Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

  • Yes, Trump Needed Russia to Win

    Votes: 23 16.4%
  • No, Hillary Lost on Her Own

    Votes: 114 81.4%
  • Meh, I Don't Care

    Votes: 3 2.1%

  • Total voters
My answer is...maybe

Comey dropping his bombshell swung the election 4-5 percentage points towards Trump. Without Comey, Trump would have lost

Trump won Florida, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan by one percent or less. Could Russian “help” have contributed to Trumps victory in those states?

It is entirely possible but can’t be definitely proven
94-6 NO yet 50% posters say yes
Something Very Amiss
Yes, likely paid trolls voting "no".
Between welfare and Soros how much do you make?
Son, this isn't a middle school instagram battle. You are embarrassing yourself.

Boy, based on your postings there is No Way you are a legitimate and self sustaining individual
Burn! Especially coming from a guy who has, despite no education, outsmarted the scientists of the world on important topics like climate change. Man, how will i recover from this....
You claimed that it was unique
As do our intelligence agencies. Sorry if I have offended you by not googling for you.

I'm not offended...I'm amused at your inability to back your claims with something other than your rather biased opinion. Kindly show me where our intelligence agencies believed that the Russians haven't been trying to influence our elections for many decades...before Putin was even in power!
94-6 NO yet 50% posters say yes
Something Very Amiss
Yes, likely paid trolls voting "no".
Between welfare and Soros how much do you make?
Son, this isn't a middle school instagram battle. You are embarrassing yourself.

Boy, based on your postings there is No Way you are a legitimate and self sustaining individual
Burn! Especially coming from a guy who has, despite no education, outsmarted the scientists of the world on important topics like climate change. Man, how will i recover from this....
93-7 says you are full of shit
You claimed that it was unique
As do our intelligence agencies. Sorry if I have offended you by not googling for you.

I'm not offended...I'm amused at your inability to back your claims with something other than your rather biased opinion. Kindly show me where our intelligence agencies believed that the Russians haven't been trying to influence our elections for many decades...before Putin was even in power!
Oh geez however will i weather your rhetorical storm. Yes, I have often run into this phenomenon. For instance, another poster claimed evolution was false and I was unable to back up the claim that species evolves, because I did not do so. I slept fine that night.

Yes, this appears to be unprecedented in its scope and nature. It brings me no distress that you only do not agree but also aren't willing to lift a finger to look it up yourself. Sorry.
Yes, likely paid trolls voting "no".
Between welfare and Soros how much do you make?
Son, this isn't a middle school instagram battle. You are embarrassing yourself.

Boy, based on your postings there is No Way you are a legitimate and self sustaining individual
Burn! Especially coming from a guy who has, despite no education, outsmarted the scientists of the world on important topics like climate change. Man, how will i recover from this....
93-7 says you are full of shit
I'll take those odds.
Yes, likely paid trolls voting "no".
Between welfare and Soros how much do you make?
Son, this isn't a middle school instagram battle. You are embarrassing yourself.

Boy, based on your postings there is No Way you are a legitimate and self sustaining individual
Burn! Especially coming from a guy who has, despite no education, outsmarted the scientists of the world on important topics like climate change. Man, how will i recover from this....
93-7 says you are full of shit
It does? What an odd thing for a Trumpkin to say. Then i suppose, by your stunted, vapid logic, the public polls prove Trump colluded with Russians.

Live by stupid, die by stupid. Enjoy.
You claimed that it was unique
As do our intelligence agencies. Sorry if I have offended you by not googling for you.

I'm not offended...I'm amused at your inability to back your claims with something other than your rather biased opinion. Kindly show me where our intelligence agencies believed that the Russians haven't been trying to influence our elections for many decades...before Putin was even in power!
Oh geez however will i weather your rhetorical storm. Yes, I have often run into this phenomenon. For instance, another poster claimed evolution was false and I was unable to back up the claim that species evolves, because I did not do so. I slept fine that night.

Yes, this appears to be unprecedented in its scope and nature. It brings me no distress that you only do not agree but also aren't willing to lift a finger to look it up yourself. Sorry.

All that bluster? It's obvious you can't show us how the Russian interference in the last election was any different than how they've trying to interfere in our elections going back a long long time! The big difference between this time and the past is that this time...Hillary Clinton and the DNC were both corrupt and sloppy with their security...which got them exposed for who they really are.
You claimed that it was unique
As do our intelligence agencies. Sorry if I have offended you by not googling for you.

I'm not offended...I'm amused at your inability to back your claims with something other than your rather biased opinion. Kindly show me where our intelligence agencies believed that the Russians haven't been trying to influence our elections for many decades...before Putin was even in power!
Oh geez however will i weather your rhetorical storm. Yes, I have often run into this phenomenon. For instance, another poster claimed evolution was false and I was unable to back up the claim that species evolves, because I did not do so. I slept fine that night.

