Do we take our freedoms for granted?

Do we take our freedoms for granted?

No one is shot for believing a religion that the leader doesn’:)t like…

We are free to disagree with the government and protest…

We are free to travel around the globe…

We are free to speak our mind, even if it is against the government…

We are free to vote for our representatives…

We are free to own guns and protect our family and homes…

We are free to own property…

We are free to select our own careers…

We are free to get an education at no cost…

Do you ever think how lucky we are?
Smug As a Bug Under a Rug. SQUISH!

We live under a more sophisticated form of totalitarianism. Comparing yourself to those with a more blatant form of it, as you do without admitting it, and being satisfied in not being under that ensures that, little by little, you will sink to that level.
Yes, well, I think that's actually the point Jackson was trying to make. Our Founders tried to secure to us the protection of our freedoms, and we've taken those freedoms so for granted that we have allowed exactly the encroachments you mention.
They've been taken for granted and taken away.....If you look at the Declaration of Independence, very many of the complaints they had about King George are being visited upon us by our own gubmint today.

I can't be a Pollyanna....We are not free people.
Yes, well, I think that's actually the point Jackson was trying to make. Our Founders tried to secure to us the protection of our freedoms, and we've taken those freedoms so for granted that we have allowed exactly the encroachments you mention.
They've been taken for granted and taken away.....If you look at the Declaration of Independence, very many of the complaints they had about King George are being visited upon us by our own gubmint today.

I can't be a Pollyanna....We are not free people.

I don't think you could pull off wearing the socks. :dunno:

I know that I was freer growing up than kids these days, and do not like that they're being robbed of that.

Also, some asshats are telling them there's nothing wrong with that.

I beg to differ!
It's just reality. God never gave you rights. Unless he did, and just forgot to tell you until a little over 200 years ago. :dunno:
The founders worked from the presumption that your freedom is your birthright, whether you believe in God or not...That you think The State owns all the rights and just doles them out to their good little chattel, is the root of the authoritarianism that they threw off.

The government has been picking and choosing who has the right to what since our founding. To millions of slaves our founders were tyrants of the worst variety. They would have loved it if their greatest gripe was that an overseas monarchy was taxing them too much.
It's just reality. God never gave you rights. Unless he did, and just forgot to tell you until a little over 200 years ago. :dunno:
.That you think The State owns all the rights and just doles them out to their good little chattel, is the root of authoritarianism .

An Anti-Democratic Manifesto Written by Lawyers for the Colonial 1%

Your misdirected meme describes exactly what those who believe in the Constitution do think.
Do we take our freedoms for granted?

No one is shot for believing a religion that the leader doesn’:)t like…

David Koresh was unavailable for comment.

We are free to disagree with the government and protest…

And get pepper sprayed or clobbered on the head with bicycle locks by goon squads, while cops stand by and do nothing.

We are free to travel around the globe…

Not without permission of The State (passport).

We are free to speak our mind, even if it is against the government…

Ever heard of Lois Lerner or Doug Shulman?

We are free to vote for our representatives…

So we can choose who our wardens will be...Big whoop.

We are free to own guns and protect our family and homes…

So far.

We are free to own property…

As long as you keep paying the extortion (i.e. property taxes) to remain there.

We are free to select our own careers…

Well, that's one.

We are free to get an education at no cost…

Just because you're not presented with a bill for it, doesn't mean that it doesn't cost a lot.

Do you ever think how lucky we are?


Our "freedoms" were never absolute. Our "rights" were handed to us by our government the moment they wrote the Constitution. "God given rights" is nothing more than a fanciful notion.
So you're a happy little serf...Duly noted.

It's just reality. God never gave you rights. Unless he did, and just forgot to tell you until a little over 200 years ago. :dunno:

I think God knew what our Founders also knew: that just because freedom might be the ideal state He envisions for us doesn't mean we aren't going to have to put in the work and struggle to keep it from being stolen away.

Our rights are NOT granted by the government. By definition, that would make them not rights at all, but privileges. Using the phrase "God-given rights" was not a fanciful notion; it was an attempt on the part of our Founders to prevent exactly the sort of mindset you've developed, one of complacent subservience to the government you should fear, or at least view with wariness and suspicion.

I think you should fight to maintain every right. I think the government does overstep their bounds in regards to many of them. That's what government does by it's very nature, and our founders recognized that. One of the first unpopular taxes in our history was enforced by George Washington using military force.
Do we take our freedoms for granted?

No one is shot for believing a religion that the leader doesn’:)t like…

We are free to disagree with the government and protest…

We are free to travel around the globe…

We are free to speak our mind, even if it is against the government…

We are free to vote for our representatives…

We are free to own guns and protect our family and homes…

We are free to own property…

We are free to select our own careers…

We are free to get an education at no cost…

Do you ever think how lucky we are?
We don’t have any real freedom in this country, the federal government wants us to believe the illusion of a free society
Do we take our freedoms for granted?

No one is shot for believing a religion that the leader doesn’:)t like…

David Koresh was unavailable for comment.

