Do women have the right to guns in the US?

Your logic sucks. What does she do, when you're not around? What do you do when the cops aren't around? I think you have just revealed your sexism.

And if you ARE with her, and you're beset by more than one attacker, who the hell watches your back for you, if not her? You know what's another word for a woman who stands helplessly in the background, screaming and wringing her hands, while her husband does all the fighting? Widow. And that's only if she's lucky enough to survive.
Also, the logic here is that since the 2nd Amendment was passed long before emancipation (more than 100 years before begining of emancipation movement), there could not have been any emancipation. And therefore, there can be no talk of any rights of women to bear arms (unless the constitutional court changes this)

The ACTUAL logic is that gun ownership and usage was never restricted to just men at any time in our history, so it's irrelevant to the discussion when the Second Amendment was ratified. Unless the Second Amendment says, "The right of the men to keep and bear arms" (spoiler alert for the illiterate: it doesn't), no change is necessary and never has been.
Any qualities that are considered traditionally masculine. A man is a defender of the family and his land, his people. He is strong, noble, honest and has the use of weapons, killing villains.

Take the classic American Superman hero as a model. Or Knight

Your personal, bigoted stereotypes derived from obsessive watching of comic book movies have no bearing.

A man may be the PRIMARY defender of his home and family, but he's not the ONLY defender.
Actually. very few were cowboys and the cowboy age didn't start until after the civil war. And not everyone lived in a settlement. And the police, where they even existed, were hours away. Most women from the 19th century would kick your ass.. and mine.

Most likely. I have no idea what he thought a farm wife did all day while her husband and older sons were out in the field.
Just going by the wording of the 2nd amendment.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Again, we're people, so that's covered, and always has been.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Again, we're people, so that's covered, and always has been.

The issue is some laws on some state books make the "militia" to be all able bodied males of certain ages, some anti-gun arguments revolve around the 2nd only for being the "organized" militia, and thus people outside that definition don't have the RKBA.

Not my argument, just one made by anti gun rights types.
The issue is some laws on some state books make the "militia" to be all able bodied males of certain ages, some anti-gun arguments revolve around the 2nd only for being the "organized" militia, and thus people outside that definition don't have the RKBA.

Not my argument, just one made by anti gun rights types.

Which is irrelevant on every front, since simple English AND the US Supreme Court already show that the 2nd Amendment isn't predicated on being in a militia. And, as I've already said, only a damned fool thinks women can't and won't take up arms to defend their own homes and communities.
Cowboys are native inhabitants of the American Great Plains. Brits are not Americans
Ranchers, cooks, saddle makers, gunsmiths, shopkeepers, prostitutes, lawyers, doctors, Indians, barkeepers, law enforcement, members of the US Army, blacksmiths, restaurateurs, dishwashers, waiters, farmers, dressmakers, (should I go on?) were all native inhabitants of the Great Plains.

Many native British are, in fact, Americans. It was that way from the founding of the colonies and is that way today and has been that way continuously in between.

You're pretty ignorant and have a very narrow mind.
Ranchers, cooks, saddle makers, gunsmiths, shopkeepers, prostitutes, lawyers, doctors, Indians, barkeepers, law enforcement, members of the US Army, blacksmiths, restaurateurs, dishwashers, waiters, farmers, dressmakers, (should I go on?) were all native inhabitants of the Great Plains.

Many native British are, in fact, Americans. It was that way from the founding of the colonies and is that way today and has been that way continuously in between.

You're pretty ignorant and have a very narrow mind.

Also, there were a lot of cowboys who weren't native to the Great Plains or the American West. Can we say "Mexicans"?
I think they don't.

The right to bear arms is enshrined in the 2nd Amendment, due to the fact that combat-ready men have the right to form a state militia. It says nothing about women.

Also, I don't know of any law that would allow women to carry guns when they serve in the federal army. Is there such a law?
Is that what happens in Russia?
Which is irrelevant on every front, since simple English AND the US Supreme Court already show that the 2nd Amendment isn't predicated on being in a militia. And, as I've already said, only a damned fool thinks women can't and won't take up arms to defend their own homes and communities.

And we see plenty of damn fools in the gun control movement.

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