Do we take our freedoms for granted?

Do we take our freedoms for granted?

No one is shot for believing a religion that the leader doesn’:)t like…

We are free to disagree with the government and protest…

We are free to travel around the globe…

We are free to speak our mind, even if it is against the government…

We are free to vote for our representatives…

We are free to own guns and protect our family and homes…

We are free to own property…

We are free to select our own careers…

We are free to get an education at no cost…

Do you ever think how lucky we are?
------------------------------------ i think that your thoughtful questions are never pondered by millions in the USA . Many think that the USA will just keep rolling along as it always has Jackson .
I once heard someone prophesize that our last headline printed in a US newspaper would be, "WE USED OUR FREEDOM TO LOSE OUR FREEDOM."

Things are changing here with the interest in US socialism. Scary.
Fascism is what the right wants to impose.
I pay for schools and I don't have any kids in them.

I've never had kids, but I don't mind paying taxes for schools. An educated populace is for the greater good of the nation. It could easily be argued that it's essential for national security.
I have voted to increase my taxes to support schools. I can't stand conservatives so education will eliminate them.
Do we take our freedoms for granted?

No one is shot for believing a religion that the leader doesn’:)t like…

We are free to disagree with the government and protest…

We are free to travel around the globe…

We are free to speak our mind, even if it is against the government…

We are free to vote for our representatives…

We are free to own guns and protect our family and homes…

We are free to own property…

We are free to select our own careers…

We are free to get an education at no cost…

Do you ever think how lucky we are?
I'm Belgian. which of these freedoms you imagine I don't have? Or for that matter most of the Western hemisphere?
Do we take our freedoms for granted?

No one is shot for believing a religion that the leader doesn’:)t like…

David Koresh was unavailable for comment.

We are free to disagree with the government and protest…

And get pepper sprayed or clobbered on the head with bicycle locks by goon squads, while cops stand by and do nothing.

We are free to travel around the globe…

Not without permission of The State (passport).

We are free to speak our mind, even if it is against the government…

Ever heard of Lois Lerner or Doug Shulman?

We are free to vote for our representatives…

So we can choose who our wardens will be...Big whoop.

We are free to own guns and protect our family and homes…

So far.

We are free to own property…

As long as you keep paying the extortion (i.e. property taxes) to remain there.

We are free to select our own careers…

Well, that's one.

We are free to get an education at no cost…

Just because you're not presented with a bill for it, doesn't mean that it doesn't cost a lot.

Do you ever think how lucky we are?


Geez, who pissed in YOUR Cheerios today?

In fairness, I have to point out that it wasn't Koresh's religious beliefs that were the reason he got kakked. Had a lot more to do with the fact that the government thought he was stockpiling guns and diddling children, if I remember correctly.
Nobody pissed in my Cheerios....I just don't look at what is being done to our country by thugs and tyrants as a good thing...If the men who founded the nation looked the situation today and were told that this is "freedom", they'd laugh us out of the room.
Do we take our freedoms for granted?

No one is shot for believing a religion that the leader doesn’:)t like…

David Koresh was unavailable for comment.

We are free to disagree with the government and protest…

And get pepper sprayed or clobbered on the head with bicycle locks by goon squads, while cops stand by and do nothing.

We are free to travel around the globe…

Not without permission of The State (passport).

We are free to speak our mind, even if it is against the government…

Ever heard of Lois Lerner or Doug Shulman?

We are free to vote for our representatives…

So we can choose who our wardens will be...Big whoop.

We are free to own guns and protect our family and homes…

So far.

We are free to own property…

As long as you keep paying the extortion (i.e. property taxes) to remain there.

We are free to select our own careers…

Well, that's one.

We are free to get an education at no cost…

Just because you're not presented with a bill for it, doesn't mean that it doesn't cost a lot.

Do you ever think how lucky we are?


Our "freedoms" were never absolute. Our "rights" were handed to us by our government the moment they wrote the Constitution. "God given rights" is nothing more than a fanciful notion.
So you're a happy little serf...Duly noted.
Do we take our freedoms for granted?

No one is shot for believing a religion that the leader doesn’:)t like…

David Koresh was unavailable for comment.

We are free to disagree with the government and protest…

And get pepper sprayed or clobbered on the head with bicycle locks by goon squads, while cops stand by and do nothing.

We are free to travel around the globe…

Not without permission of The State (passport).

We are free to speak our mind, even if it is against the government…

Ever heard of Lois Lerner or Doug Shulman?

