Do white people need to go extinct for world peace?

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Do white people need to go extinct for world peace?

There'd be no world as we know it without White People. Take away western civilization, and the Asians would have no modern technology and would still be in ox carts, the Middle East wouldn't know what oil was and would still be living in tents, the Africans would never have left the plains and would still be running from lions in loincloths and spears, and there would be no Mars missions, no Moon missions, no trips to outer space and all that we've learned from it, no GPS, no rockets, no satellites, no nuclear technology, no cell phones, no computers, no transistor, no telephone, no Shakespeare, no Mozart, no concertos, no wireless transmission, no stereo equipment, no television, no motion picture industry, no automobile, no Voyager 1 & 2, no AC power, no electrical appliances and a whole host of other things. If the world can't find peace with all of that, imagine how much worse it'd be without it! Instead of blaming the white race for everything, they ought to be on their knees thanking us for what we've given them! Not our fault they are still too uncivilized to know what to do with it!!!
Of course the world wouldnt be the same without white people. It would be 100% better. Western civilization came from what Africans and Asians taught whites.
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Why is it African America culture and blacks are so popular and so unquestionable NOW? Music and sport are one thing, but what has popular emphasis on black culture brought us? RAP? Peanut butter? We have huge black on black crime issues, we focus instead on a few bad white cops shootings and pretend the overwhelming black violence doesn't matter. Why is that?

We have just as huge white on white crime problem you refuse to talk about. There is no overwhelming black violence this is just another lie dumb whites have chose to believe. You ask what has popular emphasis on back culture bought, go study and learn. Because there s no popular emphasis. You're here in a section fill of white racists trying to sound off about black culture as you see it even as you aren't part of it and have made up what it is.t satisfy your racist perception and not reality. You're a 60 year old aging white racist woman. That's all you are.
Actually, there Is a overwhelming black on black crime issue that gets swept under the rug. But we are supposed to focus on racism and a few bad cops instead, aren't we? What world do you live in? The ignorant liberal one or just reality?
I am white. I never hurt blacks. But I see blacks that do more harm and we are supposed to ignore that.

Obviously a venerable beta that never took a shot at life. :boohoo:
I am 60 years old. I have been on this earth a long time. I don't know what Beta is supposed to mean. But if you think it means you are more experienced , guess again.

I am 56. I have been earth almost as long as you and you don't have a clue.
Good for you. I live with the tired poor illegals and poor blacks and America isn't getting better. A 56 year old would see that.

A 56 year old can see a 60 year old dumb ass ignorant piece of poor white trash too. Look dumb ass, study any era you want, but the America whites like you claim to be great has never been. We've had the same continuing fight for almost 400 years combining the time we were a colony and when those white men decided they would start eliminating the indigenous people to call themselves a nation. And these problems have been caused by whites. You don't get to tale the credit for all the great things and how much you were in contra without taking the criticism for the mistakes your asses made. And basing a culture upon white superiority was the biggest mistake you guys made and it's the biggest mistake you keep making.
White people are always the bad guys,that's what society tells us. Reality isn't like that, blacks are statistically far larger criminals and hurt each other. Fact, and denial isn't a river in Egypt.
Why is it African America culture and blacks are so popular and so unquestionable NOW? Music and sport are one thing, but what has popular emphasis on black culture brought us? RAP? Peanut butter? We have huge black on black crime issues, we focus instead on a few bad white cops shootings and pretend the overwhelming black violence doesn't matter. Why is that?

We have just as huge white on white crime problem you refuse to talk about. There is no overwhelming black violence this is just another lie dumb whites have chose to believe. You ask what has popular emphasis on back culture bought, go study and learn. Because there s no popular emphasis. You're here in a section fill of white racists trying to sound off about black culture as you see it even as you aren't part of it and have made up what it is.t satisfy your racist perception and not reality. You're a 60 year old aging white racist woman. That's all you are.
Actually, there Is a overwhelming black on black crime issue that gets swept under the rug. But we are supposed to focus on racism and a few bad cops instead, aren't we? What world do you live in? The ignorant liberal one or just reality?

