Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

  • Yes, Trump Needed Russia to Win

    Votes: 23 16.4%
  • No, Hillary Lost on Her Own

    Votes: 114 81.4%
  • Meh, I Don't Care

    Votes: 3 2.1%

  • Total voters


influenced deplorables by playing on their poorly educated fears & racism, fence sitters, & jill stein voters & bernie bros especially after those 'discovered' duplicate e-mails on weiner's computer came into play?


How many Dem voters were turned into deplorables by Russian memes on Facebook?

don't know. not many by the sheer # of the popular vote.

Then how can people claim Russia changed the outcome?

nobody is saying one vote was changed. they INFLUENCED the vote by way of fake news....

That doesn't make any sense.
There's NOT A CHANCE IN HELL that Russia changed the outcome of the 2016 election.
Interesting opinion. I however think that the swing States that were won by a grand total of only 70,000 votes could have, indeed, had their outcomes affected by the Russian campaign. Am I certain this is so? No, but i think it is absurd to be to be certain that this is not so.
Stupid thread, especially since Rosenstein already declared the election was not altered in any way by these Russian scapegoats.

More felons in Va given the right to vote by Terry McAuliffe made a bigger impact in regards to votes.

Illegal immigrants in this country made a bigger impact on voting than these Russians.

Hillary and the DNC made a bigger impact on voting by rigging primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election fraud in the primaries, and by stealing the nomination from Bernie and giving it to Hillary....
Got just don't care about the Russian meddling. You could have saved yourself a lot of embarrassment by just saying that in the first place, instead of 18 months of saying stupid shit and crying like a baby.

Contrasted with the treason of you Communists who openly collude with Mexico to corrupt our elections, Russia just ain't a big deal.

Russia changed ZERO votes in 2016 - ZERO.

Mexico and you traitorous fuck democrats changed no less than two million through your campaigns of illegal aliens and Mexican nationals voting.
Of course not
They may have tried to on their own accord.
NO ONE has Ever answered how voters votes were altered or miscalculated.
This is going to end up looking really dumb that we gave so much legitimacy to Trump-Russians.
Russia changed votes on the other side, using propaganda and social engineering. Russians posed as Americans, changing our behavior. But its all mixed together between Russian propaganda and stories originated by Americans.


CNN uses propaganda each and every day. The NY Times is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Stalinist democrat part, They and the rest of the corrupt press take a narrative that is helpful to the Stalinist party, then try to find facts, rumors, innuendo, or flat out fabricate lies to promote that narrative.

Vincente Fox toured to USA campaigning for Hillary and encouraging Mexicans to vote for her.

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox Expresses Support For Hillary Clinton

Mexico encouraged Mexicans in the USA to fraudulently and illegally vote for Hillary.

How a One-Time Political Star in Mexico Ended Up Campaigning for Clinton

Russia did NOTHING like this, yet you Communists want America to be hysterical with you about Russia.

Fuck Russia, the nation perverting our elections is Mexico, and you Communists openly collude with them.
Remember Stalin and FDR? Best buds.

The democrats are openly Communist, openly corrupt, and openly colluding with Mexico to corrupt American elections.
How many Dem voters were turned into deplorables by Russian memes on Facebook?

don't know. not many by the sheer # of the popular vote.

Then how can people claim Russia changed the outcome?

nobody is saying one vote was changed. they INFLUENCED the vote by way of fake news....

Ahhhh….they influenced but didn't change a single vote.

Yeah, that's silly. The propaganda campaign, of course, both changed people's votes and got people to vote that would otherwise have stayed home. That's the entire point of such a campaign.

and got people to vote that would otherwise have stayed home.

Like Rock The Vote!

Higher voter turnout is awesome!!
That's why Libs don't want us to crack down on dead and illegal alien voters.
Stupid thread, especially since Rosenstein already declared the election was not altered in any way by these Russian scapegoats.
Of course, that is false. You couldn't be honest if you tried, could you?
Stop lying. Rosenstein said the hacking perpetrated by these Russinans did not change one single vote.

You hate Trump - got it. At least man up and be honest about it and everything. Stop lying.
There's NOT A CHANCE IN HELL that Russia changed the outcome of the 2016 election.
Interesting opinion. I however think that the swing States that were won by a grand total of only 70,000 votes could have, indeed, had their outcomes affected by the Russian campaign. Am I certain this is so? No, but i think it is absurd to be to be certain that this is not so.

Yet the Collusion between you Communists and the nation of Mexico to change the election results directly affected no less than 2 million votes.

You traitorous fucks.
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There's NOT A CHANCE IN HELL that Russia changed the outcome of the 2016 election.
Interesting opinion. I however think that the swing States that were won by a grand total of only 70,000 votes could have, indeed, had their outcomes affected by the Russian campaign. Am I certain this is so? No, but i think it is absurd to be to be certain that this is not so.

Yet the Collusion between you Communists and the nation of Mexico to change the election results direction affected no less than 2 million votes.

You traitorous fucks.
Oh my, you certainly did eat your bitchass flakes this morning. Am I supposed to get upset that some crazy, ignorant ass is yelling at me on the internet?

Your ideas about Mexico are embarrassing, and the best way to discredit your dumb ass is to just let you talk.
Russia changed ZERO votes in 2016 - ZERO.
Of course, this is example #10000000 of you claiming something with 100% certainty that you could not possibly know the truth of. So your tantrum kind of loses it's effect.
Rosenstein declared no votes were altered, no election impact.

Barak Obama himself said the election could not be stolen...

DNC e-mails, stolen and released, are not 'the election'.
Except for all the dead and illegal alien voters
Right, we don't want that. But I am pleased that you retain an active, childlike imagination, even in adulthood. More.peolle should.

I agree, all this childlike fraud here in Chicago, marvelous.
The evidence must be overwhelming, for you to make such claims. And for you to also imply it happens all over the country...why, you must have a truckload evidence, just waiting to be unleashed on the public.

Or, you just have an active imagination. One explanation seems much simpler...
Russia changed ZERO votes in 2016 - ZERO.
Of course, this is example #10000000 of you claiming something with 100% certainty that you could not possibly know the truth of. So your tantrum kind of loses it's effect.

You're a fucking liar, as is the way of democrat Communists.

So show ANYONE from the Inquisition, or the corrupt intelligence services, who claims Russia changed even a single vote?

You can't, you're just fucking lying - as is your way.

Did the Russians hack the Communist party server? I doubt it, since the Communist democrats refused to let law enforcement touch it. Instead we have openly corrupt "Crowd Strike" saying "trust us, it was the Russians."

Well, I don't trust them, they have been put out of business due to their corrupt methods. They are on the level of Bernie Maddoff in cyber security.

So no, there isn't a SHRED of evidence that the Russians hacked the Communist party servers.

Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada whines "BUT they put memes on Facebook."

Yeah? Posting on Facebook is a crime? Really?

Oh, there is proof of collusion with a foreign government to corrupt the election alright, you Communists OPENLY colluded with Mexico to corrupt it.

You simply can't figure out what's wrong with that....

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