Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

  • Yes, Trump Needed Russia to Win

    Votes: 23 16.4%
  • No, Hillary Lost on Her Own

    Votes: 114 81.4%
  • Meh, I Don't Care

    Votes: 3 2.1%

  • Total voters
My answer is no


Without Vladimir Putin's assistance Trump would not be POTUS today. It's all in the numbers. Trump won the election on an accumulated vote total of a mere 73K votes coming out of 3 blue rust belt states, while he lost the popular vote by 3 million.

As James Clapper stated in his book "Facts & Fears" with all the Russian adds that were put on social media outlets, it's impossible not to believe that millions of Americans couldn't have been influenced by those Russian adds. They specifically targeted white conservative voters in swing states, and knew what specific adds to place in that swing state. Then those adds were shared by millions.. IOW millions of Americans saw them.You'll probably recognize some of them. . There are more.
James Clapper book (Facts & Fears) Russia was successful in getting Trump elected.


Analysis | The Facebook ads Russians showed to different groups

You have young people who use Facebook as their main stream news network.

The most damaging was the Russian hack that leaked Debbie Wasserman's email, which was designed to enrage Sanders supporters against Hillary Clinton, with Sanders claiming that the primary was rigged against him. Hillary Clinton kicked Sanders behind by a whopping 3,775,437 primary popular votes. In comparison Clinton lost to Obama in 2008 by a mere 41,622 primary votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

Trump campaigned for enraged Sanders supporters, and we had Sanders supporters all over this board, threatening that if Sanders didn't win the nomination they would vote for Trump. How many of them didn't vote, cast a vote for a 3rd party or actually voted for Trump we'll never know.

In conclusion there is just no mathematical or plausible way to believe that without Vladimir Putin's interference into this election that Trump would be POTUS today.


A great book to read on Vladimir Putin's inside war on America is this. It reads like a Grisham spy novel. Vladimir Putin will do it again.


Clearly Russians know more about the demographics of American politics than most Americans do. It was a brilliant strategy that worked, & only knowledge of how Putin did it will stop him in the future.


My crystal ball says you’re pretty dumb....

I know it's got to be very embarassing for millions of Americans that now know they supported & voted for the Russian Manchurian candidate. But the facts are there to show, that without Vladimir Putin's interference into the election, that in no way would Trump be POTUS today. JAMES CLAPPER agrees with that assessment.

I imagine you're one of them--:auiqs.jpg: It's not like you didn't hear it throughout the campaign. Trump continually trashed NATO & our allies, while continually praising Putin. While Republicans stood there with mouths agape. You still voted for him.

He showed you another instance. This when he met the Ruissans in the oval office, kicked out American media and let Russian media in. There werej only 3 other Americans in that room. They were H.R. McMaster, National Security adviser, Dina Powell, Deputy National Security adivser, and Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State. So which one of these 3 leaked to the Washiington Post that Trump had given classified information to the Russians, that had not gone through the process of being declassified?
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
Who was in Trump's meeting with the Russians? - CNNPolitics


This was done deliberately by Trump to show Putin what he could get away with as President.

In fact, US intelligence had warned Isreali Intelligence to not give Trump any classified information citing he is compromised by Russians.
The source of the intel Trump shared with Russia reportedly was warned months ago not to give it to him

What Trump didn't count on is McMaster, Powell & Tillerson, swore an oath to this country (not him) to defend and protect against foreign & domestic enemies. Did it ever occur to you that they may consider Trump to be the enemy, and that's why we get so many leaks?

For those that are interested in how Putin stole the 2016 election scroll back to page 36 post # 360 on this thread. Ignorance and denial is not going to iinsure Vladimir Putin won't do it again.
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My answer is no


Without Vladimir Putin's assistance Trump would not be POTUS today. It's all in the numbers. Trump won the election on an accumulated vote total of a mere 73K votes coming out of 3 blue rust belt states, while he lost the popular vote by 3 million.

As James Clapper stated in his book "Facts & Fears" with all the Russian adds that were put on social media outlets, it's impossible not to believe that millions of Americans couldn't have been influenced by those Russian adds. They specifically targeted white conservative voters in swing states, and knew what specific adds to place in that swing state. Then those adds were shared by millions.. IOW millions of Americans saw them.You'll probably recognize some of them. . There are more.
James Clapper book (Facts & Fears) Russia was successful in getting Trump elected.


Analysis | The Facebook ads Russians showed to different groups

You have young people who use Facebook as their main stream news network.

