Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

  • Yes, Trump Needed Russia to Win

    Votes: 23 16.4%
  • No, Hillary Lost on Her Own

    Votes: 114 81.4%
  • Meh, I Don't Care

    Votes: 3 2.1%

  • Total voters
My answer is no


I believe the 2016 election to be the most corrupt in my lifetime. I believe the republicans were more successful than their democrat counterparts in successfully rigging an American election for their 'guy'.

What did the GOP do to rig the election for their "guy"?

Did they have CNN feeding Trump the questions that would be asked in the debates? Nah...that was the DNC!

Did they pay someone to put out phony "dossiers" on Hillary Clinton in an attempt to smear her right before the elections? Nope that was the Democrats again!

Did they set up a foundation through which they could pump millions of dollars in "contributions" and then use part of those contributions to fund their political machine? Gee...that was the Clinton camp AGAIN!

Did they use a FISA court warrant to spy on their political opponents? Nope...Democrats AGAIN!

You know what, Tumblin! You're RIGHT about the 2016 election being the most corrupt in your lifetime! The only problem is that the "corruption" was on the Democratic side!
My answer is no


I believe the 2016 election to be the most corrupt in my lifetime. I believe the republicans were more successful than their democrat counterparts in successfully rigging an American election for their 'guy'.

What did the GOP do to rig the election for their "guy"?

Did they have CNN feeding Trump the questions that would be asked in the debates? Nah...that was the DNC!

Did they pay someone to put out phony "dossiers" on Hillary Clinton in an attempt to smear her right before the elections? Nope that was the Democrats again!

Did they set up a foundation through which they could pump millions of dollars in "contributions" and then use part of those contributions to fund their political machine? Gee...that was the Clinton camp AGAIN!

Did they use a FISA court warrant to spy on their political opponents? Nope...Democrats AGAIN!

You know what, Tumblin! You're RIGHT about the 2016 election being the most corrupt in your lifetime! The only problem is that the "corruption" was on the Democratic side!
Oh my, so much whataboutism. And yet only one republican-requested investigation by a republican special counsel appointed y a republican DAG, and it is an investigation into Trump...

Some people are swayed by facts on the ground. But not you, no sir... you are impervious to such things...
Only about 200K votes swung the election because of the Gerrymandering, Voter Intimidation and rules changes by Republicans mostly in Red states. Democrats have no history of doing these things.

The Comey announcement combined with the Social Media blitz by the Russians and the Wiki-leaks releases definitely swung the election with only 200K votes in the balance. If Trump had won the popular vote, I would be skeptical. He didn't, even though he would like you to believe he did.

We have a country now run by a President selected by the minority of the country. It would not be so bad if he was at least competent.
Only 70,000 swung the electoral college!

how many swung it in Florida, 2000?
less than 500 difference between bush v gore

but al gore got around 10,000 votes in palm beach county.... due to the butterfly ballot... that did not count.... Pat Buccanon spent zero advertising in Palm beach county and made zero visits campaigning there..... most all of the votes he got, were for Gore, even Buccanon says so....

the PEOPLE of Florida, overwhelmingly picked Gore over Bush.

the conservative u.s.supreme court picked Bush.... :D

Only if you ignore all the dimpled chads and hanging chads that were awarded to Gore by the Florida Supreme Court. Most probably caused by attempting to put too many ballet cards in the punch at the same time.

If you were to read the U.S. Constitution you would readily see that once the vote controversy ensued, Bush was going to win Florida, and did not need the U.S. Supreme Court to do so. The Florida Legislature was in special session and was prepared to send their own slate of electors to Washington. The Republicans in congress would have accepted that slate over the slate derived by the Florida Supreme Court.

There was no way Gore was going to steal Florida.
he won the people's vote in Florida, but the palm beach voters for him, their thousands of votes didn't count....

the supreme court should have never in a million years, stepped in to a State election decision....the constitution gives the State, that sole responsibility.... the Florida Supreme Court should have been the final rule....of any ruling at all.

If the votes had not been completely recounted by the time of the electoral college vote.... then the legislators of Florida could have made their pick....

