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Do you agree with CIA Director John Brennan's views expressed on MEET THE PRESS?

Do you agree with CIA Director John Brennan's views expressed on MEET THE PRESS?

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    Votes: 15 34.1%
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    Votes: 29 65.9%

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When a pilot quits an airline, do they leave him on the access list? When you quit any job, your access to the company ends. Yet when someone quits in Washington they’re somehow allowed to maintain access to all the restricted information they are no longer entitled to. That doesn’t seem to make much sense to me.

Perhaps it’s me. Perhaps there is something I’m not seeing. But I’ve never seen anyone leave a job and keep on going in expecting access and influence.
Was it treasonous for Trump to side with Putin over our own intelligence agencies?
Brennan Was Feeding Obama Unverified Info From Steele Dossier, Contradicting 2017 Testimony

Brennan testified in May 2017 to the House Intelligence Committee that the Steele Dossier was "not in any way used as the basis for the intelligence community's assessment" of Russia's involvement in the 2016 election - a claim he has repeated several times, including a February appearance on Meet the Press.

This pig is calling a sitting US president a traitor for removing his clearance that is only reason why CNN hired him to have access to classified info. This is the same guy that leaked to the press top secret information of US having double agent in Yemen that ended that operation.

Remember, the idea of Brennan's security clearance removal did not came from Trump, but from Rand Paul, last month.

Do you agree with CIA Director John Brennan's views expressed on MEET THE PRESS in the video and article in the link below?

John Brennan Stands ‘Very Much By’ Trump Treason Claim on Meet the Press: ‘I Don’t Think I’m Being Political’

I have to say I agree with John Brennan. Donald Trump is a danger to the United States that must be contained and legally removed from office as soon as possible.
I'm not sure how Brennan can defend calling the President "treasonous" and in the same interview say that one needs to wait for the Mueller investigation to see if Trump has done anything criminal.
Isn't treason criminal?
I think Brennan needs to explain better what he means by "treasonous." Betraying the ideals of the country, yes I think he has, but he has not done anything to undermine our security as a nation, that I know of anyway. It's been an attitude thing and Brennan has slapped a word way too strong on it. IMO.
But WHATEVER opinion he has, he has the right to say it without being singled out and punished for it by having his security clearance revoked.
What ideals has Trump betrayed?
Do you agree with CIA Director John Brennan's views expressed on MEET THE PRESS in the video and article in the link below?

John Brennan Stands ‘Very Much By’ Trump Treason Claim on Meet the Press: ‘I Don’t Think I’m Being Political’

I have to say I agree with John Brennan. Donald Trump is a danger to the United States that must be contained and legally removed from office as soon as possible.

Trump is misguided, ignorant on many topics and cares more about applause than anything else...but he is not a traitor

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

And what information is it you have, that the former CIA Director didn't have, that would lead you that conclusion?

Calling him a traitor is just stupid partisan bullshit and I do not play that game. The right wingnuts call Obama one and now you left wingnuts are calling Trump one. you both just need to stop the dumb bullshit. Quit putting party before country.

Calm down there skippy. I just asked a simple question.

And you didn't answer it.

The former CIA Director didn't just make that charge loosely. By anyone's ability to reason based on everything that has culminated over the last 19 months, with Helsinki being a very telling part of that, and now intelligence officials including one of the most credible sources of the intelligence agencies making that charge. It isn't just partisan rhetoric, and certainly not bullshit.


Well, when the ex-CIA director lays out his evidence I will be happy to listen to it. Till then he is just another partisan hack.
Was it treasonous for Trump to side with Putin over our own intelligence agencies?

Is jury treasonous if they side with defense, and not with the let's say crooked prosecutor?

I guess SCOTUS was treasonous when they overturned prosecutor Andrew Weissmann case against Merrill Lynch executives.

If anyone is treasonous here, it's top of Barry's FBI, NSA and CIA, along with top of the Barry's JD. How much Barry himself was involved is yet to be seen.
Brennan was part of the Obama administration that did stuff like this............To one of their own..........

This guy voted for Obama and Hillary..........Take a look. They want to talk TREASON........LOL

Brennan Was Feeding Obama Unverified Info From Steele Dossier, Contradicting 2017 Testimony

Brennan testified in May 2017 to the House Intelligence Committee that the Steele Dossier was "not in any way used as the basis for the intelligence community's assessment" of Russia's involvement in the 2016 election - a claim he has repeated several times, including a February appearance on Meet the Press.

