Do We Still Have a Republic?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Obama is bypassing congress and everyone else to push this deal with Iran. No one knows what is in it, but it's already in the possession of the U.N., since they are the only ones Obama chooses to work with. What country does he supposedly represent again? I thought it was the U.S., but his actions say otherwise.

Part of a transcript of Mark Levin show:

"Representative Ted Poe: "… the secret deal. Secretary Rice said that she has seen this deal with the IAEA and that it will be shared with Congress. So, if she’s seen it, have you [Secretary Kerry] seen it?"

Secretary of State John Kerry: "I don’t believe that Susan Rice, National Security Advisor, has seen it. I think it …

Representative Ted Poe: "She said she did six days ago. She said six days ago she had seen it, had reviewed it, and that Congress will get to review it in a classified section. My question is, have you seen it?"

Secretary of State John Kerry: "No, I haven’t seen it. I’ve been briefed on it, and …

Mark Levin: "Stop. He’s not even curious. He’s been briefed on it. He hasn’t seen it. Keystone cops here. He doesn’t know if Susan Rice has seen it. Susan Rice said she did see it. She said she’s going to share it with Congress in a classified session. Secretary of State says, ‘I haven’t seen it. I’ve been briefed on it.’

"They ran this damn thing to the UN Security Council; it’s already in place. And the Secretary of State hasn’t even seen the side deals, which means the President of the United States, who’s going all over the world saying, ‘If somebody has a better deal let’s see it.’ They don’t even know what deal they have. They don’t even know what deal they have!

"Go ahead."

Representative Ted Poe: "You haven’t read it? You haven’t seen it?" Let me ask you this …"

Secretary of State John Kerry: "It’s in the possession of the IAEA."

Mark Levin: "It’s in the possession of the UN, the IAEA, a branch of the UN. It’s in their possession. I guess the Secretary of State couldn’t have asked for it. I guess before they ran to the UN Security Council, on that Monday after that Wednesday, to rush it through before Congress would have an opportunity to see it, even under the Corker Statute.

"They don’t even know what the hell they just did.

"I am sitting here in absolute astonishment. Aren’t you folks? The President of the United States and his Secretary of State, they committed our country, our future, our allies to a deal where there are secret side deals that they didn’t even read.

"So crucial, so primary to their every act is Obama’s legacy, that they have left the United States of America, and our security, open to nuclear war. I am not overstating, because by the time this is done – when there’s a new national holiday named after Obama, when his likeness is carved into his own mountain, when John Kerry is off in Cape Cod in his next new boat, with his lovely wife, travelling the world, giving speeches at the Aspen Institute – the Islamonazis will be aiming ICBMs with atomic warheads, nuclear warheads at our country.

"They violated the treaty provision. Congress violated the treaty provision. They violated the statute that they attempted to put in place in lieu of the treaty provision. They ran to an international organization to usurp American sovereignty and the will of the people. They made an agreement with a host of countries, significant issues of which they’re not even familiar with, they’ve never seen, they’ve never read, and they tell us, ‘Could we have done better?’

"Could we have done better? A third grader could have done better."

"Go ahead."

Secretary of State John Kerry: "We don’t have access to the actual agreement … ."

Representative Ted Poe: "But Secretary Rice has access to it, but you don’t have access to it."

Secretary of State John Kerry: "I don’t know about that."

Representative Ted Poe: "That’s just what she said. I’m just going on what she said."

Mark Levin: "Just going on what she said, and the fingers over here pointing at that one over there. And I don’t know. I don’t know. I’m just the Secretary of State. I was just negotiating. I don’t know what Susan Rice knows. Oh she said she had it. I don’t know about that. And Obama’s running around, ‘If you can do better, you can do better. What is it? It’s this or war. It’s this or war.

"You jerks! You’ve ensured war. You’ve ensured world war three, and you’ve ensured a war that involves – potentially – nuclear warheads.

"If this republic were working he [Obama] would be impeached, he’d be removed from office. But it’s not working, because we don’t have a republic anymore.""
A economic system that is regulated can and is in our case still a republic ;)

But we have a president operating outside of congress and the constitution. He is doing what he wants and not even keeping congress or the people in the loop. He seems to abide by the wishes of the U.N. and some radical Muslim countries.
Obama is bypassing congress and everyone else to push this deal with Iran. No one knows what is in it, but it's already in the possession of the U.N., since they are the only ones Obama chooses to work with. What country does he supposedly represent again? I thought it was the U.S., but his actions say otherwise.

