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Do you agree with CIA Director John Brennan's views expressed on MEET THE PRESS?

Do you agree with CIA Director John Brennan's views expressed on MEET THE PRESS?

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Do you agree with CIA Director John Brennan's views expressed on MEET THE PRESS in the video and article in the link below?

John Brennan Stands ‘Very Much By’ Trump Treason Claim on Meet the Press: ‘I Don’t Think I’m Being Political’

I have to say I agree with John Brennan. Donald Trump is a danger to the United States that must be contained and legally removed from office as soon as possible.

Trump is misguided, ignorant on many topics and cares more about applause than anything else...but he is not a traitor

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Don't think he's a little too close to putin?? That book trump family putin family pins the tail on the trump donkeys butt,,,imho
What a terrible interviewer, one simple question, mr Brennan, why did you say your freedom of speech was affected merely due to losing your security clearance?
many of the quotes I just did were from Congressional Hearings.....

Russian collusion hoax - Conservapedia


Conservapedia? That explains everything. A rather biased source, wouldn't you say? Again, your post was filled with innuendo and speculation.

Use authentic news sources, and I will respect your views. Deeply partisan sources are useless. Their writing is based on their agenda.
I think Brennan's a commie asshole giving media something to magnify.
You don’t matter. You’re an engaged Republican voter, who always votes. You have been accounted for already. You probably also live in a state where your vote won’t make a difference.

This election is going to be won with new voters. Did you know that after Parkland registration of young people went up 41% in Florida?

"When reason fails, force remains."


BTW, I'm no Republican. Never have been.
Do you agree with CIA Director John Brennan's views expressed on MEET THE PRESS in the video and article in the link below?

John Brennan Stands ‘Very Much By’ Trump Treason Claim on Meet the Press: ‘I Don’t Think I’m Being Political’

I have to say I agree with John Brennan. Donald Trump is a danger to the United States that must be contained and legally removed from office as soon as possible.

I watched Chris Wallace today on Fox News as I do every Sunday. It is becoming more and more apparent that Wallace is using subtlety and omission to promote his network's support of Trump.

Often times today Wallace and his guests mentioned Brennan's statements concerning Trump. They discussed how critical Brennan comments were.

They failed to discuss one essential element to all this. Why did Brennan say what he said?

For example, Brennan made this statement. "Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???"

Wow! Powerful stuff. Wallace never touched on why Brennan made such an inflammatory accusation. He leaves his listeners, who are largely Trump fans, with the impression that Brennan is just a loose cannon who deserves losing his security clearance.

Brennan is no loose cannon. He is a dedicated intelligence operative who spent 25 years with CIA working his way up to CIA director. This is why Brennan said what he said.

At Helsinki, Trump rejected American intelligence and believed Putin because the communist dictator was forceful. "My people came to me, Dan Coats [DNI] came to me, some others, they said they think it's Russia. I have President Putin. He just said it's not Russia. I will say this, I don't see any reason why it would be. I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial."

Despite Russia's invasion of Ukraine, illegal annexation of Crimea, supporting a murderous dictator in Syria, being allied with Iran, and interfering in our 2016 Presidential election, Trump blamed his own country for the poor relations with Russia. "Our relationship with Russia has NEVER been worse thanks to many years of U.S. foolishness and stupidity and now, the Rigged Witch Hunt!"

Do Trump's statements qualify as “high crimes & misdemeanors?” Sure they do. How else would you assess his comments? He rejected American intelligence and accepted the word of a communist dictator. Despite Russia's sins, Trump blames his own country for the strained relations between the two countries.

Brennan was just being frank with Americans. For that Fox blames Brennan for saying unkind words about Trump.

Is this the same Brennan who violated international sanctions and refused an international warrant for Robert Lady from our NATO partner Italy?
Brennan crossed the line. he is the leader of the resistance. its understandable that Trump is frustrated
Was it treasonous for Trump to side with Putin over our own intelligence agencies?

Our intelligence agencis had and have no business getting involved in domestic politics. Brennan is a very confused person....allegedly a muslim convert and a marxist in his youth. His leftwing sympathies was the deciding factor for Obama to advance his career.