The most damaging was the Russian hack that leaked Debbie Wasserman's email, which was designed to enrage Sanders supporters against Hillary Clinton, with Sanders claiming that the primary was rigged against him. Hillary Clinton kicked Sanders behind by a whopping 3,775,437 primary popular votes. In comparison Clinton lost to Obama in 2008 by a mere 41,622 primary votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

Trump campaigned for enraged Sanders supporters, and we had Sanders supporters all over this board, threatening that if Sanders didn't win the nomination they would vote for Trump. How many of them didn't vote, cast a vote for a 3rd party or actually voted for Trump we'll never know.

In conclusion there is just no mathematical or plausible way to believe that without Vladimir Putin's interference into this election that Trump would be POTUS today.


A great book to read on Vladimir Putin's inside war on America is this. It reads like a Grisham spy novel. Vladimir Putin will do it again.


Clearly Russians know more about the demographics of American politics than most Americans do. It was a brilliant strategy that worked, & only knowledge of how Putin did it will stop him in the future.


My crystal ball says you’re pretty dumb....

I know it's got to be very embarassing for millions of Americans that now know they supported & voted for the Russian Manchurian candidate, but the facts are there to show, that without Vladimir Putin's interference into the election, that in no way, would Trump be POTUS today.

I imagine you're one of them--:auiqs.jpg: It's not like you didn't hear it throughout the campaign. Trump continually trashed NATO & our allies, while continually praising Putin. While Republicans stood there with mouths agape. You still voted for him.

He showed you another instance. This when he met the Ruissans in the oval office, kicked out American media and let Russian media in. There werej only 3 other Americans in that room. They were H.R. McMaster, National Security adviser, Dina Powell, Deputy National Security adivser, and Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State. So which one of these 3 leaked to the Washiington Post that Trump had given classified information to the Russians, that had not gone through the process of being declassified?
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
Who was in Trump's meeting with the Russians? - CNNPolitics


This was done deliberately by Trump to show Putin what he could get away with as President.

In fact, US intelligence had warned Isreali Intelligence to not give Trump any classified information citing he is compromised by Russians.
The source of the intel Trump shared with Russia reportedly was warned months ago not to give it to him

What Trump didn't count on is McMaster, Powell & Tillerson, swore an oath to this country (not him) to defend and protect against foreign & domestic enemies. Did it ever occur to you that they may consider Trump to be the enemy, and that's why we get so many leaks?

For those that are interested in how Putin the 2016 election scroll back to page 36 post # 360 on this thread.
you didn't post obammy's picture. why not you mentioned manchurian in your write up? here let me help you out;

Stupid thread, especially since Rosenstein already declared the election was not altered in any way by these Russian scapegoats.
Of course, that is false. You couldn't be honest if you tried, could you?
Ouch! Holy crap...what a powerful, factually supported response:


Thats just perfunctory legal procedure for this round of indictments; its undeniable that russia affected election.
You earned the Mcconnell award:
We're all still waiting to legitimately learn just exactly, specifically HOW the Russians altered the election.

Rosenstein just declared no Americans were involved with the actions of these 12 indicted Russians and that their actions did not change any votes in the election.


It is UNDENIABLE that the Democrats / Obama altered the election.

Without Obama and his criminal administration Obstructing Justice and covering Hillary's ass, without the DNC GIVING Hillary the nomination she did not deserve / win:

- Hillary would have been indicted and would have gone to prison

- Bernie would have been the 2016 DNC Nominee

- Hillary's name would not have been on the ballot

THAT is MAJOR alteration of the 2016 election...unlike 12 foreigners releasing DNC e-mails.
As far as I'm concerned keeping hitlery out of office was the only way to save the republic.

If Putin helped, give him a medal.

....The most damaging was the Russian hack that leaked Debbie Wasserman's email, which was designed to enrage Sanders supporters against Hillary Clinton, with Sanders claiming that the primary was rigged against him....

So, in essence the argument is this...



They did rig the election dumbass, and yes there was collusion.

Go to this thread on thsi board, & scroll down to post # 56.It’s Russia, Russia, Russia

At that link you can read one article that was confirmed by James Clapper under sworn testimony over a year ago, what 2 FOX NEWS video's, and another video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.


How Putin did it scroll back t
....The most damaging was the Russian hack that leaked Debbie Wasserman's email, which was designed to enrage Sanders supporters against Hillary Clinton, with Sanders claiming that the primary was rigged against him....

So, in essence the argument is this...



34 Federal Grand Jury indictiments to date--5 guilty plea's and another 90+ Federal Grand jury criminal charges, says they did rig the election dumbass.


Scroll back to page 36 post # 360 on this thread and spend more than 2 seconds reading it.
....The most damaging was the Russian hack that leaked Debbie Wasserman's email, which was designed to enrage Sanders supporters against Hillary Clinton, with Sanders claiming that the primary was rigged against him....

So, in essence the argument is this...



They did rig the election dumbass, and yes there was collusion.

