Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

  • Yes, Trump Needed Russia to Win

    Votes: 23 16.4%
  • No, Hillary Lost on Her Own

    Votes: 114 81.4%
  • Meh, I Don't Care

    Votes: 3 2.1%

  • Total voters
My answer is no


Without Vladimir Putin's assistance Trump would not be POTUS today. It's all in the numbers. Trump won the election on an accumulated vote total of a mere 73K votes coming out of 3 blue rust belt states, while he lost the popular vote by 3 million.

As James Clapper stated in his book "Facts & Fears" with all the Russian adds that were put on social media outlets, it's impossible not to believe that millions of Americans couldn't have been influenced by those Russian adds. They specifically targeted white conservative voters in swing states, and knew what specific adds to place in that swing state. Then those adds were shared by millions.. IOW millions of Americans saw them.You'll probably recognize some of them. . There are more.
James Clapper book (Facts & Fears) Russia was successful in getting Trump elected.


Analysis | The Facebook ads Russians showed to different groups

You have young people who use Facebook as their main stream news network.

The most damaging was the Russian hack that leaked Debbie Wasserman's email, which was designed to enrage Sanders supporters against Hillary Clinton, with Sanders claiming that the primary was rigged against him. Hillary Clinton kicked Sanders behind by a whopping 3,775,437 primary popular votes. In comparison Clinton lost to Obama in 2008 by a mere 41,622 primary votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

Trump campaigned for enraged Sanders supporters, and we had Sanders supporters all over this board, threatening that if Sanders didn't win the nomination they would vote for Trump. How many of them didn't vote, cast a vote for a 3rd party or actually voted for Trump we'll never know.

In conclusion there is just no mathematical or plausible way to believe that without Vladimir Putin's interference into this election that Trump would be POTUS today.


A great book to read on Vladimir Putin's inside war on America is this. It reads like a Grisham spy novel. Vladimir Putin will do it again.


Clearly Russians know more about the demographics of American politics than most Americans do. It was a brilliant strategy that worked, & only knowledge of how Putin did it will stop him in the future.


My crystal ball says you’re pretty dumb....


influenced deplorables by playing on their poorly educated fears & racism, fence sitters, & jill stein voters & bernie bros especially after those 'discovered' duplicate e-mails on weiner's computer came into play?


How many Dem voters were turned into deplorables by Russian memes on Facebook?

don't know. not many by the sheer # of the popular vote.

Then how can people claim Russia changed the outcome?

nobody is saying one vote was changed. they INFLUENCED the vote by way of fake news....

Ahhhh….they influenced but didn't change a single vote.


of course you are thrilled by that, because you are loyal to a man & not the Constitution.
Of course not
They may have tried to on their own accord.
NO ONE has Ever answered how voters votes were altered or miscalculated.
This is going to end up looking really dumb that we gave so much legitimacy to Trump-Russians.
Russia changed votes on the other side, using propaganda and social engineering. Russians posed as Americans, changing our behavior. But its all mixed together between Russian propaganda and stories originated by Americans.


CNN uses propaganda each and every day. The NY Times is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Stalinist democrat part, They and the rest of the corrupt press take a narrative that is helpful to the Stalinist party, then try to find facts, rumors, innuendo, or flat out fabricate lies to promote that narrative.

Vincente Fox toured to USA campaigning for Hillary and encouraging Mexicans to vote for her.

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox Expresses Support For Hillary Clinton

Mexico encouraged Mexicans in the USA to fraudulently and illegally vote for Hillary.

How a One-Time Political Star in Mexico Ended Up Campaigning for Clinton

Russia did NOTHING like this, yet you Communists want America to be hysterical with you about Russia.

Fuck Russia, the nation perverting our elections is Mexico, and you Communists openly collude with them.
Remember Stalin and FDR? Best buds.

lol...& lincoln & karl marx were pen pals.


influenced deplorables by playing on their poorly educated fears & racism, fence sitters, & jill stein voters & bernie bros especially after those 'discovered' duplicate e-mails on weiner's computer came into play?


How many Dem voters were turned into deplorables by Russian memes on Facebook?

don't know. not many by the sheer # of the popular vote.

Then how can people claim Russia changed the outcome?

nobody is saying one vote was changed. they INFLUENCED the vote by way of fake news....

That doesn't make any sense.

because you are poorly educated. trump loves you long time & doesn't want you to change.
Like Rock The Vote!
Right, like that! But different!

Higher voter turnout is good. But we have all these republican think tanks feeding Republicans legislation to suppress the turnout. I'm sure you are beside yourself over this.