He needs to be held accountable for his crimes. Where is Jeff Sessions...time for him to grow a pair and make sure that our intelligence agencies are never again allowed to get involved in politics in America. We do not need a KGB type of intelligence community. Congress should be all over this...why not? Do they fear our intelligence agencies?

John Brennan Will Go Down As The Worst CIA Director in History!

Trump blasts Brennan as 'political hack' who 'can not be trusted' with secrets.

“Has anyone looked at the mistakes that John Brennan made while serving as CIA Director? He will go down as easily the WORST in history & since getting out, he has become nothing less than a loudmouth, partisan, political hack who cannot be trusted with the secrets to our country!” Trump tweeted.

Kris “Tanto” Paronto, who was part of the CIA team that fought back during the 2012 terror attack in Benghazi, Libya, said Brennan got what he deserved.

“He is lucky the security clearance is all he is getting away with,” Paronto told Fox News in an interview on Friday.

This is Kris Paronto, Army Ranger and member of the CIA security team during the 2012 Benghazi ord. Hillary ordered him and his team to keep thier mouths shut and go along with the “Muslim video” story. He refused and lost his security clearance. Guess who took it? John Brennan.

Is former CIA Director John O. Brennan a Muslim?

John O. Brennan served under Obama as CIA director from 2013-2017. Before that he served as Obama’s Homeland Security Advisor from 2009-2013. He is believed to be a Muslim convert.

Former top FBI Islam expert John Guandolo says that Brennan converted to Islam years ago in Saudi Arabia and remains a closeted Muslim who was recruited by the Saudis as part of a counter-intelligence operation.

Brennan clearly despised Trump for what Democrats characterized as the president’s “Muslim ban.”

In an article for World Net Daily, Joseph Farah recounts Brennan’s history of dubious or even outright anti-American proclivities:

Brennan was not sworn into office on a Bible, as the tradition goes in America, but on an original draft of the Constitution WITHOUT the Bill of Rights. Clearly, this was a purposeful signal that Brennan has no regard for the limits on the powers of the state enshrined in these amendments.

[Just a few weeks ago, this constitutional quisling called on Congress to ban semi-automatic firearms altogether, a radical infringement on the right to keep and bear arms, so radical that even most Democrats do not support Brennan’s radical point of view.]

Brennan’s 1980 graduate thesis at the University of Texas at Austin denied the existence of “absolute human rights”, arguing in favor of censorship by Egypt’s dictatorship. He wrote, “Since the press can play such an influential role in determining the perceptions of the masses, I am in favor of some degree of government censorship. Inflammatory articles can provoke mass opposition and possible violence, especially in developing political systems.”

Brennan hewed to his thesis when he possessed extraordinary power, as shown in a November 2012 Wikileaks email dump, which pointed to Brennan as the official behind a “witch hunt” conducted on journalists who reported unflattering Obama administration leaks.

Consistent with Brennan’s sympathies for Islamic terror nations, he warned President-Elect Donald Trump that scrapping the outrageous Obama-Iran nuclear deal would be “the height of folly” and “disastrous.”

Brennan has long been cozy with the Muslim Brotherhood. Despite evidence presented (and later upheld) during the landmark 2008 Holy Land Foundation trial in federal court, which established the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) as a Muslim Brotherhood organization, and financial supporter of the terrorist organization Hamas, Brennan has continued to meet with ISNA officials and participate in ISNA events.

Brennan delivered the keynote address to ISNA’s annual conference in 2009.

In an August 2009 speech to the Center for Strategic and International Studies which can be found on the archived Obama White House website, Brennan said using the “legitimate term, ‘jihad’ – meaning to purify oneself or to wage a holy struggle for a moral goal” – to describe terrorists “risks reinforcing the idea that the United States is somehow at war with Islam itself.”

With all of this questionable information about Brennan, it is no surprise that he inspired a lack of confidence among key national security hawks in Congress, who began calling for Brennan’s resignation as far back as 2010.

After Brennan addressed a New York University assembly in 2010 and defended freeing U.S.-held terror combatants, saying that it “isn’t that bad” that 20 percent of terrorists released by the U.S. return to terrorist attacks, since the recidivism rate for inmates in the U.S. prison system is higher,” Senator Lindsey Graham told Fox News that Brennan had “lost my confidence” and called for Brennan’s resignation.

