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Do you agree with CIA Director John Brennan's views expressed on MEET THE PRESS?

Do you agree with CIA Director John Brennan's views expressed on MEET THE PRESS?

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Russian collusion hoax - Conservapedia

False claims of intelligence sharing
Brennan claimed sources from allied intelligence agencies under longstanding intelligence sharing agreements informed him Trump was in cahoots with the Russians; however after an exhaustive Congressional investigation into the matter no evidence can be found to corroborate Brennan's off repeated claim.[130] In reality, Brennan's source was Christopher Steele.[131]

Illegal investigation
Brennan passed false information to the FBI, who then opened an FBI counterintelligence investigation on Donald Trump and the Trump campaign.[132] The investigation was wholly illegal,[133] having no sound legal basis. Brennan also formed an interagency task force targeting Trump.

CIA under John Brennan then leaked to the press that this investigation was happening. Brennan's hope was to cause as much political damage to Trump’s campaign as possible.[134] An official within the intelligence community explained that Brennan’s entourage of radicals didn’t even try to hide what they were doing.[135] The FBI began an investigation into Paul Manafort's associations. This investigation led to the wiretapping of at least three Trump associates, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, and Roger Stone.[136

As a reprisal Brennan targeted Erik Prince between the election on November 8 and the inauguration in January 2017, according to White House and House Intelligence Committee sources.[141] In his book Comey cited a “development still unknown to the American public to this day” as his reason for going public with reopening the Clinton email investigation.[142] That development was threatening NYPD with federal civil rights violations in the Erik Garner case if they didn't back-off the Weiner laptop (Garner was a black man accused of selling cigarettes who died in police custody while in a choke hold).[143] Prince has long criticized the CIA’s incompetence, including the Brennan's handling of the drone program and its failure to target terrorists properly and the collateral damage done to Afghan civilians.

Sean Hannity was reportedly unmasked by Susan Rice at Brennan’s behest because of a perceived relationship with Trump and Julian Assange.

Brennan was behind the removal of Mike Flynn. The motivations for Brennan’s intense dislike of Michael Flynn date back years to when Flynn was producing intel documents that showed how the supposed 'Syrian moderates' were funded by persons and groups in Saudi Arabia and Qatar.[144] Brennan also brought in to the CIA disgraced Syria analyst Elizabeth O’Bagy. O’Bagy was outed for manufacturing her credentials and for being paid by the Syrian rebels.[145]
This faggot is unbelievable.


Is it just me, or he's threatening the sitting U.S. President.
"We’re coming for you Donnie. Be ready."

Based on his previous voting choices, he would vote Trudeau for U.S. President if he could.
The America you once knew will return

We can only hope.....just hope they still trust us
Yep .............Just as soon as the Obama leftovers get run out of town...............

The stench of the leftovers in the IRS nearly condemned the place.
Our global approval rating is in the tank

For some reason they do not trust our leadership
This faggot is unbelievable.


Is it just me, or he's threatening the sitting U.S. President.
"We’re coming for you Donnie. Be ready."

Based on his previous voting choices, he would vote Trudeau for U.S. President if he could.
The America you once knew will return

We can only hope.....just hope they still trust us
Yep .............Just as soon as the Obama leftovers get run out of town...............

The stench of the leftovers in the IRS nearly condemned the place.
Our global approval rating is in the tank

For some reason they do not trust our leadership
Hyperbol..............and the fact they are getting called out over trade issues and paying their fair share of NATO......

I'm not concerned...........and doesn't excuse what Brennan did............
This faggot is unbelievable.


Is it just me, or he's threatening the sitting U.S. President.
"We’re coming for you Donnie. Be ready."

Based on his previous voting choices, he would vote Trudeau for U.S. President if he could.
The America you once knew will return

We can only hope.....just hope they still trust us
Yep .............Just as soon as the Obama leftovers get run out of town...............

