Do you believe a Vote for a Third Party Candidate is a Waste?

Do you believe a Vote for a Third Party Candidate is a Waste?

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Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
Often on USMB, I see people on USMB either act or outright state that a vote for a third party candidate is a waste despite the fact they'd be voting for someone they don't like otherwise.

Poll coming, simple yes or no. Feel free to state why you feel that way in a post.
It can be, yes... but then again, I have not seen one stand head and shoulders over any candidate that has an actual chance of winning... I would seriously consider voting for a 3rd party candidate that really stood close to my views on the stances

As stated in another thread... where change should happen most is in the primaries... however, the way the primary system is set up, most states do not get a voice until after trends are seen and some candidates are already out of the race... While I love how our general election for prez is set up, and I love the electoral college to ensure even the small states have their voices heard, I think the primary system needs serious revamping
How many people wasted their vote on McCain. He lost too.

Virtually any third party candidate is better than one from the corporate owned parties. (Repubs and Dems)
I've been wanting a viable third party, but we need one that can really have a chance at the polls. Like DD said, vote em in at the primarys! But who votes there, usually it's about a 15% turn out of all registered voters or some such small numbers. (and yes, I vote in all elections fyi)

We need a grassroots movement and a lot of internet action/cell phone/social networks to get people involved in trying to make a difference.

But first, give me that third party candidate, and make sure they stand for what WE THE PEOPLE want and need. :eusa_pray:
A "waste" would be voting out of fear that the other party/candidate may win.

I want to vote out of my conviction that my choice is the best choice.
There was no option for "depends".

Sometimes it is a waste, sometimes it isn't. Depends on the political situation at the time.

Put it this way, I voted third party in 2004 because it was a forgone conclusion which presidential candidate my state was going to throw it's electoral votes behind. My thinking was that if enough of "us" voted third party that the winners of the elections might get shaken up a little by the message sent. So while I knew the candidate I was pulling the lever for was not going to win, there was a point to it. So I do not consider it a waste.

Now in a close election, a vote for a third party is a waste at this time in our political history. You're throwing away your vote for your "perfect" (although loser) candidate instead of going with the candidate you may have disagreements with, but has the best shot of winning. See also: Ralph Nader, Florida 2000.
I said no, but 3rd party candidates can often be a spoiler. You vote for them and take votes away from what would be your second choice and help the guy you do not want to win win.

Clinton was elected both times party because many conservatives voted for Perot. That is why Clinton never got over 50% of the vote even though he won both times.

The country clearly didnt want Clinton. They wanted a republican or a conservative 3rd party candidate by about 53% of the vote if I am not mistaken.
Actually, I said yes, but I think the right answer is 'most of the time'. There are times when the third-party candidate is the mainstream candidate like bloomberg in ny or crist in fl.
There was no option for "depends".

Sometimes it is a waste, sometimes it isn't. Depends on the political situation at the time.

Put it this way, I voted third party in 2004 because it was a forgone conclusion which presidential candidate my state was going to throw it's electoral votes behind. My thinking was that if enough of "us" voted third party that the winners of the elections might get shaken up a little by the message sent. So while I knew the candidate I was pulling the lever for was not going to win, there was a point to it. So I do not consider it a waste.

Now in a close election, a vote for a third party is a waste at this time in our political history. You're throwing away your vote for your "perfect" (although loser) candidate instead of going with the candidate you may have disagreements with, but has the best shot of winning. See also: Ralph Nader, Florida 2000.

It is not just about sending a message. If 3rd party candidates in the presidential race anyways, can get enough % of the vote, and it is not much. They get Federal Funding and access to debates they would not have gotten in the next election.
There was no option for "depends".

Sometimes it is a waste, sometimes it isn't. Depends on the political situation at the time.

Put it this way, I voted third party in 2004 because it was a forgone conclusion which presidential candidate my state was going to throw it's electoral votes behind. My thinking was that if enough of "us" voted third party that the winners of the elections might get shaken up a little by the message sent. So while I knew the candidate I was pulling the lever for was not going to win, there was a point to it. So I do not consider it a waste.

Now in a close election, a vote for a third party is a waste at this time in our political history. You're throwing away your vote for your "perfect" (although loser) candidate instead of going with the candidate you may have disagreements with, but has the best shot of winning. See also: Ralph Nader, Florida 2000.