This pig is calling a sitting US president a traitor for removing his clearance that is only reason why CNN hired him to have access to classified info. This is the same guy that leaked to the press top secret information of US having double agent in Yemen that ended that operation.

Remember, the idea of Brennan's security clearance removal did not came from Trump, but from Rand Paul, last month.

View attachment 211521
I never heard of Zero Hedge before. So I click on your link and find out it's a conspiracy site. How do you know? Scroll down on the page and read "More stories you may like".

My favorite is this one: Stocks will collapse by 70% on August 1st.
This one is good too: One man's 9 minute secret to retiring rich.
So is this one: Home values are about to be cut in half.

Oh, these right wingers. They aren't crazy. They're sick. What else could explain such gullibility?
Diplomat Says He Was Demoted for Questioning Official Account of Benghazi Attack

The deputy chief of mission under slain U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens told a House committee Wednesday he had been given a negative management review and "effectively demoted" to a desk job in Washington after raising questions about public accounts of last September's attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi.

Given the abuse of power and lawlessness of the last administration..........Brennan can take the victim card and shove it where the sun doesn't shine...........

I reaffirm NO.
Brennan Was Feeding Obama Unverified Info From Steele Dossier, Contradicting 2017 Testimony

Brennan testified in May 2017 to the House Intelligence Committee that the Steele Dossier was "not in any way used as the basis for the intelligence community's assessment" of Russia's involvement in the 2016 election - a claim he has repeated several times, including a February appearance on Meet the Press.

This pig is calling a sitting US president a traitor for removing his clearance that is only reason why CNN hired him to have access to classified info. This is the same guy that leaked to the press top secret information of US having double agent in Yemen that ended that operation.

Remember, the idea of Brennan's security clearance removal did not came from Trump, but from Rand Paul, last month.

View attachment 211521
I never heard of Zero Hedge before. So I click on your link and find out it's a conspiracy site. How do you know? Scroll down on the page and read "More stories you may like".

My favorite is this one: Stocks will collapse by 70% on August 1st.
This one is good too: One man's 9 minute secret to retiring rich.
So is this one: Home values are about to be cut in half.

Oh, these right wingers. They aren't crazy. They're sick. What else could explain such gullibility?

It's not true if it wasn't on CNN, right?

In other post I provided the link to Brennan's Congress testimony, all you have to do is to listen his words then, and now. But you wont do that, of course, since it doesn't fit your narrative. Imbecile.
Brennan was part of the Obama administration that did stuff like this............To one of their own..........

This guy voted for Obama and Hillary..........Take a look. They want to talk TREASON........LOL

1990-1992 - In charge of terrorism analysis in the Director of Central Intelligence's Counterterrorist Center.
1994-1995 - CIA's daily intelligence briefer at the White House during the administration of President Bill Clinton.
1995-1996 - Executive Assistant to then-CIA Deputy Director George Tenet.
1996-1999 - CIA Chief of Station in Saudi Arabia.
1999-2001 - Chief of Staff to then-CIA Director George Tenet.
March 2001-March 2003 - CIA Deputy Executive Director.
March 12, 2003-December 6, 2004 - Founding director of the CIA Terrorist Threat Integration Center.
October 2004-August 2005 - Interim Director of the National Counterterrorism Center.
November 2005-January 2009 - President and CEO of The Analysis Corporation.

He didn't just work for Obama. He joined the CIA in 1980.

Republicans want to purge everyone not kneeling at the Alter of Trump no matter how much danger it puts the country in. Thank God the Democrats can take back the house in November while there is still a country left.

Brennon never registered as a Democrat or a Republican because he wanted to be seen as non partisan.

He never dreamed Republicans would elect a traitor who gives away secrets to Russia and works for Putin to become president.
Brennan was part of the Obama administration that did stuff like this............To one of their own..........

This guy voted for Obama and Hillary..........Take a look. They want to talk TREASON........LOL

1990-1992 - In charge of terrorism analysis in the Director of Central Intelligence's Counterterrorist Center.
1994-1995 - CIA's daily intelligence briefer at the White House during the administration of President Bill Clinton.
1995-1996 - Executive Assistant to then-CIA Deputy Director George Tenet.
1996-1999 - CIA Chief of Station in Saudi Arabia.
1999-2001 - Chief of Staff to then-CIA Director George Tenet.
March 2001-March 2003 - CIA Deputy Executive Director.
March 12, 2003-December 6, 2004 - Founding director of the CIA Terrorist Threat Integration Center.
October 2004-August 2005 - Interim Director of the National Counterterrorism Center.
November 2005-January 2009 - President and CEO of The Analysis Corporation.