Higher voter turnout is good

Except for all the dead and illegal alien voters.

the incidence of that happening is so low- it doesn't even make the radar. but duped poorly educated deplorables swallow that pablum as if their life depended on it ' cause their whole political identity revolves around fear & hate....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even the intelligence community isn't saying they "changed the outcome". In fact I haven't heard anybody aside from maybe a couple partisan hacks on USMB ever make that claim. The concern isn't whether or not they changed the outcome. It's whether or not they were involved in any meddling. Let's say a football team cheats, but the other side still wins. We don't let the cheaters off the hook just because they failed to have any effect on the outcome.
except who cheated?

trump and co would have to have actively sought out their help in order to get this done and have active participation in the planning and carrying out of their massive trolling. OF WHICH is more to divide than pimp trump. so if almost 2 years later we see no link then i'll keep believing there isn't one.

now - did they mess with us? yep. to the core. but it was more trolling than elections. it was divide and let us fall apart, not "help trump get elected". at least from the evidence i have seen in all their facebook ads. i did go through them. well as many as i could one evening and there were still a lot to go through but i never saw a definite PUSH TRUMP.

i did see:

religion sucks and their sky god is stupid - create divide / arguments
abortion is a sin - stop killing children - create divide / arguments
people in the south want slavery back!!!! sponsored by your friendly northern people... - create divide / arguments

and that type of stuff. i saw pro / anti hillary and trump in the mix.

so if there is more evidence of this "collusion" please show me. no one is saying the russians didn't troll us. i gotta give them props to the success of their efforts in this regard cause look around - we're about as divided as we can be and from what i can actually see vs told to believe, this was their goal.

so show me. show me how they pushed trump with the facebook ads cause i didn't see it. they didn't hack our election and pad votes - hell hillary had 3mil+ votes i keep hearing still. what did the russians do to push trump over hillary that we know about? i keep asking and i keep coming back with "mueller will tell us" and then those same people turn around and swear it's true.

true w/o a single shred of evidence they can hold and show.

so - who cheated? the russians? how? we're already indicting them. AGAIN. so we're going after them but how did trumps camp cheat? looked for dirt on hillary? great. now if we deem this bad we must go after hillary for paying foreign countries for dirt on trump cause that's what she was doing and she was paying for it like a john would a hooker. yet this is ok. called "research".

so far we have 1 action of possible collecting info on hillary that has turned into 2 years of investigations and pushed us even further apart yet buying information whether true or not is accepted by these self-same people. make up your minds on what is a crime or what isn't will ya? stop changing it around based on whether or not you like someone or a mindset.

this is what russia is feeding on. our own juvenile desires to hate each other for no other reason than we're different.

now - if we're to get mad at russia for jacking with us, to do so would declare "messing with other countries elections is a foul". so go ahead, apply that "foul" to the US of A and what we do to russia, iraq, afghanistan, what obama did to israel, and on and on and on and on and on and now we look like not only the biggest crybabies in the world but the biggest hypocrites also.

we're a breathing, living example of "we can dish it out but we can't take it".

we can't.

russia didn't divide us up but they sure were a firestarter for the groups and they're laughing at us now as we keep blaming our bad behaviors on them.
Russia changed votes on the other side, using propaganda and social engineering. Russians posed as Americans, changing our behavior. But its all mixed together between Russian propaganda and stories originated by Americans.


CNN uses propaganda each and every day. The NY Times is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Stalinist democrat part, They and the rest of the corrupt press take a narrative that is helpful to the Stalinist party, then try to find facts, rumors, innuendo, or flat out fabricate lies to promote that narrative.

Vincente Fox toured to USA campaigning for Hillary and encouraging Mexicans to vote for her.

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox Expresses Support For Hillary Clinton

Mexico encouraged Mexicans in the USA to fraudulently and illegally vote for Hillary.

How a One-Time Political Star in Mexico Ended Up Campaigning for Clinton

Russia did NOTHING like this, yet you Communists want America to be hysterical with you about Russia.

Fuck Russia, the nation perverting our elections is Mexico, and you Communists openly collude with them.
Remember Stalin and FDR? Best buds.

The democrats are openly Communist, openly corrupt, and openly colluding with Mexico to corrupt American elections.
Democrats are for the middle class. Communists want no classes at all; hence there is no way democrats can be communist.

Mexico influenced our election? Nothing wrong with foreign endorsing candidates; as long as US candidates arent taking foreign money; like the Trump campaign took russian money.

