Do we really need a Senate?

Always be wary of people who want take decisions away from the voters and put it into the hands of power brokers.

No matter where they fall on the political spectrum.

Exactly! The Progressives in 1913 took the decision of who could be Senator away from the people in the state legislatures and removed the safety net in the balance of power that disassociated what Congress was doing with what the states - and thus the common people - needed. The concerns of the states diminished dramatically. We ended up with a federal givernment that increased in dominating state interested. We ended up with programs like the Department of Education and a whole host of bureaucracies that forced states to give up tax money and get very little in return. Look at all the unfunded mandates and you'll see the 17th amendment in action.

The Senate wasn't around to help the "common people". Quite the opposite. It was around to address the concerns of people with money. It's reminiscent of the House of Lords vs. the House of Commons.
Always be wary of people who want take decisions away from the voters and put it into the hands of power brokers.

No matter where they fall on the political spectrum.

Exactly! The Progressives in 1913 took the decision of who could be Senator away from the people in the state legislatures and removed the safety net in the balance of power that disassociated what Congress was doing with what the states - and thus the common people - needed. The concerns of the states diminished dramatically. We ended up with a federal givernment that increased in dominating state interested. We ended up with programs like the Department of Education and a whole host of bureaucracies that forced states to give up tax money and get very little in return. Look at all the unfunded mandates and you'll see the 17th amendment in action.
Look at the explosive growth of central federal power and bureaucracy.

Look at the explosive rate of federal spending.

Look at the involvement in all the horrible foreign wars.
Always be wary of people who want take decisions away from the voters and put it into the hands of power brokers.

No matter where they fall on the political spectrum.

Exactly! The Progressives in 1913 took the decision of who could be Senator away from the people in the state legislatures and removed the safety net in the balance of power that disassociated what Congress was doing with what the states - and thus the common people - needed. The concerns of the states diminished dramatically. We ended up with a federal givernment that increased in dominating state interested. We ended up with programs like the Department of Education and a whole host of bureaucracies that forced states to give up tax money and get very little in return. Look at all the unfunded mandates and you'll see the 17th amendment in action.

The Senate wasn't around to help the "common people". Quite the opposite. It was around to address the concerns of people with money. It's reminiscent of the House of Lords vs. the House of Commons.

Is class warfare all you guys on the left have? class warfare, race warfare, gender warfare, ethnic warfare, regional warfare, sex orientation warfare. divide and conquer, its a common tactic of leftists and anarchists. and idiots like you just belly up to the bar and ask for more. pathetic ignorance.
Always be wary of people who want take decisions away from the voters and put it into the hands of power brokers.

No matter where they fall on the political spectrum.

Exactly! The Progressives in 1913 took the decision of who could be Senator away from the people in the state legislatures and removed the safety net in the balance of power that disassociated what Congress was doing with what the states - and thus the common people - needed. The concerns of the states diminished dramatically. We ended up with a federal givernment that increased in dominating state interested. We ended up with programs like the Department of Education and a whole host of bureaucracies that forced states to give up tax money and get very little in return. Look at all the unfunded mandates and you'll see the 17th amendment in action.
The Senate wasn't around to help the "common people". Quite the opposite. It was around to address the concerns of people with money. It's reminiscent of the House of Lords vs. the House of Commons.
This is an impressive display of abject ignorance, outrught dishonesty, or both.
For the life of me, I can't understand why the Senate is even there. It's role could easily be assumed by the House, of which, the people have much more control.

The Senate is totally disfunctional, totally useless, and I think we would be much better off without the body.

Did you ever study US History 101?

I agree that, as it's now elected, the Senate is a sham. But, the main purpose was to put brakes on the Majority Rule of the House. Each state elected to people to represent THEM to balance the formation of the House.

It was the progressives who did everything possible to destroy States' Rights. And we have suffered ever since.
For the life of me, I can't understand why the Senate is even there. It's role could easily be assumed by the House, of which, the people have much more control.

The Senate is totally disfunctional, totally useless, and I think we would be much better off without the body.

Agree 100%.

There are enough old white men in the House who are getting rich off PACs and lobbyists. Phuck the senators.

The Senate would be useful if the cronyism were removed. As would the house.

But as it stands, it acts as a vehicle for a minority of the people to lord over the majority.
For the life of me, I can't understand why the Senate is even there. It's role could easily be assumed by the House, of which, the people have much more control.