The stench of the leftovers in the IRS nearly condemned the place.
Our global approval rating is in the tank

For some reason they do not trust our leadership

You got caught robbing the bank and you really love the police for doing their job.
Clapper Leaks Twice to CNN. Brennan Stands in the Shadows. A...

They concern James Clapper and circular leaking.

Here are five important findings from the March Final Report:

Finding #44: Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, now a CNN national security analyst, provided inconsistent testimony to the Committee about his contacts with the media, including CNN.

Finding #42: The leaks prior to the classified Intelligence Community Assessment’s publication, particularly leaks occurring after the U.S. presidential election, correlate to specific language found in the Intelligence Community Assessment.

Finding #16: The Intelligence Community Assessment judgments on Putin’s strategic intentions did not employ proper analytic tradecraft.

Finding #40: Leaks of classified information regarding Russian intentions to sow discord in the U.S. presidential election began prior to election – November 8, 2016.

Finding #41: Leaks of classified information alleging Russian intentions to help elect candidate Trump increased dramatically after the election day – November 8, 2016.

The House Intelligence Committee’s Report provides new details.

New information on Finding #41 from today’s Report on Russian Active Measures (page 104):

(U) It is important to note that Evan Perez, Jim Sciutto, Jake Tapper, and Carl Bernstein of CNN reported on January 12, 2016, that President-elect Trump was briefed on classified information indicating that the Russians have compromising personal or financial information that the Russians could use against President-elect Trump.

The Committee’s investigation revealed that President-elect Trump was indeed briefed on the contents of the Steele dossier and when questioned by the Committee, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper admitted that he confirmed the existence of the dossier to the media.
Do you agree with CIA Director John Brennan's views expressed on MEET THE PRESS in the video and article in the link below?

John Brennan Stands ‘Very Much By’ Trump Treason Claim on Meet the Press: ‘I Don’t Think I’m Being Political’

I have to say I agree with John Brennan. Donald Trump is a danger to the United States that must be contained and legally removed from office as soon as possible.

I watched Chris Wallace today on Fox News as I do every Sunday. It is becoming more and more apparent that Wallace is using subtlety and omission to promote his network's support of Trump.

Often times today Wallace and his guests mentioned Brennan's statements concerning Trump. They discussed how critical Brennan comments were.

They failed to discuss one essential element to all this. Why did Brennan say what he said?

For example, Brennan made this statement. "Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???"

Wow! Powerful stuff. Wallace never touched on why Brennan made such an inflammatory accusation. He leaves his listeners, who are largely Trump fans, with the impression that Brennan is just a loose cannon who deserves losing his security clearance.

Brennan is no loose cannon. He is a dedicated intelligence operative who spent 25 years with CIA working his way up to CIA director. This is why Brennan said what he said.

At Helsinki, Trump rejected American intelligence and believed Putin because the communist dictator was forceful. "My people came to me, Dan Coats [DNI] came to me, some others, they said they think it's Russia. I have President Putin. He just said it's not Russia. I will say this, I don't see any reason why it would be. I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial."

Despite Russia's invasion of Ukraine, illegal annexation of Crimea, supporting a murderous dictator in Syria, being allied with Iran, and interfering in our 2016 Presidential election, Trump blamed his own country for the poor relations with Russia. "Our relationship with Russia has NEVER been worse thanks to many years of U.S. foolishness and stupidity and now, the Rigged Witch Hunt!"

Do Trump's statements qualify as “high crimes & misdemeanors?” Sure they do. How else would you assess his comments? He rejected American intelligence and accepted the word of a communist dictator. Despite Russia's sins, Trump blames his own country for the strained relations between the two countries.