We are free to disagree with the government and protest…

And get pepper sprayed or clobbered on the head with bicycle locks by goon squads, while cops stand by and do nothing.

We are free to travel around the globe…

Not without permission of The State (passport).

We are free to speak our mind, even if it is against the government…

Ever heard of Lois Lerner or Doug Shulman?

We are free to vote for our representatives…

So we can choose who our wardens will be...Big whoop.

We are free to own guns and protect our family and homes…

So far.

We are free to own property…

As long as you keep paying the extortion (i.e. property taxes) to remain there.

We are free to select our own careers…

Well, that's one.

We are free to get an education at no cost…

Just because you're not presented with a bill for it, doesn't mean that it doesn't cost a lot.

Do you ever think how lucky we are?


Our "freedoms" were never absolute. Our "rights" were handed to us by our government the moment they wrote the Constitution. "God given rights" is nothing more than a fanciful notion.
So you're a happy little serf...Duly noted.

It's just reality. God never gave you rights. Unless he did, and just forgot to tell you until a little over 200 years ago. :dunno:

I think God knew what our Founders also knew: that just because freedom might be the ideal state He envisions for us doesn't mean we aren't going to have to put in the work and struggle to keep it from being stolen away.

Our rights are NOT granted by the government. By definition, that would make them not rights at all, but privileges. Using the phrase "God-given rights" was not a fanciful notion; it was an attempt on the part of our Founders to prevent exactly the sort of mindset you've developed, one of complacent subservience to the government you should fear, or at least view with wariness and suspicion.

I think you should fight to maintain every right. I think the government does overstep their bounds in regards to many of them. That's what government does by it's very nature, and our founders recognized that. One of the first unpopular taxes in our history was enforced by George Washington using military force.

I think it's a sign of a healthy society if every tax proposal is met by SOMEBODY being loudly pissed off by it. Not, you understand, that I don't think some amount of taxation is a necessary evil; but I think it's a very bad sign when the government proposes taking people's money, and the response is, "Oh, okay."
Our "freedoms" were never absolute. Our "rights" were handed to us by our government the moment they wrote the Constitution. "God given rights" is nothing more than a fanciful notion.
So you're a happy little serf...Duly noted.

It's just reality. God never gave you rights. Unless he did, and just forgot to tell you until a little over 200 years ago. :dunno:

I think God knew what our Founders also knew: that just because freedom might be the ideal state He envisions for us doesn't mean we aren't going to have to put in the work and struggle to keep it from being stolen away.

Our rights are NOT granted by the government. By definition, that would make them not rights at all, but privileges. Using the phrase "God-given rights" was not a fanciful notion; it was an attempt on the part of our Founders to prevent exactly the sort of mindset you've developed, one of complacent subservience to the government you should fear, or at least view with wariness and suspicion.

I think you should fight to maintain every right. I think the government does overstep their bounds in regards to many of them. That's what government does by it's very nature, and our founders recognized that. One of the first unpopular taxes in our history was enforced by George Washington using military force.

I think it's a sign of a healthy society if every tax proposal is met by SOMEBODY being loudly pissed off by it. Not, you understand, that I don't think some amount of taxation is a necessary evil; but I think it's a very bad sign when the government proposes taking people's money, and the response is, "Oh, okay."

It is healthy, and our founders show by their own example that resistance to it won't be tolerated.
I pay for schools and I don't have any kids in them.

I've never had kids, but I don't mind paying taxes for schools. An educated populace is for the greater good of the nation. It could easily be argued that it's essential for national security.
I have voted to increase my taxes to support schools. I can't stand conservatives so education will eliminate them.
With the schools and colleges full of snowflakes, I think progressive education is waste of money... Indoctrination is the goal
Yes, well, I think that's actually the point Jackson was trying to make. Our Founders tried to secure to us the protection of our freedoms, and we've taken those freedoms so for granted that we have allowed exactly the encroachments you mention.
at the Declaration of Independence, very many of the complaints they had about King George are being visited upon us by our own .
Make Every Dynasty Die Nasty

That's an example of the ruling dynasties' subtle totalitarianism. It doesn't matter that Jefferson was ordered to direct the DoI against the King of England. But it was the primogeniture British aristocrats who demanded that the pioneers be put back in the social caste that they had come over here from.

They shut off the non-coastal territory and handed it over to the savages. That was our first indication of what has been practiced here since the Kennedys: spoiled snobs are the dominant Whiteys Hating Whitey. The British version of our own hereditary scumbaggery wanted to level the colonials and divide up the land among the younger sons of the aristocracy, so that the little brother of the Duke of York would become the Duke of New York, etc.
I pay for schools and I don't have any kids in them.

I've never had kids, but I don't mind paying taxes for schools. An educated populace is for the greater good of the nation. It could easily be argued that it's essential for national security.
I have voted to increase my taxes to support schools. I can't stand conservatives so education will eliminate them.
With the schools and colleges full of snowflakes, I think progressive education is waste of money... Indoctrination is the goal

Why do you think all of my children have been homeschooled? I will not be supporting any ignorant leftist snowflakes sitting their dead adult asses in my house, thank you so very much.

