Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

  • Yes, Trump Needed Russia to Win

    Votes: 23 16.4%
  • No, Hillary Lost on Her Own

    Votes: 114 81.4%
  • Meh, I Don't Care

    Votes: 3 2.1%

  • Total voters
Dont you think Trump gets audited damn near every year?
So? A private citizen enriching himself through foreign interests is not a problem.

That changes, when the private citizen runs for or becomes president. And then to out these things in the context of Trump's bizarre behavior toward Putin and Russia would be its own , interesting topic.

Weak ass dodge.
How is it a dodge? the ridiculous statement was made you, in an effort to ignore the context that he is not a typical citizen, but rather the president. Here is some free advice:if you have to ignore what is , essentially, the most important aspect to make a point... you dot actually have a point at all.

Is this anything like the clintons making money off the Russians?
Dont you think Trump gets audited damn near every year?
So? A private citizen enriching himself through foreign interests is not a problem.

That changes, when the private citizen runs for or becomes president. And then to out these things in the context of Trump's bizarre behavior toward Putin and Russia would be its own , interesting topic.

Weak ass dodge.
How is it a dodge? the ridiculous statement was made you, in an effort to ignore the context that he is not a typical citizen, but rather the president. Here is some free advice:if you have to ignore what is , essentially, the most important aspect to make a point... you dot actually have a point at all.

Is this anything like the clintons making money off the Russians?
I'm sorry Trumpkin, but the 5 billion Hillary threads you started are that way ->
Dont you think Trump gets audited damn near every year?
So? A private citizen enriching himself through foreign interests is not a problem.

That changes, when the private citizen runs for or becomes president. And then to out these things in the context of Trump's bizarre behavior toward Putin and Russia would be its own , interesting topic.

Weak ass dodge.
How is it a dodge? the ridiculous statement was made you, in an effort to ignore the context that he is not a typical citizen, but rather the president. Here is some free advice:if you have to ignore what is , essentially, the most important aspect to make a point... you dot actually have a point at all.

Is this anything like the clintons making money off the Russians?
I'm sorry Trumpkin, but the 5 billion Hillary threads you started are that way ->

Show me a single thread I have created about hillary.
Good luck and Gods speed.....
Your beloved and revered popular vote is now 92-8 which is at least better than 94-6
Keep dope hope alive!!!
No, Russia didn't wave a magic wand and make me vote for Trump; the Democrats did a beautiful job of that on their own with years of violence, America-hating Islam-fellatio, PC-insanity, race-baiting, tranny obsession, etc., etc.
No, Russia didn't wave a magic wand and make me vote for Trump; the Democrats did a beautiful job of that on their own with years of violence, America-hating Islam-fellatio, PC-insanity, race-baiting, tranny obsession, etc., etc.
That's nice. However, your personal anecdote is not a sufficient counter to the idea of the effectiveness of a large propaganda campaign.
Trump won so the fix must have been in. This is the wail of losers who don’t know how to compete
In fact, the fix was in for Hillary and she still lost which has driven libbies to madness.
a fucking WRITE - IN is better than not voting at all. if you let others decide your fate without an input, then ya--- stfu.

Bullshit. I've been in this game long enough to know what disingenuous hacks the "you have no say" crowd are. You vote third party or write-in, and they tell you that you wasted your vote. You vote for the guy they don't like, and they shit all over you for that. It's never about the actual principle of voting. They wanted you to vote for whoever they wanted you to vote for.

oh i voted for nader in 2000 against my own state senator so i know the perils of voting 3rd party. never will again. never actually gave a write in & probably never will. but to waste the opportunity to vote = giving up your right to complain. doing nothing is way worse than any of the other options.

How is it the non-voters doing nothing? So some dude got his lawn mowed early instead of leaving the house, standing in a long line, knowing full well that he would have zero impact on a single human life that day. At least he feels warm and fuzzy inside. Time well spent.

not voting was doing nothing. if complicity gives you the warm & fuzzies- that's fine. but as far as complaining about anything outside your house that impacts society...





I was at work making money that night. You got Trump. Non-voter= 1. Hillary voter= 0. :D

i am glad you are a working dude. however you don't get much in the way of any sympathy should you run into hard times due to the imbecile in office.


influenced deplorables by playing on their poorly educated fears & racism, fence sitters, & jill stein voters & bernie bros especially after those 'discovered' duplicate e-mails on weiner's computer came into play?


How many Dem voters were turned into deplorables by Russian memes on Facebook?

don't know. not many by the sheer # of the popular vote.

Then how can people claim Russia changed the outcome?

nobody is saying one vote was changed. they INFLUENCED the vote by way of fake news....


influenced deplorables by playing on their poorly educated fears & racism, fence sitters, & jill stein voters & bernie bros especially after those 'discovered' duplicate e-mails on weiner's computer came into play?


How many Dem voters were turned into deplorables by Russian memes on Facebook?

don't know. not many by the sheer # of the popular vote.

Then how can people claim Russia changed the outcome?

nobody is saying one vote was changed. they INFLUENCED the vote by way of fake news....

Ahhhh….they influenced but didn't change a single vote.



influenced deplorables by playing on their poorly educated fears & racism, fence sitters, & jill stein voters & bernie bros especially after those 'discovered' duplicate e-mails on weiner's computer came into play?