We are free to vote for our representatives…

So we can choose who our wardens will be...Big whoop.

We are free to own guns and protect our family and homes…

So far.

We are free to own property…

As long as you keep paying the extortion (i.e. property taxes) to remain there.

We are free to select our own careers…

Well, that's one.

We are free to get an education at no cost…

Just because you're not presented with a bill for it, doesn't mean that it doesn't cost a lot.

Do you ever think how lucky we are?


Geez, who pissed in YOUR Cheerios today?

In fairness, I have to point out that it wasn't Koresh's religious beliefs that were the reason he got kakked. Had a lot more to do with the fact that the government thought he was stockpiling guns and diddling children, if I remember correctly.
Nobody pissed in my Cheerios....I just don't look at what is being done to our country by thugs and tyrants as a good thing...If the men who founded the nation looked the situation today and were told that this is "freedom", they'd laugh us out of the room.

Not only that, but Jefferson would be royally pissed. Trump is the very kind of demagogue that he warned us about.
Do we take our freedoms for granted?

No one is shot for believing a religion that the leader doesn’:)t like…

We are free to disagree with the government and protest…

We are free to travel around the globe…

We are free to speak our mind, even if it is against the government…

We are free to vote for our representatives…

We are free to own guns and protect our family and homes…

We are free to own property…

We are free to select our own careers…

We are free to get an education at no cost…

Do you ever think how lucky we are?
------------------------------------ i think that your thoughtful questions are never pondered by millions in the USA . Many think that the USA will just keep rolling along as it always has Jackson .
I once heard someone prophesize that our last headline printed in a US newspaper would be, "WE USED OUR FREEDOM TO LOSE OUR FREEDOM."

Things are changing here with the interest in US socialism. Scary.
Fascism is what the right wants to impose.
Do we take our freedoms for granted?

No one is shot for believing a religion that the leader doesn’:)t like…

David Koresh was unavailable for comment.

We are free to disagree with the government and protest…

And get pepper sprayed or clobbered on the head with bicycle locks by goon squads, while cops stand by and do nothing.

We are free to travel around the globe…

Not without permission of The State (passport).

We are free to speak our mind, even if it is against the government…

Ever heard of Lois Lerner or Doug Shulman?

We are free to vote for our representatives…

So we can choose who our wardens will be...Big whoop.

We are free to own guns and protect our family and homes…

So far.

We are free to own property…

As long as you keep paying the extortion (i.e. property taxes) to remain there.

We are free to select our own careers…

Well, that's one.

We are free to get an education at no cost…

Just because you're not presented with a bill for it, doesn't mean that it doesn't cost a lot.

Do you ever think how lucky we are?


Our "freedoms" were never absolute. Our "rights" were handed to us by our government the moment they wrote the Constitution. "God given rights" is nothing more than a fanciful notion.
So you're a happy little serf...Duly noted.

It's just reality. God never gave you rights. Unless he did, and just forgot to tell you until a little over 200 years ago. :dunno:
Do we take our freedoms for granted?

No one is shot for believing a religion that the leader doesn’:)t like…

David Koresh was unavailable for comment.

We are free to disagree with the government and protest…

And get pepper sprayed or clobbered on the head with bicycle locks by goon squads, while cops stand by and do nothing.

We are free to travel around the globe…

Not without permission of The State (passport).

We are free to speak our mind, even if it is against the government…

Ever heard of Lois Lerner or Doug Shulman?

We are free to vote for our representatives…

So we can choose who our wardens will be...Big whoop.

We are free to own guns and protect our family and homes…

So far.

We are free to own property…

As long as you keep paying the extortion (i.e. property taxes) to remain there.

We are free to select our own careers…

Well, that's one.

We are free to get an education at no cost…

Just because you're not presented with a bill for it, doesn't mean that it doesn't cost a lot.

Do you ever think how lucky we are?


Geez, who pissed in YOUR Cheerios today?

In fairness, I have to point out that it wasn't Koresh's religious beliefs that were the reason he got kakked. Had a lot more to do with the fact that the government thought he was stockpiling guns and diddling children, if I remember correctly.
Nobody pissed in my Cheerios....I just don't look at what is being done to our country by thugs and tyrants as a good thing...If the men who founded the nation looked the situation today and were told that this is "freedom", they'd laugh us out of the room.