In related news, we had a guest over to our house last night, and my 10-year-old was talking his ear off about all the things he's been learning in his schoolwork. I didn't even know the kid knew how to convert from metric to US customary and back. God knows, I can't. And don't even get me started on all the facts and numbers he rattled off about astronomy. Do YOU know off the top of your head how far the Earth is from the sun? Or how far a light-year is in both kilometers and miles? (My husband and older son handle the math and science lessons, in case you're wondering. I'm languages, literature, history, and social science.)

Yeah, I think we'll do without the public schools. We're good here.
I have a love/hate relationship with the government. I hate a lot of the things they do, but I love how many things I don't have to worry about. I live an extremely comfortable life as an American. We all do. We're greatly overtaxed, but we also pay a lot so that the government takes care of a lot of things for us. And I still have the freedom to do just about EVERYTHING I could ever want to do.
I don't know about everyone else on this planet, but I for one do not take anything for granted, at least I try my hardest not to. I saw actress Patricia Heaton on TV yesterday and I guess she recently went somewhere on another continent where the people there have almost nothing. She cried at least once while telling about her visit.

God bless you and her and the people that she was with always!!!

Do we take our freedoms for granted?

No one is shot for believing a religion that the leader doesn’:)t like…

David Koresh was unavailable for comment.

We are free to disagree with the government and protest…

And get pepper sprayed or clobbered on the head with bicycle locks by goon squads, while cops stand by and do nothing.

We are free to travel around the globe…

Not without permission of The State (passport).

We are free to speak our mind, even if it is against the government…

Ever heard of Lois Lerner or Doug Shulman?

We are free to vote for our representatives…

So we can choose who our wardens will be...Big whoop.

We are free to own guns and protect our family and homes…

So far.

We are free to own property…

As long as you keep paying the extortion (i.e. property taxes) to remain there.

We are free to select our own careers…

Well, that's one.

We are free to get an education at no cost…

Just because you're not presented with a bill for it, doesn't mean that it doesn't cost a lot.

Do you ever think how lucky we are?


Geez, who pissed in YOUR Cheerios today?

In fairness, I have to point out that it wasn't Koresh's religious beliefs that were the reason he got kakked. Had a lot more to do with the fact that the government thought he was stockpiling guns and diddling children, if I remember correctly.
Nobody pissed in my Cheerios....I just don't look at what is being done to our country by thugs and tyrants as a good thing...If the men who founded the nation looked the situation today and were told that this is "freedom", they'd laugh us out of the room.

Not only that, but Jefferson would be royally pissed. Trump is the very kind of demagogue that he warned us about.

Jefferson would have a 9-man gallows working 24-7 nonstop until all the people going against the Founding Fathers' principles were eliminated.

All homosexuals would be castrated, as well. That's not what I'd do, it's Jefferson. (As far as homos are concerned) I'm all for people getting with the Founding Fathers' program or fucking right the hell off.

"Oh but Marx.." Go fuck yourself. GTFO here with that bullshit, lemme kick in you in your ass.

I didn't say anything about homosexuals, or Marx. I said that Jefferson would be pissed that in electing Trump, we elected the very thing he warned about, a demagogue. And, one of the first people to go to your imaginary gallows would be Trump himself.
I have a love/hate relationship with the government. I hate a lot of the things they do, but I love how many things I don't have to worry about. I live an extremely comfortable life as an American. We all do. We're greatly overtaxed, but we also pay a lot so that the government takes care of a lot of things for us. And I still have the freedom to do just about EVERYTHING I could ever want to do.

If you're not worried by the fact that the government "takes care of a lot of things for us", you're not very bright. Or very mature.

Call me crazy, but I'm not looking to be the government's pet, no matter how comfy and gilded the cage is or how many diamonds are on my collar and leash.
I didn't say anything about homosexuals, or Marx. I said that Jefferson would be pissed that in electing Trump, we elected the very thing he warned about, a demagogue. And, one of the first people to go to your imaginary gallows would be Trump himself.
And Jefferson would also be pissed off about the election of the Kenyan klepto, whose lying, race baiting, demogoging ass you carried water for eight years....So your protestations about the Cheeto couldn't ring more hollow.
I have a love/hate relationship with the government. I hate a lot of the things they do, but I love how many things I don't have to worry about. I live an extremely comfortable life as an American. We all do. We're greatly overtaxed, but we also pay a lot so that the government takes care of a lot of things for us. And I still have the freedom to do just about EVERYTHING I could ever want to do.

If you're not worried by the fact that the government "takes care of a lot of things for us", you're not very bright. Or very mature.

Call me crazy, but I'm not looking to be the government's pet, no matter how comfy and gilded the cage is or how many diamonds are on my collar and leash.

You are complaining to complain. Nobody has taken up arms in the over 200 years government has been shitting on us, because in reality you don't actually give a fuck. You'll continue to post on a message board your government gave you the freedom to post on, and you'll die without ever raising a fist to government.

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