AND would have been held accountable to their pick, by the voters of the State....which is how it should have been....and NOT some federal entity picking for floridians.
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If Russians helped Trump to be elected where is the frickn' EVIDENCE????????

It's been almost 2 years and only blah-blah instead of single fact!
What kind of evidence would prove it, to you?

What is it that you want to see?
They don't want to see or accept anything....they've already gone all in on trump.
If the Trump campaign did not conspire with the Russians, then regardless of the Russian influence, Trump won fair and would not be Trump's fault for the Russian's criminal doings.....

BUT if the Trump campaign was condoning it and helping them/conspiring with the Russians,

then Trump and his team, CHEATED and we don't let known cheaters keep the crown, the second runner up, gets it!

The presidency is different than a Beauty contest, has different rules, but the bottom line is still the same, we don't let cheaters, keep their win.... even if they would have won, without the cheating they did.
Now, substitute Obama for Trump in this reply and tell Me where you stand with that. Because we KNOW that Obama was aware of the Russians, whereas Trump being aware of the Russians is nothing more than a progressive nutjob talking point.
obama was not running for president, so I have no idea of what your point is....?
If Russians helped Trump to be elected where is the frickn' EVIDENCE????????

It's been almost 2 years and only blah-blah instead of single fact!
What kind of evidence would prove it, to you?

What is it that you want to see?
They don't want to see or accept anything....they've already gone all in on trump.
If the Trump campaign did not conspire with the Russians, then regardless of the Russian influence, Trump won fair and would not be Trump's fault for the Russian's criminal doings.....

BUT if the Trump campaign was condoning it and helping them/conspiring with the Russians,

then Trump and his team, CHEATED and we don't let known cheaters keep the crown, the second runner up, gets it!

The presidency is different than a Beauty contest, has different rules, but the bottom line is still the same, we don't let cheaters, keep their win.... even if they would have won, without the cheating they did.
Now, substitute Obama for Trump in this reply and tell Me where you stand with that. Because we KNOW that Obama was aware of the Russians, whereas Trump being aware of the Russians is nothing more than a progressive nutjob talking point.
obama was not running for president, so I have no idea of what your point is....?
The alleged interference happened under his watch. Plus, he was actively protecting Clinton. He bears so much more responsibility for the Russians than any single person other than Clinton herself.
The evidence to date certainly confirms Meller's investigation into Russian collusion was nothing but an epic fAiL

What kind of evidence would prove it, to you?

What is it that you want to see?
They don't want to see or accept anything....they've already gone all in on trump.
If the Trump campaign did not conspire with the Russians, then regardless of the Russian influence, Trump won fair and would not be Trump's fault for the Russian's criminal doings.....

BUT if the Trump campaign was condoning it and helping them/conspiring with the Russians,

then Trump and his team, CHEATED and we don't let known cheaters keep the crown, the second runner up, gets it!

The presidency is different than a Beauty contest, has different rules, but the bottom line is still the same, we don't let cheaters, keep their win.... even if they would have won, without the cheating they did.
Now, substitute Obama for Trump in this reply and tell Me where you stand with that. Because we KNOW that Obama was aware of the Russians, whereas Trump being aware of the Russians is nothing more than a progressive nutjob talking point.
obama was not running for president, so I have no idea of what your point is....?
The alleged interference happened under his watch. Plus, he was actively protecting Clinton. He bears so much more responsibility for the Russians than any single person other than Clinton herself.
please! that is utter trumpsh*t....

THE RUSSIANS COMMITTED THE CRIME.... the trump team, may have conspired with them....

was enough done to stop it or make us citizens aware of it by the Obama admin? In hindsight, a resounding NO!

But that is a separate issue, and has nothing to do with the Tea in China!

PLUS, it's been a year and a half of investigations by Congress and the Senate and they've done SQUAT.... and we still do not know how to stop it.... and you think Obama could have....? come on.......... and Trump is kissing the ass of the thug who orchestrated it!
My answer is no


I believe the 2016 election to be the most corrupt in my lifetime. I believe the republicans were more successful than their democrat counterparts in successfully rigging an American election for their 'guy'.

What did the GOP do to rig the election for their "guy"?

