Do white people need to go extinct for world peace?

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The gravy train is no longer running. It’ll soon be time for the moochers to get a job. :)
Blacks can’t expect positive change until they start changing their attitudes.

Obama has hurt the black community more than they know. That worthless POS is why we’re now (once again) dealing with questions about race.

The question of race has never stopped being asked. Why do you white motherfuckers think you can tell us about ourselves when you don't know shit about your own selves? You have made up a history you do not have, you have made up a moral code you don't practice. You live in a lie every day of your life and yet you want to tell us how to do things.. If we did things like you. you'd either be slaves right now or every law that was made would make certain you don't get the same opportunities to compete. Each of you whites here talking stupid are a product of lies because you cannot deal with the truth of your history so you have to male shit up in order to try forgetting. And that's the difference between us. We can be proud that we were slaves ad fought our way to freedom, we can be proud that we fought our what out of the cracker ass cracker apartheid in America called jim crow that still exists today, but you guys can't live with the shame from what you caused and still today you all want to deny it, while denying the damage your racism has caused, and still denying the existence of the racism you continue to practice. The excuses: None of you were here during slavery. You can't be held responsible for what your parents did and all of the smilax stupidity we have to hear from you liars, but what your asses fail to understand is that YOU CAN BE HELD RESPONSBLE FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE TODAY! And look at these posts by you white people. If he internet was in existence in 1917, the same words would have been posted by whites about race,
I can only hope you black motherfuckers eventually learn how to accept responsibility for the shit you bring upon yourselves. Other blacks have been trying to educate you dumbasses, but you still choose to stay ignorant.

Stop blaming whites for your problems. You idiots own the BS you've created for yourselves.

We will blame whites for what they have done. And you will deal with it.
What will I be dealing with? Them creating jobs and you insisting on getting welfare checks? lol

Good luck with that. :)

I've created jobs and watched whites that I hired take the paychecks I signed. So like I said we will blame whites for what they have done and you will deal with it. In fact, you will just have to like it.
I am white. I never hurt blacks. But I see blacks that do more harm and we are supposed to ignore that.

Obviously a venerable beta that never took a shot at life. :boohoo:
I am 60 years old. I have been on this earth a long time. I don't know what Beta is supposed to mean. But if you think it means you are more experienced , guess again.

I am 56. I have been earth almost as long as you and you don't have a clue.
Good for you. I live with the tired poor illegals and poor blacks and America isn't getting better. A 56 year old would see that.
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I am white. I never hurt blacks. But I see blacks that do more harm and we are supposed to ignore that.

Obviously a venerable beta that never took a shot at life. :boohoo:
I am 60 years old. I have been on this earth a long time. I don't know what Beta is supposed to mean. But if you think it means you are more experienced , guess again.

I am 56. I have been earth almost as long as you and you don't have a clue.
How so? Whites are the current acceptable wiping boys for all humanities faults it seems.

Wiping Boyz.

Like how....and what is that.......Whyte guys that can't take a few more tissues to keep it clean?

Sorry, a Southern White culture on the fridge of disaster never fits us anyways.
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Wouldn’t it be considered racist if people were honest about who they think commits the most crimes?
Since whites commit the most crimes why would it be racist?
Whites commit the most crimes? Really? lol
Truly. Whites commit more crime than anyone on the planet.
Perhaps, but only because they make up only 13% of the population. What is a fact is that they are overrepresented in crime. In other words, the average black commits more violent crime than the average white.
Actually whites commit more violent crime. Blacks only lead in murder and thats primarily Black on Black. I suspect even thats incorrect. We are dealing with white people and they like to lie about Black people. Not to mention the stats they dont count like the wars they start.
If you look at 100 white people, they will consist of 0 black murderers.
I am white. I never hurt blacks. But I see blacks that do more harm and we are supposed to ignore that.

Obviously a venerable beta that never took a shot at life. :boohoo:
I am 60 years old. I have been on this earth a long time. I don't know what Beta is supposed to mean. But if you think it means you are more experienced , guess again.

I am 56. I have been earth almost as long as you and you don't have a clue.
How so? Whites are the current acceptable wiping boys for all humanities faults it seems.

Wiping Boyz.

Like how....and what is that.......Whyte guys that can't take a few more tissues to keep it clean?
So, you are ultra rich uber white then? Cause' you are just coming off like that.
If you Asclepias invent something today, you can say you invented it. I can do the same if I come up with an idea that is new. People spent their entire lives inventing technologies and now you come up with some fantasy that their lifes work was not legitimate? you dont really need to make stuff up just to make a point

This is what whites here have done in regard to any suggestion of black invention or innovation.
The black invention and innovation often mentioned on these boards is often a figment of the imagination in many black heads.

Absolutely NOT true. Some of the best inventions are created by people doing the hands on work anyway.

5 Inventions by Enslaved Black Men Blocked by US Patent Office
Hands on work? Did he carry the heaviest materials and put them where the white guy told him to?