Brennan was just being frank with Americans. For that Fox blames Brennan for saying unkind words about Trump.
On February 21, 2017 it became evident John McCain had access to the content of President Trump’s private, classified telephone calls with world leaders. Analysis of McCain’s public statements by White House officials shows that the senator had inside knowledge of a number of President Trump’s telephone conversations. Officials believe McCain is sharing this sensitive information with colleagues and mainstream media journalists in a clandestine campaign to damage Trump’s presidency before it had a chance to get started.[178]
Do you agree with CIA Director John Brennan's views expressed on MEET THE PRESS in the video and article in the link below?

John Brennan Stands ‘Very Much By’ Trump Treason Claim on Meet the Press: ‘I Don’t Think I’m Being Political’

I have to say I agree with John Brennan. Donald Trump is a danger to the United States that must be contained and legally removed from office as soon as possible.

Trump has shown nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, a free press, and the rule of law.

Trump seeking to silence his critics through intimidation is yet another example of his authoritarianism and the fact that Trump is unfit to be president.

Trump’s removal from office through the impeachment process is more than warranted.

Please explain how Brennan's voice has been silenced relative to the suspension of his security clearance?

How the hell did McCain get information of classified telephone calls with World Leaders.............Huh...............

CLAP TRAP..................

But they are the victims here.
Clapper Leaks Twice to CNN. Brennan Stands in the Shadows. A...

They concern James Clapper and circular leaking.

Here are five important findings from the March Final Report:

Finding #44: Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, now a CNN national security analyst, provided inconsistent testimony to the Committee about his contacts with the media, including CNN.

Finding #42: The leaks prior to the classified Intelligence Community Assessment’s publication, particularly leaks occurring after the U.S. presidential election, correlate to specific language found in the Intelligence Community Assessment.

Finding #16: The Intelligence Community Assessment judgments on Putin’s strategic intentions did not employ proper analytic tradecraft.

Finding #40: Leaks of classified information regarding Russian intentions to sow discord in the U.S. presidential election began prior to election – November 8, 2016.

Finding #41: Leaks of classified information alleging Russian intentions to help elect candidate Trump increased dramatically after the election day – November 8, 2016.

The House Intelligence Committee’s Report provides new details.

New information on Finding #41 from today’s Report on Russian Active Measures (page 104):

(U) It is important to note that Evan Perez, Jim Sciutto, Jake Tapper, and Carl Bernstein of CNN reported on January 12, 2016, that President-elect Trump was briefed on classified information indicating that the Russians have compromising personal or financial information that the Russians could use against President-elect Trump.

The Committee’s investigation revealed that President-elect Trump was indeed briefed on the contents of the Steele dossier and when questioned by the Committee, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper admitted that he confirmed the existence of the dossier to the media.

There is nothing here but innuendo and speculation. Also, the Trump White House leaks like a sieve.
Clapper Leaks Twice to CNN. Brennan Stands in the Shadows. A...

They concern James Clapper and circular leaking.

Here are five important findings from the March Final Report:

Finding #44: Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, now a CNN national security analyst, provided inconsistent testimony to the Committee about his contacts with the media, including CNN.

Finding #42: The leaks prior to the classified Intelligence Community Assessment’s publication, particularly leaks occurring after the U.S. presidential election, correlate to specific language found in the Intelligence Community Assessment.

Finding #16: The Intelligence Community Assessment judgments on Putin’s strategic intentions did not employ proper analytic tradecraft.

Finding #40: Leaks of classified information regarding Russian intentions to sow discord in the U.S. presidential election began prior to election – November 8, 2016.

Finding #41: Leaks of classified information alleging Russian intentions to help elect candidate Trump increased dramatically after the election day – November 8, 2016.

The House Intelligence Committee’s Report provides new details.

New information on Finding #41 from today’s Report on Russian Active Measures (page 104):

(U) It is important to note that Evan Perez, Jim Sciutto, Jake Tapper, and Carl Bernstein of CNN reported on January 12, 2016, that President-elect Trump was briefed on classified information indicating that the Russians have compromising personal or financial information that the Russians could use against President-elect Trump.