That's a g-d lie. I live in reality. The reality that shows us that whites commit 2.5 times the number of crimes as blacks according to the DOJ, that 86 percent of whites are killed by another white. The reality that shows us that your white ass is 6 times more likely to be killed by another white than a black person. That's what's swept under the rug.
White people are always the bad guys,that's what society tells us. Reality isn't like that, blacks are statistically far larger criminals and hurt each other. Fact, and denial isn't a river in Egypt.
You sound like you werent properly educated regarding history. Whites literally documented their actions as if they were proud of their violence and criminality in history books and then took the additional steps of brainwashing lower class whites via music and movies. How can you pretend that whites werent the bad guys?
White people are always the bad guys,that's what society tells us. Reality isn't like that, blacks are statistically far larger criminals and hurt each other. Fact, and denial isn't a river in Egypt.

Poor sad victim. Statistically, and that includes the overall historical record of crime and violence whites far out pace backs to the point that blacks could never catch whites even if we all tried. You're damned right fact and denial isn't a river in Egypt, but apparently it is in your house. Society doesn't say shit like what you are crying about. History shows that whites are the one who created the problem. Too bad, whites shouldn't have done what they did.
This is what whites here have done in regard to any suggestion of black invention or innovation.
The black invention and innovation often mentioned on these boards is often a figment of the imagination in many black heads.

Absolutely NOT true. Some of the best inventions are created by people doing the hands on work anyway.

5 Inventions by Enslaved Black Men Blocked by US Patent Office
Hands on work? Did he carry the heaviest materials and put them where the white guy told him to?

I dont know why you assume black people are not smart. There are intelligent types in all races just as there are laborers in all races. It has a lot to do with personality type. We're all blessed with intelligence, its just that it is not always tapped into.
Blacks suffer from retardation far more often than whites. Just look at their countries.

Well I think your making this statement just to get a reaction, unless you have some actual stats showing retardation numbers. Countries in Africa have a lot of problems due to various reasons, but its not retardation. Depending on where you are there, you have people who have only lived in the countryside for most of their lives in many instances and because of resources and lack of infrastructure a lot of these people dont have very good formal educations and then when they find themselves in the city looking for work it's easy to become another statistic. There are also some social ills such as alcoholism in some places, mostly among the men which leaves a lot of women taking care of the kids by themselves. There are a lot of problems there but its not due to being inherently stupid... though that is the easy route just to make that statement without looking deeper. So Ive been to Nairobi and Mombassa and a few other places, and Ive seen plenty of intelligent business people there who are just pretty wonderful, but it can also be a place of extremes. I dont believe it has much to do with intelligence, but more so with the effects of corruption and the clash with city and rural life.. from what Ive seen.
White people are always the bad guys,that's what society tells us. Reality isn't like that, blacks are statistically far larger criminals and hurt each other. Fact, and denial isn't a river in Egypt.
You sound like you werent properly educated regarding history. Whites literally documented their actions as if they were proud of their violence and criminality in history books and then took the additional steps of brainwashing lower class whites via music and movies. How can you pretend that whites werent the bad guys?
I am white. We are DEAD. America isn't America anymore. It's about whites are bad, and rap music and blacks are always victims. In that order. Never mind the high black on black crime rate, its "racism" if we notice.It's "racism" if we point it out. Racism is the new McCarthyism. Racism THIS, racism THAT. Hoodoo! Bullshit!
The black invention and innovation often mentioned on these boards is often a figment of the imagination in many black heads.

Absolutely NOT true. Some of the best inventions are created by people doing the hands on work anyway.

5 Inventions by Enslaved Black Men Blocked by US Patent Office
Hands on work? Did he carry the heaviest materials and put them where the white guy told him to?

I dont know why you assume black people are not smart. There are intelligent types in all races just as there are laborers in all races. It has a lot to do with personality type. We're all blessed with intelligence, its just that it is not always tapped into.
Blacks suffer from retardation far more often than whites. Just look at their countries.