I dont know why you assume black people are not smart. There are intelligent types in all races just as there are laborers in all races. It has a lot to do with personality type. We're all blessed with intelligence, its just that it is not always tapped into.
Blacks suffer from retardation far more often than whites. Just look at their countries.
Obviously a venerable beta that never took a shot at life. :boohoo:
I am 60 years old. I have been on this earth a long time. I don't know what Beta is supposed to mean. But if you think it means you are more experienced , guess again.

I am 56. I have been earth almost as long as you and you don't have a clue.
How so? Whites are the current acceptable wiping boys for all humanities faults it seems.

Wiping Boyz.

Like how....and what is that.......Whyte guys that can't take a few more tissues to keep it clean?
So, you are ultra rich uber white then? Cause' you are just coming off like that.

How much do you make...then we can go from there....I'm guessing at least $32+ unless don't talk to me cause you're getting screwed.
This is what whites here have done in regard to any suggestion of black invention or innovation.
The black invention and innovation often mentioned on these boards is often a figment of the imagination in many black heads.

Absolutely NOT true. Some of the best inventions are created by people doing the hands on work anyway.

5 Inventions by Enslaved Black Men Blocked by US Patent Office
Hands on work? Did he carry the heaviest materials and put them where the white guy told him to?

I dont know why you assume black people are not smart. There are intelligent types in all races just as there are laborers in all races. It has a lot to do with personality type. We're all blessed with intelligence, its just that it is not always tapped into.
Blacks suffer from retardation far more often than whites. Just look at their countries.

Where did you grow up in America. You are better than this. Unless you are the less 3rd.
I grew up in Denver in the 60's, it was middle class and mostly white. It wasn't a bad place to live. But a few whites with a guilty conscience want to paint us all with the same brush. I have nothing to be ashamed of.
Why is it African America culture and blacks are so popular and so unquestionable NOW? Music and sport are one thing, but what has popular emphasis on black culture brought us? RAP? Peanut butter? We have huge black on black crime issues, we focus instead on a few bad white cops shootings and pretend the overwhelming black violence doesn't matter. Why is that?
Why is it African America culture and blacks are so popular and so unquestionable NOW? Music and sport are one thing, but what has popular emphasis on black culture brought us? RAP? Peanut butter? We have huge black on black crime issues, we focus instead on a few bad white cops shootings and pretend the overwhelming black violence doesn't matter. Why is that?

We have just as huge white on white crime problem you refuse to talk about. There is no overwhelming black violence this is just another lie dumb whites have chose to believe. You ask what has popular emphasis on back culture bought, go study and learn. Because there s no popular emphasis. You're here in a section fill of white racists trying to sound off about black culture as you see it even as you aren't part of it and have made up what it is.t satisfy your racist perception and not reality. You're a 60 year old aging white racist woman. That's all you are.
I grew up in Denver in the 60's, it was middle class and mostly white. It wasn't a bad place to live. But a few whites with a guilty conscience want to paint us all with the same brush. I have nothing to be ashamed of.

You're a racist and if you aren't ashamed of that, you are a failed human being.
Since whites commit the most crimes why would it be racist?
Whites commit the most crimes? Really? lol
Truly. Whites commit more crime than anyone on the planet.
Perhaps, but only because they make up only 13% of the population. What is a fact is that they are overrepresented in crime. In other words, the average black commits more violent crime than the average white.
Actually whites commit more violent crime. Blacks only lead in murder and thats primarily Black on Black. I suspect even thats incorrect. We are dealing with white people and they like to lie about Black people. Not to mention the stats they dont count like the wars they start.
If you look at 100 white people, they will consist of 0 black murderers.

86 percent of all whites who are murdered get killed by another white person. Now I think that's what you call white on white murder and the number is high.
I grew up in Denver in the 60's, it was middle class and mostly white. It wasn't a bad place to live. But a few whites with a guilty conscience want to paint us all with the same brush. I have nothing to be ashamed of.

I grew up in Denver in the 60's, it was middle class and mostly white. It wasn't a bad place to live. But a few whites with a guilty conscience want to paint us all with the same brush. I have nothing to be ashamed of.

You're a racist and if you aren't ashamed of that, you are a failed human being.
Really? I don't conform to the current groupthink. How little you understand history. Sad little person you are.
This is what whites here have done in regard to any suggestion of black invention or innovation.
The black invention and innovation often mentioned on these boards is often a figment of the imagination in many black heads.

Absolutely NOT true. Some of the best inventions are created by people doing the hands on work anyway.

5 Inventions by Enslaved Black Men Blocked by US Patent Office
Hands on work? Did he carry the heaviest materials and put them where the white guy told him to?

I dont know why you assume black people are not smart. There are intelligent types in all races just as there are laborers in all races. It has a lot to do with personality type. We're all blessed with intelligence, its just that it is not always tapped into.
Blacks suffer from retardation far more often than whites. Just look at their countries.

I think that all we need do to look for white retardation is to look at this country. I mean if we want to get in your gutter. Because you are prime example of that retardation.
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