emails that were released?

she didn't have to report them at all.... & there still isn't a match up for any pay to play. drumpf himself has contributed a considerable amount & what exactly has HE gotten in return 'eh?

So you've gone from claiming that she DID report them now claiming that she didn't have to claim them? Make up your mind!

You know what's sad, Playtime? I think you know as well as I do that the reason Hillary had those 33,000 emails erased from her private servers is that they would have provided the link between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation, showing that a pay for play was going on and had been the entire time she was Secretary of State!
she ain't taking foreign $ for her political campaign nor actively seeking it out like trump.

Says Hillary Clinton has been given tens of millions of dollars by countries that "treat women horribly ... and countries that kill gays."

Donald Trump on Saturday, June 18th, 2016 in a Phoenix rally

Did Hillary Clinton take money from countries that treat women, gays poorly?
By Anthony Cave on Monday, July 11th, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.

Donald Trump continues to attack Hillary Clinton on everything from campaign spending to ISIS.

At a rally in Phoenix, he accused her of taking money from countries that have a poor rapport with women and gay people.

"She's been given tens of millions of dollars by countries that treat women horribly," Trump said June 18. "And countries that kill gays, they kill gays, they push them off of buildings."

Trump, whose campaign did not return a request for comment, seems to be referencing donations given to the Clinton Foundation. Trump has referenced her foundation ties in the past, saying she needs to "return the $25 million" Saudi Arabia gave the foundation.

The William J. Clinton Foundation was incorporated in 1997. The foundation agreed to disclose its donors when Hillary Clinton became secretary of state in 2009.

We wondered whether the Clintons’ donor list holds up to Trump’s claim.

But first, it is important to note that political candidates cannot take money from foreign entities.

"The prohibition in the Federal Election Campaign Act is against candidates or political committees soliciting, accepting or receiving contributions from foreign nationals, not only governments," said Michael Malbin, a political science professor at the University at Albany.

Hillary Clinton spokesman Josh Schwerin also noted that the former first lady played no role in the foundation while she was secretary of state.

"Further, she did not blink before standing up to countries that oppressed their people and denied them of their rights, from LGBT rights to women's rights," Schwerin said.

Did Hillary Clinton take money from countries that treat wom

Hillary played no "role" in the foundation? Dude, seriously? People were paying the foundation millions of dollars who had pending business with the State Department or needed a favor from the State Department! The foundation's people were calling up Hillary's people at the State Department and telling them that large foundation donors warranted special treatment. Hillary signed an agreement when she took the Secretary of State job that she wouldn't involve the foundation in State Department agreement that she then proceeded to totally ignore.

duuuuuuude.......... public charities are not required by law to reveal their donors - yet the clinton foundation has done so anyways .... why would that be if there was any actual 'pay for play' ?

Annual Reports, Financials & Tax-Exempt Materials

Exempt Organizations General Issues: Obtaining Copies of Donor Lists

now why would they customarily di-vulge that info if they don't even have to after the history of going after the Clintons for everything under the sun including murder? for decades?

Ah, Dude...have you forgotten that the Clinton Foundation DIDN'T reveal a large number of donations that they received?

At this point there is very little doubt that there was pay for play. Or have you not read the latest Clinton emails that were released?

she didn't have to report them at all.... & there still isn't a match up for any pay to play. drumpf himself has contributed a considerable amount & what exactly has HE gotten in return 'eh?

So you've gone from claiming that she DID report them now claiming that she didn't have to claim them? Make up your mind!

You know what's sad, Playtime? I think you know as well as I do that the reason Hillary had those 33,000 emails erased from her private servers is that they would have provided the link between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation, showing that a pay for play was going on and had been the entire time she was Secretary of State!

I said they consistently revealed names when they didn't have to. I NEVER said ALL the names... however there still is no evidence of pay for play. & she was also allowed to get rid of emails deemed 'personal' even b4 handing them over. look, she isn't a saint. never said she was. but she also has never been charged with anything nefarious either in all these years. & if i'm gonna vote for someone 'corrupt' because it really is between 2 choices... it will not be trump. he's dangerous & not only do thinking (R) with 2 braincells that can be rubbed together..the rest of the world knows it too.
I've posted all these issues about Trump and links. But the USMB Republicans just say I've don't want to know. We all know Hillary Clinton. Republicans have been going after her for 30 years with the only success being they smeared her name.

But these issues about Trump? Many have video. You can watch him. The most recent being raising his office rates on his own offices 5X because now that he's getting donations, he can legally funnel the money to his bank accounts. That's called scamming your supporters. Are you guys OK with that? He figured out a way to legally swindle his supporters and is doing it. Think he will raise the rent even more?

Trump raising own rent to profit from presidential run: Kaine

Can you be any more ignorant?

I want to talk about Trump's ties to Russia.

The half billion he owes China.

The employees he's stiffed.

His wanting to spread around nuclear weapons.

His not knowing what the nuclear triad is.

His nephew's sick baby he cut medical care for.

His many affairs.

His bribing Texas Attorney General.

His bribing Florida's Attorney General.

The Trump charity money he illegally used to pay the bribe.

His Nov 28th Court Date.

His Trump U case not going away.

His 3500 lawsuits.

His 169 federal lawsuits.

His racism.

His attack on a Gold Star family.

His saying a flat chested woman can't be a 10.

His flip flops.

His lies.

His using campaign money to buy books.

His raising Trump office rent 5 times to scam his supporters out of their contributions.

And you keep going on and on about emails for which she has already been exonerated. At some point, it becomes double jeopardy. Endless investigations going nowhere costing millions and millions of dollars in tax payer money.
When you explain all facets of our Middle East policy, I will consider contemplating your list of petty grievances, until then, GFY.
here's your PAY FOR PLAY... no wonder tribblehead doesn't want to release his taxes:

September 01, 2016, 03:01 pm
Trump paid IRS fine after illegal political contribution: report

Donald Trump paid a $2,500 fine to the IRS this year after it was discovered that the mogul’s namesake charity had illegally made a $25,000 political contribution, The Washington Post reported on Thursday.

The Donald J. Trump Foundation gave the money to a group called “Justice for All,” which was supporting Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi’s campaign. At the time, Bondi was weighing whether to pursue an investigation into allegations of fraud that had been leveled against Trump University. She eventually declined to bring charges.
The Post had discovered that in their 2013 tax filings, the charity did not list the contribution to the Florida group, but instead showed a $25,000 contribution to a charity in Kansas with a similar name — which it never made.

The Trump foundation also answered no when the form asked if it had made any political contributions that year.

"It was just an honest mistake," Jeffrey McConney, a senior vice president at the Trump Organization, told the Post. "It wasn’t done intentionally to hide a political donation, it was just an error."

Trump later reimbursed his foundation for the contribution out of his personal account, which his employees say is more typically used to make such political donations.

Trump paid IRS fine after illegal political contribution: report


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