Do women have the right to guns in the US?

The emancipation, as you call it, was simply giving women the right to vote.
Right. No other rights for women are declared in the American Constitution at all. By default, they have no rights at all except voting
For example, if the state of Montana enacts a ban on pants for women, it will not be a violation of the constitution, and it is the right of the people of Montana and their representatives in local governmen
Are you the author of the 2nd Amendment? What gives you the right to speak instead of the Fathers?

I am speaking based on the consistent rulings of the courts, including the US Supreme Court.

You think that because the emancipation happened years after the US Constitution was ratified, that women's individual rights would have to be spelled out. That is nonsense.
Right. No other rights for women are declared in the American Constitution at all. By default, they have no rights at all except voting

So the 13th amendment, which outlawed slavery, gave black men their freedom but no other rights at all? Their right to freedom of speech, to bear arms, ect do not exist?
So the 13th amendment, which outlawed slavery, gave black men their freedom but no other rights at all? Their right to freedom of speech, to bear arms, ect do not exist?
You're lying. There are several amendments that give blacks all rights on an equal with "whites".
Well, I agree that the law that gives the right to bear arms to women is not unconstitutional, because there is no ban there either. But then it should be explicitly written: we give the women of state X the right to bear arms. Where are these laws?
Perhaps your culture requires that women be wallflowers, and depend on a man to protect her. But here the women stand beside their husband and BOTH can kick some ass. Any woman who is worth her salt can stand on her own, but chooses to be a partner.
The culture of Russia consists of two parts. Moscow-Lithuania-Prussia is the dominant culture that is being imposed. This culture is a legacy of the old European matriarchy. The second culture that dominates territorially is the culture of the eastern patriarchate of the Great Steppe. This culture did not even allow a woman to manage money.

It is a fusion of opposite cultures.

It's the same in America. British colonies impose old European culture on the Great Plains and Texas.
Therefore, the British colonies vote for the left, and the Great Plains and Texas for the right.

Although after the Republican Party was captured by RINO, this will no longer be relevant.
In fact, this means the death of American culture.

If the new Reagan doesn't come
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As for gun rights. This will eventually lead to a ban, which is exactly what the left wants. Chaos in the sphere of circulation of weapons initiates the question of the right as such

The left does not need slaves with weapons.
You're lying. There are several amendments that give blacks all rights on an equal with "whites".

Several? After the 13th amendment was ratified, what amendments give blacks equal rights to whites? The 15th gave blacks the vote. But one amendment is not "several".
People see that they are cheating or stupid. This means their illegitimacy and the illegitimacy of their decisions.

Oh, so because you think you have found some point of "gotcha" all the courts are cheating?

The 2nd amendment says "the people". That should be enough.
Communist infiltration into the Republican Party and the federal government should initiate an initiative to revive the McCarthy system.
This suggests the experience of American statehood
Well, I agree that the law that gives the right to bear arms to women is not unconstitutional, because there is no ban there either. But then it should be explicitly written: we give the women of state X the right to bear arms. Where are these laws?

For a free people, unless something is specifically banned, people are free to enjoy it.
Communist infiltration into the Republican Party and the federal government should initiate an initiative to revive the McCarthy system.
This suggests the experience of American statehood

There will never be a return to the witch hunts of the McCarthy era.
Several? After the 13th amendment was ratified, what amendments give blacks equal rights to whites? The 15th gave blacks the vote. But one amendment is not "several".
The 14th amendment says that blacks have citizenship, which means equality with whites.
There will never be a return to the witch hunts of the McCarthy era.
The witch-hunt was by left-wing churchmen, the forerunners of communist criminals. McCarthy caught left-wing criminals, it's not a witch-hunt, it's hunting on witchunters
Witches were Celtic women who worshiped the patriarchal Celtic god Saman, the adversary of the matron Kailech. They interfered to left Goth's power, which captured Europe after the plague.
The evil old woman Kailekh, in Slavic mythology, is known as Baba Yaga, who ate young male warriors. Celtic women interfered with her.


This plot is used by Grimm in the tale of the snow queen.

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