Do white people need to go extinct for world peace?

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Blacks can’t expect positive change until they start changing their attitudes.

Obama has hurt the black community more than they know. That worthless POS is why we’re now (once again) dealing with questions about race.
I love alternative forms of thought. But this unquestionable acceptance of ALL black culture, and questioning of that is racism? Something is broken.
I dont recall anyone asking you to accept Black culture. Just because we dispute what you think about doesnt translate to an invitation or a plea on our part for you to accept any of it. All we are doing is correcting your screwed up narrative. Does that make sense?
I didn't ask for the black narrative. It is forced. And if we like facts, let's go with that.

The white narrative is what's forced. Literally. But you're another dumb white person who apparently flunked history. And if we like facts, those are the facts.
The black narrative is the constantly forced on us, black victim hood all the time. I am not a big fan of black culture, I like it but it is becoming dominate.And the only reason why seems to be they are becoming predominate. They just outbreed the rest of us. Is that grounds for moral out rage?

Another ignorant ass white person. There is no victimhood here. There is only truth. You don't know what black culture is. You only know the black culture made up by white racists and that's imaginary. So you're delusional living with a case of psychosis. You have a mental problem. Get it fixed.
Blacks can’t expect positive change until they start changing their attitudes.

Obama has hurt the black community more than they know. That worthless POS is why we’re now (once again) dealing with questions about race.

The question of race has never stopped being asked. Why do you white motherfuckers think you can tell us about ourselves when you don't know shit about your own selves? You have made up a history you do not have, you have made up a moral code you don't practice. You live in a lie every day of your life and yet you want to tell us how to do things.. If we did things like you. you'd either be slaves right now or every law that was made would make certain you don't get the same opportunities to compete. Each of you whites here talking stupid are a product of lies because you cannot deal with the truth of your history so you have to male shit up in order to try forgetting. And that's the difference between us. We can be proud that we were slaves ad fought our way to freedom, we can be proud that we fought our what out of the cracker ass cracker apartheid in America called jim crow that still exists today, but you guys can't live with the shame from what you caused and still today you all want to deny it, while denying the damage your racism has caused, and still denying the existence of the racism you continue to practice. The excuses: None of you were here during slavery. You can't be held responsible for what your parents did and all of the smilax stupidity we have to hear from you liars, but what your asses fail to understand is that YOU CAN BE HELD RESPONSBLE FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE TODAY! And look at these posts by you white people. If he internet was in existence in 1917, the same words would have been posted by whites about race,
I am white. I never hurt blacks. But I see blacks that do more harm and we are supposed to ignore that.

I am black. I never hurt whites. But I see whites that do far more harm than anything your ass can talk about and we are suppose to ignore that.
I am white. I never hurt blacks. But I see blacks that do more harm and we are supposed to ignore that.

Obviously a venerable beta that never took a shot at life. :boohoo:
I am 60 years old. I have been on this earth a long time. I don't know what Beta is supposed to mean. But if you think it means you are more experienced , guess again.
I am white. I never hurt blacks. But I see blacks that do more harm and we are supposed to ignore that.

Obviously a venerable beta that never took a shot at life. :boohoo:
I am 60 years old. I have been on this earth a long time. I don't know what Beta is supposed to mean.

I give you a pass. By the time I explain, you understand and then try to use it'll be near deceased.

Keep doing what your'll be fine.

Thanks for asking. :eusa_angel:
Blacks can’t expect positive change until they start changing their attitudes.

Obama has hurt the black community more than they know. That worthless POS is why we’re now (once again) dealing with questions about race.