The Committee’s investigation revealed that President-elect Trump was indeed briefed on the contents of the Steele dossier and when questioned by the Committee, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper admitted that he confirmed the existence of the dossier to the media.

There is nothing here but innuendo and speculation. Also, the Trump White House leaks like a sieve.
Everything in that article is backed up to links on bottom.........A treasure chest of information.........LOL

They did it and got nailed..........many of the quotes I just did were from Congressional Hearings........

NICE TRY..................NO DICE............
There is another aspect to the security clearances issues. What if one is a member of the Trump administration like Bruce Ohr? What if one is a diligent public servant in the DOJ, the FBI, within the sixteen-member United States Intelligence Community, or a part of the Mueller investigation, and Trump doesn't like what one is doing?

Will those people lose their security clearance, and subsequently their jobs which require a security clearance? Is every member of the federal government subject to Trump's scrutiny, and if he doesn't like what one is doing, one will suffer consequences?

Trump isn't targeting Brennan and nine others. Trump is targeting every employee of the federal government as is the case of Bruce Ohr.
Brennan was part of the Obama administration that did stuff like this............To one of their own..........

This guy voted for Obama and Hillary..........Take a look. They want to talk TREASON........LOL

1990-1992 - In charge of terrorism analysis in the Director of Central Intelligence's Counterterrorist Center.
1994-1995 - CIA's daily intelligence briefer at the White House during the administration of President Bill Clinton.
1995-1996 - Executive Assistant to then-CIA Deputy Director George Tenet.
1996-1999 - CIA Chief of Station in Saudi Arabia.
1999-2001 - Chief of Staff to then-CIA Director George Tenet.
March 2001-March 2003 - CIA Deputy Executive Director.
March 12, 2003-December 6, 2004 - Founding director of the CIA Terrorist Threat Integration Center.
October 2004-August 2005 - Interim Director of the National Counterterrorism Center.
November 2005-January 2009 - President and CEO of The Analysis Corporation.

He didn't just work for Obama. He joined the CIA in 1980.

Republicans want to purge everyone not kneeling at the Alter of Trump no matter how much danger it puts the country in. Thank God the Democrats can take back the house in November while there is still a country left.

Brennon never registered as a Democrat or a Republican because he wanted to be seen as non partisan.

He never dreamed Republicans would elect a traitor who gives away secrets to Russia and works for Putin to become president.

Yes, you see an honorable man that is highly respected around the world, and by the intelligence agencies of our country is the one who is lying, and of low character, and Trump is the one telling the truth, and is of high character.

No really.
Do you agree with CIA Director John Brennan's views expressed on MEET THE PRESS in the video and article in the link below?

John Brennan Stands ‘Very Much By’ Trump Treason Claim on Meet the Press: ‘I Don’t Think I’m Being Political’

I have to say I agree with John Brennan. Donald Trump is a danger to the United States that must be contained and legally removed from office as soon as possible.
Former CIA Director John Brennan said on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday he was considering legal action to hit back after President Donald Trump revoked his security clearance last week.

Brennan told host Chuck Todd he was prepared to fight back against what he called "yet another example of his egregious abuse of power and authority" by Trump.

"If my clearances — and my reputation as I'm being pulled through the mud now — if this is the price we're going to pay to prevent Donald Trump from doing this to other people, to me it's a small price to pay," Brennan said. "If it means going to court, I will do that."

Brennan's clearance loss set off a firestorm of commentary from both sides of the aisle, though the White House described the move as a necessary defense against Brennan's "erratic conduct and behavior".

Brennan's revocation could be the first of many
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Trump has said he is considering revoking clearance of several other former intelligence and legal officials, all of whom have been outspoken critics of him. Brennan said this motivation was a clear signal Trump was weaponizing his control over the access of former intelligence officials on a personal basis.

"It was a clear signal to others who still have their security clearances, both in the government as well as outside, that if you cross him, if you speak out against him, he is going to use whatever tools he might have at his disposal to punish you," Brennan said.

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