Not only that, but Jefferson would be royally pissed. Trump is the very kind of demagogue that he warned us about.
Oh fuck you....Every president since Reagan has been a petty tyrant, and Reagan wasn't any great shakes either....I'd have to go back to Coolidge to find one in the last century worth a shit.
You know you're right? The current Social Marxist manner of education would eliminate all conservatives eventually.

Not gonna happen, faggot. Definitely you're not living to see it happen you fucking turd.

America is not built on your leftist indoctrination principles, you piece of shit.

We allow you your freedom to speak, and reserve the right to mock your retarded ass as well.

You can go ahead and dream your Marxist dream in one hand and fuck right the hell off in another.

I'm picturing C5s over Mauna Loa right now.
Last edited:
It's just reality. God never gave you rights. Unless he did, and just forgot to tell you until a little over 200 years ago. :dunno:
The founders worked from the presumption that your freedom is your birthright, whether you believe in God or not...That you think The State owns all the rights and just doles them out to their good little chattel, is the root of the authoritarianism that they threw off.
Yes most of us do, and we pay for k-12 education via taxes , and it depends on how much money one has and who one is, some are above the law.
Do we take our freedoms for granted?

No one is shot for believing a religion that the leader doesn’:)t like…

David Koresh was unavailable for comment.

We are free to disagree with the government and protest…

And get pepper sprayed or clobbered on the head with bicycle locks by goon squads, while cops stand by and do nothing.

We are free to travel around the globe…

Not without permission of The State (passport).

We are free to speak our mind, even if it is against the government…

Ever heard of Lois Lerner or Doug Shulman?

We are free to vote for our representatives…

So we can choose who our wardens will be...Big whoop.

We are free to own guns and protect our family and homes…

So far.

We are free to own property…

As long as you keep paying the extortion (i.e. property taxes) to remain there.

We are free to select our own careers…

Well, that's one.

We are free to get an education at no cost…

Just because you're not presented with a bill for it, doesn't mean that it doesn't cost a lot.

Do you ever think how lucky we are?


Our "freedoms" were never absolute. Our "rights" were handed to us by our government the moment they wrote the Constitution. "God given rights" is nothing more than a fanciful notion.
So you're a happy little serf...Duly noted.

It's just reality. God never gave you rights. Unless he did, and just forgot to tell you until a little over 200 years ago. :dunno:
------------------------------ i think that its the American Founders that simply recognized that RIGHTS existed forever before any 'government' and i think that the Founders were correct ALand .
Do we take our freedoms for granted?

No one is shot for believing a religion that the leader doesn’:)t like…

David Koresh was unavailable for comment.

We are free to disagree with the government and protest…

And get pepper sprayed or clobbered on the head with bicycle locks by goon squads, while cops stand by and do nothing.

We are free to travel around the globe…

Not without permission of The State (passport).

We are free to speak our mind, even if it is against the government…

Ever heard of Lois Lerner or Doug Shulman?

We are free to vote for our representatives…

So we can choose who our wardens will be...Big whoop.

We are free to own guns and protect our family and homes…

So far.

We are free to own property…

As long as you keep paying the extortion (i.e. property taxes) to remain there.

We are free to select our own careers…

Well, that's one.

We are free to get an education at no cost…

Just because you're not presented with a bill for it, doesn't mean that it doesn't cost a lot.

Do you ever think how lucky we are?


Geez, who pissed in YOUR Cheerios today?

In fairness, I have to point out that it wasn't Koresh's religious beliefs that were the reason he got kakked. Had a lot more to do with the fact that the government thought he was stockpiling guns and diddling children, if I remember correctly.
Nobody pissed in my Cheerios....I just don't look at what is being done to our country by thugs and tyrants as a good thing...If the men who founded the nation looked the situation today and were told that this is "freedom", they'd laugh us out of the room.

Not only that, but Jefferson would be royally pissed. Trump is the very kind of demagogue that he warned us about.

Jefferson would have a 9-man gallows working 24-7 nonstop until all the people going against the Founding Fathers' principles were eliminated.

All homosexuals would be castrated, as well. That's not what I'd do, it's Jefferson. (As far as homos are concerned) I'm all for people getting with the Founding Fathers' program or fucking right the hell off.

"Oh but Marx.." Go fuck yourself. GTFO here with that bullshit, lemme kick in you in your ass.
Last edited:
I pay for schools and I don't have any kids in them.

I've never had kids, but I don't mind paying taxes for schools. An educated populace is for the greater good of the nation. It could easily be argued that it's essential for national security.