The question of race has never stopped being asked. Why do you white motherfuckers think you can tell us about ourselves when you don't know shit about your own selves? You have made up a history you do not have, you have made up a moral code you don't practice. You live in a lie every day of your life and yet you want to tell us how to do things.. If we did things like you. you'd either be slaves right now or every law that was made would make certain you don't get the same opportunities to compete. Each of you whites here talking stupid are a product of lies because you cannot deal with the truth of your history so you have to male shit up in order to try forgetting. And that's the difference between us. We can be proud that we were slaves ad fought our way to freedom, we can be proud that we fought our what out of the cracker ass cracker apartheid in America called jim crow that still exists today, but you guys can't live with the shame from what you caused and still today you all want to deny it, while denying the damage your racism has caused, and still denying the existence of the racism you continue to practice. The excuses: None of you were here during slavery. You can't be held responsible for what your parents did and all of the smilax stupidity we have to hear from you liars, but what your asses fail to understand is that YOU CAN BE HELD RESPONSBLE FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE TODAY! And look at these posts by you white people. If he internet was in existence in 1917, the same words would have been posted by whites about race,
I can only hope you black motherfuckers eventually learn how to accept responsibility for the shit you bring upon yourselves. Other blacks have been trying to educate you dumbasses, but you still choose to stay ignorant.

I just posted a vid of a black guy who knows you're an idiot.

Stop trying to blame whites for your problems. You idiots own the BS you've created for yourselves.
I am white. I never hurt blacks. But I see blacks that do more harm and we are supposed to ignore that.

Obviously a venerable beta that never took a shot at life. :boohoo:
I am 60 years old. I have been on this earth a long time. I don't know what Beta is supposed to mean. But if you think it means you are more experienced , guess again.

I am 56. I have been earth almost as long as you and you don't have a clue.
Blacks can’t expect positive change until they start changing their attitudes.

Obama has hurt the black community more than they know. That worthless POS is why we’re now (once again) dealing with questions about race.

The question of race has never stopped being asked. Why do you white motherfuckers think you can tell us about ourselves when you don't know shit about your own selves? You have made up a history you do not have, you have made up a moral code you don't practice. You live in a lie every day of your life and yet you want to tell us how to do things.. If we did things like you. you'd either be slaves right now or every law that was made would make certain you don't get the same opportunities to compete. Each of you whites here talking stupid are a product of lies because you cannot deal with the truth of your history so you have to male shit up in order to try forgetting. And that's the difference between us. We can be proud that we were slaves ad fought our way to freedom, we can be proud that we fought our what out of the cracker ass cracker apartheid in America called jim crow that still exists today, but you guys can't live with the shame from what you caused and still today you all want to deny it, while denying the damage your racism has caused, and still denying the existence of the racism you continue to practice. The excuses: None of you were here during slavery. You can't be held responsible for what your parents did and all of the smilax stupidity we have to hear from you liars, but what your asses fail to understand is that YOU CAN BE HELD RESPONSBLE FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE TODAY! And look at these posts by you white people. If he internet was in existence in 1917, the same words would have been posted by whites about race,
I can only hope you black motherfuckers eventually learn how to accept responsibility for the shit you bring upon yourselves. Other blacks have been trying to educate you dumbasses, but you still choose to stay ignorant.

Stop blaming whites for your problems. You idiots own the BS you've created for yourselves.

Bama has hookworms like the 3rd World Country they are. :booze:
Blacks can’t expect positive change until they start changing their attitudes.

Obama has hurt the black community more than they know. That worthless POS is why we’re now (once again) dealing with questions about race.

The question of race has never stopped being asked. Why do you white motherfuckers think you can tell us about ourselves when you don't know shit about your own selves? You have made up a history you do not have, you have made up a moral code you don't practice. You live in a lie every day of your life and yet you want to tell us how to do things.. If we did things like you. you'd either be slaves right now or every law that was made would make certain you don't get the same opportunities to compete. Each of you whites here talking stupid are a product of lies because you cannot deal with the truth of your history so you have to male shit up in order to try forgetting. And that's the difference between us. We can be proud that we were slaves ad fought our way to freedom, we can be proud that we fought our what out of the cracker ass cracker apartheid in America called jim crow that still exists today, but you guys can't live with the shame from what you caused and still today you all want to deny it, while denying the damage your racism has caused, and still denying the existence of the racism you continue to practice. The excuses: None of you were here during slavery. You can't be held responsible for what your parents did and all of the smilax stupidity we have to hear from you liars, but what your asses fail to understand is that YOU CAN BE HELD RESPONSBLE FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE TODAY! And look at these posts by you white people. If he internet was in existence in 1917, the same words would have been posted by whites about race,
I can only hope you black motherfuckers eventually learn how to accept responsibility for the shit you bring upon yourselves. Other blacks have been trying to educate you dumbasses, but you still choose to stay ignorant.