Part of a transcript of Mark Levin show:

"Representative Ted Poe: "… the secret deal. Secretary Rice said that she has seen this deal with the IAEA and that it will be shared with Congress. So, if she’s seen it, have you [Secretary Kerry] seen it?"

Secretary of State John Kerry: "I don’t believe that Susan Rice, National Security Advisor, has seen it. I think it …

Representative Ted Poe: "She said she did six days ago. She said six days ago she had seen it, had reviewed it, and that Congress will get to review it in a classified section. My question is, have you seen it?"

Secretary of State John Kerry: "No, I haven’t seen it. I’ve been briefed on it, and …

Mark Levin: "Stop. He’s not even curious. He’s been briefed on it. He hasn’t seen it. Keystone cops here. He doesn’t know if Susan Rice has seen it. Susan Rice said she did see it. She said she’s going to share it with Congress in a classified session. Secretary of State says, ‘I haven’t seen it. I’ve been briefed on it.’

"They ran this damn thing to the UN Security Council; it’s already in place. And the Secretary of State hasn’t even seen the side deals, which means the President of the United States, who’s going all over the world saying, ‘If somebody has a better deal let’s see it.’ They don’t even know what deal they have. They don’t even know what deal they have!

"Go ahead."

Representative Ted Poe: "You haven’t read it? You haven’t seen it?" Let me ask you this …"

Secretary of State John Kerry: "It’s in the possession of the IAEA."

Mark Levin: "It’s in the possession of the UN, the IAEA, a branch of the UN. It’s in their possession. I guess the Secretary of State couldn’t have asked for it. I guess before they ran to the UN Security Council, on that Monday after that Wednesday, to rush it through before Congress would have an opportunity to see it, even under the Corker Statute.

"They don’t even know what the hell they just did.

"I am sitting here in absolute astonishment. Aren’t you folks? The President of the United States and his Secretary of State, they committed our country, our future, our allies to a deal where there are secret side deals that they didn’t even read.

"So crucial, so primary to their every act is Obama’s legacy, that they have left the United States of America, and our security, open to nuclear war. I am not overstating, because by the time this is done – when there’s a new national holiday named after Obama, when his likeness is carved into his own mountain, when John Kerry is off in Cape Cod in his next new boat, with his lovely wife, travelling the world, giving speeches at the Aspen Institute – the Islamonazis will be aiming ICBMs with atomic warheads, nuclear warheads at our country.

"They violated the treaty provision. Congress violated the treaty provision. They violated the statute that they attempted to put in place in lieu of the treaty provision. They ran to an international organization to usurp American sovereignty and the will of the people. They made an agreement with a host of countries, significant issues of which they’re not even familiar with, they’ve never seen, they’ve never read, and they tell us, ‘Could we have done better?’

"Could we have done better? A third grader could have done better."

"Go ahead."

Secretary of State John Kerry: "We don’t have access to the actual agreement … ."

Representative Ted Poe: "But Secretary Rice has access to it, but you don’t have access to it."

Secretary of State John Kerry: "I don’t know about that."

Representative Ted Poe: "That’s just what she said. I’m just going on what she said."

Mark Levin: "Just going on what she said, and the fingers over here pointing at that one over there. And I don’t know. I don’t know. I’m just the Secretary of State. I was just negotiating. I don’t know what Susan Rice knows. Oh she said she had it. I don’t know about that. And Obama’s running around, ‘If you can do better, you can do better. What is it? It’s this or war. It’s this or war.

"You jerks! You’ve ensured war. You’ve ensured world war three, and you’ve ensured a war that involves – potentially – nuclear warheads.

"If this republic were working he [Obama] would be impeached, he’d be removed from office. But it’s not working, because we don’t have a republic anymore.""
Whoa it must be hard to live under so much terror. I feel bad for ya.

Anyways as to your question, yes we are still a republic. Maybe you need a refresher:

Republic - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Whoa it must be hard to live under so much terror. I feel bad for ya.

Anyways as to your question, yes we are still a republic. Maybe you need a refresher:

Republic - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Dipshit, I know we are a Republic, at least we have been until now. Our founders made sure our constitution guaranteed our rights and set limits for government, but the left has been trying for years to transform us. Fundamental transformation, like Obama promised, can only mean changing the foundation, or constitution, of this country. Obama is ignoring a great many things and doing as he wishes. If we are not functioning as a Republic, then we are only one in name.
We certainly live in a republic, but a republican system does not guarantee anything except a political elite. As to the Iran deal, it is going to be an international agreement no matter if we end up falling apart on our end and throwing away our leverage.

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