Do we have too many first generation ‘citizens’ in government?

Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
No dude, it’s just you tuning into too much right wing propaganda. It’s all fear and paranoia based and you echo the absurdity. Try tuning out for a couple of months and just living your life and all will feel better.

That’s great news...thanks...Since you’ve arrived at such an opinion I’m guessing you can show us how or where these 1st Gen politicians have improved America as a whole?
I’m guessing you have some data to share?

They are proving the simply idea of America working. Anyone can come here and make something of themselves. I thought that is what the "right" has long argued? No?

That is proving that American worked when they came here, not that it was good for America that they came here.
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
No dude, it’s just you tuning into too much right wing propaganda. It’s all fear and paranoia based and you echo the absurdity. Try tuning out for a couple of months and just living your life and all will feel better.
It's become very clear that the NEW Know Nothing Party is alive and well on the Right.
I know enough where the female Islamic representatives are not Progressive socialist feminists.
Why is citizens in the title have quotes? (Apostrophes actually which is even more confusing)

Probably because he is questioning the truthfulness of their citizenship.
And why would that be? Being born here is worthy of being questioned? In what cases? All cases? Or...............................?

No, probably because of the deep anti-Americaness in so many of their words and actions.

Being a citizens requires taking an oath of loyatly.

If they lied when they took the oath, because they hate they are anti-American liberal scum, then they are not really citizens, despite what the paperwork says.
Like the Canadian born Ted Cruz?
Ted Cruz, unlike the Squad seems to be very aligned with core Americans. I’ve never once heard him imply that Americans have been running America all wrong and that “fundamental change” was in order...have you?
He seems to be very grateful for his presence in America and to be living and practicing the American Way.
Have I missed something?
Well if when the going gets tough the coward goes to Mexico then ya Cruz is the prime example of American values. If then lying about it after word is American values and blaming it on his kids.ya great value system. Oh but he did do a photo op of putting some water in a trunk. What a great great man. Meanwhile AOC got off her ass raised money then went to Texas rolled up her sleeves and worked at food shelters when it was not even her state. Yep , hard work, time invested no lies Boy is she evil.

I heard AOC raised money for non-profits helping ILLEGAL ALIENS in Texas...I heard she went to Texas to assist in efforts to help ILLEGAL ALIENS.
You made a good point, thanks for affirming the premise of this thread.
you "heard"....where's your source for this information? Link a credible source.
Why is citizens in the title have quotes? (Apostrophes actually which is even more confusing)

Probably because he is questioning the truthfulness of their citizenship.
And why would that be? Being born here is worthy of being questioned? In what cases? All cases? Or...............................?

No, probably because of the deep anti-Americaness in so many of their words and actions.

Being a citizens requires taking an oath of loyatly.

If they lied when they took the oath, because they hate they are anti-American liberal scum, then they are not really citizens, despite what the paperwork says.

Attacking the Capitol to overturn a free and fair election is what America is about?
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
America has always been changing as new immigrant groups arrive. That is what America is all about. If you want to stop time you're out of luck. Get over it.

IMHO, immigrants make much better Americans than native-born Americans. The vast majority of immigrants, legal and illegal, are looking for the American dream. They are not afraid to come to a foreign country to pursue their freedom and economic opportunity. That is exactly the kind of America we want and need. We don't need people who feel America owes them something because they were born here.

You didn’t read the title and OP did you?
This thread isn’t about immigrants and or immigrant groups.
Here, let me hold your hand through this kid.
The premise of the thread:
Do barely American politicians have America’s best interests at heart, do they value the American value system, american principles, traditions and the American Way, will they keep America on the path it’s been on for centuries or will they deviate from what has made America the greatest nation on earth?
Start a thread about how Americans shouldn’t have the right to control immigration to America, how illegal/forced demographic change is better than organic invited change, about how a browner America is better based on data, about how illegals are good for our job markets, our education system, our healthcare systemand I’ll participate in it....I PROMISE.
What is your motive, that you are afraid to be honest about?

They are motivated by FEELZ.
There’s no other logical explanation.

i don't think so, not in this case.

I think they are anti-Americans, and they know that minority immigrants tend to get assimilated into "American" groups that are supportive of their anti-American policies and agenda.

If the immigrants were a flood of little old ladies fleeing man eating trees, but who tended to vote republican, they would turn on this issue on a dime.
Definitely a revivial of the Know Nothing Party.
So it was nothing more than a cowardly way to wish for only white's to vote.
You dont like white people?

and besides 30% of the non immigrant Americans who are being overrun are non white

I don't evade points when I support something. Just be honest. Why do you feel you can't simply be honest?

