Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

  • Yes, Trump Needed Russia to Win

    Votes: 23 16.4%
  • No, Hillary Lost on Her Own

    Votes: 114 81.4%
  • Meh, I Don't Care

    Votes: 3 2.1%

  • Total voters
post it before but I'll post it again...let it sink in...

Hillary lost DESPITE the FSB colluding with the DNC to rig the 2016 election.

I KNOW Peter Strzok committed treason. I know he is PROTECTED by a corrupt Communist (democrat) party that subverts the law. I SAW him smirk and practically stick his tongue out at the Americans he has such bitter contempt for - rubes too stupid to know the game is rigged and he is beyond any laws the proles are aware of. (The one law he is subject to is unquestioning loyalty to the party. Break that and he dies.)
Only about 200K votes swung the election because of the Gerrymandering, Voter Intimidation and rules changes by Republicans mostly in Red states. Democrats have no history of doing these things.

The Comey announcement combined with the Social Media blitz by the Russians and the Wiki-leaks releases definitely swung the election with only 200K votes in the balance. If Trump had won the popular vote, I would be skeptical. He didn't, even though he would like you to believe he did.

We have a country now run by a President selected by the minority of the country. It would not be so bad if he was at least competent.

We have a country now run by a President selected by the minority of the country. It would not be so bad if he was at least competent.”

You don’t really wan’t the barley legals, weirdos, welfare dependent lowlifes, criminals and pole puffers of Mexifornia and Loon York deciding presidential elections do you?
Our founders sure didn’t.
confronting & accusing them isn't the best foot forward.
Yes, if we are just nice to them and roll over, they will be nice to us!

Come on.

No you're confused. That is something Obama would have done. And I think everyone can agree, that is not Trumps tactic.

It's not a good idea to begin a meeting by accusing & confronting someone, especially the likes of Putin. Establish some type of working relationship first, before calling the shots
Zander is that you?

On topic, Americans are dumb enough already, 'dark money' keeps them dumb. No need for Russians, but I gotta laugh as they often view my posts. Hope I'm not giving them any ideas.

Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer
On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder
The Making of Donald Trump by David Cay Johnston

Oh I know Trump snowflakes don't read, maybe one does?

Says the bitch of the Oligarchs.


The Masters of the Universe, as the call themselves. Absolute rulers of the DNC, absolute dictators of the Peoples Republic of Kalifornia.

You are a clown, Comrade.
It's very simple, and it concerns me. Is it possible that they in fact hacked servers and changed votes? That is the only way they impacted the election and in the back of my mind I have always suspected it could be possible, just because of the reaction. All the more reason to demand ID to vote.

Otherwise, no way in hell they make up the difference. That is all on Hillary and Americans desire for change. Obama is as much a reason Trump is president as any, he was dragging America to socialism.

BUT they released emails that exposed the corruption of the Stalinist DNC - NO FAIR!
Only about 200K votes swung the election because of the Gerrymandering, Voter Intimidation and rules changes by Republicans mostly in Red states. Democrats have no history of doing these things.

The Comey announcement combined with the Social Media blitz by the Russians and the Wiki-leaks releases definitely swung the election with only 200K votes in the balance. If Trump had won the popular vote, I would be skeptical. He didn't, even though he would like you to believe he did.

We have a country now run by a President selected by the minority of the country. It would not be so bad if he was at least competent.

Comrade, when has America NOT had a president elected by a minority of the country?

Your beloved god-emperor Obama sure didn't get 170 million votes.

A minority of Americans vote in elections.
Of course not
They may have tried to on their own accord.
NO ONE has Ever answered how voters votes were altered or miscalculated.
This is going to end up looking really dumb that we gave so much legitimacy to Trump-Russians.
Russia changed votes on the other side, using propaganda and social engineering. Russians posed as Americans, changing our behavior. But its all mixed together between Russian propaganda and stories originated by Americans.
Of course not
They may have tried to on their own accord.
NO ONE has Ever answered how voters votes were altered or miscalculated.
This is going to end up looking really dumb that we gave so much legitimacy to Trump-Russians.
Russia changed votes on the other side, using propaganda and social engineering. Russians posed as Americans, changing our behavior. But its all mixed together between Russian propaganda and stories originated by Americans.
The Russian mind control ray I have been mentioning
Only about 200K votes swung the election because of the Gerrymandering, Voter Intimidation and rules changes by Republicans mostly in Red states. Democrats have no history of doing these things.

The Comey announcement combined with the Social Media blitz by the Russians and the Wiki-leaks releases definitely swung the election with only 200K votes in the balance. If Trump had won the popular vote, I would be skeptical. He didn't, even though he would like you to believe he did.

