Do we have too many first generation ‘citizens’ in government?

Like the Canadian born Ted Cruz?
I think the question was do we have too many rather than any

the reason there are so many 1st generation persons elected to government is because we have so many immigrants who vote for them

And I dont that that is good for America

So it was nothing more than a cowardly way to wish for only white's to vote.

When you admit that you cannot support your position, without calling someone a wacist, you admit that you cannot defend your position AT ALL.
Look who's here......confirms what this thread is REALLY about.....;)
Why is citizens in the title have quotes? (Apostrophes actually which is even more confusing)
I think it looks cool...can you add anything substantive to the thread?
Nah. Just observing the dog whistles.

Think....Consider many politicians would have got behind a push to “fundamentally change America” in 1990?
How many citizens would have supported such an effort?
What’s changed since then?
You people have to stop wondering why ‘immigrants’ are quickly becoming America’s greatest nightmare.
Politicians have been fundamentally changing America since it began.

More dog whistles.
How so? Can you provide examples?
Or is this a “because I said so” sort of thing?
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
No dude, it’s just you tuning into too much right wing propaganda. It’s all fear and paranoia based and you echo the absurdity. Try tuning out for a couple of months and just living your life and all will feel better.
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
The American Value System includes those first generation citizens...............always has.

What does that even mean and how is it relevant to the title and or the premise of the OP?
Are you sure that YOU are an American citizen? You don't seem very aware of us and our American culture. I mean that in all seriousness.
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
No dude, it’s just you tuning into too much right wing propaganda. It’s all fear and paranoia based and you echo the absurdity. Try tuning out for a couple of months and just living your life and all will feel better.
It's become very clear that the NEW Know Nothing Party is alive and well on the Right.
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
No dude, it’s just you tuning into too much right wing propaganda. It’s all fear and paranoia based and you echo the absurdity. Try tuning out for a couple of months and just living your life and all will feel better.

I don't think it has anything to do with "right wing propaganda". Sadly it's just ingrained.
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
America has always been changing as new immigrant groups arrive. That is what America is all about. If you want to stop time you're out of luck. Get over it.

IMHO, immigrants make much better Americans than native-born Americans. The vast majority of immigrants, legal and illegal, are looking for the American dream. They are not afraid to come to a foreign country to pursue their freedom and economic opportunity. That is exactly the kind of America we want and need. We don't need people who feel America owes them something because they were born here.
Like the Canadian born Ted Cruz?
Ted Cruz, unlike the Squad seems to be very aligned with core Americans. I’ve never once heard him imply that Americans have been running America all wrong and that “fundamental change” was in order...have you?
He seems to be very grateful for his presence in America and to be living and practicing the American Way.
Have I missed something?
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?

Maybe that's hybrid vigor and a belief in the principles of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.. Maybe they aren't so jaded and inclined to violence as the Trumpies.

Urban Dictionary: Globalist
Globalist A dog whistle used to refer to the Jews, much in the same way Cultural Marxism and Bankers are. The conspiracy theory is basically that the supposed Globalists are on a crusade to destroy Western Civilisation with the use of racial minorities, Feminists, Leftists, Muslim people, LGBT people.
I don't evade points when I support something. Just be honest. Why do you feel you can't simply be honest?
You label me with a lie and then call me dishonest if I dont agree

now, what do you have against white people?
I find it very telling that you take this all to be "against white people"................very telling.
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
No dude, it’s just you tuning into too much right wing propaganda. It’s all fear and paranoia based and you echo the absurdity. Try tuning out for a couple of months and just living your life and all will feel better.

That’s great news...thanks...Since you’ve arrived at such an opinion I’m guessing you can show us how or where these 1st Gen politicians have improved America as a whole?
I’m guessing you have some data to share?
Do your parents know you’re on the Internet?
Credible posters don’t usually cherry pick context and they refute claims by providing an explanation of their position.
Here, try this Kiddo.
“Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?”
I may not be credible in your eyes (like that means anything). I'm 65 and my parents do know that I'm on the internet.

The Squad is all about America First. I'm not sure about CA as I haven't lived there since the '80s.
My beard is a dead ringer for that guy in your avatar, yet I've never been a traitor, nor plan to become one.
So it was nothing more than a cowardly way to wish for only white's to vote.
You dont like white people?

and besides 30% of the non immigrant Americans who are being overrun are non white

I don't evade points when I support something. Just be honest. Why do you feel you can't simply be honest?

I should believe we should leave the running of the country to people who refuse to be honest about their positions?

People with divided loyalties should not be too large of a percentage of the population or the government.

That is a valid point, and you saying "wace" is just you throwing shit like a monkey.

I could just as well argue that those who attacked the Capital have divided loyalties.
Much easier, actually.....they wore their loyalites on their trump flags....tearing down the American flag and putting up the trump flag.
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
No dude, it’s just you tuning into too much right wing propaganda. It’s all fear and paranoia based and you echo the absurdity. Try tuning out for a couple of months and just living your life and all will feel better.

That’s great news...thanks...Since you’ve arrived at such an opinion I’m guessing you can show us how or where these 1st Gen politicians have improved America as a whole?
I’m guessing you have some data to share?

They are proving the simply idea of America working. Anyone can come here and make something of themselves. I thought that is what the "right" has long argued? No?
Like the Canadian born Ted Cruz?
I think the question was do we have too many rather than any

the reason there are so many 1st generation persons elected to government is because we have so many immigrants who vote for them

And I dont that that is good for America

So it was nothing more than a cowardly way to wish for only white's to vote.

When you admit that you cannot support your position, without calling someone a wacist, you admit that you cannot defend your position AT ALL.
Look who's here......confirms what this thread is REALLY about.....;)

You. To show that this is about liberals, putting their agenda ahead of the good of the nation or it's citizens.

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