Stop blaming whites for your problems. You idiots own the BS you've created for yourselves.

We will blame whites for what they have done. And you will deal with it.
Do white people need to go extinct for world peace?

There'd be no world as we know it without White People. Take away western civilization, and the Asians would have no modern technology and would still be in ox carts, the Middle East wouldn't know what oil was and would still be living in tents, the Africans would never have left the plains and would still be running from lions in loincloths and spears, and there would be no Mars missions, no Moon missions, no trips to outer space and all that we've learned from it, no GPS, no rockets, no satellites, no nuclear technology, no cell phones, no computers, no transistor, no telephone, no Shakespeare, no Mozart, no concertos, no wireless transmission, no stereo equipment, no television, no motion picture industry, no automobile, no Voyager 1 & 2, no AC power, no electrical appliances and a whole host of other things. If the world can't find peace with all of that, imagine how much worse it'd be without it! Instead of blaming the white race for everything, they ought to be on their knees thanking us for what we've given them! Not our fault they are still too uncivilized to know what to do with it!!!
Do white people need to go extinct for world peace?

There'd be no world as we know it without White People. Take away western civilization, and the Asians would have no modern technology and would still be in ox carts, the Middle East wouldn't know what oil was and would still be living in tents, the Africans would never have left the plains and would still be running from lions in loincloths and spears, and there would be no Mars missions, no Moon missions, no trips to outer space and all that we've learned from it, no GPS, no rockets, no satellites, no nuclear technology, no cell phones, no computers, no transistor, no telephone, no Shakespeare, no Mozart, no concertos, no wireless transmission, no stereo equipment, no television, no motion picture industry, no automobile, no Voyager 1 & 2, no AC power, no electrical appliances and a whole host of other things. If the world can't find peace with all of that, imagine how much worse it'd be without it! Instead of blaming the white race for everything, they ought to be on their knees thanking us for what we've given them! Not our fault they are still too uncivilized to know what to do with it!!!

You actually can't say that. Because you don't know that.
Invasion and stealing are not inventions. Those are actions. And so your saying 'whites' Only,,.... lets clarify that ONLY contribution to the world is genocidal violence. I'm going to take you for your word that you really believe that now. And I'll try to look past your ignorance of the fact that good people can be alive during the same time period that there are bad ones.

You said yourself before that you have had white friends and even a few white mentors when you were younger that helped you along the way as a friend. So do you often call them to remind them that they contributed nothing to the world? Of course I'm sure your white friends were the only exceptions, just like your friends who are cops that happen to be the only good ones.

So do you like buying things at the store that are put together with nuts, bolts, screws and other various machined fasteners? DO you know who invented the automatic screw machine, and do you understand the positive impact that the industrial revolution, assembly line, and manufacturing equiptment has opened up for TODAYS world? You dont have to carve something out of wood or stone now every time you want it, and there is a reason you can walk into the hardware store and buy nuts and bolts off the shelf for 20c instead of 50 dollars each when you have to get some hardware to fix your kid's bed frame. Just the fact that you have a washer and dryer, refrigerator and car and ability to fly on a plane saves you so many man hours in your life, that it actually increases your life. It gives you time to study and read that you would not have had 300 years ago. White people had something to do with this, but sure you'll stick with 'Only and Always' genocidal violence because thats who you are.

You can look at history and say all the troubles are because of whites, but thats only using 5th grade mentality when you realize what all people are capable of doing when they are fighting over resources. You can take all white people off the world today and in a few thousand years history will repeat itself, that is the way of the world.
I didnt say invasion and stealing were inventions. Where you deflecting or you just misread? I said that is the only contribution whites have made. For the billionth time when I say whites I am speaking in general terms describing your race as a group. I'm sure my acquaintances are not the only whites but thats a tiny drop in the bucket compared with the overall majority of whites. We know this is true because without that majority those actions would not have taken place. If all or even most whites were good people they wouldnt be so violent and criminally insane.