We have a country now run by a President selected by the minority of the country. It would not be so bad if he was at least competent.
still bummed about the whole popularity contest win thing not counting?! :p
It's very simple, and it concerns me. Is it possible that they in fact hacked servers and changed votes? That is the only way they impacted the election and in the back of my mind I have always suspected it could be possible, just because of the reaction. All the more reason to demand ID to vote.

Otherwise, no way in hell they make up the difference. That is all on Hillary and Americans desire for change. Obama is as much a reason Trump is president as any, he was dragging America to socialism.
Changing votes isn't the only way to influence an election and it also isn't the only criminal way to do it. Apparently they stole voter data and hacked into election and campaign systems. Those breaches are illegal. Social engineering is powerful stuff too and is one of the big pillars of cyber crime. Just because someone convinces you with false information and identity to you yourself do something of your own will doesn't make it legal, right, or fair play in our elections. This might not seem very different from our normal extreme partisan politics around election time but when it's part of a broad orchestrated campaign like our foreign adversary Russia's, then it is an attack on our sovereign republic.
But what about when we, the United States do it to other countries? Is that illegal as well?

I've seen this comment many times and I'm not going to answer it. If you really want an adversary to swing our elections then do nothing.
My answer is no

In case of emergency rewrite narrative.

The recent indictments do not propose Russian meddling,effected the election. They merely show that they did indeed meddle. Something Trump, in spite of unanimity among the American intelligence community and both houses of congress say did indeed happen.

Why is Trump in the pocket of Putin? Why are Trumpians so pro-Russian? Why would the entire Trump camp believe the Russians over the Americans?
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

LOOK, If Russia CHANGED THE OUTCOME of the 2016 election through Facebook ads, WE WOULDN'T EVEN NEED a Mueller investigation! The Left would have simply rolled out a parade of people long ago who publicly confessed to having been ready to pull the lever for Hillary then were swayed to vote Trump.

To date, I have yet to see ONE.
My answer is no

In case of emergency rewrite narrative.

The recent indictments do not propose Russian meddling,effected the election. They merely show that they did indeed meddle. Something Trump, in spite of unanimity among the American intelligence community and both houses of congress say did indeed happen.

Why is Trump in the pocket of Putin? Why are Trumpians so pro-Russian? Why would the entire Trump camp believe the Russians over the Americans?
Not Americans, democrats. I believe the Russians over any democrat. The Russians care more for American well being than any democrat. It's not Russians replacing the disobedient Americans with ignorants from third world villages. That would be democrats who don't like voters asking a lot of questions. Who turned San Francisco into a sewer? Who made sure refugees bombed the Boston marathon? Not Russians they tried to stop it. The guilty parties were democrats and their servsnts at the FBI.
Let’s get the confession thread going:
“Who changed their vote due to what they think was Russian influence?”

I’ll go first
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Did any of you vote for Trump because Hillary cheated on the Democrat primary?

I didn't.

but apparently the Russians conspired with President Trump to tell the truth about Hillary. Our system of government must be over. Nevermind that the idiots complaining about our system of government being over don't know what system of government we have
Only about 200K votes swung the election because of the Gerrymandering, Voter Intimidation and rules changes by Republicans mostly in Red states. Democrats have no history of doing these things.

The Comey announcement combined with the Social Media blitz by the Russians and the Wiki-leaks releases definitely swung the election with only 200K votes in the balance. If Trump had won the popular vote, I would be skeptical. He didn't, even though he would like you to believe he did.

We have a country now run by a President selected by the minority of the country. It would not be so bad if he was at least competent.

Hey, shit for brains! Gerrymandering only impacts Congressional elections. They cannot have any impact on presidential elections.

Voter intimidation? No evidence.

Rules changes? Like what?

Democrats have no history of Gerrymandering? That;s the stupidest thing you have said yet!

Grasping at straws dumbass?
Obama was not dragging America any where, got the nomination & weeks latter him & McCain rush to the capital to help put there fingers in the dike, the sky is falling the sky is falling. lots of quick choices had to be made, if those we elect & pay good money to keep things running. would work for us not for them self's & the top 10% we could hammer out deals that work better for the many not just the few. both half's of the isle need to be working for us not there political party of choice.

Isle doesn't mean what you think it does. The word is "aisle". Please educate yourself!

Back to your ignorant post, half of an aisle is still an aisle. It's like crumbs. If you break a crumb in half, you get two crumbs, and not two half crumbs.

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