Well I think your making this statement just to get a reaction, unless you have some actual stats showing retardation numbers. Countries in Africa have a lot of problems due to various reasons, but its not retardation. Depending on where you are there, you have people who have only lived in the countryside for most of their lives in many instances and because of resources and lack of infrastructure a lot of these people dont have very good formal educations and then when they find themselves in the city looking for work it's easy to become another statistic. There are also some social ills such as alcoholism in some places, mostly among the men which leaves a lot of women taking care of the kids by themselves. There are a lot of problems there but its not due to being inherently stupid... though that is the easy route just to make that statement without looking deeper. So Ive been to Nairobi and Mombassa and a few other places, and Ive seen plenty of intelligent business people there who are just pretty wonderful, but it can also be a place of extremes. I dont believe it has much to do with intelligence, but more so with the effects of corruption and the clash with city and rural life.. from what Ive seen.

Now that's a fair analysis even as you still don't factor in the effects if colonization. The ills you did cite however, affect every culture and are not race specific.
White people are always the bad guys,that's what society tells us. Reality isn't like that, blacks are statistically far larger criminals and hurt each other. Fact, and denial isn't a river in Egypt.
You sound like you werent properly educated regarding history. Whites literally documented their actions as if they were proud of their violence and criminality in history books and then took the additional steps of brainwashing lower class whites via music and movies. How can you pretend that whites werent the bad guys?
I am white. We are DEAD. America isn't America anymore. It's about whites are bad, and rap music and blacks are always victims. In that order. Never mind the high black on black crime rate, its "racism" if we notice.It's "racism" if we point it out. Racism is the new McCarthyism. Racism THIS, racism THAT. Hoodoo! Bullshit!
You cant be dead. Youre replying to me. Last I checked america is still america. Whites as a group have always been bad. Thats nothing new. I think youre just upset that more whites are realizing how much they have fucked up and that Blacks are now calling you out on it. Whites like you are whining because it showcases you in your true light, your true genetic instincts and propensity for violence and racism.
White people are always the bad guys,that's what society tells us. Reality isn't like that, blacks are statistically far larger criminals and hurt each other. Fact, and denial isn't a river in Egypt.
You sound like you werent properly educated regarding history. Whites literally documented their actions as if they were proud of their violence and criminality in history books and then took the additional steps of brainwashing lower class whites via music and movies. How can you pretend that whites werent the bad guys?
I am white. We are DEAD. America isn't America anymore. It's about whites are bad, and rap music and blacks are always victims. In that order. Never mind the high black on black crime rate, its "racism" if we notice.It's "racism" if we point it out. Racism is the new McCarthyism. Racism THIS, racism THAT. Hoodoo! Bullshit!

Bullshit. When did white people die? Racism is not the new McCarthyism. People aren't being accused of racism for no reason. You either say or do something racist. America is what America has always been. You keep talking about the black crime rate that is not as high as the white crime rate then wonder why you get called a racist. You're ignorant.
White people are always the bad guys,that's what society tells us. Reality isn't like that, blacks are statistically far larger criminals and hurt each other. Fact, and denial isn't a river in Egypt.
You sound like you werent properly educated regarding history. Whites literally documented their actions as if they were proud of their violence and criminality in history books and then took the additional steps of brainwashing lower class whites via music and movies. How can you pretend that whites werent the bad guys?
I am white. We are DEAD. America isn't America anymore. It's about whites are bad, and rap music and blacks are always victims. In that order. Never mind the high black on black crime rate, its "racism" if we notice.It's "racism" if we point it out. Racism is the new McCarthyism. Racism THIS, racism THAT. Hoodoo! Bullshit!
You cant be dead. Youre replying to me. Last I checked america is still america. Whites as a group have always been bad. Thats nothing new. I think youre just upset that more whites are realizing how much they have fucked up. Whites like you are whining because it showcases you in your true light, your true genetic instincts and propensity for violence and racism.
White racism is the least of our concerns, black racism is becoming the norm and it scaring me. Really? And y'all don't notice that cloying black prejudice? I notice that, but that's bad. Isn't it?
Absolutely NOT true. Some of the best inventions are created by people doing the hands on work anyway.