I should believe we should leave the running of the country to people who refuse to be honest about their positions?

People with divided loyalties should not be too large of a percentage of the population or the government.

That is a valid point, and you saying "wace" is just you throwing shit like a monkey.

I could just as well argue that those who attacked the Capital have divided loyalties.

Now you are moving to deflection.

Everything you are doing, shows that you know that your position is wrong, yet you hold to it.


What is your motive, that you are afraid to be honest about?

My motive is to stop you from disenfranchising millions of Americans.

Shouldn’t your motive be to assist in advancing and improving America for Americans?
They ARE want to deny that fact. Sad to be you.
Like the Canadian born Ted Cruz?
Ted Cruz, unlike the Squad seems to be very aligned with core Americans. I’ve never once heard him imply that Americans have been running America all wrong and that “fundamental change” was in order...have you?
He seems to be very grateful for his presence in America and to be living and practicing the American Way.
Have I missed something?
Well if when the going gets tough the coward goes to Mexico then ya Cruz is the prime example of American values. If then lying about it after word is American values and blaming it on his kids.ya great value system. Oh but he did do a photo op of putting some water in a trunk. What a great great man. Meanwhile AOC got off her ass raised money then went to Texas rolled up her sleeves and worked at food shelters when it was not even her state. Yep , hard work, time invested no lies Boy is she evil.

I heard AOC raised money for non-profits helping ILLEGAL ALIENS in Texas...I heard she went to Texas to assist in efforts to help ILLEGAL ALIENS.
You made a good point, thanks for affirming the premise of this thread.
Lol you heard.? I could care fucjing less what you heard. You follow lying cowards.
Hahaha...gotcha didn’t I?
You follow barely Americans who hate the American Way. What’s worse?
Define the American Way as you see it.
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
White supremacy should have nothing to do with american principles, the american value system or the american way.
Like the Canadian born Ted Cruz?
Ted Cruz, unlike the Squad seems to be very aligned with core Americans. I’ve never once heard him imply that Americans have been running America all wrong and that “fundamental change” was in order...have you?
He seems to be very grateful for his presence in America and to be living and practicing the American Way.
Have I missed something?
Well if when the going gets tough the coward goes to Mexico then ya Cruz is the prime example of American values. If then lying about it after word is American values and blaming it on his kids.ya great value system. Oh but he did do a photo op of putting some water in a trunk. What a great great man. Meanwhile AOC got off her ass raised money then went to Texas rolled up her sleeves and worked at food shelters when it was not even her state. Yep , hard work, time invested no lies Boy is she evil.

I heard AOC raised money for non-profits helping ILLEGAL ALIENS in Texas...I heard she went to Texas to assist in efforts to help ILLEGAL ALIENS.
You made a good point, thanks for affirming the premise of this thread.
Lol you heard.? I could care fucjing less what you heard. You follow lying cowards.
Hahaha...gotcha didn’t I?
You follow barely Americans who hate the American Way. What’s worse?
Define the American Way as you see it.
We already know.
So it was nothing more than a cowardly way to wish for only white's to vote.
You dont like white people?

and besides 30% of the non immigrant Americans who are being overrun are non white

I don't evade points when I support something. Just be honest. Why do you feel you can't simply be honest?

I should believe we should leave the running of the country to people who refuse to be honest about their positions?

People with divided loyalties should not be too large of a percentage of the population or the government.

That is a valid point, and you saying "wace" is just you throwing shit like a monkey.

I could just as well argue that those who attacked the Capital have divided loyalties.

Now you are moving to deflection.

Everything you are doing, shows that you know that your position is wrong, yet you hold to it.


What is your motive, that you are afraid to be honest about?

My motive is to stop you from disenfranchising millions of Americans.

Shouldn’t your motive be to assist in advancing and improving America for Americans?

I am. First generations American's are every bit as much Americans as anyone regardless of how much that bothers you.

Because you say so...because you want to desperately believe it’s so because FEELZ and all...OR because you have data to prove it?
Define the American Way as you see it, please.
Like the Canadian born Ted Cruz?
Ted Cruz, unlike the Squad seems to be very aligned with core Americans. I’ve never once heard him imply that Americans have been running America all wrong and that “fundamental change” was in order...have you?
He seems to be very grateful for his presence in America and to be living and practicing the American Way.
Have I missed something?
Well if when the going gets tough the coward goes to Mexico then ya Cruz is the prime example of American values. If then lying about it after word is American values and blaming it on his kids.ya great value system. Oh but he did do a photo op of putting some water in a trunk. What a great great man. Meanwhile AOC got off her ass raised money then went to Texas rolled up her sleeves and worked at food shelters when it was not even her state. Yep , hard work, time invested no lies Boy is she evil.

