Do we really need a Senate?

Maybe if the Republicans stopped filibustering every fucking piece of legislation, every judicial nominee, every executive appointment, the Senate would be more functional.

Republicans and conservatives whine about the will of the people being ‘ignored’ when un-Constitutional laws such as DOMA and Proposition 8 are invalidated by the courts, yet ignore the will of the people as expressed by the makeup of the Senate.
Always be wary of people who want take decisions away from the voters and put it into the hands of power brokers.

No matter where they fall on the political spectrum.

Exactly! The Progressives in 1913 took the decision of who could be Senator away from the people in the state legislatures and removed the safety net in the balance of power that disassociated what Congress was doing with what the states - and thus the common people - needed. The concerns of the states diminished dramatically. We ended up with a federal givernment that increased in dominating state interested. We ended up with programs like the Department of Education and a whole host of bureaucracies that forced states to give up tax money and get very little in return. Look at all the unfunded mandates and you'll see the 17th amendment in action.

The Senate wasn't around to help the "common people". Quite the opposite. It was around to address the concerns of people with money. It's reminiscent of the House of Lords vs. the House of Commons.

For the life of me, I can't understand why the Senate is even there. It's role could easily be assumed by the House, of which, the people have much more control.

The Senate is totally disfunctional, totally useless, and I think we would be much better off without the body.

Agree 100%.

There are enough old white men in the House who are getting rich off PACs and lobbyists. Phuck the senators.
However...If the Senate was in a democrat super majority, all would be right with the world, correct?
Did you ever study US History 101?

I agree that, as it's now elected, the Senate is a sham. But, the main purpose was to put brakes on the Majority Rule of the House. Each state elected to people to represent THEM to balance the formation of the House.

It was the progressives who did everything possible to destroy States' Rights. And we have suffered ever since.

Yes because without slaves and with the darn woman vote..this country has gone to hell in a handbasket, by gumption!

That is precisely why I placed Ms. Fluke in my avatar; it represents the right wing's worst fear; a woman they can't intimidate; who thinks for herself and demands equality.... It drives conservatives batshit crazy. Also, she represents not only the political degradation of their position but the social clout they've lost as well.

The world has changed'll note there hasn't been a "We're fucked" thread this week because of the Zimmerman verdict...and it isn't going back. Deep down they know this. They can't cope. It's fun to watch the rationalization.

2016 may well be a year they re-take the White House due to the penchant for Americans to change party control of the office about every 8-12 years. I think smart liberals and soft left Democrats should get used to the idea and hope for a best case scenario (Rubio or Jeb Bush instead of Perry or Santorum for example)

But America has turned a corner. Much for the better. :clap2:
Fluke was buried a long time ago..Nobody cares.
The problem is you lefties only support women to stay on the reservation.
Conservative women are vilified by the left.
You may have convinced yourself your side rules the roost. Newsflash, people are sick of liberalism and all it's trappings. The stupid rules. The political correctness. Speech police. Overwhelming government intrusion into every day life. Nanny State legislation and regulation.
So called Blue States have dumped hard left politicians. Others are steeped in scandal.
You may think your side has ultimate power. Your side's base has its foundation in the form of an adoring main stream media. Without them to support Obama's every breath, the illusion would crumble.
You people are on roll. Enjoy it while it lasts. Because it never does.
If everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.
Yes because without slaves and with the darn woman vote..this country has gone to hell in a handbasket, by gumption!

That is precisely why I placed Ms. Fluke in my avatar; it represents the right wing's worst fear; a woman they can't intimidate; who thinks for herself and demands equality.... It drives conservatives batshit crazy. Also, she represents not only the political degradation of their position but the social clout they've lost as well.

The world has changed'll note there hasn't been a "We're fucked" thread this week because of the Zimmerman verdict...and it isn't going back. Deep down they know this. They can't cope. It's fun to watch the rationalization.

2016 may well be a year they re-take the White House due to the penchant for Americans to change party control of the office about every 8-12 years. I think smart liberals and soft left Democrats should get used to the idea and hope for a best case scenario (Rubio or Jeb Bush instead of Perry or Santorum for example)

But America has turned a corner. Much for the better. :clap2:

LOL thats funny, you claim the republicans are scared of the silly Fluke, while you dems constantly show that you are scared shitless of conservative women like Palin, Bachman, Ingram, Borelli, Kelley, and the entire Fox female lineup.

you libs claim to be pro-women, but you continually trash any woman who is not a raving pro-abortion liberal fanatic.

you are hypocrites of the worst kind.

Please nominate any of them (I Assume they are politicians). Not so much as a concern here.

