Do women have the right to guns in the US?

Tell me where in the constitution it is written that a man is obliged to sleep with someone at all? Why should this be "offensive" to anyone?
I'm not interested in defining vague concepts. Give me clear criteria for "insel"

Of course not. That would ruin your argument.

INCEL stands for Involuntarily Celibate. It is not guys who won't sleep with someone. It is guys who cannot get laid, and they want to get laid.
Of course not. That would ruin your argument.

INCEL stands for Involuntarily Celibate. It is not guys who won't sleep with someone. It is guys who cannot get laid, and they want to get laid.
This is not yet clear. Why can't they? Are they impotent?
Women don't want to sleep with him? Why? After all, there is always at least a freak who is not fucked by men, wouldn’t she want to sleep with him?

Apparently not.

from: Definition of INCEL
"Definition of incel
: a person (usually a man) who regards himself or herself as being involuntarily celibate and typically expresses extreme resentment and hostility toward those who are sexually activeThe term "incels" emerged from a Reddit group in which tens of thousands of users, most of them young men, commiserate about their lack of sexual activity—many of them placing the blame on women.— Josh O'KaneIn recent years, a number of these men have identified as so-called incels, short for involuntary celibates, an online subculture of men who express rage at women for denying them sex and who frequently fantasize about violence and celebrate mass shooters in their online discussion groups."
You have not been able to give clear criteria for this autistic concept. What you say is obviously paradoxical. A man in this sense is no different from a woman. Unattractive women have the same problems that unattractive men have, and they can fuck each other if they want. This is logical.
You have not been able to give clear criteria for this autistic concept. What you say is obviously paradoxical. A man in this sense is no different from a woman. Unattractive women have the same problems that unattractive men have, and they can fuck each other if they want. This is logical.

I have given more than adequate explanations of what INCEL means. If you cannot understand it, that is not my problem. I even included the definition from Merriam-Webster's dictionary.

And unattractive women have an easier time getting laid. Closing time as a bar will show you that.
I have given more than adequate explanations of what INCEL means.
You have to be autistic to "understand" the paradoxical concept. Autistic people don't analyze concepts, they just memorize what they are told and then preach it. If you are not a scammer then you are autistic
You have to be autistic to "understand" the paradoxical concept. Autistic people don't analyze concepts, they just memorize what they are told and then preach it. If you are not a scammer then you are autistic

No, I am simply repeating what the dictionary and the INCELs themselves say. The fact that you do not understand this specific sub-culture does not mean everyone else doesn't.
And unattractive women have an easier time getting laid. Closing time as a bar will show you that.
Unattractive women are easier to fuck anyway. The ugly Marilyn Monroe became a sex symbol due to the fact that she was able to sell herself in shiny packaging, and men are zombified by whores and are afraid to refuse, because then they will be called impotent.
This is exactly what feminists are after.
Unattractive women are easier to fuck anyway. The ugly Marilyn Monroe became a sex symbol due to the fact that she was able to sell herself in shiny packaging, and men are zombified by whores and are afraid to refuse, because then they will be called impotent.
This is exactly what feminists are after.

Marilyn Monroe was ugly to you? I guess there is no accounting for taste.

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