Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

  • Yes, Trump Needed Russia to Win

    Votes: 23 16.4%
  • No, Hillary Lost on Her Own

    Votes: 114 81.4%
  • Meh, I Don't Care

    Votes: 3 2.1%

  • Total voters
My answer is no

In case of emergency rewrite narrative.

The recent indictments do not propose Russian meddling,effected the election. They merely show that they did indeed meddle. Something Trump, in spite of unanimity among the American intelligence community and both houses of congress say did indeed happen.

Why is Trump in the pocket of Putin? Why are Trumpians so pro-Russian? Why would the entire Trump camp believe the Russians over the Americans?
Not Americans, democrats. I believe the Russians over any democrat. The Russians care more for American well being than any democrat. It's not Russians replacing the disobedient Americans with ignorants from third world villages. That would be democrats who don't like voters asking a lot of questions. Who turned San Francisco into a sewer? Who made sure refugees bombed the Boston marathon? Not Russians they tried to stop it. The guilty parties were democrats and their servsnts at the FBI.
In the tank deep. What happens once the indictments against the Trump campaign are released? Won't you and your fellow travelers look like traitors? Because you are a traitor.
My answer is no


Russia did not change the outcome, Hillary stopping her campaign in August because she thought she had it in the bag was what did it in my mind. I also think that Comey played a pretty big part in it with his last minute "re-opening" of the investigation.

The Russians had the same impact that ads on TV and the radio and the net have. Lots of people want to pretend that these things do not have any impact, but if they did not companies would not spend billions of dollars a year on them.

Russia didn't spend hardly anything!

Their influence was zero.
12 Russians hacking the DNC e-mails changed nothing.

Obama protected Hillary from indictment, keeping her in the race...when she should not have been.

Hillary and the DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, election fraud, etc... The DNC gave Hillary the nomination she could not win...

Obama, Hillary, and the DNC did more to actually alter the election than those 12 Russians did...
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

LOOK, If Russia CHANGED THE OUTCOME of the 2016 election through Facebook ads, WE WOULDN'T EVEN NEED a Mueller investigation! The Left would have simply rolled out a parade of people long ago who publicly confessed to having been ready to pull the lever for Hillary then were swayed to vote Trump.

To date, I have yet to see ONE.
It's way beyond Facebook. The Russians stole the analytics created by the Democrat campaign. Analytics spell out where and when to run ads. Analytics spell out which voters are persuadable. Analytics spell out how and where to campaign.

Stealing the analytics is like stealing the answer key to the test you are about to take.

Trump and his followers deny the indictments. Trump and his followers are serving the interests of a country other than their own. And that makes Trump and his followers traitors.
My answer is no

In case of emergency rewrite narrative.

The recent indictments do not propose Russian meddling,effected the election. They merely show that they did indeed meddle. Something Trump, in spite of unanimity among the American intelligence community and both houses of congress say did indeed happen.

Why is Trump in the pocket of Putin? Why are Trumpians so pro-Russian? Why would the entire Trump camp believe the Russians over the Americans?
Not Americans, democrats. I believe the Russians over any democrat. The Russians care more for American well being than any democrat. It's not Russians replacing the disobedient Americans with ignorants from third world villages. That would be democrats who don't like voters asking a lot of questions. Who turned San Francisco into a sewer? Who made sure refugees bombed the Boston marathon? Not Russians they tried to stop it. The guilty parties were democrats and their servsnts at the FBI.
In the tank deep. What happens once the indictments against the Trump campaign are released? Won't you and your fellow travelers look like traitors? Because you are a traitor.
IF indictments are released. WTF, IF you had half a brain you'd be much smarter.
My answer is no

In case of emergency rewrite narrative.

The recent indictments do not propose Russian meddling,effected the election. They merely show that they did indeed meddle. Something Trump, in spite of unanimity among the American intelligence community and both houses of congress say did indeed happen.

Why is Trump in the pocket of Putin? Why are Trumpians so pro-Russian? Why would the entire Trump camp believe the Russians over the Americans?
Not Americans, democrats. I believe the Russians over any democrat. The Russians care more for American well being than any democrat. It's not Russians replacing the disobedient Americans with ignorants from third world villages. That would be democrats who don't like voters asking a lot of questions. Who turned San Francisco into a sewer? Who made sure refugees bombed the Boston marathon? Not Russians they tried to stop it. The guilty parties were democrats and their servsnts at the FBI.
In the tank deep. What happens once the indictments against the Trump campaign are released? Won't you and your fellow travelers look like traitors? Because you are a traitor.
IF indictments are released. WTF, IF you had half a brain you'd be much smarter.
We have a national security crisis in our country. Our electoral process is being compromised by a foreign power. Our president is complicit in that crime.

