Do walls work, yes or no?

Do walls work keeping out at least 95% of the potential crossers?

  • Yes, DHS are the experts on this subject matter.

    Votes: 24 80.0%
  • NO, I will document my proof

    Votes: 6 20.0%

  • Total voters
Trump and DHS say that walls do work, and they are needed.

Can the dems refute the fact that "walls work"?
Not a dem and against the wall in principle.

Would be far less costly and far more effective to junk the welfare state....Then all who came would be here for the right reasons and would have to pull their own weight.

Great idea, although a wall would be much easier.
A good, solid concrete wall doesn't keep out much of anything, unless it's holding up a roof.
Trump and DHS say that walls do work, and they are needed.

Can the dems refute the fact that "walls work"?
Not a dem and against the wall in principle.

Would be far less costly and far more effective to junk the welfare state....Then all who came would be here for the right reasons and would have to pull their own weight.

Great idea, although a wall would be much easier.
The easy way isn't the right way...We have democrats for that.
Raising my garden beds really seemed to help a little. My old dog, Ben, was hell on squirrels and what not, and he spent a lot of time in the yard, but he's been dead a long time, and the new guy who's sweet but was always not very useful is past 14 now .... the pesky birds seem to respect my fake owls and shinny garden ornaments.
Trump and DHS say that walls do work, and they are needed.

Can the dems refute the fact that "walls work"?
Walls don’t actually work. They just sit there. They are stationary objects. Anyone can get past a wall. It’s the guards that are way harder to get by.
Trump and DHS say that walls do work, and they are needed.

Can the dems refute the fact that "walls work"?
Walls don’t actually work. They just sit there. They are stationary objects. Anyone can get past a wall. It’s the guards that are way harder to get by.

The guards are government employees. They don't work either, unless they're jackbooted thugs out to keep the white man down.
No. They're lazy and just stand there. Then without some kind of aid or support from the "People" (You know who I'm talking about) they crumble and fall.
A good, solid concrete wall doesn't keep out much of anything, unless it's holding up a roof.

Have you considered the possibility that you might an idiot? You think all those rich people who have walls around their residences are fools? You think all those countries that have walls on their borders wasted their money? And it doesn't to be a solid, concrete wall either.
A good, solid concrete wall doesn't keep out much of anything, unless it's holding up a roof.

Have you considered the possibility that you might an idiot? You think all those rich people who have walls around their residences are fools? You think all those countries that have walls on their borders wasted their money? And it doesn't to be a solid, concrete wall either.

A wall around a home or business is for the lazy thief who may normally be right in the neighborhood anyway.
But the US/Mexico border is thousands of miles of dangerous desert, hundreds of miles deep, which already works much better than any wall we could build.
Ah think them criminals figure rich folk have armed guards behind their walls ... or else they come over those walls and rape and kill and steal everything like them Mexicans Trump is warning us of them. Boy, I never knew them Mexicans were so bloodthirsty till President Trump told me.
A good, solid concrete wall doesn't keep out much of anything, unless it's holding up a roof.

Have you considered the possibility that you might an idiot? You think all those rich people who have walls around their residences are fools? You think all those countries that have walls on their borders wasted their money? And it doesn't to be a solid, concrete wall either.

A wall around a home or business is for the lazy thief who may normally be right in the neighborhood anyway.
But the US/Mexico border is thousands of miles of dangerous desert, hundreds of miles deep, which already works much better than any wall we could build.

everyone knows a mexican can walk 5-600 miles with a couple thousand pounds of dope on his back through the desert, swim the river, then walk all the way to Chicago - Trump said they do.

Trump and DHS say that walls do work, and they are needed.

Can the dems refute the fact that "walls work"?

Who cares. There will never be one built on the border with Trumps name on it.

Next Trump failure post.
I bet most of the "journalists" who pretend to be against "walls" actually live behind a wall or a gate in a gated community and quite possibly the anti-2nd Amendment hypocrites including left wing politicians utilize armed guards.

Yup. Damned right walls work. Pelousy has a wall around her house. Doubt illegal aliens get onto her grounds.

Walls work. The one in Israel has been working for years.

The wall will keep illegals out and save we the tax payer billions every year. It will also save American citizens from robbery, rape and murder at their hands.

Once up we can boot those that are here out.

More than works for me.
I bet most of the "journalists" who pretend to be against "walls" actually live behind a wall or a gate in a gated community and quite possibly the anti-2nd Amendment hypocrites including left wing politicians utilize armed guards.

Yup. Damned right walls work. Pelousy has a wall around her house. Doubt illegal aliens get onto her grounds.

Walls work. The one in Israel has been working for years.

The wall will keep illegals out and save we the tax payer billions every year. It will also save American citizens from robbery, rape and murder at their hands.

Once up we can boot those that are here out.

More than works for me.

idiot ^^^^^^^^^^

Trump and DHS say that walls do work, and they are needed.

Can the dems refute the fact that "walls work"?
Walls don’t actually work. They just sit there. They are stationary objects. Anyone can get past a wall. It’s the guards that are way harder to get by.

The guards are government employees. They don't work either, unless they're jackbooted thugs out to keep the white man down.
Have you ever known anyone who worked as a guard at a prison? If you haven’t then shut up. It’s one of the most dangerous and worst jobs that a government employee can do.
A good, solid concrete wall doesn't keep out much of anything, unless it's holding up a roof.

Have you considered the possibility that you might an idiot? You think all those rich people who have walls around their residences are fools? You think all those countries that have walls on their borders wasted their money? And it doesn't to be a solid, concrete wall either.

A wall around a home or business is for the lazy thief who may normally be right in the neighborhood anyway.
But the US/Mexico border is thousands of miles of dangerous desert, hundreds of miles deep, which already works much better than any wall we could build.

1. The Border Patrol does not agree with you. You think you know more than they do?

2. We're not talking about building a wall across thousands of miles, we're talking about building it where it'll do the most good, in places where people are crossing our border in significant numbers.

3. Are you aware that existing walls we've built already have proved to be effective?

4. Here's the thing about a big 20-30 foot wall, it takes a lot of effort to get over it or under it if you build it right with a good foundation. Not impossible, but a lot harder to defeat.

5. The argument about the effectiveness of a wall is actually a red herring, anyone with an ounce of sense and integrity knows damn well a good solid wall will work. Maybe it doesn't solve the problem by itself, but it sure as hell is something of a deterrent. A proven deterrent, so cut the crap. The truth is that the Democrats know a wall works, that's why they supported it and voted for it. Twice.

So this isn't about whether or not a wall is effective, this is about politics and nothing more. Anti-Trump politics, trying to deny him from fulfilling a campaign promise and damaging his chance s of being re-elected. Which the democrats are willing to go to any lengths, whether our national security is imperiled or not.

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