Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

  • Yes, Trump Needed Russia to Win

    Votes: 23 16.4%
  • No, Hillary Lost on Her Own

    Votes: 114 81.4%
  • Meh, I Don't Care

    Votes: 3 2.1%

  • Total voters
No you're confused. That is something Obama would have done. And I think everyone can agree, that is not Trumps tactic.
Clearly it is you who are confused. Obama poured on the sanctions and took away their spy houses. Trump tried to ease sanctions amd give them back their spy houses. Congress had to pass a freaking law to keep Trump from lifting the sanctions. So the things you are saying utterly absurd.

The whole world sees Trump rolling over...but here you are, clinging to this ridiculous narrative, in the face of all facts...
Even their Witch Hunt isn't claiming Russia changed any results in the Election. Their Witch Hunt is flailing. There was no 'Trump Collusion.' And that's why they've continuously moved the goal posts. Now it's all about 'Obstruction' or whatever.

In the end, Clinton's gonna get some revenge by putting some Trump associates in prison. But they're not gonna prove 'Collusion.' It's the same ole same ole. They're gonna put some folks in prison and claim 'Justice.' But we know it was really only about revenge for losing an Election. And i truly believe most Americans know that. Just another massive Tax-funded Nothing-Burger.
Even their Witch Hunt isn't claiming Russia changed any results in the Election.
So? That doesn't mean they don't think it possible or probable. They said they have no evidence that vote totals were changed. Trust me, the people charged with administering our propaganda abroad know very well the effectiveness of propaganda campaigns.
Even their Witch Hunt isn't claiming Russia changed any results in the Election.
So? That doesn't mean they don't think it possible or probable. They said they have no evidence that vote totals were changed. Trust me, the people charged with administering our propaganda abroad know very well the effectiveness of propaganda campaigns.

Their 'Collusion' meme is dead. There was no 'Trump Collusion.' So what are they 'investigating?' And Russia did not alter any results in the Election. It didn't happen. So let's save Taxpayers some cash, and wrap this Witch Hunt up.
The "investigation" into Russian collusion is the creature of THOSE Republicans...who have no love lost for Donald Trump!
No. The impetus for the investigation into Russian meddling is the actions of Russians. The impetus for the investigation into trump's campaign is the actions of trump's campaign members, and the bizarre behavior of Trump himself.

So you're claiming that the Russians haven't "meddled" in our elections for a long time now, Fort? Why did it suddenly become a CRISIS now? Because Hillary Clinton and the DNC were exposed for who they really are? It's laughable to claim that isn't something driven by the DC establishment's horror over Donald Trump getting elected. It obviously is!
Obviously their 'Trump Collusion' meme is dead. So what are they 'investigating?' It looks like it's become about everything but 'Collusion.' How long is Mueller gonna be allowed to keep moving the goal posts? If it isn't about 'Trump Collusion', what is it about? It really is time to wrap their incredibly costly Witch Hunt up. Time to move on.
Their 'Collusion' meme is dead.
My, you switch lanes quickly! It doesn't seem dead to me....I can see how someone who thinks repeating something over and over makes it true might think such a thing...

It's over. There was no 'Trump Collusion.' How long will Mueller be allowed to move the goal posts? I mean we get it, he's gonna give Clinton her revenge by putting some Trump associates in prison. It's a Witch Hunt farce. Time to wrap it up.
So you're claiming that the Russians haven't "meddled" in our elections for a long time now, Fort?
I clearly said the most recent example I unique in it's nature and scope.
Why did it suddenly become a CRISIS now?
Same reason. Are you not paying attention to our own intelligence services and military,? They have already answered all of your questions, and very publicly so.
Obviously their 'Trump Collusion' meme is dead.
Obviously it is not. You confuse propaganda with reality...exactly the phenomenon Russians exploited in 2016.
It's very simple, and it concerns me. Is it possible that they in fact hacked servers and changed votes? That is the only way they impacted the election and in the back of my mind I have always suspected it could be possible, just because of the reaction. All the more reason to demand ID to vote.

Otherwise, no way in hell they make up the difference. That is all on Hillary and Americans desire for change. Obama is as much a reason Trump is president as any, he was dragging America to socialism.