All I know is that whites were in caves prior to being educated. Any inventions they claim are based on knowledge they recieved at the feet of the Blacks that educated them or they either stole from the enslaved Blacks. This is why they made laws that Blacks could not apply for patents and even when that restriction was lifted they kept them from doing so. So either way whites cant legitimately claim any inventions after the Greeks were educated.

If you Asclepias invent something today, you can say you invented it. I can do the same if I come up with an idea that is new. People spent their entire lives inventing technologies and now you come up with some fantasy that their lifes work was not legitimate? you dont really need to make stuff up just to make a point

This is what whites here have done in regard to any suggestion of black invention or innovation.

It doesn't matter what someone says though. If they invented something that did not exist before... then they invented it. It doesnt matter what someone says. Unfortunately for them, they were not able to reap the benefits personally from those inventions but it is different today. A black kid can make himself pretty wealthy if he majors in computer science and plenty of companies are looking to hire minorities over whites.
Invasion and stealing are not inventions. Those are actions. And so your saying 'whites' Only,,.... lets clarify that ONLY contribution to the world is genocidal violence. I'm going to take you for your word that you really believe that now. And I'll try to look past your ignorance of the fact that good people can be alive during the same time period that there are bad ones.

You said yourself before that you have had white friends and even a few white mentors when you were younger that helped you along the way as a friend. So do you often call them to remind them that they contributed nothing to the world? Of course I'm sure your white friends were the only exceptions, just like your friends who are cops that happen to be the only good ones.

So do you like buying things at the store that are put together with nuts, bolts, screws and other various machined fasteners? DO you know who invented the automatic screw machine, and do you understand the positive impact that the industrial revolution, assembly line, and manufacturing equiptment has opened up for TODAYS world? You dont have to carve something out of wood or stone now every time you want it, and there is a reason you can walk into the hardware store and buy nuts and bolts off the shelf for 20c instead of 50 dollars each when you have to get some hardware to fix your kid's bed frame. Just the fact that you have a washer and dryer, refrigerator and car and ability to fly on a plane saves you so many man hours in your life, that it actually increases your life. It gives you time to study and read that you would not have had 300 years ago. White people had something to do with this, but sure you'll stick with 'Only and Always' genocidal violence because thats who you are.

You can look at history and say all the troubles are because of whites, but thats only using 5th grade mentality when you realize what all people are capable of doing when they are fighting over resources. You can take all white people off the world today and in a few thousand years history will repeat itself, that is the way of the world.
I didnt say invasion and stealing were inventions. Where you deflecting or you just misread? I said that is the only contribution whites have made. For the billionth time when I say whites I am speaking in general terms describing your race as a group. I'm sure my acquaintances are not the only whites but thats a tiny drop in the bucket compared with the overall majority of whites. We know this is true because without that majority those actions would not have taken place. If all or even most whites were good people they wouldnt be so violent and criminally insane.

All I know is that whites were in caves prior to being educated. Any inventions they claim are based on knowledge they recieved at the feet of the Blacks that educated them or they either stole from the enslaved Blacks. This is why they made laws that Blacks could not apply for patents and even when that restriction was lifted they kept them from doing so. So either way whites cant legitimately claim any inventions after the Greeks were educated.

If you Asclepias invent something today, you can say you invented it. I can do the same if I come up with an idea that is new. People spent their entire lives inventing technologies and now you come up with some fantasy that their lifes work was not legitimate? you dont really need to make stuff up just to make a point

This is what whites here have done in regard to any suggestion of black invention or innovation.

It can also be noted that stealing inventions has always gone on and still does. Just because many black inventors lost their inventions to others doesnt mean that the same thing wasnt also happening to white inventors. It doesnt make it fair or right, but the best people can do is still give others their place in history

Blacks inventions werent lost. They were stolen. Huge, gigantic, enormous difference.