It is not just about sending a message. If 3rd party candidates in the presidential race anyways, can get enough % of the vote, and it is not much. They get Federal Funding and access to debates they would not have gotten in the next election.

I'm not going to vote for a third party simply because they might get a shot at debates in the next election.
There was no option for "depends".

Sometimes it is a waste, sometimes it isn't. Depends on the political situation at the time.

Put it this way, I voted third party in 2004 because it was a forgone conclusion which presidential candidate my state was going to throw it's electoral votes behind. My thinking was that if enough of "us" voted third party that the winners of the elections might get shaken up a little by the message sent. So while I knew the candidate I was pulling the lever for was not going to win, there was a point to it. So I do not consider it a waste.

Now in a close election, a vote for a third party is a waste at this time in our political history. You're throwing away your vote for your "perfect" (although loser) candidate instead of going with the candidate you may have disagreements with, but has the best shot of winning. See also: Ralph Nader, Florida 2000.

It is not just about sending a message. If 3rd party candidates in the presidential race anyways, can get enough % of the vote, and it is not much. They get Federal Funding and access to debates they would not have gotten in the next election.

I'm not going to vote for a third party simply because they might get a shot at debates in the next election.

Would you vote for a third party candidate because you thought he was the best person for the job?
I've been wanting a viable third party, but we need one that can really have a chance at the polls. Like DD said, vote em in at the primarys! But who votes there, usually it's about a 15% turn out of all registered voters or some such small numbers. (and yes, I vote in all elections fyi)

We need a grassroots movement and a lot of internet action/cell phone/social networks to get people involved in trying to make a difference.

But first, give me that third party candidate, and make sure they stand for what WE THE PEOPLE want and need. :eusa_pray:

The problem is that the viability of candidates is determined by the corporate media. How often did you see reports on, or interviews with Barr, McKinney, or Baldwin. Even in the major parties it is rigged. I think the best Repub was Paul. The best Dem was Kucinich. It seems every interview with them started with: You know you can't win, why are you running?
Often on USMB, I see people on USMB either act or outright state that a vote for a third party candidate is a waste despite the fact they'd be voting for someone they don't like otherwise.

Poll coming, simple yes or no. Feel free to state why you feel that way in a post.

Yes, it splits the ticket giving the opposition the advantage. I wouldn't want to take the chance in this next election.
Yes, it splits the ticket giving the opposition the advantage. I wouldn't want to take the chance in this next election.

The "opposition"? Maybe I'm wrong, but the two parties are not that different from one another. So I'm not sure exactly why you're acting like one party has the answers to our problems.
Often on USMB, I see people on USMB either act or outright state that a vote for a third party candidate is a waste despite the fact they'd be voting for someone they don't like otherwise.

Poll coming, simple yes or no. Feel free to state why you feel that way in a post.

Yes, it splits the ticket giving the opposition the advantage. I wouldn't want to take the chance in this next election.

I saw no problem with splitting the ticket. Both Obama and McCain suck, so what does it matter.
Well, that's how I felt after I voted for Perot. Now it would depend on the candidates. I'd have to really be blown away to take that stand again, and not have major regrets about who it might throw the election towards.
It is not just about sending a message. If 3rd party candidates in the presidential race anyways, can get enough % of the vote, and it is not much. They get Federal Funding and access to debates they would not have gotten in the next election.

I'm not going to vote for a third party simply because they might get a shot at debates in the next election.

Would you vote for a third party candidate because you thought he was the best person for the job?

I'M the best person for the job. Everytime.

But I never seem to win. So I have decided to vote for others.
Yes, it splits the ticket giving the opposition the advantage. I wouldn't want to take the chance in this next election.

The "opposition"? Maybe I'm wrong, but the two parties are not that different from one another. So I'm not sure exactly why you're acting like one party has the answers to our problems.

Yep, you're correct, maybe your wrong...:lol:
Yes and no. In state, local, and most national races I would say no, in Presidential probably in a way. If you are doing it to get the person elected it probably is a waste, but doesn't mean you should change your vote. If you are doing it take away voted from other candidates, then it isn't really a waste.

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