Did the hacking of the DNC servers affect the election? Yes...but only because it revealed how sleazy and corrupt the leaders of the DNC were and how they were busy screwing over Bernie Sanders to hand the nomination to Hillary Clinton.
To be painfully blunt...if Hillary and her minions hadn't been so sleazy and corrupt...then the Russians wouldn't have had anything to embarrass her and the Democratic National Committee with. It's a chicken or the egg type of argument but the bottom line is that if you don't do sleazy and corrupt things...then you can't be embarrassed by people finding out about what you've done.
It's a badge of honor now to play stupid and close your eyes, ears and mind, eh?

The CRIMINALLY stolen emails, and weaponizing them and the promotion of the Russian propaganda to split Hillary voters and Bernie voters by the Russian Trolls, and Russian bots, and the conservative journalist who was coordinating with Assange... who was told by wikileaks of what was going to be released on the stolen emails so he could write a skewed article to spread around the internet with the bots at the same time of the release, and with President Trump PROMOTING the stolen emails on wikileaks 160 times in just the one month prior to the election....

COULD HAVE most certainly affected the vote....their goal was to keep people from voting for Hillary through division of the Bernie camp and the Hillary camp. I did not say it did, but it COULD HAVE......

The indictment released on Friday, spells it out....


WHY DOES IT MATTER if it worked or not?

A crime is a crime is a crime.....

If you try to rob a store, but don't succeed to rob the goods from that store, does that make you any less of a criminal?

If you try to rape someone, but don't succeed, does that make it all A_OK?

If you try to murder someone by shooting them, and your bullet missed, does that mean you did not commit a crime just because you missed?

It's called

Attempted Robbery ......and IS A CRIME.

Attempted Rape ...........and IS A CRIME

Attempted Murder ........and IS A CRIME

Do you understand why dems didnt scream bloody murder over WIKILEAKS?

It's quite simple really.
Because it was all true and had they complained to much they would have been forced to turn over their servers to prove it.

The thing is?
What is on those servers is obviously even more damning.
Not only would it have confirmed their malfeasance but it would have exposed even more of it.
So you're claiming that the Russians haven't "meddled" in our elections for a long time now, Fort?
I clearly said the most recent example I unique in it's nature and scope.
Why did it suddenly become a CRISIS now?
Same reason. Are you not paying attention to our own intelligence services and military,? They have already answered all of your questions, and very publicly so.
Obviously their 'Trump Collusion' meme is dead.
Obviously it is not. You confuse propaganda with reality...exactly the phenomenon Russians exploited in 2016.

What exactly is "unique" about it? That it exposed Hillary Clinton and the DNC?
What exactly is "unique" about it?
You are now asking to be spoonfed the most basic facts of this topic. I am not going to do it. Look it up yourself. You might start with the assessment of our intelligence agencies. Do you a favor, and steer clear of anything president pussy says about it, if you want factual info.
I was going to vote for Hillary until I found out that she cheated Bernie out of the nomination because of Russian meddling. Before that I thought she was a very honest politician.
So you're claiming that the Russians haven't "meddled" in our elections for a long time now, Fort?
I clearly said the most recent example I unique in it's nature and scope.
Why did it suddenly become a CRISIS now?
Same reason. Are you not paying attention to our own intelligence services and military,? They have already answered all of your questions, and very publicly so.
Obviously their 'Trump Collusion' meme is dead.
Obviously it is not. You confuse propaganda with reality...exactly the phenomenon Russians exploited in 2016.

Even if Mueller can dig up something that he can claim proves 'Trump Collusion', it isn't a crime. If Collusion was a crime, Clinton and Obama would be in prison right now. They clearly colluded with foreign entities to influence our Election.

Y'all have been duped. Collusion isn't a crime. That's why Mueller has been consistently moving the goal posts on his Witch Hunt. Now it's all about 'Obstruction', and whatever else he can concoct. It's another very costly scam. It's time to end it.
Even if Mueller can dig up something that he can claim proves 'Trump Collusion', it isn't a crime.
You mean, it is not necessarily a crime. Depending on other actions, it may be. And even if no proper crime on Trump's part regarding collusion I uncovered, it is still distasteful and will likely.prompt our congress to make it a crime.

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