Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

  • Yes, Trump Needed Russia to Win

    Votes: 23 16.4%
  • No, Hillary Lost on Her Own

    Votes: 114 81.4%
  • Meh, I Don't Care

    Votes: 3 2.1%

  • Total voters
You must have been under your rock at the time..
That, of course, does not represent trumps full or recent tax returns. I should not have to say that to a functioning adult.

So again, you sound ridiculous.

What makes you think the others would show anything different?
Or is this just idle speculation on your part?
Even if Mueller can dig up something that he can claim proves 'Trump Collusion', it isn't a crime.
You mean, it is not necessarily a crime. Depending on other actions, it may be. And even if no proper crime on Trump's part regarding collusion I uncovered, it is still distasteful and will likely.prompt our congress to make it a crime.

Again, not a crime. If it were, Clinton and Obama would be in prison right now. That's why Mueller keeps moving the goal posts. He's just desperate to find anything he can get Trump on. It is a Witch Hunt farce. And it's been allowed to go on too long. Give the Taxpayers a break, wrap it up.
What exactly is "unique" about it?
You are now asking to be spoonfed the most basic facts of this topic. I am not going to do it. Look it up yourself. You might start with the assessment of our intelligence agencies. Do you a favor, and steer clear of anything president pussy says about it, if you want factual info.

You claimed that it was unique...I simply asked what makes it any different than what they've done before. You ducked that question...why?
And on a side note, no other nation on earth meddles more in foreign elections than the US does. I mean the CIA has been straight-up murdering world leaders, and installing Puppets for several decades.

So i find this whole farce to be very ironic and humorous. The US of all nations, feigning outrage over meddling in Elections? Man, most Americans are so mind-controlled ignorant. They're completely clueless about what their own Government does.
Call off the investigation, what is it trying to prove?

What are you afraid of?

Let it be know, like Benghazi, like the Emails, like Whitewater.
What are you trying to prove?
If everyone knows Russia interfered, what are you looking for?

Up until fairly recently Don the Con denied Russia even tried to interfere in the election. Still plenty of Trumpkins who like pretend that there is no evidence that Russia did anything.

What I am looking for is the investigation to be completed, and the results of the investigation to be released.

If you are convinced that Don the Con is innocent- then so should you.
Investigation of what? If you’re convinced Russia interfered, what else do you need? You have what you want!

Wow- so when you were convinced that Obama has screwed up with Benghazi- you of course complained about that investigation- because you were already convinced....

Investigation of what? Investigation of what Muehler finds. So far that has led to- in addition to guilty pleas and criminal indictments- a detailed outline of how Russia attempted to interfere with America election.

What are you so damn scared that the investigation will reveal?
Of course not
They may have tried to on their own accord.
NO ONE has Ever answered how voters votes were altered or miscalculated.
This is going to end up looking really dumb that we gave so much legitimacy to Trump-Russians.
No one has claimed they were.
Then what is your issue?
Do I have one?
well you must have an issue you want an investigation. of what? especially if you have no issue.
It’s 94-6 NO yet 50% of the posters here rail about Trump and the Russians
SO, something is amiss and it’s called Trolls and Paid Posters
USMB staff-clean out this mess if you want the site to remain legitimate and relevant
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What are you afraid of?

Let it be know, like Benghazi, like the Emails, like Whitewater.
What are you trying to prove?
If everyone knows Russia interfered, what are you looking for?

Up until fairly recently Don the Con denied Russia even tried to interfere in the election. Still plenty of Trumpkins who like pretend that there is no evidence that Russia did anything.

What I am looking for is the investigation to be completed, and the results of the investigation to be released.

If you are convinced that Don the Con is innocent- then so should you.
Investigation of what? If you’re convinced Russia interfered, what else do you need? You have what you want!

Wow- so when you were convinced that Obama has screwed up with Benghazi- you of course complained about that investigation- because you were already convinced....

Investigation of what? Investigation of what Muehler finds. So far that has led to- in addition to guilty pleas and criminal indictments- a detailed outline of how Russia attempted to interfere with America election.

What are you so damn scared that the investigation will reveal?
I had information on benghazi. give me information on russia. so far I've seen nothing. I also know because the directors of our federal agencies said under oath that the DNC server has never been analyzed by any intelligence office. Well how the fk can that be since that is ground fking zero to the accusation. Dude, I laugh at you all with your hate, when you got nothing. NOTHING!
12 Russians hacking the DNC e-mails changed nothing.

Obama protected Hillary from indictment, keeping her in the race...when she should not have been.

Hillary and the DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, election fraud, etc... The DNC gave Hillary the nomination she could not win...

Obama, Hillary, and the DNC did more to actually alter the election than those 12 Russians did...

LOL Trump and the Trumpkins- when confronted with evidence of Russia's attack on American Democracy have only one response- But what about Hillary?

Like Don the Con- they are always trying to change the narrative from Russia's own crimes against America- to attacking Hillary and the Democrats.

Why are they on Russia's side- instead of America's?
What are you trying to prove?
If everyone knows Russia interfered, what are you looking for?

Up until fairly recently Don the Con denied Russia even tried to interfere in the election. Still plenty of Trumpkins who like pretend that there is no evidence that Russia did anything.

What I am looking for is the investigation to be completed, and the results of the investigation to be released.

If you are convinced that Don the Con is innocent- then so should you.
Investigation of what? If you’re convinced Russia interfered, what else do you need? You have what you want!

Wow- so when you were convinced that Obama has screwed up with Benghazi- you of course complained about that investigation- because you were already convinced....

Investigation of what? Investigation of what Muehler finds. So far that has led to- in addition to guilty pleas and criminal indictments- a detailed outline of how Russia attempted to interfere with America election.

What are you so damn scared that the investigation will reveal?
I had information on benghazi. give me information on russia. so far I've seen nothing.!

If you have seen nothing about Russia then you are just being willfully ignorant.

Read the latest indictment of the 12 Russian agents.

What are you so damned scared that this investigation is going to reveal? Are more interested in protecting Russia? Or protecting Trump?

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