When i said lost.. I meant stolen if you see the context there. Yes, I agree and also that has been a pretty common occurence regardless of the color of the original inventor. Thats the reason for all the copy right laws we have. Lots of people wish they could turn back time but thats impossible.
I didnt say invasion and stealing were inventions. Where you deflecting or you just misread? I said that is the only contribution whites have made. For the billionth time when I say whites I am speaking in general terms describing your race as a group. I'm sure my acquaintances are not the only whites but thats a tiny drop in the bucket compared with the overall majority of whites. We know this is true because without that majority those actions would not have taken place. If all or even most whites were good people they wouldnt be so violent and criminally insane.

All I know is that whites were in caves prior to being educated. Any inventions they claim are based on knowledge they recieved at the feet of the Blacks that educated them or they either stole from the enslaved Blacks. This is why they made laws that Blacks could not apply for patents and even when that restriction was lifted they kept them from doing so. So either way whites cant legitimately claim any inventions after the Greeks were educated.

If you Asclepias invent something today, you can say you invented it. I can do the same if I come up with an idea that is new. People spent their entire lives inventing technologies and now you come up with some fantasy that their lifes work was not legitimate? you dont really need to make stuff up just to make a point

This is what whites here have done in regard to any suggestion of black invention or innovation.
The black invention and innovation often mentioned on these boards is often a figment of the imagination in many black heads.

Absolutely NOT true. Some of the best inventions are created by people doing the hands on work anyway.

5 Inventions by Enslaved Black Men Blocked by US Patent Office
Hands on work? Did he carry the heaviest materials and put them where the white guy told him to?

I dont know why you assume black people are not smart. There are intelligent types in all races just as there are laborers in all races. It has a lot to do with personality type. We're all blessed with intelligence, its just that it is not always tapped into.
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I didnt say invasion and stealing were inventions. Where you deflecting or you just misread? I said that is the only contribution whites have made. For the billionth time when I say whites I am speaking in general terms describing your race as a group. I'm sure my acquaintances are not the only whites but thats a tiny drop in the bucket compared with the overall majority of whites. We know this is true because without that majority those actions would not have taken place. If all or even most whites were good people they wouldnt be so violent and criminally insane.

All I know is that whites were in caves prior to being educated. Any inventions they claim are based on knowledge they recieved at the feet of the Blacks that educated them or they either stole from the enslaved Blacks. This is why they made laws that Blacks could not apply for patents and even when that restriction was lifted they kept them from doing so. So either way whites cant legitimately claim any inventions after the Greeks were educated.

If you Asclepias invent something today, you can say you invented it. I can do the same if I come up with an idea that is new. People spent their entire lives inventing technologies and now you come up with some fantasy that their lifes work was not legitimate? you dont really need to make stuff up just to make a point

This is what whites here have done in regard to any suggestion of black invention or innovation.

It doesn't matter what someone says though. If they invented something that did not exist before... then they invented it. It doesnt matter what someone says. Unfortunately for them, they were not able to reap the benefits personally from those inventions but it is different today. A black kid can make himself pretty wealthy if he majors in computer science and plenty of companies are looking to hire minorities over whites.
I didnt say invasion and stealing were inventions. Where you deflecting or you just misread? I said that is the only contribution whites have made. For the billionth time when I say whites I am speaking in general terms describing your race as a group. I'm sure my acquaintances are not the only whites but thats a tiny drop in the bucket compared with the overall majority of whites. We know this is true because without that majority those actions would not have taken place. If all or even most whites were good people they wouldnt be so violent and criminally insane.

All I know is that whites were in caves prior to being educated. Any inventions they claim are based on knowledge they recieved at the feet of the Blacks that educated them or they either stole from the enslaved Blacks. This is why they made laws that Blacks could not apply for patents and even when that restriction was lifted they kept them from doing so. So either way whites cant legitimately claim any inventions after the Greeks were educated.

If you Asclepias invent something today, you can say you invented it. I can do the same if I come up with an idea that is new. People spent their entire lives inventing technologies and now you come up with some fantasy that their lifes work was not legitimate? you dont really need to make stuff up just to make a point

This is what whites here have done in regard to any suggestion of black invention or innovation.