He didn't just work for Obama. He joined the CIA in 1980.

Republicans want to purge everyone not kneeling at the Alter of Trump no matter how much danger it puts the country in. Thank God the Democrats can take back the house in November while there is still a country left.

So................Establishment politicians.......aka Deep State........don't exist right.........

Doesn't matter...............Obama was one of the most corrupt administrations in my lifetime........and this just another sample of how fucked up they were.......deal with his LEGACY LIB.
There is always a chance to discuss, If both sides stop screaming & let some more Facts unfold.
Do you agree with CIA Director John Brennan's views expressed on MEET THE PRESS in the video and article in the link below?

John Brennan Stands ‘Very Much By’ Trump Treason Claim on Meet the Press: ‘I Don’t Think I’m Being Political’

I have to say I agree with John Brennan. Donald Trump is a danger to the United States that must be contained and legally removed from office as soon as possible.

Trump has shown nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, a free press, and the rule of law.

Trump seeking to silence his critics through intimidation is yet another example of his authoritarianism and the fact that Trump is unfit to be president.

Trump’s removal from office through the impeachment process is more than warranted.
Our so-called "democratic institutions," like the press, are deserving of contempt. If there is anyone who shows contempt for the rule of law, it's the left. Is beating up Republicans showing respect for the rule of law? Obama wiped his ass on the Constitution on a daily basis.
Brennan Was Feeding Obama Unverified Info From Steele Dossier, Contradicting 2017 Testimony

Brennan testified in May 2017 to the House Intelligence Committee that the Steele Dossier was "not in any way used as the basis for the intelligence community's assessment" of Russia's involvement in the 2016 election - a claim he has repeated several times, including a February appearance on Meet the Press.

This pig is calling a sitting US president a traitor for removing his clearance that is only reason why CNN hired him to have access to classified info. This is the same guy that leaked to the press top secret information of US having double agent in Yemen that ended that operation.

Remember, the idea of Brennan's security clearance removal did not came from Trump, but from Rand Paul, last month.

View attachment 211521
I never heard of Zero Hedge before. So I click on your link and find out it's a conspiracy site. How do you know? Scroll down on the page and read "More stories you may like".

My favorite is this one: Stocks will collapse by 70% on August 1st.
This one is good too: One man's 9 minute secret to retiring rich.
So is this one: Home values are about to be cut in half.

Oh, these right wingers. They aren't crazy. They're sick. What else could explain such gullibility?

It's not true if it wasn't on CNN, right?

In other post I provided the link to Brennan's Congress testimony, all you have to do is to listen his words then, and now. But you wont do that, of course, since it doesn't fit your narrative. Imbecile.


Never before have our intelligence chiefs engaged in politics...at least in such a public manner as they now have....that is the real danger....as in what they have done is the real treason to America.

Breitbart: Bolton: Brennan, Others in Obama Administration ‘Were Politicizing Intelligence’

Bolton: Brennan, Others in Obama Administration ‘Were Politicizing Intelligence’

NEW: National security adviser John Bolton says it was Pres. Trump's decision to revoke former CIA Director Brennan's security clearance.

"It was my view at the time that (Brennan) and others in the Obama administration were politicizing intelligence" https://abcn.ws/2wfdQ7F

8:26 AM - Aug 19, 2018

Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” national security adviser John Bolton said the removal of former CIA Director John Brennan’s security clearance by President Donald Trump was justified because “he and others in the Obama administration were politicizing intelligence.”

Bolton said, “It was my view at the time that he and others in the Obama administration were politicizing intelligence. I think that is a very dangerous thing to do.”
Alright, but can anyone please show me the "intelligence" he politicized? I've heard Brennan on the tv and read his interviews and I have never heard him use any classified "intelligence" to backup his arguments. Everything he says is public knowledge already.
So you’re ok that he spied and lied?
And you don’t understand how being so rabidly anti President that you say he’s a traitor is politicising when he is supposed to be neutral?
Trump should have removed his clearance earlier.

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