Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

  • Yes, Trump Needed Russia to Win

    Votes: 23 16.4%
  • No, Hillary Lost on Her Own

    Votes: 114 81.4%
  • Meh, I Don't Care

    Votes: 3 2.1%

  • Total voters
There is no connection being or been made between Russia and Trump. The only entity creating, discussing and attempting to forward that narrative is emotionally addled liberals
If everyone knows Russia interfered, what are you looking for?

Up until fairly recently Don the Con denied Russia even tried to interfere in the election. Still plenty of Trumpkins who like pretend that there is no evidence that Russia did anything.

What I am looking for is the investigation to be completed, and the results of the investigation to be released.

If you are convinced that Don the Con is innocent- then so should you.
Investigation of what? If you’re convinced Russia interfered, what else do you need? You have what you want!

Wow- so when you were convinced that Obama has screwed up with Benghazi- you of course complained about that investigation- because you were already convinced....

Investigation of what? Investigation of what Muehler finds. So far that has led to- in addition to guilty pleas and criminal indictments- a detailed outline of how Russia attempted to interfere with America election.

What are you so damn scared that the investigation will reveal?
I had information on benghazi. give me information on russia. so far I've seen nothing.!

If you have seen nothing about Russia then you are just being willfully ignorant.

Read the latest indictment of the 12 Russian agents.

What are you so damned scared that this investigation is going to reveal? Are more interested in protecting Russia? Or protecting Trump?
not one agency looked at the DNC server. so the indictments are for shit.
12 Russians hacking the DNC e-mails changed nothing.

Obama protected Hillary from indictment, keeping her in the race...when she should not have been.

Hillary and the DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, election fraud, etc... The DNC gave Hillary the nomination she could not win...

Obama, Hillary, and the DNC did more to actually alter the election than those 12 Russians did...

LOL Trump and the Trumpkins- when confronted with evidence of Russia's attack on American Democracy have only one response- But what about Hillary?

Like Don the Con- they are always trying to change the narrative from Russia's own crimes against America- to attacking Hillary and the Democrats.

Why are they on Russia's side- instead of America's?
what evidence? there is no evidence. the DNC server has not been analyzed by an intelligence office. evah!!!!
sounds like you have the talking point
Yes, let's compare them:

Yours comes from people who know less than nothing about any of it. Mine comes from the experts.

You judge the truth of yours --and of every idea you encounter -- by how it reflects on your dear leader. I judge the truth of mine on expertise.

So, please, continue to dance and prance and preen yourself...
sure we do, we have rothenstein telling us trump isn't a target.
Wait....I thought you said he was a member of the deep state. Now he's on the up and up, eh?

See, this is what happens to you when you adopted ridiculous contradict yourself and say ridiculous things.

Rosenstein told Trump that in April. Things change.

And rosenstein would do well to say he is not a target, even if he is. If he were to say itherwise, Trump would immediately shit it down and cause a crisis.
We have his returns for 2005.
You on the other hand have nothing
Right, because Trump is terrified of releasing his tax returns. Blind squirrel, meet nut. Good job.

You wouldnt understand them if he did.
Oooh, burn! But you would, eh? Yes, I'm sure your analysis would be forthright and honest.

Nah....but the wife would.
Here's the thing though.
Dont you think Trump gets audited damn near every year?
We have his returns for 2005.
You on the other hand have nothing
Right, because Trump is terrified of releasing his tax returns. Blind squirrel, meet nut. Good job.

This is the left fault, you guys thought you would get away for ever playing your childish games the past 30 years.

A new generation, my generation of Republicans fighting back and using the left games against them.
Dont you think Trump gets audited damn near every year?
So? A private citizen enriching himself through foreign interests is not a problem.

That changes, when the private citizen runs for or becomes president. And then to out these things in the context of Trump's bizarre behavior toward Putin and Russia would be its own , interesting topic.
We have his returns for 2005.
You on the other hand have nothing
Right, because Trump is terrified of releasing his tax returns. Blind squirrel, meet nut. Good job.

You wouldnt understand them if he did.
Oooh, burn! But you would, eh? Yes, I'm sure your analysis would be forthright and honest.

Nah....but the wife would.
Here's the thing though.
Dont you think Trump gets audited damn near every year?

He can't answer it either way and he will look stupid.

Either the IRS does a great job or is incompetent.. Wonder which he chooses?????


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