Do women have the right to guns in the US?

The "henpecked" part is nonsense. But feminist? I fully support my woman and revel in her accomplishments. The idea that she should be dependent on me for her safety is ridiculous.
Because you are a henpecked man and not a real man
This is no different from delegating the responsibilities of a man to a woman. I'm sure the opposite is also true: they cook and wash the dishes together. An obvious leftist decomposition of the mixing of male and female roles, leading to chaos and disharmony.

Left Mother-godess is queen of chaos

Tiamat - mother of darkness, evil old woman Cailleach

The responsibilities in a marriage or relationship is determined by the people in the relationship. The roles you want have been replaced.

And yes, women have a right to bear arms. That is why the Castle Doctrine includes the right of women to shoot an intruder or anyone who threatens their safety.
There are no such rights legally, this is a left fraud. Their rights to weapons are not declared anywhere at all.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

There is no mention of gender. "The right of the people" is self-explanatory.
You are not a man in the traditional patriarchal sense of the word.

What a shame. Whether I am a man in the traditional patriarchal sense of the word keeps me up at night.

I am a man who does not allow others to be demeaned or have their rights restricted.
I gave you proof, henpecked. Suffragism appeared after the amendment. If you don't understand something, ask your wife.

And that changes nothing. Women have rights. They enjoy the same basic rights under the US Constitution that all citizens enjoy.

Given up on an actual argument and resorting to childish name-calling? Typical.
A henpecked person differs from a man in that he has a low IQ and logical apparatus. Your left brain cannot compare facts, otherwise you would not carry this nonsense.
A henpecked person differs from a man in that he has a low IQ and logical apparatus. Your left brain cannot compare facts, otherwise you would not carry this nonsense.

My left brain compares facts just fine. But I see you think attempted insults make an argument. They don't.
My left brain compares facts just fine. But I see you think attempted insults make an argument. They don't.
Why, then, did it not notice that at the time of the amendment there was no emancipation?
I think your left brain is bad at comparing facts, and your wife's heel thinks so too.
The fathers did not mean women, there was no emancipation then. Why should we believe your leftist interpretation and not the opinion of the Fathers?
Why, then, did it not notice that at the time of the amendment there was no emancipation?
I think your left brain is bad at comparing facts, and your wife's heel thinks so too.

The emancipation, as you call it, was simply giving women the right to vote. They were citizens prior to that.
Are you the author of the 2nd Amendment? What gives you the right to speak instead of the Fathers?

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