Fluke is an icon that reminds you of what you've lost and what you're powerless to stop in the macro,at least.
Always be wary of people who want take decisions away from the voters and put it into the hands of power brokers.

No matter where they fall on the political spectrum.

Exactly! The Progressives in 1913 took the decision of who could be Senator away from the people in the state legislatures and removed the safety net in the balance of power that disassociated what Congress was doing with what the states - and thus the common people - needed. The concerns of the states diminished dramatically. We ended up with a federal givernment that increased in dominating state interested. We ended up with programs like the Department of Education and a whole host of bureaucracies that forced states to give up tax money and get very little in return. Look at all the unfunded mandates and you'll see the 17th amendment in action.
Look at the explosive growth of central federal power and bureaucracy.

Look at the explosive rate of federal spending.

Look at the involvement in all the horrible foreign wars.

Yes..because if we just remained 13 states..none of that would have happened.
Exactly! The Progressives in 1913 took the decision of who could be Senator away from the people in the state legislatures and removed the safety net in the balance of power that disassociated what Congress was doing with what the states - and thus the common people - needed. The concerns of the states diminished dramatically. We ended up with a federal givernment that increased in dominating state interested. We ended up with programs like the Department of Education and a whole host of bureaucracies that forced states to give up tax money and get very little in return. Look at all the unfunded mandates and you'll see the 17th amendment in action.

The Senate wasn't around to help the "common people". Quite the opposite. It was around to address the concerns of people with money. It's reminiscent of the House of Lords vs. the House of Commons.

Is class warfare all you guys on the left have? class warfare, race warfare, gender warfare, ethnic warfare, regional warfare, sex orientation warfare. divide and conquer, its a common tactic of leftists and anarchists. and idiots like you just belly up to the bar and ask for more. pathetic ignorance.

I haven't "asked" for crap...chief.

It's the government that does the asking. I pay 10s of thousands in taxes every year. Even when I was unemployed.

What I expect is that government KEEPS it's promises.

Not spend MY money killing people I don't know and never did anything bad to me.
Yes because without slaves and with the darn woman vote..this country has gone to hell in a handbasket, by gumption!

That is precisely why I placed Ms. Fluke in my avatar; it represents the right wing's worst fear; a woman they can't intimidate; who thinks for herself and demands equality.... It drives conservatives batshit crazy. Also, she represents not only the political degradation of their position but the social clout they've lost as well.

The world has changed'll note there hasn't been a "We're fucked" thread this week because of the Zimmerman verdict...and it isn't going back. Deep down they know this. They can't cope. It's fun to watch the rationalization.

2016 may well be a year they re-take the White House due to the penchant for Americans to change party control of the office about every 8-12 years. I think smart liberals and soft left Democrats should get used to the idea and hope for a best case scenario (Rubio or Jeb Bush instead of Perry or Santorum for example)

But America has turned a corner. Much for the better. :clap2:

Fluke was buried a long time ago..Nobody cares.
The problem is you lefties only support women to stay on the reservation.
Conservative women are vilified by the left.

Obama won nearly every subset of female voters.

You may have convinced yourself your side rules the roost. Newsflash, people are sick of liberalism and all it's trappings. The stupid rules. The political correctness. Speech police. Overwhelming government intrusion into every day life. Nanny State legislation and regulation.

332-206 says differently. You misunderstand. Fluke represents where we are at...more equality. Why the right opposes it so strongly is sad because we coukd benefit from having 2 parties

So called Blue States have dumped hard left politicians. Others are steeped in scandal.
You may think your side has ultimate power. Your side's base has its foundation in the form of an adoring main stream media. Without them to support Obama's every breath, the illusion would crumble.
You people are on roll. Enjoy it while it lasts. Because it never does.
If everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.

In the macro, the left is dominating and will continue to do so. The climate has changed. There will be anomolies with periods of different weather but the shift in the nation has taken place.

Try to fit more cliches into your response.

I'd guess there are many would truly wouldn't care if we shit-canned the House and Senate and turned everything over to Our Great & Glorious Leaders In Central Planning. That's the direction we're going, anyway.

We could all have pictures of them on our wall, and gather the family together in the evening to thank our Leaders for all they do for us, stuff like that.

Incorrect. The Congress is not a rubber stamp.
The system is set to control government. To limit its powers.

Don't know where I ever called it a Rubber Stamp; or what it has to do with the necessity of having a Senate and a House.
"Good, that is what they are supposed to do...pass legislation"...
Are those (above) not your words?
It is NOT the job of Congress to pass legislation. It is to represent the people. To be the voice of the people in government.

Read the Constitution.

How do you think they represent the people?

I'd guess there are many would truly wouldn't care if we shit-canned the House and Senate and turned everything over to Our Great & Glorious Leaders In Central Planning. That's the direction we're going, anyway.