Similarly, John McCain weighed in, saying that “when you impugn people’s patriotism and integrity and make statements that compare people going back into the fight in Afghanistan or Yemen or other places with criminals who go back to a life of crime in the United States, you’ve lost touch with reality.”

New York Congressman Peter King said, “I strongly believe that John Brennan ought to resign immediately or be fired because of his incompetence and inability to do his job … any homeland security adviser who can’t tell the difference between a terrorist and a shoplifter doesn’t belong in office.

Is former CIA Director John O. Brennan a Muslim?
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I believe that Brennan is acting in a manner not becoming of a former intelligence head. He has no job other than his lucrative gigs on the various Liberal Media shows and therefore has no need to know.
Trump is a cancer on our presidency A vile disgusting little man
Was it treasonous for Trump to side with Putin over our own intelligence agencies?

Our intelligence agencis had and have no business getting involved in domestic politics. Brennan is a very confused person....allegedly a muslim convert and a marxist in his youth. His leftwing sympathies was the deciding factor for Obama to advance his career.

He needs to be held accountable for his crimes. Where is Jeff Sessions...time for him to grow a pair and make sure that our intelligence agencies are never again allowed to get involved in politics in America. We do not need a KGB type of intelligence community. Congress should be all over this...why not? Do they fear our intelligence agencies?

John Brennan Will Go Down As The Worst CIA Director in History!

Trump blasts Brennan as 'political hack' who 'can not be trusted' with secrets.

“Has anyone looked at the mistakes that John Brennan made while serving as CIA Director? He will go down as easily the WORST in history & since getting out, he has become nothing less than a loudmouth, partisan, political hack who cannot be trusted with the secrets to our country!” Trump tweeted.

Kris “Tanto” Paronto, who was part of the CIA team that fought back during the 2012 terror attack in Benghazi, Libya, said Brennan got what he deserved.

“He is lucky the security clearance is all he is getting away with,” Paronto told Fox News in an interview on Friday.

This is Kris Paronto, Army Ranger and member of the CIA security team during the 2012 Benghazi ord. Hillary ordered him and his team to keep thier mouths shut and go along with the “Muslim video” story. He refused and lost his security clearance. Guess who took it? John Brennan.

Is former CIA Director John O. Brennan a Muslim?

John O. Brennan served under Obama as CIA director from 2013-2017. Before that he served as Obama’s Homeland Security Advisor from 2009-2013. He is believed to be a Muslim convert.

Former top FBI Islam expert John Guandolo says that Brennan converted to Islam years ago in Saudi Arabia and remains a closeted Muslim who was recruited by the Saudis as part of a counter-intelligence operation.

Brennan clearly despised Trump for what Democrats characterized as the president’s “Muslim ban.”

In an article for World Net Daily, Joseph Farah recounts Brennan’s history of dubious or even outright anti-American proclivities:

Brennan was not sworn into office on a Bible, as the tradition goes in America, but on an original draft of the Constitution WITHOUT the Bill of Rights. Clearly, this was a purposeful signal that Brennan has no regard for the limits on the powers of the state enshrined in these amendments.

[Just a few weeks ago, this constitutional quisling called on Congress to ban semi-automatic firearms altogether, a radical infringement on the right to keep and bear arms, so radical that even most Democrats do not support Brennan’s radical point of view.]

Brennan’s 1980 graduate thesis at the University of Texas at Austin denied the existence of “absolute human rights”, arguing in favor of censorship by Egypt’s dictatorship. He wrote, “Since the press can play such an influential role in determining the perceptions of the masses, I am in favor of some degree of government censorship. Inflammatory articles can provoke mass opposition and possible violence, especially in developing political systems.”

Brennan hewed to his thesis when he possessed extraordinary power, as shown in a November 2012 Wikileaks email dump, which pointed to Brennan as the official behind a “witch hunt” conducted on journalists who reported unflattering Obama administration leaks.

Consistent with Brennan’s sympathies for Islamic terror nations, he warned President-Elect Donald Trump that scrapping the outrageous Obama-Iran nuclear deal would be “the height of folly” and “disastrous.”