Imagine if Obama did what Trump just did:

You have evidence that the Trump campaign took foreign money? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Yeah, that's what I thought.

they intended to take damaging info on hillary from the rooooskies in the trump tower meeting. whether or not it panned out is secondary. donny jr, exclaiming ' i love it! ' & then setting up the exchange is enough to nail anybody involved. they broke FEC laws.
How many Dem voters were turned into deplorables by Russian memes on Facebook?

don't know. not many by the sheer # of the popular vote.

Then how can people claim Russia changed the outcome?

nobody is saying one vote was changed. they INFLUENCED the vote by way of fake news....

Ahhhh….they influenced but didn't change a single vote.


of course you are thrilled by that, because you are loyal to a man & not the Constitution.

Of course I'm thrilled that Russians didn't change a single vote. Aren't you?
Like Rock The Vote!
Right, like that! But different!

Higher voter turnout is good. But we have all these republican think tanks feeding Republicans legislation to suppress the turnout. I'm sure you are beside yourself over this.

Higher voter turnout is good

Except for all the dead and illegal alien voters.

the incidence of that happening is so low- it doesn't even make the radar. but duped poorly educated deplorables swallow that pablum as if their life depended on it ' cause their whole political identity revolves around fear & hate....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's why the Dems fight voter ID, because Dems don't cheat. DERP!
don't know. not many by the sheer # of the popular vote.

Then how can people claim Russia changed the outcome?

nobody is saying one vote was changed. they INFLUENCED the vote by way of fake news....

Ahhhh….they influenced but didn't change a single vote.


of course you are thrilled by that, because you are loyal to a man & not the Constitution.

Of course I'm thrilled that Russians didn't change a single vote. Aren't you?

You are thrilled that Russia helped your guy win. That makes you a traitor.
Like Rock The Vote!
Right, like that! But different!

Higher voter turnout is good. But we have all these republican think tanks feeding Republicans legislation to suppress the turnout. I'm sure you are beside yourself over this.

Higher voter turnout is good

Except for all the dead and illegal alien voters.

the incidence of that happening is so low- it doesn't even make the radar. but duped poorly educated deplorables swallow that pablum as if their life depended on it ' cause their whole political identity revolves around fear & hate....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's why the Dems fight voter ID, because Dems don't cheat. DERP!


CNN uses propaganda each and every day. The NY Times is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Stalinist democrat part, They and the rest of the corrupt press take a narrative that is helpful to the Stalinist party, then try to find facts, rumors, innuendo, or flat out fabricate lies to promote that narrative.

Vincente Fox toured to USA campaigning for Hillary and encouraging Mexicans to vote for her.

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox Expresses Support For Hillary Clinton

Mexico encouraged Mexicans in the USA to fraudulently and illegally vote for Hillary.

How a One-Time Political Star in Mexico Ended Up Campaigning for Clinton

Russia did NOTHING like this, yet you Communists want America to be hysterical with you about Russia.

Fuck Russia, the nation perverting our elections is Mexico, and you Communists openly collude with them.
Remember Stalin and FDR? Best buds.

The democrats are openly Communist, openly corrupt, and openly colluding with Mexico to corrupt American elections.
Democrats are for the middle class. Communists want no classes at all; hence there is no way democrats can be communist.

Mexico influenced our election? Nothing wrong with foreign endorsing candidates; as long as US candidates arent taking foreign money; like the Trump campaign took russian money.

Imagine if Obama did what Trump just did:

You have evidence that the Trump campaign took foreign money? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Yeah, that's what I thought.

they intended to take damaging info on hillary from the rooooskies in the trump tower meeting. whether or not it panned out is secondary. donny jr, exclaiming ' i love it! ' & then setting up the exchange is enough to nail anybody involved. they broke FEC laws.

they intended to take damaging info on hillary from the rooooskies in the trump tower meeting. whether or not it panned out is secondary.

If the Russian lawyer wasn't scamming Trump and actually had documents spelling out a uranium for "donations" scheme, would the Trump campaign have been breaking the rules by accepting info proving Hillary was corrupt?
Then how can people claim Russia changed the outcome?

nobody is saying one vote was changed. they INFLUENCED the vote by way of fake news....

Ahhhh….they influenced but didn't change a single vote.


of course you are thrilled by that, because you are loyal to a man & not the Constitution.

Of course I'm thrilled that Russians didn't change a single vote. Aren't you?

You are thrilled that Russia helped your guy win. That makes you a traitor.

You just said they didn't change a single vote.
Now you're whining they helped Trump win.
That makes you an idiot.
Like Rock The Vote!
Right, like that! But different!