It can also be noted that stealing inventions has always gone on and still does. Just because many black inventors lost their inventions to others doesnt mean that the same thing wasnt also happening to white inventors. It doesnt make it fair or right, but the best people can do is still give others their place in history

Blacks inventions werent lost. They were stolen. Huge, gigantic, enormous difference.

When i said lost.. I meant stolen if you see the context there. Yes, I agree and also that has been a pretty common occurence regardless of the color of the original inventor. Thats the reason for all the copy right laws we have. Lots of people wish they could turn back time but thats impossible.

People may not be able to turn back time, but they can at east be honest bough to give the correct recognition to accomplishments done.
If you Asclepias invent something today, you can say you invented it. I can do the same if I come up with an idea that is new. People spent their entire lives inventing technologies and now you come up with some fantasy that their lifes work was not legitimate? you dont really need to make stuff up just to make a point

This is what whites here have done in regard to any suggestion of black invention or innovation.

It doesn't matter what someone says though. If they invented something that did not exist before... then they invented it. It doesnt matter what someone says. Unfortunately for them, they were not able to reap the benefits personally from those inventions but it is different today. A black kid can make himself pretty wealthy if he majors in computer science and plenty of companies are looking to hire minorities over whites.
If you Asclepias invent something today, you can say you invented it. I can do the same if I come up with an idea that is new. People spent their entire lives inventing technologies and now you come up with some fantasy that their lifes work was not legitimate? you dont really need to make stuff up just to make a point

This is what whites here have done in regard to any suggestion of black invention or innovation.

It can also be noted that stealing inventions has always gone on and still does. Just because many black inventors lost their inventions to others doesnt mean that the same thing wasnt also happening to white inventors. It doesnt make it fair or right, but the best people can do is still give others their place in history

Blacks inventions werent lost. They were stolen. Huge, gigantic, enormous difference.

When i said lost.. I meant stolen if you see the context there. Yes, I agree and also that has been a pretty common occurence regardless of the color of the original inventor. Thats the reason for all the copy right laws we have. Lots of people wish they could turn back time but thats impossible.

People may not be able to turn back time, but they can at east be honest bough to give the correct recognition to accomplishments done.

I have no problem agreeing with that. There is nothing to hide.
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Blacks can’t expect positive change until they start changing their attitudes.

Obama has hurt the black community more than they know. That worthless POS is why we’re now (once again) dealing with questions about race.

The question of race has never stopped being asked. Why do you white motherfuckers think you can tell us about ourselves when you don't know shit about your own selves? You have made up a history you do not have, you have made up a moral code you don't practice. You live in a lie every day of your life and yet you want to tell us how to do things.. If we did things like you. you'd either be slaves right now or every law that was made would make certain you don't get the same opportunities to compete. Each of you whites here talking stupid are a product of lies because you cannot deal with the truth of your history so you have to male shit up in order to try forgetting. And that's the difference between us. We can be proud that we were slaves ad fought our way to freedom, we can be proud that we fought our what out of the cracker ass cracker apartheid in America called jim crow that still exists today, but you guys can't live with the shame from what you caused and still today you all want to deny it, while denying the damage your racism has caused, and still denying the existence of the racism you continue to practice. The excuses: None of you were here during slavery. You can't be held responsible for what your parents did and all of the smilax stupidity we have to hear from you liars, but what your asses fail to understand is that YOU CAN BE HELD RESPONSBLE FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE TODAY! And look at these posts by you white people. If he internet was in existence in 1917, the same words would have been posted by whites about race,
I can only hope you black motherfuckers eventually learn how to accept responsibility for the shit you bring upon yourselves. Other blacks have been trying to educate you dumbasses, but you still choose to stay ignorant.

Stop blaming whites for your problems. You idiots own the BS you've created for yourselves.

We will blame whites for what they have done. And you will deal with it.
What will I be dealing with? Them creating jobs and you insisting on getting welfare checks? lol

Good luck with that. lol
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