Do women have the right to guns in the US?

Chivalry is not feminism!​


Romance is anti-feminism!​

Get the left shit out of your head.
You are zombified by left swindlers.
You are disoriented in the matter of values.
America inherits the patriarchal values of Free Austria-Hungary and the Free Kingdom of Poland in Europe.

The American system is a copy of the Austro-Hungarian patriarchal system with weak centralization and the system of Chivalry in Europe before the left absolutism, where "the vassal of my vassal is not my vassal", and where the king is only the first among equals.
All "arguments" in favor of "traditions of feminism" in the US are just childish babble of illiterate people.
These are the symptoms of the left decay
At the moment, the Americans are directed by the left to fight and destroy American freedoms in the world (support for the Taliban terrorists and so on). To destroy American values in the world. Anti-Reagan line.

The leftists are good at manipulating the masses, the talent of swindlers in them is undeniable. They could always kill a brother with the help of a brother, they could always destroy right-wing values with right-like slogans.
The East Coast is the source of feminism and anti-Americanism in the US.

Britain was feminist. They had queens on their thrones, they were ruled by women. And this has been happening since the days of old Europe with the cult of the mother goddess.
The leftists are good at manipulating the masses, the talent of swindlers in them is undeniable. They could always kill a brother with the help of a brother, they could always destroy right-wing values with right-like slogans.
This is also a property of leftist women - to manipulate men. Leftist men adopt this talent from leftist women.

The woman of the right culture has nothing to do with it. The right woman (including a real American woman) is graceful, beautiful, romantic, like a child (infantile) and needs the protection of a man.
Therefore, emancipation is unprofitable for a woman of right culture (a real American). Including from the point of view of evolutionary survival. This leads to their extinction, turns them into whores and outcasts, and so on.
I don’t know, but I read that the court found that it was about men.

Whether women were considered "the people" at that time, I do not know, this needs to be clarified.

I would love to see the quote you read. Women are part of "the people".
The aesthetics of anti-feminism is based on the fact that a woman is subject to male power. This is the natural beauty of dimorphism, which brings society to harmony.

This is also a property of leftist women - to manipulate men. Leftist men adopt this talent from leftist women.

The woman of the right culture has nothing to do with it. The right woman (including a real American woman) is graceful, beautiful, romantic, like a child (infantile) and needs the protection of a man.

Perhaps your culture requires that women be wallflowers, and depend on a man to protect her. But here the women stand beside their husband and BOTH can kick some ass. Any woman who is worth her salt can stand on her own, but chooses to be a partner.
I think they don't.

The right to bear arms is enshrined in the 2nd Amendment, due to the fact that combat-ready men have the right to form a state militia. It says nothing about women.

Also, I don't know of any law that would allow women to carry guns when they serve in the federal army. Is there such a law?
Uh boy
No it does not. It means that they, as a couple, share their lives and responsibilities.
This is no different from delegating the responsibilities of a man to a woman. I'm sure the opposite is also true: they cook and wash the dishes together. An obvious leftist decomposition of the mixing of male and female roles, leading to chaos and disharmony.

Left Mother-godess is queen of chaos

Tiamat - mother of darkness, evil old woman Cailleach
First you show that real men are henpecked and feminists. Who thinks so?

The "henpecked" part is nonsense. But feminist? I fully support my woman and revel in her accomplishments. The idea that she should be dependent on me for her safety is ridiculous.
Then don't talk more nonsense about "equality" for women in the US. It doesn't and never was.

Leftists illegally distribute weapons to women so that they shoot off men's penises stupidly. As a result, this discredits the idea and leads to the removal of 2 amendments.

Do you have any link proving what you claim?

Yes, American women will shoot the penis off abusive men and/or criminals.

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