Yes, this appears to be unprecedented in its scope and nature. It brings me no distress that you only do not agree but also aren't willing to lift a finger to look it up yourself. Sorry.

All that bluster? It's obvious you can't show us how the Russian interference in the last election was any different than how they've trying to interfere in our elections going back a long long time! The big difference between this time and the past is that this time...Hillary Clinton and the DNC were both corrupt and sloppy with their security...which got them exposed for who they really are.
Please direct your whining you our appointed officials. You can start with Dan coats. Of course, he is in possession of all the facts, while you are in possession of none, so you might get laughed out of the room...don't say I didn't warn ya...
You claimed that it was unique
As do our intelligence agencies. Sorry if I have offended you by not googling for you.

I'm not offended...I'm amused at your inability to back your claims with something other than your rather biased opinion. Kindly show me where our intelligence agencies believed that the Russians haven't been trying to influence our elections for many decades...before Putin was even in power!
Oh geez however will i weather your rhetorical storm. Yes, I have often run into this phenomenon. For instance, another poster claimed evolution was false and I was unable to back up the claim that species evolves, because I did not do so. I slept fine that night.

Yes, this appears to be unprecedented in its scope and nature. It brings me no distress that you only do not agree but also aren't willing to lift a finger to look it up yourself. Sorry.

All that bluster? It's obvious you can't show us how the Russian interference in the last election was any different than how they've trying to interfere in our elections going back a long long time! The big difference between this time and the past is that this time...Hillary Clinton and the DNC were both corrupt and sloppy with their security...which got them exposed for who they really are.
Please direct your whining you our appointed officials. You can start with Dan coats. Of course, he is in possession of all the facts, while you are in possession of none, so you might get laughed out of the room...don't say I didn't warn ya...

Speaking of getting laughed out of a're going down in flames in this one, Fort! Don't make claims you can't back up and then get pissy when you get called on it!
As do our intelligence agencies. Sorry if I have offended you by not googling for you.

I'm not offended...I'm amused at your inability to back your claims with something other than your rather biased opinion. Kindly show me where our intelligence agencies believed that the Russians haven't been trying to influence our elections for many decades...before Putin was even in power!
Oh geez however will i weather your rhetorical storm. Yes, I have often run into this phenomenon. For instance, another poster claimed evolution was false and I was unable to back up the claim that species evolves, because I did not do so. I slept fine that night.

Yes, this appears to be unprecedented in its scope and nature. It brings me no distress that you only do not agree but also aren't willing to lift a finger to look it up yourself. Sorry.

All that bluster? It's obvious you can't show us how the Russian interference in the last election was any different than how they've trying to interfere in our elections going back a long long time! The big difference between this time and the past is that this time...Hillary Clinton and the DNC were both corrupt and sloppy with their security...which got them exposed for who they really are.
Please direct your whining you our appointed officials. You can start with Dan coats. Of course, he is in possession of all the facts, while you are in possession of none, so you might get laughed out of the room...don't say I didn't warn ya...

Speaking of getting laughed out of a're going down in flames in this one, Fort! Don't make claims you can't back up and then get pissy when you get called on it!
Ah yes, the inevitable declaration of victory. Imagine Dan coats's surprised when he learns he has been outsmarted by someone who knows less than nothing about any of this!
Dont you think Trump gets audited damn near every year?
So? A private citizen enriching himself through foreign interests is not a problem.

That changes, when the private citizen runs for or becomes president. And then to out these things in the context of Trump's bizarre behavior toward Putin and Russia would be its own , interesting topic.

Weak ass dodge.
“’There is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America’s elections, there’s no evidence that that has happened in the past or that it will happen this time, and so I’d invite Mr. Trump to stop whining and make his case to get votes’”

Citing Obama, Trump claims Dems only cared about Russia meddling after his win
Dont you think Trump gets audited damn near every year?
So? A private citizen enriching himself through foreign interests is not a problem.

That changes, when the private citizen runs for or becomes president. And then to out these things in the context of Trump's bizarre behavior toward Putin and Russia would be its own , interesting topic.

Weak ass dodge.
How is it a dodge? the ridiculous statement was made you, in an effort to ignore the context that he is not a typical citizen, but rather the president. Here is some free advice:if you have to ignore what is , essentially, the most important aspect to make a point... you don't actually have a point at all.
“’There is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America’s elections, there’s no evidence that that has happened in the past or that it will happen this time, and so I’d invite Mr. Trump to stop whining and make his case to get votes’”

Citing Obama, Trump claims Dems only cared about Russia meddling after his win
No one has suggested that Putin rigged the election

It is suggested that he broke the law to influence the election

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