Brennan has long been cozy with the Muslim Brotherhood. Despite evidence presented (and later upheld) during the landmark 2008 Holy Land Foundation trial in federal court, which established the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) as a Muslim Brotherhood organization, and financial supporter of the terrorist organization Hamas, Brennan has continued to meet with ISNA officials and participate in ISNA events.

Brennan delivered the keynote address to ISNA’s annual conference in 2009.

In an August 2009 speech to the Center for Strategic and International Studies which can be found on the archived Obama White House website, Brennan said using the “legitimate term, ‘jihad’ – meaning to purify oneself or to wage a holy struggle for a moral goal” – to describe terrorists “risks reinforcing the idea that the United States is somehow at war with Islam itself.”

With all of this questionable information about Brennan, it is no surprise that he inspired a lack of confidence among key national security hawks in Congress, who began calling for Brennan’s resignation as far back as 2010.

After Brennan addressed a New York University assembly in 2010 and defended freeing U.S.-held terror combatants, saying that it “isn’t that bad” that 20 percent of terrorists released by the U.S. return to terrorist attacks, since the recidivism rate for inmates in the U.S. prison system is higher,” Senator Lindsey Graham told Fox News that Brennan had “lost my confidence” and called for Brennan’s resignation.

Similarly, John McCain weighed in, saying that “when you impugn people’s patriotism and integrity and make statements that compare people going back into the fight in Afghanistan or Yemen or other places with criminals who go back to a life of crime in the United States, you’ve lost touch with reality.”

New York Congressman Peter King said, “I strongly believe that John Brennan ought to resign immediately or be fired because of his incompetence and inability to do his job … any homeland security adviser who can’t tell the difference between a terrorist and a shoplifter doesn’t belong in office.

Is former CIA Director John O. Brennan a Muslim?

Well, let's see, Brennan was the worst CIA Director, Hillary was the worst SoS, Holder was the worst AG, Comey was the worst FBI Director, Clapper the worst DNI, a coupla guys were the worst Directors of the IRS, and the list goes on. The politicization of so many agencies, the constant lies and deception, scandals, etc. Then there was Susan Rice, sorry I forgot about her. What an awful time in US History between 2001-2009.
On February 21, 2017 it became evident John McCain had access to the content of President Trump’s private, classified telephone calls with world leaders. Analysis of McCain’s public statements by White House officials shows that the senator had inside knowledge of a number of President Trump’s telephone conversations. Officials believe McCain is sharing this sensitive information with colleagues and mainstream media journalists in a clandestine campaign to damage Trump’s presidency before it had a chance to get started.[178]

The source for this is True Pundit.

True Pundit occasionally publishes a legitimate story, some are conspiracies. This source also currently delivers news straight from the Daily Caller which has a strong right-wing bias. Most articles from True Pundit have anonymous authors. This source has also been flagged for false information and has an unproven claim. Simply not trustworthy.

True Pundit - Media Bias/Fact Check

Your overriding source is Conservapedia, not respected news sources. You can't even use respected conservative news sources because they don't publish illegitimate conspiracies. Conservapedia is a virtual encyclopedia of unproven conspiracy theories.

Have fun with that source, but don't pass it off as a legitimate source of news.
He's the one who's politcized the CIA. His behavior is both embarrassing and possibly treasonous. The CIA and FBI are supposed to be non-political and unbiased entities. But obviously Obama and Clinton completely destroyed that notion. They used the CIA, FBI, and others, as weapons against the opposition's candidate. They should all be arrested on treason charges.
Is former CIA Director John O. Brennan a Muslim?[/QUOTE]

Well, let's see, Brennan was the worst CIA Director, Hillary was the worst SoS, Holder was the worst AG, Comey was the worst FBI Director, Clapper the worst DNI, a coupla guys were the worst Directors of the IRS, and the list goes on. The politicization of so many agencies, the constant lies and deception, scandals, etc. Then there was Susan Rice, sorry I forgot about her. What an awful time in US History between 2001-2009.[/QUOTE]

Poster hails from the Texas hill country.
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Do you agree with CIA Director John Brennan's views expressed on MEET THE PRESS in the video and article in the link below?