I mind paying for the schools largely because I don't think we ARE getting an educated populace out of them.
Do we take our freedoms for granted?

No one is shot for believing a religion that the leader doesn’:)t like…

David Koresh was unavailable for comment.

We are free to disagree with the government and protest…

And get pepper sprayed or clobbered on the head with bicycle locks by goon squads, while cops stand by and do nothing.

We are free to travel around the globe…

Not without permission of The State (passport).

We are free to speak our mind, even if it is against the government…

Ever heard of Lois Lerner or Doug Shulman?

We are free to vote for our representatives…

So we can choose who our wardens will be...Big whoop.

We are free to own guns and protect our family and homes…

So far.

We are free to own property…

As long as you keep paying the extortion (i.e. property taxes) to remain there.

We are free to select our own careers…

Well, that's one.

We are free to get an education at no cost…

Just because you're not presented with a bill for it, doesn't mean that it doesn't cost a lot.

Do you ever think how lucky we are?


Geez, who pissed in YOUR Cheerios today?

In fairness, I have to point out that it wasn't Koresh's religious beliefs that were the reason he got kakked. Had a lot more to do with the fact that the government thought he was stockpiling guns and diddling children, if I remember correctly.
Nobody pissed in my Cheerios....I just don't look at what is being done to our country by thugs and tyrants as a good thing...If the men who founded the nation looked the situation today and were told that this is "freedom", they'd laugh us out of the room.

Yes, well, I think that's actually the point Jackson was trying to make. Our Founders tried to secure to us the protection of our freedoms, and we've taken those freedoms so for granted that we have allowed exactly the encroachments you mention.
You know you're right? The current Social Marxist manner of education would eliminate all conservatives eventually.

Not gonna happen, faggot. Definitely you're not living to see it happen you fucking turd.

America is not built on your leftist indoctrination principles, you piece of shit.

You can go ahead and dream your Marxist dream in one hand and fuck right the hell off in another.

I'm picturing C5s over Mauna Loa right now.
You have no children in school and yet you believe the students are being taught socialist ideas. Maybe you need to go back to school and get an education.
Do we take our freedoms for granted?

No one is shot for believing a religion that the leader doesn’:)t like…

David Koresh was unavailable for comment.

We are free to disagree with the government and protest…

And get pepper sprayed or clobbered on the head with bicycle locks by goon squads, while cops stand by and do nothing.

We are free to travel around the globe…

Not without permission of The State (passport).

We are free to speak our mind, even if it is against the government…

Ever heard of Lois Lerner or Doug Shulman?

We are free to vote for our representatives…

So we can choose who our wardens will be...Big whoop.

We are free to own guns and protect our family and homes…

So far.

We are free to own property…

As long as you keep paying the extortion (i.e. property taxes) to remain there.

We are free to select our own careers…

Well, that's one.

We are free to get an education at no cost…

Just because you're not presented with a bill for it, doesn't mean that it doesn't cost a lot.

Do you ever think how lucky we are?


Our "freedoms" were never absolute. Our "rights" were handed to us by our government the moment they wrote the Constitution. "God given rights" is nothing more than a fanciful notion.
So you're a happy little serf...Duly noted.

It's just reality. God never gave you rights. Unless he did, and just forgot to tell you until a little over 200 years ago. :dunno:

I think God knew what our Founders also knew: that just because freedom might be the ideal state He envisions for us doesn't mean we aren't going to have to put in the work and struggle to keep it from being stolen away.

Our rights are NOT granted by the government. By definition, that would make them not rights at all, but privileges. Using the phrase "God-given rights" was not a fanciful notion; it was an attempt on the part of our Founders to prevent exactly the sort of mindset you've developed, one of complacent subservience to the government you should fear, or at least view with wariness and suspicion.
You know you're right? The current Social Marxist manner of education would eliminate all conservatives eventually.

Not gonna happen, faggot. Definitely you're not living to see it happen you fucking turd.

America is not built on your leftist indoctrination principles, you piece of shit.

You can go ahead and dream your Marxist dream in one hand and fuck right the hell off in another.

I'm picturing C5s over Mauna Loa right now.
You have no children in school and yet you believe the students are being taught socialist ideas. Maybe you need to go back to school and get an education.

So sorry, cupcake. I got mine right before the BS hit the fan, Thank God!.

I know they are and I can tell from direct observations, boy.

Now, tell me why you think it is good to teach America's youth Marxist principles in taxpayer-funded American Public Schools, boy. I'll wait. :rolleyes:

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