Did they have CNN feeding Trump the questions that would be asked in the debates? Nah...that was the DNC!

Did they pay someone to put out phony "dossiers" on Hillary Clinton in an attempt to smear her right before the elections? Nope that was the Democrats again!

Did they set up a foundation through which they could pump millions of dollars in "contributions" and then use part of those contributions to fund their political machine? Gee...that was the Clinton camp AGAIN!

Did they use a FISA court warrant to spy on their political opponents? Nope...Democrats AGAIN!

You know what, Tumblin! You're RIGHT about the 2016 election being the most corrupt in your lifetime! The only problem is that the "corruption" was on the Democratic side!
Oh my, so much whataboutism. And yet only one republican-requested investigation by a republican special counsel appointed y a republican DAG, and it is an investigation into Trump...

Some people are swayed by facts on the ground. But not you, no sir... you are impervious to such things...
This is a rather fascinating political period we're witnessing, Fort. There is a rather large block of Republican's in Washington who didn't want Trump to be President almost as much as they didn't want Hillary Clinton to be President. The "investigation" into Russian collusion is the creature of THOSE Republicans...who have no love lost for Donald Trump!
The "investigation" into Russian collusion is the creature of THOSE Republicans...who have no love lost for Donald Trump!
No. The impetus for the investigation into Russian meddling is the actions of Russians. The impetus for the investigation into trump's campaign is the actions of trump's campaign members, and the bizarre behavior of Trump himself.
Only about 200K votes swung the election because of the Gerrymandering, Voter Intimidation and rules changes by Republicans mostly in Red states. Democrats have no history of doing these things.

The Comey announcement combined with the Social Media blitz by the Russians and the Wiki-leaks releases definitely swung the election with only 200K votes in the balance. If Trump had won the popular vote, I would be skeptical. He didn't, even though he would like you to believe he did.

We have a country now run by a President selected by the minority of the country. It would not be so bad if he was at least competent.

Democrats have no history of doing these things.

They don't?
Patriot52 is an unemployed comedian trying new/rehashed material.
New rehashed.:auiqs.jpg:
The "investigation" into Russian collusion is the creature of THOSE Republicans...who have no love lost for Donald Trump!
No. The impetus for the investigation into Russian meddling is the actions of Russians. The impetus for the investigation into trump's campaign is the actions of trump's campaign members, and the bizarre behavior of Trump himself.
What? The? Fk?
Only about 200K votes swung the election because of the Gerrymandering, Voter Intimidation and rules changes by Republicans mostly in Red states. Democrats have no history of doing these things.

The Comey announcement combined with the Social Media blitz by the Russians and the Wiki-leaks releases definitely swung the election with only 200K votes in the balance. If Trump had won the popular vote, I would be skeptical. He didn't, even though he would like you to believe he did.

We have a country now run by a President selected by the minority of the country. It would not be so bad if he was at least competent.
Only 70,000 swung the electoral college!

And Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders cost Hillary the Electoral College, and not Russia.

Maybe next time understand how your political party need the green vote or don't and never learn...
right.... everyone else but the massive Russian influence campaign hurt her....


okee dokee
What was the influence? Are you saying Americans are stupid?
That's been the lefts strategy for a decade with terrorists lol.
Not true, not really funny, either...glad you got a cackle out of it...

Can you IMAGINE the way you shriveled old fossils would be dancing like wind socks, had a democratic president ignored the memo stating that 9/11 attack was imminent? We would be squeegeeing up drool for a year.
Sure it is, let in refugees let in illegals

You can’t get out of your own way
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Two different issues.

HRC was a terrible campaigner who ran a terrible campaign. She deserved to lose.

The Russians meddled in our elections and Trump worked with them.

Both are true.
Two different issues.

HRC was a terrible campaigner who ran a terrible campaign. She deserved to lose.

The Russians meddled in our elections and Trump worked with them.

Both are true.
Now prove it fk!
It is impossible to know.

Therefore why rehash it again and again? The election results are what they are. Instead, we need to focus on finding out exactly what happened, who was involved, and what measures we can put in place to prevent repeat performances.

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