John Brennan Stands ‘Very Much By’ Trump Treason Claim on Meet the Press: ‘I Don’t Think I’m Being Political’

I have to say I agree with John Brennan. Donald Trump is a danger to the United States that must be contained and legally removed from office as soon as possible.

Fellow Co-Conspirator James Clapper attacked Brennan after Brennan's little spectacle...causing Brennan declare that even HE does not thing the President is a Traitor:

Brennan: I didn’t mean that Trump committed treason

This POS:

- Lied / Helped Hillary and Obama try to cover up Benghazi, and when the heroes of Benghazi stepped forward to tell the truth BRENNAN stripped them of their security clearances.

- Illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices. Evidence of his perjury was presented and in a deal between Democrats and the GOP to keep Brennan out of jail he had to admitted he committed perjury, admit he illegally spied on the Senate, and had to apologize to Congress.

- Perpetrated Felony Perjury AGAIN by testifying he had not known about the Trump Dossier, only to have official evidence presented he briefed members of Congress - to include Harry Reid - on the Dossier, urging them to appoint a Special Counsel based on what was in the Dossier. He and hand-picked FBI Agent Strzok authored an Intel Community Report that NIA Director only allowed 3 agencies to get the desired conclusion they wanted - the Dossier was attached to their report that was sent out.

Believing anything this proven perjurous, treasonous POS says is like accepting Charles Manson's word that he is a peace-loving man who has never committed a crime at any time in his life.
Looking at the voting results are telling a story how how different the demographics of USMB differ from the political demographics of the United States.
USMB is overrun by fanatic Little Trumpsters, which isn’t surprising. Because, Little Trumpsters are much more hyper-partisan than your average Joe American. Political forums always have attracted mostly hyper-partisans, the rest of the posters come here for entertainment.
Hyper-partisans are entertaining but also point out a need for more mental health resources availably.
Thank you for your time.
Was it treasonous for Trump to side with Putin over our own intelligence agencies?

Our intelligence agencis had and have no business getting involved in domestic politics. Brennan is a very confused person....allegedly a muslim convert and a marxist in his youth. His leftwing sympathies was the deciding factor for Obama to advance his career.

He needs to be held accountable for his crimes. Where is Jeff Sessions...time for him to grow a pair and make sure that our intelligence agencies are never again allowed to get involved in politics in America. We do not need a KGB type of intelligence community. Congress should be all over this...why not? Do they fear our intelligence agencies?

John Brennan Will Go Down As The Worst CIA Director in History!

Trump blasts Brennan as 'political hack' who 'can not be trusted' with secrets.

“Has anyone looked at the mistakes that John Brennan made while serving as CIA Director? He will go down as easily the WORST in history & since getting out, he has become nothing less than a loudmouth, partisan, political hack who cannot be trusted with the secrets to our country!” Trump tweeted.

Kris “Tanto” Paronto, who was part of the CIA team that fought back during the 2012 terror attack in Benghazi, Libya, said Brennan got what he deserved.

“He is lucky the security clearance is all he is getting away with,” Paronto told Fox News in an interview on Friday.

This is Kris Paronto, Army Ranger and member of the CIA security team during the 2012 Benghazi ord. Hillary ordered him and his team to keep thier mouths shut and go along with the “Muslim video” story. He refused and lost his security clearance. Guess who took it? John Brennan.

Is former CIA Director John O. Brennan a Muslim?

John O. Brennan served under Obama as CIA director from 2013-2017. Before that he served as Obama’s Homeland Security Advisor from 2009-2013. He is believed to be a Muslim convert.

Former top FBI Islam expert John Guandolo says that Brennan converted to Islam years ago in Saudi Arabia and remains a closeted Muslim who was recruited by the Saudis as part of a counter-intelligence operation.

Brennan clearly despised Trump for what Democrats characterized as the president’s “Muslim ban.”

In an article for World Net Daily, Joseph Farah recounts Brennan’s history of dubious or even outright anti-American proclivities:

Brennan was not sworn into office on a Bible, as the tradition goes in America, but on an original draft of the Constitution WITHOUT the Bill of Rights. Clearly, this was a purposeful signal that Brennan has no regard for the limits on the powers of the state enshrined in these amendments.