Go to this thread on thsi board, & scroll down to post # 56.It’s Russia, Russia, Russia

At that link you can read one article that was confirmed by James Clapper under sworn testimony over a year ago, what 2 FOX NEWS video's, and another video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.


How Putin did it scroll back t
....The most damaging was the Russian hack that leaked Debbie Wasserman's email, which was designed to enrage Sanders supporters against Hillary Clinton, with Sanders claiming that the primary was rigged against him....

So, in essence the argument is this...



34 Federal Grand Jury indictiments to date--5 guilty plea's and another 90+ Federal Grand jury criminal charges, says they did rig the election dumbass.


Scroll back to page 36 post # 360 on this thread and spend more than 2 seconds reading it.
Funny....snowflakes interpret 'I HOPE you will' to a command, insisting it is 'Obstruction', but when Comey testified that Lynch 'DIRECTED him' not to treat the Hillary investigation as an investigation that it was NOT 'Obstruction'.

....At that link you can read one article that was confirmed by James Clapper under sworn testimony over a year ago...

That would be the same Clapper that openly lied to Congress you mean?
34 Federal Grand Jury indictiments to date--5 guilty plea's and another 90+ Federal Grand jury criminal charges, says they did rig the election dumbass.

Yes, I know what Mueller and his brainwashed minions are saying, I just want to see some evidence
Scroll back to page 36 post # 360 on this thread and spend more than 2 seconds reading it.

Do you mind if I forget about that, you don't sound like someone with evidence

She knew she cost Clinton the Election but so many are ignoring this...

I have to laugh hard at imbeciles like Nosmo King who would sooner contend that half the country are in denial and traitors even as they deny that Hillary and the DNC colluded with a foreign power to create the fake Steele dossier on Trump AND actively conspired to throw the campaign of Sanders that no matter what, he never stood a chance. Somehow THESE are not crimes or treason, somehow they are not assigned a special council to prosecute, somehow are not considered as influencing an election, while believing that Russia had more influence on the outcome than third party Jill Stein actually running against Hillary and Trump?

The lies, ignorance and stupidity of these knuckle-dragging trolls who claim that Trump did it, that Putin did it, that Putin backed him, through Facebook ads(?), that our intelligence which has now been caught lying about so many things wouldn't be lying about this and all for some clandestine reason that no one can pin down is so staggeringly numbingly dense as to make one wonder how these dolts even get out of bed each morning.

Jill Stein spoiled the 2016 election for Hillary Clinton
We Are Actually Taught This Crippled Logic in College

That kind of analysis is incomplete unless you include Gary Johnson's votes taken away from Trump, which makes Stein's effect meaningless.
She knew she cost Clinton the Election but so many are ignoring this...

I have to laugh hard at imbeciles like Nosmo King who would sooner contend that half the country are in denial and traitors even as they deny that Hillary and the DNC colluded with a foreign power to create the fake Steele dossier on Trump AND actively conspired to throw the campaign of Sanders that no matter what, he never stood a chance. Somehow THESE are not crimes or treason, somehow they are not assigned a special council to prosecute, somehow are not considered as influencing an election, while believing that Russia had more influence on the outcome than third party Jill Stein actually running against Hillary and Trump?

The lies, ignorance and stupidity of these knuckle-dragging trolls who claim that Trump did it, that Putin did it, that Putin backed him, through Facebook ads(?), that our intelligence which has now been caught lying about so many things wouldn't be lying about this and all for some clandestine reason that no one can pin down is so staggeringly numbingly dense as to make one wonder how these dolts even get out of bed each morning.

Jill Stein spoiled the 2016 election for Hillary Clinton
We Are Actually Taught This Crippled Logic in College

That kind of analysis is incomplete unless you include Gary Johnson's votes taken away from Trump, which makes Stein's effect meaningless.

Too bad your assumption is based on all of Jill's votes coming from Hillary and all of Gary's from Trump, which is a fallacy in its own right. THE REAL POINT HERE is that these third party candidates had far more impact on the election than Russia ever did. There is simply NO WAY Facebook ads from Russia changed tens of thousands of votes needed in each of ten states to throw those states to Hillary.
Stupid thread, especially since Rosenstein already declared the election was not altered in any way by these Russian scapegoats.
Of course, that is false. You couldn't be honest if you tried, could you?
Ouch! Holy crap...what a powerful, factually supported response:


Thats just perfunctory legal procedure for this round of indictments; its undeniable that russia affected election.
You earned the Mcconnell award:
It is undeniable that the weather that day affected the election and depending on the locale more so than some silly Facebook memes.
Stupid thread, especially since Rosenstein already declared the election was not altered in any way by these Russian scapegoats.
Of course, that is false. You couldn't be honest if you tried, could you?
Ouch! Holy crap...what a powerful, factually supported response:


Thats just perfunctory legal procedure for this round of indictments; its undeniable that russia affected election.
You earned the Mcconnell award:
it is undeniable? then why the fk can't any of you present what they did? it is undeniable they did nothing.
We're all still waiting to legitimately learn just exactly, specifically HOW the Russians altered the election.