The Senate is totally disfunctional, totally useless, and I think we would be much better off without the body.

Did you ever study US History 101?

I agree that, as it's now elected, the Senate is a sham. But, the main purpose was to put brakes on the Majority Rule of the House. Each state elected to people to represent THEM to balance the formation of the House.

It was the progressives who did everything possible to destroy States' Rights. And we have suffered ever since.

Yes because without slaves and with the darn woman vote..this country has gone to hell in a handbasket, by gumption!
For the life of me, I can't understand why the Senate is even there. It's role could easily be assumed by the House, of which, the people have much more control.

The Senate is totally disfunctional, totally useless, and I think we would be much better off without the body.

Agree 100%.

There are enough old white men in the House who are getting rich off PACs and lobbyists. Phuck the senators.
The Senate would be useful if the cronyism were removed. As would the house.
But as it stands, it acts as a vehicle for a minority of the people to lord over the majority.
You exhibit a severe malunderstanding of our form of government.
See, the majortity does not always rule - by design.
For the life of me, I can't understand why the Senate is even there. It's role could easily be assumed by the House, of which, the people have much more control.

The Senate is totally disfunctional, totally useless, and I think we would be much better off without the body.

Did you ever study US History 101?

I agree that, as it's now elected, the Senate is a sham. But, the main purpose was to put brakes on the Majority Rule of the House. Each state elected to people to represent THEM to balance the formation of the House.

It was the progressives who did everything possible to destroy States' Rights. And we have suffered ever since.

Yes because without slaves and with the darn woman vote..this country has gone to hell in a handbasket, by gumption!
Your non-sequitur does not qualify as a reasoned response to his statement.
But then, you knew that.
The Senate is disfunctional because the Republicans are filibustering EVERYTHING!!!

judicial nominees, executive appointments, even selecting reconciliation members to pass a damn budget!!!!!!!!!

Yeah because we know Harry Reid has passed a budget in almost 5 years.. The house at least tries to do things . Unlike the Democratic Senate
Did you ever study US History 101?

I agree that, as it's now elected, the Senate is a sham. But, the main purpose was to put brakes on the Majority Rule of the House. Each state elected to people to represent THEM to balance the formation of the House.

It was the progressives who did everything possible to destroy States' Rights. And we have suffered ever since.

Yes because without slaves and with the darn woman vote..this country has gone to hell in a handbasket, by gumption!
Your non-sequitur does not qualify as a reasoned response to his statement.
But then, you knew that.
Don't expect any out of him and you'll not have a problem. ;)
For the life of me, I can't understand why the Senate is even there. It's role could easily be assumed by the House, of which, the people have much more control.

The Senate is totally disfunctional, totally useless, and I think we would be much better off without the body.

Did you ever study US History 101?

I agree that, as it's now elected, the Senate is a sham. But, the main purpose was to put brakes on the Majority Rule of the House. Each state elected to people to represent THEM to balance the formation of the House.

It was the progressives who did everything possible to destroy States' Rights. And we have suffered ever since.

Yes because without slaves and with the darn woman vote..this country has gone to hell in a handbasket, by gumption!

That is precisely why I placed Ms. Fluke in my avatar; it represents the right wing's worst fear; a woman they can't intimidate; who thinks for herself and demands equality.... It drives conservatives batshit crazy. Also, she represents not only the political degradation of their position but the social clout they've lost as well.

The world has changed'll note there hasn't been a "We're fucked" thread this week because of the Zimmerman verdict...and it isn't going back. Deep down they know this. They can't cope. It's fun to watch the rationalization.

2016 may well be a year they re-take the White House due to the penchant for Americans to change party control of the office about every 8-12 years. I think smart liberals and soft left Democrats should get used to the idea and hope for a best case scenario (Rubio or Jeb Bush instead of Perry or Santorum for example)

But America has turned a corner. Much for the better. :clap2:
Did you ever study US History 101?

I agree that, as it's now elected, the Senate is a sham. But, the main purpose was to put brakes on the Majority Rule of the House. Each state elected to people to represent THEM to balance the formation of the House.

It was the progressives who did everything possible to destroy States' Rights. And we have suffered ever since.

Yes because without slaves and with the darn woman vote..this country has gone to hell in a handbasket, by gumption!