What happens when the president IS the national security problem? Who do we look to for leadership, for justice, for protection from a foreign criminal involved in the very kernel of our democracy?

Republicans? They're too worried about poking the bear. The people? Their minds have been washed so every responsible institution is suspect at least, criminal at worst.

And the traitors in the Trump administration and their useful idiot supporters? They are complicit with a nation other than their own.

It will take a generation or a revolution to get our nation back on the right track.
My answer is no

In case of emergency rewrite narrative.

The recent indictments do not propose Russian meddling,effected the election. They merely show that they did indeed meddle. Something Trump, in spite of unanimity among the American intelligence community and both houses of congress say did indeed happen.

Why is Trump in the pocket of Putin? Why are Trumpians so pro-Russian? Why would the entire Trump camp believe the Russians over the Americans?
Not Americans, democrats. I believe the Russians over any democrat. The Russians care more for American well being than any democrat. It's not Russians replacing the disobedient Americans with ignorants from third world villages. That would be democrats who don't like voters asking a lot of questions. Who turned San Francisco into a sewer? Who made sure refugees bombed the Boston marathon? Not Russians they tried to stop it. The guilty parties were democrats and their servsnts at the FBI.
In the tank deep. What happens once the indictments against the Trump campaign are released? Won't you and your fellow travelers look like traitors? Because you are a traitor.
IF indictments are released. WTF, IF you had half a brain you'd be much smarter.
We have a national security crisis in our country. Our electoral process is being compromised by a foreign power. Our president is complicit in that crime.

What happens when the president IS the national security problem? Who do we look to for leadership, for justice, for protection from a foreign criminal involved in the very kernel of our democracy?

Republicans? They're too worried about poking the bear. The people? Their minds have been washed so every responsible institution is suspect at least, criminal at worst.

And the traitors in the Trump administration and their useful idiot supporters? They are complicit with a nation other than their own.

It will take a generation or a revolution to get our nation back on the right track.

Ohhhh, noooo, is this the end of the world?
In case of emergency rewrite narrative.

The recent indictments do not propose Russian meddling,effected the election. They merely show that they did indeed meddle. Something Trump, in spite of unanimity among the American intelligence community and both houses of congress say did indeed happen.

Why is Trump in the pocket of Putin? Why are Trumpians so pro-Russian? Why would the entire Trump camp believe the Russians over the Americans?
Not Americans, democrats. I believe the Russians over any democrat. The Russians care more for American well being than any democrat. It's not Russians replacing the disobedient Americans with ignorants from third world villages. That would be democrats who don't like voters asking a lot of questions. Who turned San Francisco into a sewer? Who made sure refugees bombed the Boston marathon? Not Russians they tried to stop it. The guilty parties were democrats and their servsnts at the FBI.
In the tank deep. What happens once the indictments against the Trump campaign are released? Won't you and your fellow travelers look like traitors? Because you are a traitor.
IF indictments are released. WTF, IF you had half a brain you'd be much smarter.
We have a national security crisis in our country. Our electoral process is being compromised by a foreign power. Our president is complicit in that crime.

What happens when the president IS the national security problem? Who do we look to for leadership, for justice, for protection from a foreign criminal involved in the very kernel of our democracy?

Republicans? They're too worried about poking the bear. The people? Their minds have been washed so every responsible institution is suspect at least, criminal at worst.

And the traitors in the Trump administration and their useful idiot supporters? They are complicit with a nation other than their own.

It will take a generation or a revolution to get our nation back on the right track.

Ohhhh, noooo, is this the end of the world?
Democrats don't trust elections any more. They are anxious for a revolution and I hope they do it.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election
LOOK, If Russia CHANGED THE OUTCOME of the 2016 election through Facebook ads, WE WOULDN'T EVEN NEED a Mueller investigation! The Left would have simply rolled out a parade of people long ago who publicly confessed to having been ready to pull the lever for Hillary then were swayed to vote Trump.
To date, I have yet to see ONE.
It's way beyond Facebook. The Russians stole the analytics created by the Democrat campaign. Analytics spell out where and when to run ads. Analytics spell out which voters are persuadable. Analytics spell out how and where to campaign.

So it all comes back to some stupid Facebook ads. I'm still looking for one person whose vote was changed! Got one? Weren't those analytics in a computer they refused to turn over to the FBI? What evidence do we have anything was stolen and that the Russians stole it? Lying Podesta? Debbie Schultz who was covering for a Pakistani IT crook? And if the DNC or Podesta's computer wasn't secure to hold that stuff, then how was Hillary's personal computer with classified national data on it any more so? Bottom line: no proof anything was stolen, no proof any votes were changed. Hillary lost because she was a suckass candidate who ran a terrible campaign whom nobody liked and all this is nothing but a smokescreen of democrats refusing to take responsibility for now losing THREE major elections with a forth on their doorstep. The Left have run the DNC down to the ground now to where they find it hard to even raise money anymore.

