Do We Have Any Former Republicans Here On USMB?

Are You A Former Republican?

  • I'm a former Republican, currently an Independent

    Votes: 16 38.1%
  • I'm a former Republican, currently a Democrat

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • I'm still a Republican, but I'm thinking about leaving the party

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • I'm STILL a Republican and I'm NEVER leaving the party

    Votes: 11 26.2%
  • I'm not a Republican, and I don't understand what the HELL those people are thinking

    Votes: 10 23.8%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
If so, what's your story?

Is it anything like this guy who was forced to leave the party he's been a part of since 1979 due to the fact that it's gone completely off the deep end?

What's your story?
Another educated idiot, he just doesn't get it. He just doesn't get that Ford's "witnesses", all four of them, contradicted her allegations. End of story. Welcome Justice Kavanaugh!!
If the GOP picks up seats in the House and Senate next month I'm happy as a lark. OP prof needs to review Trump's "promises kept" list to see which side he should be on. The Never Trumpers can vote how they want to, we're picking up blacks, Hispanics, and union workers who see the value of good trade deals and good paying jobs. The Globalist traitors can sell the US out, but heroes like the GOP can bring jobs back instead of paying tax breaks to move jobs overseas like the dems do.
New Legislation Would End Tax Incentives to Move Jobs and Profits Offshore
If so, what's your story?

Is it anything like this guy who was forced to leave the party he's been a part of since 1979 due to the fact that it's gone completely off the deep end?

What's your story?

Former Democrat who did a 180 and became a Republican, now former Republican who knows both parties are full of shit.

It is really hard if not impossible to deny that both parties suck.
Used to be. Bush proved that the Republicans are as big government as the left. They just like to lower taxes while increasing spending.

No one represents a small government agenda anymore.
I'm thinking there could be more former Dems than former Repubs out there. From what I've read, there's a lot of disillusionment among young voters, minorities, the white working class, and even some women who were turned off by the Kavanaugh shenanigans and all the screaming and shouting going on during that process. A lot of Americans don't want any part of that.
Former Democrat who did a 180 and became a Republican, now former Republican who knows both parties are full of shit.
Now's the time to share that journey bruh.

I'm curious.
If so, what's your story?

Is it anything like this guy who was forced to leave the party he's been a part of since 1979 due to the fact that it's gone completely off the deep end?

What's your story?

Beta cuck fag. I used to lean left but woke up during the 90's.
If so, what's your story?

Is it anything like this guy who was forced to leave the party he's been a part of since 1979 due to the fact that it's gone completely off the deep end?

What's your story?

That would be me

And my story is here on USMB

Former Humphrey democrat who both witnessed and lived leftist failure, then became a Reagan republican who then saw that the GOP were a bunch of poseurs...Became a libertarian, where I eventually came to the conclusion that The State is not your friend and can never be constrained.

Now an anarcho-capitalist, just sitting back and watching the world burn.
If so, what's your story?

Is it anything like this guy who was forced to leave the party he's been a part of since 1979 due to the fact that it's gone completely off the deep end?

What's your story?

The long and short of it:

  • I liked Bill Clinton, the first time around, and would have identified as a Democrat if pushed.
  • The "blue dress" scandal happened. I saw how the Dems acted, and, as a practicing Christian, wanted no part of it. "Switched" to being more Republican, and started listening to Rush.
  • Came of age and voted mostly "party line".
  • Swallowed hard and voted for Bush, twice.
  • Swallowed REALLY hard and voted against Obama, the first time.
  • Paid attention to the way Republicans and Democrats acted during first 4 years of Obama.
  • Got educated on the Framers, COTUS, and how the Federal Government really works (lobbyists, money, special interest group, etc.), and realised that most in Washington are more concerned with maintaining power than solving problems.
  • Haven't voted for either party since. I don't see how that will change anytime soon.
Both parties are for expanding government, just in different ways. There is WAY too much power/influence in Washington, and I will likely vote for ANYONE who is committed to changing that. Actual policies are less of a concern, though they do still matter, especially those that deal directly with constitutional issues, national security, and protecting INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. The fastest way to lose my vote is to say something that threatens any of those things.
i vote 'repub' for TRUMP but only because there is no TRUMP Party . I have been only a lukewarm 'republican' voter up until GWB and after his first election i never voted republican again until Trump . 'reagan' , the 'bush' familia and ' 'mcstain' plus all those running against Trump convinced me that i would never vote for a ' repub' again . [ except for Cruz or Trump Marc]
The long and short of it:

  • I liked Bill Clinton, the first time around, and would have identified as a Democrat if pushed.
  • The "blue dress" scandal happened. I saw how the Dems acted, and, as a practicing Christian, wanted no part of it. "Switched" to being more Republican, and started listening to Rush.
  • Came of age and voted mostly "party line".
  • Swallowed hard and voted for Bush, twice.
  • Swallowed REALLY hard and voted against Obama, the first time.
  • Paid attention to the way Republicans and Democrats acted during first 4 years of Obama.
  • Got educated on the Framers, COTUS, and how the Federal Government really works (lobbyists, money, special interest group, etc.), and realised that most in Washington are more concerned with maintaining power than solving problems.
  • Haven't voted for either party since. I don't see how that will change anytime soon.
Both parties are for expanding government, just in different ways. There is WAY too much power/influence in Washington, and I will likely vote for ANYONE who is committed to changing that. Actual policies are less of a concern, though they do still matter, especially those that deal directly with constitutional issues, national security, and protecting INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. The fastest way to lose my vote is to say something that threatens any of those things.
Sounds like BERNIE!
Kind of /sort of, for me. Here in Arizona we political independents get to select either a Democrat or Republican ballot for our primaries in August. However, since the political parties pay for their own presidential primary elections, those are limited to party members. Thus every 4 years I have to pick one or other party for those few months before switching back to being an independent. My pick is based on which party's primary is more contested.
The long and short of it:

  • I liked Bill Clinton, the first time around, and would have identified as a Democrat if pushed.
  • The "blue dress" scandal happened. I saw how the Dems acted, and, as a practicing Christian, wanted no part of it. "Switched" to being more Republican, and started listening to Rush.
  • Came of age and voted mostly "party line".
  • Swallowed hard and voted for Bush, twice.
  • Swallowed REALLY hard and voted against Obama, the first time.
  • Paid attention to the way Republicans and Democrats acted during first 4 years of Obama.
  • Got educated on the Framers, COTUS, and how the Federal Government really works (lobbyists, money, special interest group, etc.), and realised that most in Washington are more concerned with maintaining power than solving problems.
  • Haven't voted for either party since. I don't see how that will change anytime soon.
Both parties are for expanding government, just in different ways. There is WAY too much power/influence in Washington, and I will likely vote for ANYONE who is committed to changing that. Actual policies are less of a concern, though they do still matter, especially those that deal directly with constitutional issues, national security, and protecting INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. The fastest way to lose my vote is to say something that threatens any of those things.

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