5 Inventions by Enslaved Black Men Blocked by US Patent Office
Hands on work? Did he carry the heaviest materials and put them where the white guy told him to?

I dont know why you assume black people are not smart. There are intelligent types in all races just as there are laborers in all races. It has a lot to do with personality type. We're all blessed with intelligence, its just that it is not always tapped into.
Blacks suffer from retardation far more often than whites. Just look at their countries.

Well I think your making this statement just to get a reaction, unless you have some actual stats showing retardation numbers. Countries in Africa have a lot of problems due to various reasons, but its not retardation. Depending on where you are there, you have people who have only lived in the countryside for most of their lives in many instances and because of resources and lack of infrastructure a lot of these people dont have very good formal educations and then when they find themselves in the city looking for work it's easy to become another statistic. There are also some social ills such as alcoholism in some places, mostly among the men which leaves a lot of women taking care of the kids by themselves. There are a lot of problems there but its not due to being inherently stupid... though that is the easy route just to make that statement without looking deeper. So Ive been to Nairobi and Mombassa and a few other places, and Ive seen plenty of intelligent business people there who are just pretty wonderful, but it can also be a place of extremes. I dont believe it has much to do with intelligence, but more so with the effects of corruption and the clash with city and rural life.. from what Ive seen.

Now that's a fair analysis even as you still don't factor in the effects if colonization. The ills you did cite however, affect every culture and are not race specific.

Well, yeah.. Colonialism would be part of that in my opinion though I didnt mention it specifically. But having been there for even a short time and getting to know some Kenyan people very well, its even more complicated than that. I'm not an expert on anything mind you.. i can only give perspective as i see it.
Let me say this though, while I know colonialism has fucked up the cultural fabric in many parts of Africa, people still need to be held accountable for their actions 100 percent, just like anywhere else or its still kicking the can down the road. relying on blaming someone else even if its true can only get you so far, or it gets you there slower.
White people are always the bad guys,that's what society tells us. Reality isn't like that, blacks are statistically far larger criminals and hurt each other. Fact, and denial isn't a river in Egypt.
You sound like you werent properly educated regarding history. Whites literally documented their actions as if they were proud of their violence and criminality in history books and then took the additional steps of brainwashing lower class whites via music and movies. How can you pretend that whites werent the bad guys?
I am white. We are DEAD. America isn't America anymore. It's about whites are bad, and rap music and blacks are always victims. In that order. Never mind the high black on black crime rate, its "racism" if we notice.It's "racism" if we point it out. Racism is the new McCarthyism. Racism THIS, racism THAT. Hoodoo! Bullshit!
You cant be dead. Youre replying to me. Last I checked america is still america. Whites as a group have always been bad. Thats nothing new. I think youre just upset that more whites are realizing how much they have fucked up. Whites like you are whining because it showcases you in your true light, your true genetic instincts and propensity for violence and racism.
White racism is the least of our concerns, black racism is becoming the norm and it scaring me. really? And y'all don't notice that cloying black prejudiced? I notice that, but that's bad. Isn't it?
White racism is the least of your concern. Thats understandable because youre white so speak for yourself. No such thing as Black racism. It isnt possible until white racism is eradicated and would never happen anyway because Black people are humans. They are not built to commit the atrocities whites have. We have what whites seem to lack. A soul.
White people are always the bad guys,that's what society tells us. Reality isn't like that, blacks are statistically far larger criminals and hurt each other. Fact, and denial isn't a river in Egypt.
You sound like you werent properly educated regarding history. Whites literally documented their actions as if they were proud of their violence and criminality in history books and then took the additional steps of brainwashing lower class whites via music and movies. How can you pretend that whites werent the bad guys?
I am white. We are DEAD. America isn't America anymore. It's about whites are bad, and rap music and blacks are always victims. In that order. Never mind the high black on black crime rate, its "racism" if we notice.It's "racism" if we point it out. Racism is the new McCarthyism. Racism THIS, racism THAT. Hoodoo! Bullshit!
You cant be dead. Youre replying to me. Last I checked america is still america. Whites as a group have always been bad. Thats nothing new. I think youre just upset that more whites are realizing how much they have fucked up. Whites like you are whining because it showcases you in your true light, your true genetic instincts and propensity for violence and racism.
White racism is the least of our concerns, black racism is becoming the norm and it scaring me. really? And y'all don't notice that cloying black prejudiced? I notice that, but that's bad. Isn't it?
White racism is the least of your concern. Thats understandable because youre white so speak for yourself. No such thing as Black racism. It isnt possible until white racism is eradicated and would never happen anyway because Black people are humans. They are not built to commit the atrocities whites have. We have what whites seem to lack. A soul.
Jolly good. I am white, true, and why is it blacks have always seemed to be the bad guys in my world? I didn't create them as such, and didn't want them to be, it's just a fact. And they murder each others in huge numbers, how is that my fault?
White people are always the bad guys,that's what society tells us. Reality isn't like that, blacks are statistically far larger criminals and hurt each other. Fact, and denial isn't a river in Egypt.
You sound like you werent properly educated regarding history. Whites literally documented their actions as if they were proud of their violence and criminality in history books and then took the additional steps of brainwashing lower class whites via music and movies. How can you pretend that whites werent the bad guys?
I am white. We are DEAD. America isn't America anymore. It's about whites are bad, and rap music and blacks are always victims. In that order. Never mind the high black on black crime rate, its "racism" if we notice.It's "racism" if we point it out. Racism is the new McCarthyism. Racism THIS, racism THAT. Hoodoo! Bullshit!
You cant be dead. Youre replying to me. Last I checked america is still america. Whites as a group have always been bad. Thats nothing new. I think youre just upset that more whites are realizing how much they have fucked up. Whites like you are whining because it showcases you in your true light, your true genetic instincts and propensity for violence and racism.
White racism is the least of our concerns, black racism is becoming the norm and it scaring me. really? And y'all don't notice that cloying black prejudiced? I notice that, but that's bad. Isn't it?
White racism is the least of your concern. Thats understandable because youre white so speak for yourself. No such thing as Black racism. It isnt possible until white racism is eradicated and would never happen anyway because Black people are humans. They are not built to commit the atrocities whites have. We have what whites seem to lack. A soul.