Rosenstein just declared no Americans were involved with the actions of these 12 indicted Russians and that their actions did not change any votes in the election.


It is UNDENIABLE that the Democrats / Obama altered the election.

Without Obama and his criminal administration Obstructing Justice and covering Hillary's ass, without the DNC GIVING Hillary the nomination she did not deserve / win:

- Hillary would have been indicted and would have gone to prison

- Bernie would have been the 2016 DNC Nominee

- Hillary's name would not have been on the ballot

THAT is MAJOR alteration of the 2016 election...unlike 12 foreigners releasing DNC e-mails.
right? how any thinking human being can read that indictment and listen to Rosenstein and say.... what the fk are you saying exactly.

Stupid thread, especially since Rosenstein already declared the election was not altered in any way by these Russian scapegoats.
Of course, that is false. You couldn't be honest if you tried, could you?
Ouch! Holy crap...what a powerful, factually supported response:


Thats just perfunctory legal procedure for this round of indictments; its undeniable that russia affected election.
You earned the Mcconnell award:
It is undeniable that the weather that day affected the election and depending on the locale more so than some silly Facebook memes.
any indictments for mother nature? can't make this shit up can we?:auiqs.jpg:
it is undeniable? then why the fk can't any of you present what they did? it is undeniable they did nothing.



Congratulations, you just correctly asked the #1 question the Snowflakes and treasonous Libs can NOT answer......

'If Trump's illegal collusion' is SO UNDENIABLE, after 3 years why can't anyone on the Left produce the 1st shred of evidence to prove it?!'

it is undeniable? then why the fk can't any of you present what they did? it is undeniable they did nothing.

View attachment 205734


Congratulations, you just correctly asked the #1 question the Snowflakes and treasonous Libs can NOT answer......

'If Trump's illegal collusion' is SO UNDENIABLE, after 3 years why can't anyone on the Left produce the 1st shred of evidence to prove it?!'

Easy, it's even more sadder than that. if it is undeniable, then why does the investigation need to keep going? Dude, i can't make this nut stuff up. they just lead us right to the lunacy.

BTW, what happened to them all? Are they regrouping? I love how they do that. It gets silent for a while and then they come a blasting all with the same exact talking points. It is, if nothing else, hilarious.
IMHO, it was the Democrats themselves who changed the election by not securing and protecting their own servers and data. Of course, running a poor campaign with a shit candidate didn't help any either. Also, maybe if they had run an honest nomination process they wouldn't have come off looking like a bunch of lyin', cheatin' clowns.
For all of the easily-offended snowflakes who are still pissed Hillary lost and who can not move on with their lives because they can't accept the outcome of the 2016 election, remaining so much in denial that they cling to a conspiracy theory the investigation of which has not found any evidence to support it after 3 years,

A new MEDAL has been created just for them, a symbol of their PTSD 'Wound' from the shock of Hillary's loss and their prolonged struggle against the reality of President Trump beating Hillary:


The 'Purple Butt-Hurt' Medal

We're all still waiting to legitimately learn just exactly, specifically HOW the Russians altered the election.

Rosenstein just declared no Americans were involved with the actions of these 12 indicted Russians and that their actions did not change any votes in the election.


It is UNDENIABLE that the Democrats / Obama altered the election.

Without Obama and his criminal administration Obstructing Justice and covering Hillary's ass, without the DNC GIVING Hillary the nomination she did not deserve / win:

- Hillary would have been indicted and would have gone to prison

- Bernie would have been the 2016 DNC Nominee

- Hillary's name would not have been on the ballot

THAT is MAJOR alteration of the 2016 election...unlike 12 foreigners releasing DNC e-mails.
So you'd rather have Bernie Sanders as president? Medicare for all, tax the rich etc?
We're all still waiting to legitimately learn just exactly, specifically HOW the Russians altered the election.

Rosenstein just declared no Americans were involved with the actions of these 12 indicted Russians and that their actions did not change any votes in the election.


It is UNDENIABLE that the Democrats / Obama altered the election.

Without Obama and his criminal administration Obstructing Justice and covering Hillary's ass, without the DNC GIVING Hillary the nomination she did not deserve / win:

- Hillary would have been indicted and would have gone to prison

- Bernie would have been the 2016 DNC Nominee

- Hillary's name would not have been on the ballot

THAT is MAJOR alteration of the 2016 election...unlike 12 foreigners releasing DNC e-mails.
So you'd rather have Bernie Sanders as president? Medicare for all, tax the rich etc?
if he won he won. why is that so hard for you to accept? I don't get it.

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