[Just a few weeks ago, this constitutional quisling called on Congress to ban semi-automatic firearms altogether, a radical infringement on the right to keep and bear arms, so radical that even most Democrats do not support Brennan’s radical point of view.]

Brennan’s 1980 graduate thesis at the University of Texas at Austin denied the existence of “absolute human rights”, arguing in favor of censorship by Egypt’s dictatorship. He wrote, “Since the press can play such an influential role in determining the perceptions of the masses, I am in favor of some degree of government censorship. Inflammatory articles can provoke mass opposition and possible violence, especially in developing political systems.”

Brennan hewed to his thesis when he possessed extraordinary power, as shown in a November 2012 Wikileaks email dump, which pointed to Brennan as the official behind a “witch hunt” conducted on journalists who reported unflattering Obama administration leaks.

Consistent with Brennan’s sympathies for Islamic terror nations, he warned President-Elect Donald Trump that scrapping the outrageous Obama-Iran nuclear deal would be “the height of folly” and “disastrous.”

Brennan has long been cozy with the Muslim Brotherhood. Despite evidence presented (and later upheld) during the landmark 2008 Holy Land Foundation trial in federal court, which established the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) as a Muslim Brotherhood organization, and financial supporter of the terrorist organization Hamas, Brennan has continued to meet with ISNA officials and participate in ISNA events.

Brennan delivered the keynote address to ISNA’s annual conference in 2009.

In an August 2009 speech to the Center for Strategic and International Studies which can be found on the archived Obama White House website, Brennan said using the “legitimate term, ‘jihad’ – meaning to purify oneself or to wage a holy struggle for a moral goal” – to describe terrorists “risks reinforcing the idea that the United States is somehow at war with Islam itself.”

With all of this questionable information about Brennan, it is no surprise that he inspired a lack of confidence among key national security hawks in Congress, who began calling for Brennan’s resignation as far back as 2010.

After Brennan addressed a New York University assembly in 2010 and defended freeing U.S.-held terror combatants, saying that it “isn’t that bad” that 20 percent of terrorists released by the U.S. return to terrorist attacks, since the recidivism rate for inmates in the U.S. prison system is higher,” Senator Lindsey Graham told Fox News that Brennan had “lost my confidence” and called for Brennan’s resignation.

Similarly, John McCain weighed in, saying that “when you impugn people’s patriotism and integrity and make statements that compare people going back into the fight in Afghanistan or Yemen or other places with criminals who go back to a life of crime in the United States, you’ve lost touch with reality.”

New York Congressman Peter King said, “I strongly believe that John Brennan ought to resign immediately or be fired because of his incompetence and inability to do his job … any homeland security adviser who can’t tell the difference between a terrorist and a shoplifter doesn’t belong in office.

Is former CIA Director John O. Brennan a Muslim?

Source of this report was the opinion page of an obscure website called Artvoice that was created to compete with the Buffalo News. It serves Erie County in New York.

The opinion article was written by Roger Stone, a co-conspirator in the Russian probe and an associate of Donald J. Trump.

Draw your own conclusions as to its authenticity.
Brennan: spied on Congress, at very least covered up Benghazi, if not coordinated supplying the Jihadist
Looking at the voting results are telling a story how how different the demographics of USMB differ from the political demographics of the United States.
USMB is overrun by fanatic Little Trumpsters, which isn’t surprising. Because, Little Trumpsters are much more hyper-partisan than your average Joe American. Political forums always have attracted mostly hyper-partisans, the rest of the posters come here for entertainment.
Hyper-partisans are entertaining but also point out a need for more mental health resources availably.
Thank you for your time.

It's a crying shame that there are only 2 Progressive individuals that post at USMB under 30 separate socks accounts each. Maybe if Progressives stopped be such vile unAmerican, anti-American pukes, you'd have more followers
Looking at the voting results are telling a story how how different the demographics of USMB differ from the political demographics of the United States.
USMB is overrun by fanatic Little Trumpsters, which isn’t surprising. Because, Little Trumpsters are much more hyper-partisan than your average Joe American. Political forums always have attracted mostly hyper-partisans, the rest of the posters come here for entertainment.
Hyper-partisans are entertaining but also point out a need for more mental health resources availably.
Thank you for your time.

In other words, you've lost a lot of arguments here. :auiqs.jpg:

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