Got it , whites are human and whites don't have souls. Another arrogant post from God Asclepias.
You sound like you werent properly educated regarding history. Whites literally documented their actions as if they were proud of their violence and criminality in history books and then took the additional steps of brainwashing lower class whites via music and movies. How can you pretend that whites werent the bad guys?
I am white. We are DEAD. America isn't America anymore. It's about whites are bad, and rap music and blacks are always victims. In that order. Never mind the high black on black crime rate, its "racism" if we notice.It's "racism" if we point it out. Racism is the new McCarthyism. Racism THIS, racism THAT. Hoodoo! Bullshit!
You cant be dead. Youre replying to me. Last I checked america is still america. Whites as a group have always been bad. Thats nothing new. I think youre just upset that more whites are realizing how much they have fucked up. Whites like you are whining because it showcases you in your true light, your true genetic instincts and propensity for violence and racism.
White racism is the least of our concerns, black racism is becoming the norm and it scaring me. really? And y'all don't notice that cloying black prejudiced? I notice that, but that's bad. Isn't it?
White racism is the least of your concern. Thats understandable because youre white so speak for yourself. No such thing as Black racism. It isnt possible until white racism is eradicated and would never happen anyway because Black people are humans. They are not built to commit the atrocities whites have. We have what whites seem to lack. A soul.
Jolly good. I am white, true, and why is it blacks have always seemed to be the bad guys in my world? I didn't create them as such, and didn't want them to be, it's just a fact. And they murder each murder in huge numbers, how is that my fault?
I think Blacks are the bad guys in your world because like most whites you are gullible, insecure, and not very bright. You ignore the documented facts regarding your race and their history of violence and mayhem. I mentioned insecurity and I think this is the key. How can a people that majored in violence, theft, murder and other atrocities be more afraid of Blacks? Black people cause whites to be insecure which leads them to believing irrational things. I think being recessive is the cause of your terrible insecurity and subsequent childlike ignoring of what you have done as a people.
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