That is precisely why I placed Ms. Fluke in my avatar; it represents the right wing's worst fear; a woman they can't intimidate; who thinks for herself and demands equality.... It drives conservatives batshit crazy. Also, she represents not only the political degradation of their position but the social clout they've lost as well.

The world has changed'll note there hasn't been a "We're fucked" thread this week because of the Zimmerman verdict...and it isn't going back. Deep down they know this. They can't cope. It's fun to watch the rationalization.

2016 may well be a year they re-take the White House due to the penchant for Americans to change party control of the office about every 8-12 years. I think smart liberals and soft left Democrats should get used to the idea and hope for a best case scenario (Rubio or Jeb Bush instead of Perry or Santorum for example)

But America has turned a corner. Much for the better. :clap2:
A laughable diatribe, written by someone who clearly did not pass his US Government classes.
Did you ever study US History 101?

I agree that, as it's now elected, the Senate is a sham. But, the main purpose was to put brakes on the Majority Rule of the House. Each state elected to people to represent THEM to balance the formation of the House.

It was the progressives who did everything possible to destroy States' Rights. And we have suffered ever since.

Yes because without slaves and with the darn woman vote..this country has gone to hell in a handbasket, by gumption!

That is precisely why I placed Ms. Fluke in my avatar; it represents the right wing's worst fear; a woman they can't intimidate; who thinks for herself and demands equality.... It drives conservatives batshit crazy. Also, she represents not only the political degradation of their position but the social clout they've lost as well.

The world has changed'll note there hasn't been a "We're fucked" thread this week because of the Zimmerman verdict...and it isn't going back. Deep down they know this. They can't cope. It's fun to watch the rationalization.

2016 may well be a year they re-take the White House due to the penchant for Americans to change party control of the office about every 8-12 years. I think smart liberals and soft left Democrats should get used to the idea and hope for a best case scenario (Rubio or Jeb Bush instead of Perry or Santorum for example)

But America has turned a corner. Much for the better. :clap2:

LOL thats funny, you claim the republicans are scared of the silly Fluke, while you dems constantly show that you are scared shitless of conservative women like Palin, Bachman, Ingram, Borelli, Kelley, and the entire Fox female lineup.

you libs claim to be pro-women, but you continually trash any woman who is not a raving pro-abortion liberal fanatic.

you are hypocrites of the worst kind.
If you think the Senate needs to go then why stop there just eliminate the House as well and go straight to dictator. Funny I don't recall anyone from the right saying this about the Senate when the minority Democrats were using the exact same tactics.
No, the way the Majority Leader of either party acts is the reason I want to do away with the Senate.

Good, that is what they are supposed to do...pass legislation

A sign that the government is working...the legislative branch is trying to turn the wheel one way and the President is trying to turn it the opposite way. Currently we have a ship where the Legislature is not even on the Bridge and the President is demanding they take the wheel so they can turn it in the same direction.

Incorrect. The Congress is not a rubber stamp.
The system is set to control government. To limit its powers.

Don't know where I ever called it a Rubber Stamp; or what it has to do with the necessity of having a Senate and a House.
"Good, that is what they are supposed to do...pass legislation"...
Are those (above) not your words?
It is NOT the job of Congress to pass legislation. It is to represent the people. To be the voice of the people in government.
For the life of me, I can't understand why the Senate is even there. It's role could easily be assumed by the House, of which, the people have much more control.

The Senate is totally disfunctional, totally useless, and I think we would be much better off without the body.

Yeah, do away with the senate and the house. Declare obama king for life and let him dictate laws on the peons.

You idiot, this country was founded to escape the kind of govt that you seem to want.

Never said do away with the House...try responding to what I write.
Ok...Tap tap tap....Is this ON?!!!!!
The OP was being facetious. It's called using an absurdity to make a point. An invective.
I invite you to consider life without the Senate, the House sends a bill to the President; He vetoes it; then the House over-rides the veto or it dies. Sounds like government to me...

Consider today's reality. The House sends a bill to the Senate. Scumbag Harry Reid wads it up and tosses it into the garbage can. The President gets on the TV and urges the Congress to get to work on a bill he can sign....

Meanwhile, farm bill dies; student loan rates double; too big to fail banks are bigger than ever in some cases;

Proof that not everything can be resolved by government act. Nor should it be.

I mentioned 4 things--not "everything".


A bit defensive, are we?
You stepped in dog shit with your inane comments. And now you are getting your ass kicked.

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