How many Dem voters were turned into deplorables by Russian memes on Facebook?

don't know. not many by the sheer # of the popular vote.

Then how can people claim Russia changed the outcome?

nobody is saying one vote was changed. they INFLUENCED the vote by way of fake news....

Ahhhh….they influenced but didn't change a single vote.

Yeah, that's silly. The propaganda campaign, of course, both changed people's votes and got people to vote that would otherwise have stayed home. That's the entire point of such a campaign.
Zander is that you?

On topic, Americans are dumb enough already, 'dark money' keeps them dumb. No need for Russians, but I gotta laugh as they often view my posts. Hope I'm not giving them any ideas.

Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer
On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder
The Making of Donald Trump by David Cay Johnston

Oh I know Trump snowflakes don't read, maybe one does?

Government schools are what keep Americans dumb.
Of course not
They may have tried to on their own accord.
NO ONE has Ever answered how voters votes were altered or miscalculated.
This is going to end up looking really dumb that we gave so much legitimacy to Trump-Russians.
Russia changed votes on the other side, using propaganda and social engineering. Russians posed as Americans, changing our behavior. But its all mixed together between Russian propaganda and stories originated by Americans.


CNN uses propaganda each and every day. The NY Times is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Stalinist democrat part, They and the rest of the corrupt press take a narrative that is helpful to the Stalinist party, then try to find facts, rumors, innuendo, or flat out fabricate lies to promote that narrative.

Vincente Fox toured to USA campaigning for Hillary and encouraging Mexicans to vote for her.

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox Expresses Support For Hillary Clinton

Mexico encouraged Mexicans in the USA to fraudulently and illegally vote for Hillary.

How a One-Time Political Star in Mexico Ended Up Campaigning for Clinton

Russia did NOTHING like this, yet you Communists want America to be hysterical with you about Russia.

Fuck Russia, the nation perverting our elections is Mexico, and you Communists openly collude with them.
Of course not
They may have tried to on their own accord.
NO ONE has Ever answered how voters votes were altered or miscalculated.
This is going to end up looking really dumb that we gave so much legitimacy to Trump-Russians.
Russia changed votes on the other side, using propaganda and social engineering. Russians posed as Americans, changing our behavior. But its all mixed together between Russian propaganda and stories originated by Americans.


CNN uses propaganda each and every day. The NY Times is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Stalinist democrat part, They and the rest of the corrupt press take a narrative that is helpful to the Stalinist party, then try to find facts, rumors, innuendo, or flat out fabricate lies to promote that narrative.

Vincente Fox toured to USA campaigning for Hillary and encouraging Mexicans to vote for her.

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox Expresses Support For Hillary Clinton

Mexico encouraged Mexicans in the USA to fraudulently and illegally vote for Hillary.

How a One-Time Political Star in Mexico Ended Up Campaigning for Clinton

Russia did NOTHING like this, yet you Communists want America to be hysterical with you about Russia.

Fuck Russia, the nation perverting our elections is Mexico, and you Communists openly collude with them.
Got just don't care about the Russian meddling. You could have saved yourself a lot of embarrassment by just saying that in the first place, instead of 18 months of saying stupid shit and crying like a baby.
I've seen this comment many times and I'm not going to answer it. If you really want an adversary to swing our elections then do nothing.

What do you propose we do against Mexico who openly fucks with our elections, and the democrats who openly collude with Mexico?
Of course not
They may have tried to on their own accord.
NO ONE has Ever answered how voters votes were altered or miscalculated.
This is going to end up looking really dumb that we gave so much legitimacy to Trump-Russians.
Russia changed votes on the other side, using propaganda and social engineering. Russians posed as Americans, changing our behavior. But its all mixed together between Russian propaganda and stories originated by Americans.


CNN uses propaganda each and every day. The NY Times is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Stalinist democrat part, They and the rest of the corrupt press take a narrative that is helpful to the Stalinist party, then try to find facts, rumors, innuendo, or flat out fabricate lies to promote that narrative.

Vincente Fox toured to USA campaigning for Hillary and encouraging Mexicans to vote for her.

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox Expresses Support For Hillary Clinton

Mexico encouraged Mexicans in the USA to fraudulently and illegally vote for Hillary.

How a One-Time Political Star in Mexico Ended Up Campaigning for Clinton

Russia did NOTHING like this, yet you Communists want America to be hysterical with you about Russia.

Fuck Russia, the nation perverting our elections is Mexico, and you Communists openly collude with them.
Remember Stalin and FDR? Best buds.


influenced deplorables by playing on their poorly educated fears & racism, fence sitters, & jill stein voters & bernie bros especially after those 'discovered' duplicate e-mails on weiner's computer came into play?


How many Dem voters were turned into deplorables by Russian memes on Facebook?

don't know. not many by the sheer # of the popular vote.

Then how can people claim Russia changed the outcome?

nobody is saying one vote was changed. they INFLUENCED the vote by way of fake news....

The WEATHER influences the vote. Every paper and TV network IN THIS COUNTRY running false hate propaganda against Trump influenced the vote! When Hillary sabotaged Bernie Sander's campaign so that she'd get the nomination, she REALLY influenced the vote. There's NOT A CHANCE IN HELL that Russia changed the outcome of the 2016 election. Barack Obama himself SAID SO:

Obama To Trump: "Stop Whining" About A Rigged Election

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