Higher voter turnout is good. But we have all these republican think tanks feeding Republicans legislation to suppress the turnout. I'm sure you are beside yourself over this.

Higher voter turnout is good

Except for all the dead and illegal alien voters.

the incidence of that happening is so low- it doesn't even make the radar. but duped poorly educated deplorables swallow that pablum as if their life depended on it ' cause their whole political identity revolves around fear & hate....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's why the Dems fight voter ID, because Dems don't cheat. DERP!


Dems whine a lot about something that wouldn't cost them votes. Weird.
Remember Stalin and FDR? Best buds.

The democrats are openly Communist, openly corrupt, and openly colluding with Mexico to corrupt American elections.
Democrats are for the middle class. Communists want no classes at all; hence there is no way democrats can be communist.

Mexico influenced our election? Nothing wrong with foreign endorsing candidates; as long as US candidates arent taking foreign money; like the Trump campaign took russian money.

Imagine if Obama did what Trump just did:

You have evidence that the Trump campaign took foreign money? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Yeah, that's what I thought.

they intended to take damaging info on hillary from the rooooskies in the trump tower meeting. whether or not it panned out is secondary. donny jr, exclaiming ' i love it! ' & then setting up the exchange is enough to nail anybody involved. they broke FEC laws.

they intended to take damaging info on hillary from the rooooskies in the trump tower meeting. whether or not it panned out is secondary.

If the Russian lawyer wasn't scamming Trump and actually had documents spelling out a uranium for "donations" scheme, would the Trump campaign have been breaking the rules by accepting info proving Hillary was corrupt?

yep. & btw--- that uranium one deal was debunked a 1000x. keep clinging to it though....

lol..... *derp*
nobody is saying one vote was changed. they INFLUENCED the vote by way of fake news....

Ahhhh….they influenced but didn't change a single vote.


of course you are thrilled by that, because you are loyal to a man & not the Constitution.

Of course I'm thrilled that Russians didn't change a single vote. Aren't you?

You are thrilled that Russia helped your guy win. That makes you a traitor.

You just said they didn't change a single vote.
Now you're whining they helped Trump win.
That makes you an idiot.

no, your comprehension skills suck, you poorly educated *derp*
Right, like that! But different!

Higher voter turnout is good. But we have all these republican think tanks feeding Republicans legislation to suppress the turnout. I'm sure you are beside yourself over this.

Higher voter turnout is good

Except for all the dead and illegal alien voters.

the incidence of that happening is so low- it doesn't even make the radar. but duped poorly educated deplorables swallow that pablum as if their life depended on it ' cause their whole political identity revolves around fear & hate....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's why the Dems fight voter ID, because Dems don't cheat. DERP!


Dems whine a lot about something that wouldn't cost them votes. Weird.

uh-huh. lol... you think i am a (D)?

you = *derp*
The democrats are openly Communist, openly corrupt, and openly colluding with Mexico to corrupt American elections.
Democrats are for the middle class. Communists want no classes at all; hence there is no way democrats can be communist.

Mexico influenced our election? Nothing wrong with foreign endorsing candidates; as long as US candidates arent taking foreign money; like the Trump campaign took russian money.

Imagine if Obama did what Trump just did:

You have evidence that the Trump campaign took foreign money? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Yeah, that's what I thought.

they intended to take damaging info on hillary from the rooooskies in the trump tower meeting. whether or not it panned out is secondary. donny jr, exclaiming ' i love it! ' & then setting up the exchange is enough to nail anybody involved. they broke FEC laws.

they intended to take damaging info on hillary from the rooooskies in the trump tower meeting. whether or not it panned out is secondary.

If the Russian lawyer wasn't scamming Trump and actually had documents spelling out a uranium for "donations" scheme, would the Trump campaign have been breaking the rules by accepting info proving Hillary was corrupt?

yep. & btw--- that uranium one deal was debunked a 1000x. keep clinging to it though....

lol..... *derp*

Won't answer the question?
Higher voter turnout is good

Except for all the dead and illegal alien voters.

the incidence of that happening is so low- it doesn't even make the radar. but duped poorly educated deplorables swallow that pablum as if their life depended on it ' cause their whole political identity revolves around fear & hate....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's why the Dems fight voter ID, because Dems don't cheat. DERP!


Dems whine a lot about something that wouldn't cost them votes. Weird.

uh-huh. lol... you think i am a (D)?

you = *derp*

I think you're an idiot.
Statistically, that makes you more likely a Dem.
You're an idiot and you whine like a Dem.

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