Trump and his followers deny the indictments. Trump and his followers are serving the interests of a country other than their own. And that makes Trump and his followers traitors.

Suck ass.
Only about 200K votes swung the election because of the Gerrymandering, Voter Intimidation and rules changes by Republicans mostly in Red states. Democrats have no history of doing these things.

The Comey announcement combined with the Social Media blitz by the Russians and the Wiki-leaks releases definitely swung the election with only 200K votes in the balance. If Trump had won the popular vote, I would be skeptical. He didn't, even though he would like you to believe he did.

We have a country now run by a President selected by the minority of the country. It would not be so bad if he was at least competent.
Only 70,000 swung the electoral college!

And Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders cost Hillary the Electoral College, and not Russia.

Maybe next time understand how your political party need the green vote or don't and never learn...
right.... everyone else but the massive Russian influence campaign hurt her....


okee dokee

So your claim is that most Americans are gullible and fell for the fake news or you are making the claim that Wikilleaks was lying, so which one is it?

Also Millions of Americans voted against Trump ( including myself ) and if you had any honesty in you then you would realize Jill Stein is the reason why Hillary Clinton lost!

Now how did Jill Stein gain so many votes to allow Trump to win key states?

What was Stein connection to Putin?

How many of Sanders college green voters went to Green over Clinton?

Wikileaks did hurt Clinton but it was Stein that got the vote which cost Clinton the Electoral College.

So learn from your mistakes or don't and hope Stein, Sanders and their friend Putin does not cost you another election...
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election
LOOK, If Russia CHANGED THE OUTCOME of the 2016 election through Facebook ads, WE WOULDN'T EVEN NEED a Mueller investigation! The Left would have simply rolled out a parade of people long ago who publicly confessed to having been ready to pull the lever for Hillary then were swayed to vote Trump.
To date, I have yet to see ONE.
It's way beyond Facebook. The Russians stole the analytics created by the Democrat campaign. Analytics spell out where and when to run ads. Analytics spell out which voters are persuadable. Analytics spell out how and where to campaign.

So it all comes back to some stupid Facebook ads. I'm still looking for one person whose vote was changed! Got one? Weren't those analytics in a computer they refused to turn over to the FBI? What evidence do we have anything was stolen and that the Russians stole it? Lying Podesta? Debbie Schultz who was covering for a Pakistani IT crook? And if the DNC or Podesta's computer wasn't secure to hold that stuff, then how was Hillary's personal computer with classified national data on it any more so? Bottom line: no proof anything was stolen, no proof any votes were changed. Hillary lost because she was a suckass candidate who ran a terrible campaign whom nobody liked and all this is nothing but a smokescreen of democrats refusing to take responsibility for now losing THREE major elections with a forth on their doorstep. The Left have run the DNC down to the ground now to where they find it hard to even raise money anymore.

Trump and his followers deny the indictments. Trump and his followers are serving the interests of a country other than their own. And that makes Trump and his followers traitors.

Suck ass.

If you did not straight ticket vote for the Democrat Party, well sir you are a traitor and if you do not believe me then ask every Fringer and they will explain it and boy I have been a traitor for many damn years and I did not vote for Trump or his best friend Clinton...
It is impossible to know.

Therefore why rehash it again and again? The election results are what they are. Instead, we need to focus on finding out exactly what happened, who was involved, and what measures we can put in place to prevent repeat performances.

Can't prevent it when third party candidates can sway the state vote to throw the Electoral College vote to a certain candidate...

Did you ever wonder why Stein wanted a recount in certain states?

She knew she cost Clinton the Election but so many are ignoring this...
It is impossible to know.

Therefore why rehash it again and again? The election results are what they are. Instead, we need to focus on finding out exactly what happened, who was involved, and what measures we can put in place to prevent repeat performances.
Call off the investigation, what is it trying to prove?

What are you afraid of?

Let it be know, like Benghazi, like the Emails, like Whitewater.
What are you trying to prove?
If everyone knows Russia interfered, what are you looking for?

Up until fairly recently Don the Con denied Russia even tried to interfere in the election. Still plenty of Trumpkins who like pretend that there is no evidence that Russia did anything.

What I am looking for is the investigation to be completed, and the results of the investigation to be released.

If you are convinced that Don the Con is innocent- then so should you.
Investigation of what? If you’re convinced Russia interfered, what else do you need? You have what you want!
It is impossible to know.

Therefore why rehash it again and again? The election results are what they are. Instead, we need to focus on finding out exactly what happened, who was involved, and what measures we can put in place to prevent repeat performances.
Call off the investigation, what is it trying to prove?

What are you afraid of?

Let it be know, like Benghazi, like the Emails, like Whitewater.
What are you trying to prove?
If everyone knows Russia interfered, what are you looking for?

