Do women have the right to guns in the US?

Kaileh worshipers are equivalent to the ancient Chthonists who worshiped Tiamat, the mother of chaos who gave birth to snakes.

It might be assumed that the Bill of Rights pertained only to men but it doesn't say that. To "assume" makes an ass of u and me.
The early American was a cowboy. He herded cows. The settlement was defended by a group of men who did not go to pasture, as well as sons.

Actually. very few were cowboys and the cowboy age didn't start until after the civil war. And not everyone lived in a settlement. And the police, where they even existed, were hours away. Most women from the 19th century would kick your ass.. and mine.
Thus, you sign your inability to protect your family, you deny the masculinity in yourself.

You are absolutely wrong.

My wife has my back.

I don't know how many times we've gone to buy something from craigslist or a used car that she waited in the truck armed to the teeth.
Actually. very few were cowboys and the cowboy age didn't start until after the civil war. And not everyone lived in a settlement. And the police, where they even existed, were hours away. Most women from the 19th century would kick your ass.. and mine.
Cowboys are native inhabitants of the American Great Plains. Brits are not Americans
Where did you read that?
I don’t remember where on Wikipedia there was this judicial case.

It could not be otherwise, because women have no rights other than voting, and at the time of the 2nd amendment, there were not even voting rights(it's the 19th amendment).
I don’t remember where on Wikipedia there was this judicial case.

So, in other words, you have nothing to support the silliness you spew.

Got it...

It could not be otherwise, because women have no rights other than voting, and at the time of the 2nd amendment, there were not even voting rights(it's the 19th amendment).

So, do you normally smoke a lot of pot all at once, or do you space it out throughout the day?
Also, the logic here is that since the 2nd Amendment was passed long before emancipation (more than 100 years before begining of emancipation movement), there could not have been any emancipation. And therefore, there can be no talk of any rights of women to bear arms (unless the constitutional court changes this)
Well perhaps the Democrats can pass laws to confiscate all firearms owned by women. Democrats are all for disarming citizens and this way they could disarm half the population in the United States. What a great opportunity for the Dems.
Well perhaps the Democrats can pass laws to confiscate all firearms owned by women. Democrats are all for disarming citizens and this way they could disarm half the population in the United States. What a great opportunity for the Dems. one has guns anymore because President Obama took them all as the NRA told us would happen if he was elected.
Well perhaps the Democrats can pass laws to confiscate all firearms owned by women. Democrats are all for disarming citizens and this way they could disarm half the population in the United States. What a great opportunity for the Dems.
They will never agree to this: it is a blow to emancipation.
I think they don't.

The right to bear arms is enshrined in the 2nd Amendment, due to the fact that combat-ready men have the right to form a state militia. It says nothing about women.

Also, I don't know of any law that would allow women to carry guns when they serve in the federal army. Is there such a law?

The Second Amendment is not contingent on militias. Leaving aside the fact that women can, and do, take up arms in defense on their homes and communities if necessary, you are basing your argument on a misreading of the Second Amendment which is not only debunked by an understanding of English sentence structure, but was also explicitly rejected by the Supreme Court.

No law NEEDS to allow women to carry guns, whether privately or while in the military. The military is structured on the basis of its members having access to and carrying firearms. Therefore, if the women are members of the military, they will therefore fall under the military structure of "members carry weapons".

I don't know what misogyny you're dealing with that has convinced you that women require explicit laws to be treated as the basic human beings that we are. But I can assure you - as high school science classes obviously have not - that we are just as much functioning, adult human beings as you are, and have any and all natural rights that our laws assume you do on that basis.
Thus, you sign your inability to protect your family, you deny the masculinity in yourself.

No, fool, he just recognizes that his wife is also capable of kicking ass and defending herself.

Contrary to your obvious belief, masculinity is not measured by your fear and insecurity when faced with a woman who isn't forced into subjugation.
I don’t know, but I read that the court found that it was about men.

Whether women were considered "the people" at that time, I do not know, this needs to be clarified.

Perhaps you should stop reading "Tiny Dick Weekly" for your news coverage.

I can assure you that women could and did use firearms in the 18th century. Unless they were wealthy, they did quite a number of the same things men did, and quite a lot of things that YOU, in your apparent self-conscious pride at "achieving" possession of a penis, would not be able to do now.

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