We could all have pictures of them on our wall, and gather the family together in the evening to thank our Leaders for all they do for us, stuff like that.


I never said we shouldn't have a Congress. Just fail to see the need for a Senate that is operated as a party stronghold by the majority and the minority only can pull the plug in defense. Its all or nothing...and the result is stalemate.

the body is needless.
For the life of me, I can't understand why the Senate is even there. It's role could easily be assumed by the House, of which, the people have much more control.

The Senate is totally disfunctional, totally useless, and I think we would be much better off without the body.

Did you ever study US History 101?

I agree that, as it's now elected, the Senate is a sham. But, the main purpose was to put brakes on the Majority Rule of the House. Each state elected to people to represent THEM to balance the formation of the House.

It was the progressives who did everything possible to destroy States' Rights. And we have suffered ever since.

interesting...its a sham but its indispensable...:cuckoo:

I'd guess there are many would truly wouldn't care if we shit-canned the House and Senate and turned everything over to Our Great & Glorious Leaders In Central Planning. That's the direction we're going, anyway.

We could all have pictures of them on our wall, and gather the family together in the evening to thank our Leaders for all they do for us, stuff like that.

I never said we shouldn't have a Congress. Just fail to see the need for a Senate that is operated as a party stronghold by the majority and the minority only can pull the plug in defense. Its all or nothing...and the result is stalemate.
Working as intended.

the body is needless.
An opinion that can only be held by those who do not understand why it is there.
Read the Constitution.

How do you think they represent the people?

Merely reading the Constitution is insufficient. You must put it in context by discovering the purpose of the Senate... why it has a 6 year term instead of a two year term.... why each state has equal representation in the Senate instead of representation based upon population.

The House was intended as the peoples voice, with elections every 2 years the representatives would be responsive to the current desires of the electorate. The Senate was intended as a brake upon the emotions of the moment... they were intentionally removed to a degree from the political reality of reelection pressures with a 6 year term -- to do what is right instead of what is politically expedient. You may disagree that this has occurred, but the reality is you are not going to change it.
That is precisely why I placed Ms. Fluke in my avatar; it represents the right wing's worst fear; a woman they can't intimidate; who thinks for herself and demands equality.... It drives conservatives batshit crazy. Also, she represents not only the political degradation of their position but the social clout they've lost as well.

The world has changed'll note there hasn't been a "We're fucked" thread this week because of the Zimmerman verdict...and it isn't going back. Deep down they know this. They can't cope. It's fun to watch the rationalization.

2016 may well be a year they re-take the White House due to the penchant for Americans to change party control of the office about every 8-12 years. I think smart liberals and soft left Democrats should get used to the idea and hope for a best case scenario (Rubio or Jeb Bush instead of Perry or Santorum for example)

But America has turned a corner. Much for the better. :clap2:

LOL thats funny, you claim the republicans are scared of the silly Fluke, while you dems constantly show that you are scared shitless of conservative women like Palin, Bachman, Ingram, Borelli, Kelley, and the entire Fox female lineup.

you libs claim to be pro-women, but you continually trash any woman who is not a raving pro-abortion liberal fanatic.

you are hypocrites of the worst kind.

Please nominate any of them (I Assume they are politicians). Not so much as a concern here.

Fluke is an icon that reminds you of what you've lost and what you're powerless to stop in the macro,at least.

Read the Constitution.

How do you think they represent the people?

Merely reading the Constitution is insufficient. You must put it in context by discovering the purpose of the Senate... why it has a 6 year term instead of a two year term.... why each state has equal representation in the Senate instead of representation based upon population.

The House was intended as the peoples voice, with elections every 2 years the representatives would be responsive to the current desires of the electorate. The Senate was intended as a brake upon the emotions of the moment... they were intentionally removed to a degree from the political reality of reelection pressures with a 6 year term -- to do what is right instead of what is politically expedient. You may disagree that this has occurred, but the reality is you are not going to change it.

That's true at least; it isn't going to change. What we, as Americans, seem to believe is this...

Those who were at the first Constitutional Convention in 1787 were totally without flaws; that they crafted the one and ONLY document that has every answer that was ever asked and that would ever be asked...ever; that those who contributed were, amazingly, totally without personal interest, totally without bias, totally without preconceived notions of what the country should look like and that, without anything to go on, got it exactly right on the very first try with only a few modifications to follow in the form of amendments.

You find the same sort of argument about the Bible..."It is written..." a long time ago so it must be true; right?

You wouldn't have a business plan that is over 5 years old yet somehow we as Americans believe that having one that is over 200 years old is perfectly fine.

God Bless America.

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