"Everybody knows" doesn't mean jackshit.

What are you afraid of? Why are you afraid of letting it be completed? You were fine with Benghazi, the Emails, but not this.

Let it conclude and we will know it was thorough, professional, and no rock unturned. That is what I care about. Then we can focus on PREVENTION.
You already believe Russia interfered. What else are you waiting on? Take trump out? Is that really what you’re expecting? Wow calling a sitting president a traitor. Doesn’t say much for you. There’s no evidence of voter tampering. That’s also known. So it must be trump. And that is you wanting to take away my vote. Fk you
It's very simple, and it concerns me. Is it possible that they in fact hacked servers and changed votes? That is the only way they impacted the election and in the back of my mind I have always suspected it could be possible, just because of the reaction. All the more reason to demand ID to vote.

Otherwise, no way in hell they make up the difference. That is all on Hillary and Americans desire for change. Obama is as much a reason Trump is president as any, he was dragging America to socialism.

Did the hacking of the DNC servers affect the election? Yes...but only because it revealed how sleazy and corrupt the leaders of the DNC were and how they were busy screwing over Bernie Sanders to hand the nomination to Hillary Clinton.
To be painfully blunt...if Hillary and her minions hadn't been so sleazy and corrupt...then the Russians wouldn't have had anything to embarrass her and the Democratic National Committee with. It's a chicken or the egg type of argument but the bottom line is that if you don't do sleazy and corrupt things...then you can't be embarrassed by people finding out about what you've done.
It's a badge of honor now to play stupid and close your eyes, ears and mind, eh?

The CRIMINALLY stolen emails, and weaponizing them and the promotion of the Russian propaganda to split Hillary voters and Bernie voters by the Russian Trolls, and Russian bots, and the conservative journalist who was coordinating with Assange... who was told by wikileaks of what was going to be released on the stolen emails so he could write a skewed article to spread around the internet with the bots at the same time of the release, and with President Trump PROMOTING the stolen emails on wikileaks 160 times in just the one month prior to the election....

COULD HAVE most certainly affected the vote....their goal was to keep people from voting for Hillary through division of the Bernie camp and the Hillary camp. I did not say it did, but it COULD HAVE......

The indictment released on Friday, spells it out....


WHY DOES IT MATTER if it worked or not?

A crime is a crime is a crime.....

If you try to rob a store, but don't succeed to rob the goods from that store, does that make you any less of a criminal?

If you try to rape someone, but don't succeed, does that make it all A_OK?

If you try to murder someone by shooting them, and your bullet missed, does that mean you did not commit a crime just because you missed?

It's called

Attempted Robbery ......and IS A CRIME.

Attempted Rape ...........and IS A CRIME

Attempted Murder ........and IS A CRIME
There's No Disputin' That Putin Is Cahootin'

Going along with that, it is well-known, by those who tell us they're authorities on this, that the American people are overwhelmingly in favor of open borders, disarming police and everybody else, abolishing all religions except tor Islam (because that would be intolerant), raising taxes to make welfare a living wage, and advancing Pedophile Rights. With this in mind, the Democrats will sweep the midterms, which is why Trump is desperately making some kind of deal with Putin to get him to change it into a Republican landslide.
Only about 200K votes swung the election because of the Gerrymandering, Voter Intimidation and rules changes by Republicans mostly in Red states. Democrats have no history of doing these things.

The Comey announcement combined with the Social Media blitz by the Russians and the Wiki-leaks releases definitely swung the election with only 200K votes in the balance. If Trump had won the popular vote, I would be skeptical. He didn't, even though he would like you to believe he did.

We have a country now run by a President selected by the minority of the country. It would not be so bad if he was at least competent.
when someone says their party never cheats, they are instantly put into the FULL OF FUCKING SHIT category.
She knew she cost Clinton the Election but so many are ignoring this...

I have to laugh hard at imbeciles like Nosmo King who would sooner contend that half the country are in denial and traitors even as they deny that Hillary and the DNC colluded with a foreign power to create the fake Steele dossier on Trump AND actively conspired to throw the campaign of Sanders that no matter what, he never stood a chance. Somehow THESE are not crimes or treason, somehow they are not assigned a special council to prosecute, somehow are not considered as influencing an election, while believing that Russia had more influence on the outcome than third party Jill Stein actually running against Hillary and Trump?

The lies, ignorance and stupidity of these knuckle-dragging trolls who claim that Trump did it, that Putin did it, that Putin backed him, through Facebook ads(?), that our intelligence which has now been caught lying about so many things wouldn't be lying about this and all for some clandestine reason that no one can pin down is so staggeringly numbingly dense as to make one wonder how these dolts even get out of bed each morning.

Jill Stein spoiled the 2016 election for Hillary Clinton

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