I heard AOC raised money for non-profits helping ILLEGAL ALIENS in Texas...I heard she went to Texas to assist in efforts to help ILLEGAL ALIENS.
You made a good point, thanks for affirming the premise of this thread.
Lol you heard.? I could care fucjing less what you heard. You follow lying cowards.
Hahaha...gotcha didn’t I?
You follow barely Americans who hate the American Way. What’s worse?
Define the American Way as you see it.
We already know.
I want to hear it from the OP....should be interesting.
  • Thanks
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I love that term "first generation politicians."

I love euphemisms. They are much gentler than the words they replace. And we should all be as gentle as possible.

Actually, I feel that the OP has raised an important point.

I personally feel that first generation politicians should refrain from stridently criticizing the country that allowed their parents to live here.

It is, I feel, unseemly to do so.

First generation politicians should show their gratitude to this country by being respectful and humble.

If they have any criticism, it should be couched in a low-key manner.
The first amendment doesn't give a damn about what you feel.
Like the Canadian born Ted Cruz?
Ted Cruz, unlike the Squad seems to be very aligned with core Americans. I’ve never once heard him imply that Americans have been running America all wrong and that “fundamental change” was in order...have you?
He seems to be very grateful for his presence in America and to be living and practicing the American Way.
Have I missed something?
Well if when the going gets tough the coward goes to Mexico then ya Cruz is the prime example of American values. If then lying about it after word is American values and blaming it on his kids.ya great value system. Oh but he did do a photo op of putting some water in a trunk. What a great great man. Meanwhile AOC got off her ass raised money then went to Texas rolled up her sleeves and worked at food shelters when it was not even her state. Yep , hard work, time invested no lies Boy is she evil.

I heard AOC raised money for non-profits helping ILLEGAL ALIENS in Texas...I heard she went to Texas to assist in efforts to help ILLEGAL ALIENS.
You made a good point, thanks for affirming the premise of this thread.
Lol you heard.? I could care fucjing less what you heard. You follow lying cowards.
Hahaha...gotcha didn’t I?
You follow barely Americans who hate the American Way. What’s worse?
Define the American Way as you see it.
We already know.
I want to hear it from the OP....should be interesting.
I do as well.. You are right.
Well, see? That wasn't too hard..................speaking the quiet part outloud like that. :heehee:
Of course

Our immigration policy is backwards

it should be based on merit that rewards the best and brightest the world has to offer

But instead we admit millions of old, sickly, uneducated people based only on family ties

thats very stupid
Like the Canadian born Ted Cruz?
I think the question was do we have too many rather than any

the reason there are so many 1st generation persons elected to government is because we have so many immigrants who vote for them

And I dont that that is good for America

So it was nothing more than a cowardly way to wish for only white's to vote.

When you admit that you cannot support your position, without calling someone a wacist, you admit that you cannot defend your position AT ALL.

I asked a question. The reply to the question is we should not be allowing people who do not look like Mac to vote. You can pretend that isn't what it is all you want. Be honest.

You just lied about what he said.

Now you are admitting that you cannot defend your position without lying.

What is your real reason for supporting "first gen immigrants" in government?

I support any and ALL American's being able to run.

George Washington was a first generation American.

Do you really? If we were being swamped by South African white refugees, or white Russians, and they were voting Republican in large numbers, would you be so open to the idea?

I have NEVER taken a position based upon how it applies to politics. Our Constitution allows American's to vote and vote they should. It allows them to run for office and run they should if they feel the desire wherever their ancestors may be from.

Just admit it. You support this because it is an advantage to your side, not because you believe it is good, or good for America.

My side is the Constitution, so yeah, it supports my side.

Except you already LIED in this thread, so your claim to being as pure as the driven snow, is not credible.

Your side is either the dems or lefty agenda.

Sadly many do feel the Constitution outside of the second amendment is some sort of "lefty agenda".

First gen immigrants naturally have divided loyalties. You move to a new place, you don't suddenly not care about your previous homeland.

Which is part of the process of immigration. But is is why you don't want too high of a percentage.

Business is going to get as many workers as they deem necessary.

1. Your claim of "the constitution" is not credible. If the immigrants were voting republican you would oppose them. Admit it.

2. That is their motive. A short sighted motive. What is yours?
Why AREN'T first generation Americans (the topic of this thread) voting Republican?

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